10 Sentences That Changed My Life

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10 Sentences That Changed My Life


  • My father advised me to consider taking more risks and to do the opposite of what he would do, highlighting the importance of inverse thinking and evaluating advice based on the advisor's happiness and achievements.
  • Alex, my husband, challenged my perspective on combining passion and making money, leading me to seek scalable solutions in my career rather than limiting myself to non-scalable, one-on-one work.
  • Learning from the mistakes of others is critical; I adopt this approach to innovate and avoid repeating errors, focusing on listening to those who have achieved what I aspire to.
  • A therapist helped me realize that I could decide how long it takes to get over a breakup, which taught me to question societal norms and the placebo effect of entrenched beliefs.
  • When business was going well, a mentor instructed us to "hit the gas" during easy times instead of coasting, prompting us to scale up our team at Gym Launch rapidly and pursue a larger vision.
  • Reflecting on a difficult phase of leadership, I learned that pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional, and the narratives we tell ourselves can either prolong our troubles or help us find solutions more efficiently.
  • A friend pointed out that being the opposite of what we fear or disdain is still a form of control by the past, leading me to reflect on who I want to be independently of my fears.
  • I gained clarity from Tony Robbins on why I don't feel a strong desire to have children, understanding that fulfilled human needs can diminish the desire for traditional societal expectations.
  • A coach advised me that avoiding situations due to anxiety only perpetuates it; I adopted a "prove yourself wrong" mindset to confront and overcome my fears, embracing my human vulnerabilities.
  • Dr. Kashi highlighted that discomfort is often a sign of growth, teaching me that enduring uncomfortable feelings is essential for success and advancement, reinforcing the notion that hard work and sacrifice are necessary for growth.


How To Take Action

I would suggest starting with the idea of inverse thinking. When you get advice, think about the person giving it. Are they happy with their achievements? If not, consider doing the opposite of what they say. This can help you take more risks and discover new opportunities.

When combining passion with making money, look for scalable solutions in your career. Instead of one-on-one work, think of ways to reach more people and maximize your impact. This will help you grow without wearing yourself out.

Listen to the advice of those who have succeeded in what you want to do. Avoid the same mistakes they made. This is a smart shortcut to progress—no need to learn everything the hard way.

Challenge societal norms and beliefs that don't serve you well. For example, if you're told it will take a long time to get over a breakup, decide for yourself how long it will take. Break free from limiting thoughts and you can heal much faster.

When times are good in business, that's the best moment to invest more and push harder—hit the gas. Growth comes more easily then. Don't coast; use the momentum to scale up and expand your vision.

Remember, pain is inevitable but suffering is a choice. The stories we tell ourselves can lead to more pain or to solutions. Choose a positive narrative that helps you overcome challenges and grow.

Don't let your past control you. Reflect on who you want to be independently of your fears. This will free you from reacting against things and help you take control of your life.

Understand that if your human needs are fulfilled, you may not feel the desire to meet societal expectations, like having children. Reflect on what genuinely fulfills you and don't judge yourself by others' standards.

To overcome anxiety, confront your fears head-on with a "prove yourself wrong" mindset. Face the situations you're afraid of, and you'll see that your fears are often not reality.

Finally, accept that discomfort often signals growth. Hard work and sacrifice are part of the journey to success. Embrace these challenges as opportunities for advancement.

By applying these strategies, you'll be able to grow both personally and professionally, making wise choices that align with your goals and values.

Quotes by Leila Hormozi

"The only difference between humans and animals is that humans can learn from the mistakes of others"

– Leila Hormozi

"When it's easy is when you hit the gas"

– Leila Hormozi

"Pain may not be optional but suffering is"

– Leila Hormozi

"Always question the norm"

– Leila Hormozi

"What feels bad is often good for you and what feels good is often not good for you"

– Leila Hormozi

Full Transcript

10 sentences that changed my life the first sentence that changed my life was actually something my dad said to me when I was about 18. we were driving the car and I was kind of talking about what I wanted to do with my life he was trying to give me advice and he said you know what probably just shouldn't listen to me in fact you should probably do the opposite of everything I say my dad though he had a very successful life you know he has always expressed that he had wanted to do more he wished he started a business he wished he had bought out those different risks though he was joking I was like he's right I should do the opposite of everything that my dad wouldn't do so if he wouldn't do it I should do it if he would do it I shouldn't do it not because his life is bad but because I want to see what's possible this is a person that I trust I respect I have a lot of admiration for who's telling me I wish I had taken more risks in my life I don't think that he knew in the moment how much that impacted me but I started looking at all the decisions I had in my life should I move to California my dad was like oh that's a lot you don't know anyone out that I was like I'll move to California should I work at this place or work at this place I'll work at the places think I said what it's taught me is oh I have inverse thinking which is if there are people that I'm asking for advice or they're giving me advice I then always go to do they have what I want or are they happy with what they have and if they're not then I would often do the opposite of that the second question that changed my life was one that I know husband Alex actually said to me because I met him when I was at this weird point in my career where and I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life and I had lost a ton of weight I wanted to help other people lose weight and I was just really trying to figure out how to package that and what that looked like and he said well what do you really want to do like how much money do you want to make and I was like I don't even think about money I was like I just want to help people and I want to do something I'm passionate about and I remember you said to me what if you could do something you're passionate about and make money and I was like like mind blown it's so funny it looked back on now it's so obvious like of course you should try and do something that you're passionate about and make money but I was never trying to also make money and the irony of that is that when you're not trying to make money often what you're doing is not scalable so I was one-on-one training all these people like working my ass off like I couldn't max out anymore I was also trying to make money I would figure out a scalable solution that could help these people to help more people the third sentence that changed my life was the only difference between humans and animals is that humans can learn from the mistakes of others and animals we can save ourselves all the time and pain learning from other people rather than experiencing ourselves how do humans innovate the world they take the learnings from other people apply them so they can go faster and then actually get ahead do I want to spend my life making mistakes that other people made or do I want to take the advice from other people and just take their word for it and try and avoid those mistakes I will take anyone who has what I want if they say don't do this thing or do this thing I will absolutely do it I will test it I will try it I will experiment with it because obviously you can take everything experience false so when people always ask they're like Layla have you done so much by this age I'm like I literally just listen to other people the fourth sentence that changed my life was said to me by a therapist because I moved from Michigan to California I was super anxious all the time I was nervous I was stressed and I was like I just need to talk to somebody I go to this therapist and I'd actually just been in a relationship for a little while and I had broken up with that person I started talking to her about it and I was like I'm just not over him yet and she said well how long do you think it'll take you to get over him and I said well I think you know what people say is it takes you half the length of the relationship to get over that person so if we were together for like a year and a half it might take me like eight months and she was like I think it takes however long you decide it takes Layla and I remember she said it with such certainty that I was like she's like I'm saying it could take a day she's like you could be over him by Thursday and I was like that would be amazing let's be over him by Thursday I went home I started really thinking about him and I was like I believe because society says because I've heard online or on Reddit that it takes half the length of the relationship to get over someone I thought that to be true so it's almost what I realized it's a placebo effect we've been told these things that then we assume to be true we take them on his beliefs the repeated thoughts and then we put them on us and I was enduring this pain and suffering for really no reason other than I thought that's what I was supposed to do so I took that and I've now applied that to different areas of my life I've really tried to rid myself of any societal Norms that have been put on me that have been spoken into me from when I was young so that was extremely helpful for me because literally by Pharisee I decided I was over the guy and then by Saturday I was on Bumble and I was starting to date again always question the norm the fifth sentence that changed my life Alex and I had been working together we started gym launch we had gone through a year and a half of eating sleeping in motels like just trying to figure it out and we had finally gotten it right we finally like the model clicked we went from flying out to gyms to creating a licensing model that people could purchase from us we were making 350 000 a month from our kitchen counter it was like us with the EA life was good it was like probably the most Freedom I've ever fought in my life we're making more money than I could ever imagine we're in this little place like we can afford appetizers we can get guacamole like we're living good and we had just gotten married we got invited by a mentor bars to a private Meetup there were apparently eight people that were all doing over eight figures and we were like like why are they inviting us we have no idea what we could contribute to this thing I remember being super nervous like me the night before we're like What are we gonna say like how do we describe the business compared to everybody here we're like off the night before like drawing out like yeah we'll tell them this and we can share this like we just want to provide value we get up and present this in front of the room I'll never forget it was silent nobody said a word and I was like we suck like they think this is a piece of and all of a sudden everybody's like holy we were like what and they were like if what you say is true you need to hit the gas then this guy walked up to Alex nine he put his hands on our shoulders I remember he said when it's easy is when you hit the gas and I was like what I think what we do so often is when it's easy you want to Coast because it feels good you want to enjoy it and I did I felt great we're married we're going out for appetizers I don't finally feel like bone exhaustion every day and then I think when it's hard is usually when we do want to hit the gas because we want to get out of paint but what I realize is actually the opposite in business when it feels easy you need to lean in you need to maximize that you need to go as fast as hard as possible when it feels hard is when you need to pull back slow down and reconsider because you might be going in the wrong direction we went from excited kind of coasting like not a huge vision of what we want to do to like have a vision we have a mission we're building a team this is going to be an Enterprise we're going to go fast as possible I'm 23 Alex is 26. they're like you guys are young you've got something really good all these big players in the space are going to see what you're doing soon they're going to take your and eat it for lunch and I was like oh hell no we went as fast as possible in building the team you know we went from like zero to I think 30 some people in the first year and then we have like 75 of the second year and then 120. I really don't think that that guy knows how much of an impact that had to say that to us the sixth sentence that changed my life occurred during the conversation I was having with a mentor if you look at one of my video years I talk about my biggest mistake it was really over promoting people in my company and then they over hired and then they had to fire a lot of people into a layoff I really was in not a great spot like I was losing confidence as a leader I felt insecure I hated showing up on meetings because I just felt like I was a piece of and I'll never forget pain may not be optional but suffering is pain will always occur but the stories we tell ourselves about the pain is up to us so the story I was telling myself was that because I had to lay these people off I must not actually care about people I'm a terrible boss everyone's gonna talk about me nobody's going to want to work for me everybody hates me I'm actually not who I think I am what I realized was that that was a choice I was telling myself that story thinking that if I felt worse I would change my behavior and what it did doesn't make me feel worse which I was used to using a lot of negative energy to change my behavior but it wasn't working and I realized adding suffering on top of pain prolongs finding the solution every time something happens in our life every time we make a mistake we mess up something bad happens to us we get to choose how we tell that story and I realized that I was really not productively telling that story I was telling a story that was the end rather than the beginning and so then I started asking myself useful questions how is this good how is me laying off all these people good how could it be good how can I use this to create a better future this is a good thing because I can teach other people I can help so many other thousands of other people prevent them from this problem me going through this means all these people don't have to and that's what's done so if you look at my video where I talk about my biggest mistake I can't even tell you the amount of people that have thanked me for that because they haven't made that mistake no you know what is it making lemonade with lemons or whatever people say the seventh sentence that changed my life happened during a conversation with a girlfriend of mine who's very smart and intelligent and is into behavioral psychology we were talking about our past and how so many people identify with their past they allow their past to control them and I was talking to her about my mother which I've talked of in some videos but I don't talk about tan I've realized that I never wanted who she was to be who I would become and she said but if you're trying to be the opposite of what she is isn't she still controlling you and I was like what the I was fearful of becoming like her therefore I went in the opposite direction so the actions were still dictated by fear and because of that it's still controlled me and Madison I realized when we try to avoid something we're like oh I don't want it to have that effect on me so I avoid it it's controlling us because it makes us go in the opposite direction it's like when a kid their parent says go to bed at nine and they're like you I'm going to bed at midnight or 1am and the next day they're tired as it's like your parent is still controlling you and you're still suffering the consequences it's just in a different way so what's the solution right I had to take a look at myself and say who do I want to be I know I don't want to be my mother right take that out of the equation if she didn't exist part of it was also acknowledging the Dark Side of myself when I look at someone like her she's highly anxious highly stressful whatever how could I recognize that I do have some of those attributes but those are good and I can use them for good I don't have to let them overtake my life I can use them to fuel the success of my life to accept it and move on and show yourself like it's okay to be human the eighth sentence that changed my life was actually said by Tony Robbins as you all know me and Alex don't have kids and I am used to a lot of people putting their judgment on me of either assuming that I can't have kids and that we've tried and we can't or assuming that you know we're selfish we don't want kids whatever the truth is is that I just don't have a strong desire to have kids but until this conversation which was about a year and a half ago or a year ago I didn't understand it and I also judged myself for it like I literally was like what's wrong with me I was at a Tony Robbins private event and he started talking about like the six human needs the one thing I was like I want to ask them why I don't want kids like do you know why I don't want kids I don't know and he went up there and he actually gave the example he said so here's the human needs fill them out like where you're at and I saw that I was really 85 to 100 on all the needs like I feel like most of them are met and then it was like how are they met and it's like okay well there's work friends husband like family he said so for example women that are younger and don't have maybe a husband career or career friends Etc are much more likely to have kids they lack of these human needs he said but a woman who finds her career early in life has a good support system of friends and family and finds her husband typically doesn't have such a desire to have kids why because her needs are met I remember just close to me I was like that's exactly what it is desire comes from laugh and there is none and that really helped me because I think that a lot of times there's these societal Norms that are put upon us and I think Society is changing a lot right now for me particularly I know that I felt like there's something wrong with me I felt like this is weird like I should want kids like I'm getting older like let's go you know I want the desire to come and I'm like it's actually just gotten smaller and smaller and the reason for that is because I've become more fulfilled over time and I think a lot of times we judge ourselves for having or not having something in life oh I don't have enough friends oh I should you know get a boyfriend oh I should get married oh I should have kids but the reality is if you're filling those buckets in some way it's natural to just continue to film in that way there's nothing wrong with not feeling it the way that other people tell you you should the ninth sentence that changed my life I was discussing with a coach I was taught talking to them because I had just had a panic attack and I hadn't had panic attack in things like seven years I used to get them when I was younger like when I moved out on my own like I would get panic attacks I was freaking out about money and stuff like that I had one maybe two and a half years ago and it just completely threw me through a loop it was like who am I how could I be successful and have a panic attack if people knew I had a panic attack they would not work for me I was really judging myself for it like I made it into something bigger than it was because of that very quickly started to build up a lot of what I want to call safety behaviors which is any situation that reminded me of having that panic attack I like try to avoid for a period of time I like didn't want to get near it I didn't want to be doing it and I was so scared I was going to have another panic attack and it was completely irrational and then I remember I was talking to a coach and he said this actions to eliminate anxiety also perpetuated he's like every time you avoid the situation you actually just prolong your anxiety you're actually going to make the fear bigger I then sought out to do all of it and so I I have this phrase that I gave in my mind I just said prove yourself wrong because I knew that my brain went into survival mode and it was saying You must avoid all these things that are completely irrational because you might have a panic attack and that means you could die I went to this motor I was like do the opposite of everything your brain says do the opposite do the opposite do the opposite prove yourself wrong and I did it for like a solid three months and I got myself out of that funk and that's also not to say that I still don't deal with it there are still times where I'm like I like when I go up to speak on stage I'm like what if I have a panic attack and I'm like it let it happen do it in front of everybody you know like I'll set an example for everyone who has anxiety and I mean it mean I am human I am not a robot I am not bulletproof I am unwavering I am resilient I am adaptable but I'm also human you can see me on YouTube I'm like big business money all this I am still a human the 10th sentence that changed my life was something that my friend Dr Kashi said you know he's very intuitive so he was like how are you today and I was like not good and that day specifically was one where I knew that I had to fire somebody that was very close to in the company and I remember like weeks leading up to it I would wake up every day at 3am with nightmares and like a cold sweat and it was just because I was stressed I really didn't want to do it I loved this person they were great they felt like a friend almost like family and they were someone that's just like walked through fire for us but they just completely had to hit their level of incompetence to the point where the whole team had come to me and said you need to get rid of this person when the whole executive team comes to you it's a problem I remember he said this one thing which I think has become a little more popular now and but you hear me say it a lot which is what feels bad is often good for you and what feels good is often not good for you that's true I don't think he knows that literally that sentence is probably something I say to myself every day because in order to grow and be successful it requires dedication sacrifice hard work and often those things don't feel good right we're uncomfortable in the moment we feel anxiety we feel dread we feel frustration we feel anger we want to give up our brains tell us to give up our brains tell us to avoid this thing and I feel like a lot of times being successful is the result of enduring those feelings

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