3 Landing Page Tests To Skyrocket Conversions Optins

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3 Landing Page Tests To Skyrocket Conversions & Optins


  • I'm Alex Hormozi, CEO of multiple companies including Prestige Labs and Gym Launch, and I want to share a simple marketing hack.
  • Neil Patel predicts that the future of marketing lies in conversion rate optimization (CRO), as ad costs rise on auction-based platforms.
  • Improving your conversion rate significantly impacts your ability to outcompete others, regardless of your business model and pricing.
  • We have a weekly marketing meeting where we conduct one split test, which helps us remain focused on what could have the greatest impact.
  • Consistently split testing every week for an extended period compounds our conversion rate improvements.
  • Our main focus for split testing is the headline on landing pages, which seems obvious but is often overlooked.
  • The second aspect we frequently test is the image below the headline, as these elements above the fold have the largest impact on conversions.
  • What's visible without scrolling, both on desktop and mobile, is where you convince users to stay on the page—the 'above the fold' section.
  • We test headlines and images because about 90% of our noticeable conversion gains come from changes to these elements.
  • If you can introduce regular testing into your marketing routine, your business will continue to improve incrementally.
  • It's not about doing more, but doing the right things that have the highest impact on results, given our limited time and resources.
  • Avoid the frustration of hindsight ("We should have done that.") by focusing on strategic improvements that yield disproportionate returns.
  • By concentrating on the key elements above the fold—headlines, sub-headlines, and images—you can achieve significant CRO.
  • Implementing this process will show evident results in your business's marketing success over time.


How To Take Action

I would suggest starting with the basics: focus on your headline and image on your landing page. We found that these two changes can make a huge difference. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Set up a weekly marketing meeting – This is just to plan out your split tests.

  2. Choose one element to test – Start with the headline because it's the first thing people see.

  3. Create a variation – You want a new headline to test against the old one. Brainstorm a headline that's punchy and makes people want to keep reading.

  1. Test an image, too – Make sure the image goes well with your headline and grabs attention.

  2. Keep it above the fold – Make sure people don't have to scroll to see what you're testing.

  3. Review results – After a week, see which headline or image got more people to stay on your site.

  1. Stick with the winner – If the new headline or image works better, use that one going forward.

  2. Keep testing – Every week, try a new test. Over time, these little changes add up.

Remember, it's not about doing a lot of things, but doing the right few things well. It's amazing how small steps can lead to big gains. Just one test a week keeps everything simple and focused. Remember, test, review, and then test again. With this routine, you're sure to see your conversion rates grow and that means beating the competition and winning in your market.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"The future of marketing is going to exist in CRO"

– Alex Hormozi

"The prices are going to only consistently go up and it's most of most platforms are based on an auction"

– Alex Hormozi

"The people who are better able to convert those eyeballs are going to be the ones who are going to be able to out compete and win"

– Alex Hormozi

"When you do this every single week for 52 weeks in a row and you do that for five years your process just gets better and better and better"

– Alex Hormozi

"The biggest jumps in conversion rate happen above the fold"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

what's going on everyone entrepreneurs uh and business owners my name is alex ramose i'm the ceo of allen prestige labs uh gym launch and a number of other portfolio companies that we own um what i want to give you today is one very very simple hack that we've used to consistently improve our marketing uh neil patel said in one of his keynote speeches that he believes that the future of marketing is going to exist in cro so conversion rate optimization and he said that because you know the prices are going to only consistently go up and it's most of most platforms are based on an auction which means that it's just multiple businesses competing for the same eyeballs and so the people who are better able to convert those eyeballs are going to be the ones who are going to be able to out compete and win obviously the model the price points all the other stuff matters but the conversion rate in it of itself matters a lot too now there's a lot of parts in a pipeline that exists from acquisition but what i want to do is just give you one thing uh from today's video that you can immediately implement and it's simple that has worked and made us a lot of money all right the process is simple every week what we do is we have our marketing meeting and we do one split test just one all right and that's because everyone wants to test 100 things but what it does is it forces us to be very very focused on the one thing that we think is going to drive the highest result for us and the thing is is that when you do this every single week for 52 weeks in a row and you do that for five years your process just gets better and better and better and those increase those increases in conversion compound all right and so when we are running split tests on marketing especially for paid advertising um i'll give you the two biggest things that we look at all right the first thing it sounds obvious and simple but people don't do it is we simply split test the headlines on our landing pages that's it we simply split test the headlines the next thing that we'll split test is going to be the image that is underneath of the headline all right because what we've seen from the vast majority of all of the tests that we've done is that almost all of the juice that's going to come the biggest jumps in conversion rate happen above the fold and so when i say above the fold it means like when you go on your desktop and you go to a landing page everything that you can see before scrolling is above the fold when you go to your your phone um and you blend and you you load a page everything you see that's immediately available on the screen is above the fold and so that is where that is where you're selling them on whether they're going to stay on the page and continue to read more and that's where the biggest returns will come from all right and so we will split test almost every week the the majority of our of our tests will be i would say 90 of our tests are either headline or image tests and that's it that's literally it um sometimes you know we'll actually because if if we're changing a headline then the image doesn't make sense we'll do you know a new headline and image against it against the old headline image and image but that will be the entirety of the test and so if you can implement this one process into your marketing cadence so when you meet with your marketing team or if you're hopefully you know if you're just doing the marketing for yourself if you set this cadence on your own calendar of every monday we meet and we say what was last week's test what was the winner great did we beat the control if we didn't beat the control then we try another test right and the thing is is when you do this on a continuous basis the business will continually improve and so there's a million things you can do but what are the few things that you should do that are going to drive the biggest result because ultimately all of us have the same amount of time every day and so it's the people who make the best decisions who focus on the fewest variables that make the biggest difference right one of the biggest things that drives me nuts is when someone says you know oh i said we should do that ages ago right which is one of the things by the way for my team if anyone's listening please don't do that it drives me nuts there's a million things that we should do right we should probably be better about our follow-up we should probably be doing more email marketing we should probably be making more content well obviously but what of all of the things that we can do given the resources time effort and human capital that we have and money are going to drive the biggest result and so when i think about all the different things that we can improve on our marketing standpoint just doing this one thing will consistently yield better returns in terms of time and effort and and the amount of time it takes to do this and the amount of return we get from it is disproportionate and i see even a lot of experienced you know marketers and business owners uh who don't do this you know what i mean and i'm like that's crazy you know why why would you not do that and so a simple process you can outline focus on everything above the fold usually headline sub-headline image those are the things that are going to be the things that drive the biggest conversion rate optimization and you know use this in the business see the results for yourself and keep being awesome and i'll catch you guys on flip side bye

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