3 Paths To Start A Business

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3 Paths To Start A Business


  • Many businesses can be started from pain, profession, or passion. Think about which one applies to you and build from there.
  • If you overcame a painful experience, you can help others who have the same challenge. For example, a mom who solved her kids' food allergies can teach others.
  • Leverage your professional skills by offering them to multiple companies. If you do something well at your job, other businesses might pay for your expertise.
  • Turn your passion into a business. If you love something, like model cars, create related products, a subscription service, or content around it.
  • Business ideas often stem from overcoming challenges, using job skills, or pursuing hobbies you love.


How To Take Action

I would suggest starting by focusing on what feels most natural for you: your pain, profession, or passion. Initially, try to identify any pain points you’ve experienced and overcome. If you have a story or experience like helping your kids with food allergies, consider creating a guide, blog, or online course to share your solutions with others facing the same challenges. It's low-cost since it mostly leverages your personal experience.

A good way of utilizing your professional skills is to offer them to different companies. Think about what you do well in your current job and consider offering this expertise as a freelance service. It’s about taking your 9-to-5 skills and applying them in a new way without big investments.

If you have a hobby or passion, like model cars, think about how you could monetize it. Start small, like creating a YouTube channel or a blog where you show people how you make or paint model cars. Consider selling DIY kits or creating a subscription box service. Passion-driven projects often feel more like fun than work, making them easier to stick with as they grow.

These strategies mostly require your time and creativity rather than big financial investments, making them a great starting point for personal growth or small business development.

Full Transcript

pain profession and then passion almost all businesses can get derived from one of these three things which is like you had some painful experience you overcame that's you know a mom who helps uh her kids pack lunches who have uh food allergies it's like if you figured out how to overcome that then you can help other people do it too and the second one is profession so whatever you do in a company fundamentally is something that other companies probably want and so you can always fractionalize whatever your professional skill is between multiple companies and so that's just taking a skill that you already have in the workplace and just selling it to other people and then passion is like okay well I love model cars okay you could build a subscription on building them you could build the actual products around them you could make a Channel about painting model cars you like there's a zillion things that you could do there but in each of these it's usually something you overcame some sort of professional skill that you learned or some passion and so that usually goes into what to sell

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