- Stop focusing on why your business isn't growing and start focusing on how to make it grow. Dwelling on the past and the causes of problems won't help; instead, take responsibility and work on solutions.
- Don't rely on a single skill or tool to solve all your business problems. Be willing to endure discomfort and vulnerability while learning to use new tools and skills that are necessary for advancement.
- Understand what you're optimizing for in your business. Set clear goals based on your personal desires, not on external standards or what others think you should be aiming for.
How To Take Action
I would suggest putting most of your energy into how to solve problems in your business instead of why they happened. Looking back won't fix things. Here's what you can do:
Focus on Solutions: Stop asking "why is this not working?" and start asking "how can I make this work?" This change in questions can lead to growing your business.
Learn New Skills: If you always use the same skill, like marketing, to fix every problem, it's time to try new tools. Be ready to feel a bit silly at first. It's fine because that's how you learn.
Set Your Own Goals: Think about what you really want from your business. Don't just do things because you think that's what you're supposed to do. Your goals should match what you actually want, not what others say you should want.
Here are some steps to take:
- Write Down Your Goals: Make them clear and make sure they're what you actually want, not what you think you should want.
- Pick a New Skill to Learn: Find one area of your business that needs better solutions and learn something new to improve it.
- Practice Asking "How": Next time you face a business problem, practice asking "how can I fix this?" instead of "why did this happen?"
For example, if sales are low, instead of wondering why, think about how you can improve. Maybe learn about online ads or ask customers for feedback to get better.
Remember, growing your business is about moving forward and learning, not just sticking with what you know. Be brave, try new things, and focus on what you really want. You can do it!
Quotes by Leila Hormozi
"You don't actually need to know why the thing isn't working, you just need to focus on how to make it work now"
– Leila Hormozi
"What you are responsible for is figuring out how to fix it"
– Leila Hormozi
"Why could you do something, how do you grow a business"
– Leila Hormozi
"You have to be willing to fail in order to succeed"
– Leila Hormozi
"What am I optimizing for?"
– Leila Hormozi
Full Transcript
what is up in this video today what i want to talk about are three reasons why your business isn't growing none of these reasons are gonna be based on skill so i'm not gonna talk about marketing i'm not gonna talk about hr i'm not gonna talk about like some you know lack of uh skill that you have that is preventing you from growing your business instead what i want to talk about are really the habits and the beliefs that we have that prevent us from growing a business and this is really top of mind for me because alex and i just got back from an event and we had a lot of conversations with a lot of different people um and a lot of different dinners and a lot of uh side combos with people who are looking to grow their business and maybe you know especially because he spoke at that event they're asking us you know what do you see that i don't see and so these are the three things that were really top of mind for me um and i say that because i've gone through them myself and so um the first one is that a lot of people focus on why their business is not growing rather than how to grow a business okay so it's a nuance in there they're focused on the past and so this is something a lot of humans do and they don't just do it in business they do it in real life so i'll just give you examples right um a lot of people think that in order to correct a present-day behavior that they have that may not be serving them maybe it's binge drinking maybe it's um you know yelling at your boyfriend every time he doesn't uh invite you somewhere maybe it's whatever it is right they're like i have to find the past event that caused this otherwise i cannot fix it now and that's just not true it's been proven it's been studied you don't actually need to know why the thing isn't working you just need to focus on how to make it work now so it's like you're not responsible maybe in certain cases for why it's not working and you are to an extent you are responsible to a degree you are not responsible to a degree right that's just like most things in life but what you are responsible for is figuring out how to fix it and so what a lot of people do is they're they're constantly questioning why their business isn't growing why their business is so small why they just can't grow a business and i'm like i know the reason why it's because you're so focused on why you can't do something rather than why could you do something how do you grow a business and so you're taking all that focus and you're putting on your past you're putting on who you have been you're putting on what your business has been in the past you're not thinking about what your future business would look like if it had the aspects of a business that needs to grow you're not looking at what kind of a ceo grows a business instead you're just so focused on understanding why why why why and creating so much meaning behind something that maybe doesn't need that much meaning maybe you just need to focus on the solution and so that's the first thing is that people tend to over analyze why something is occurring honestly this really resonates with my personal life because i think for a very long time i studied a lot of psychology and a lot of behavior change et cetera and a lot of what i believed was that you had to understand why something happened in your life to understand how to fix your present day behavior and your patterns and this is something that i want to say 10 years ago my belief was really broken because as soon as i stopped focusing on why do i act this way why am i anxious about this why am i this way why am i not good at this and i started focusing on how do i get good at this how do i overcome my anxiety and not focused on what caused it i just took responsibility for the change that is when my life changed and that is when i was able to overcome all those things and i don't care why they happened i don't even care why i was or am the way i am i just focus on how do i fix it now right how do i put things in my favor more than not now and so i think you really need to do that with business rather than focusing on what is wrong and constantly focused on the past the issue is you're thinking about the business the issue is not the business half the time so if you were to just change your thinking and to say how do i grow a business rather than why is my business not growing and you ask yourself better questions your business would grow so that's the first thing the second thing um is that you continue to use the tool that has worked for you up until now and you refuse to pick up another tool whether you know it or not and so i'll give you an example it's a conversation i had about a year ago and i was talking to a ceo who is really really smart and really successful um but he said he's like i understand why my business isn't growing it's kind of hit a plateau and i was like why is that he said well i just continue to use the same tool my tool is marketing and so anytime a problem rises i'm like hit it with marketing you know sales problem more marketing uh hr problem more marketing person i don't like more marketing he's like i just hit it all with marketing and he's like and i know that's why i'm not growing he's like i need because the other stuff makes me anxious i avoid it i'm not good at it and so he continues to hit the same different problems with the same tool so it's like if you are approaching a nail and you hit it with a hammer but then you just screw and you hit it with a hammer but it actually needs a screwdriver but you're like well i don't know how to use a screwdriver so i'm just gonna hit it with a hammer because i like hitting things with hammers because i'm used to thinking hitting things with hammers because up until now hitting things with hammers has got me where i am it's led to a decent amount of success and so i feel comfortable continuing to use a hammer and that's what most people do with their business they continue to hone in on that one skill that they have mastered rather than say what is the new tool or the new skill that i need to have and the reason that most people can't do that is because of the discomfort of letting go of that tool if you put that hammer down and you have to pick up a new one you're going to suck at it you're not going to like it it's going to be uncomfortable but it's only going to be for a short amount of time because the reality is that most things that we even fear or panic about right that terrify us within 30 to 60 days we actually can end up liking because we tend to like most things that we overcome and that we gain mastery in and so even if you despise something 30 days ago 30 days later you can actually really like it and so i think we do ourselves a disservice when we continue to hit those problems with the same hammer in our business and it prevents us from getting to the next level because we are not willing to feel uncomfortable not willing to be uh vulnerable and pick up that new tool and look like an idiot all over again because that's what growth really comes from it's being willing to look like an idiot in front of your staff in front of your clients kind of everybody i'll give you an example which was um alex and i uh i want to say it was three and a half four years ago we wanted to put together a solution for working leads and at that time we had no idea that you can build software we didn't know how to build software and so we jerry rigged this insane system together that we called allen uh and this was before we actually had a real piece of software which is called allen and we said we're gonna you know dairy rig this thing together because it is a solution for our clients but we were nervous because we'd never done it before and so we put this thing together and i want to say 200 clients bought it uh after a launch webinar to our warm audience and we were like that's amazing this is great et cetera et cetera and we were nervous because we'd like oh my gosh we've never launched anything like this like it's like a it's a software but it's not actually a software because back then we didn't know how to build a software immediately i go in our facebook group and i just see people slamming me and alex they're like i can't believe the hormozy's put something like this out this is a disgrace to gym launch i'm disgusted worst money i've ever spent and these were like customers who loved us and i was like holy i was like i feel like a piece of and alex and i were like what do we do we did two things one we apologized and admitted that we are you know fallible humans that make mistakes and we said we made a mistake we will you know refund anyone who wants it you know we obviously did not uh test this enough and we don't know what we're doing and we admitted it and to my surprise actually almost all people except our apology and a lot of them didn't even ask for a refund because i think they just felt bad for us because we looked like such idiots and the second thing that happens uh happened was that we didn't give up we didn't say hey i'm gonna go back to the hammer right we just said i'm using a screwdriver but i don't think i have a training to use a screwdriver and so who does have training on how to use a screwdriver and let's find them and let's do that and that's what we did in order to actually build a real software which we actually sold about uh two months ago and so we didn't give up and i think that's the biggest thing is that a lot of times we pick up that no tool the reason we go back to the old one is because we think well i'm not even good at this new one but you don't give yourself a chance because you have to be willing to fail in order to succeed and so we all know that subconsciously but i think a lot of times in business you know because the failure is so we magnify our minds because we're like oh these customers hate me now all these employees think i'm an idiot now you just have to get used to it you have to build a frustration tolerance to knowing that people view you that way and the reality is that nobody who is willing to is not willing to look imperfect in front of others is going to get anywhere in life and if they do they're probably going to crack later because they're trying so hard to look perfect and that's not that does not exist and so that's the second piece because you have to be willing to pick up the new tool now the third one is that you have to know what goal you're optimizing for and this came up a lot because um in alex's talk that he actually gave at this event he talked a lot about focus and for us you know we built multiple businesses and then you know we've kind of taken a lot of complexity out of our lives recently um and even sold one of those businesses or a couple of those businesses to just kind of simplify everything that we're doing and a lot of people came up to us and said you know i think i'd be making more money if i had less businesses i got six i've got seven i've got eight i've got three the question that i asked most people is i said well what's the goal because the advice that i'm gonna give somebody who wants to make the most amount of money versus the person that wants to enjoy what they do every day versus the person that wants family work life balance is all gonna be different and so i think a lot of times we actually tend to bang our heads against a wall that we're not hitting some arbitrary goal that is not actually our own it's implanted in us from others and from society and from what we think we should do and all these shoulds and musts that are not our own and so like i should be at eight figures i should be at nine figures i should be able to make more money i should be growing faster well who the knows like where did those shits come from they come from unrealistic expectations from society and from taking things at face value when nothing is at face value anytime anyone tells me anything about their business and they don't talk about anything that's bad i immediately do not believe them because that's not possible life is always 50 50. and so you can choose to ignore the bad or you can embrace it and so i think that you have to be able to take inventory and say what am i comparing myself against and what do i really want for myself maybe and this is a conversation i had with one entrepreneur who's really successful he's like i have you know five businesses he's like but you know what i've realized in like talking to you and talking alex and thinking about it he's like i want to enjoy what i do i love doing them all and i don't really care if i make more money and so i was like well then there's no problem like if you don't care if you make more money and you just want to enjoy what you do every day and you enjoy what you do every day having five businesses then have five businesses there's nothing wrong with that i think a lot of times we play this game in our mind and i know simon's next talks about the infinite game right and it's you know we always say oh am i we compare ourselves and say i'm winning or i'm losing against this person but you have no idea what that person's optimizing for you have no idea what their goals are you have no idea what they want in life and so the same goes for business is you have to ask yourself what am i optimizing for and if you are coaching people in business you have to ask them what they're optimizing for because what i do notice a lot of people do is they just tell you what they did and what worked for them and how to optimize for their results but what you really want to do is ask yourself what results do i want to optimize for what kind of life do i want and if you're a coach you have to be able to say what are they optimizing for rather than what do i think they should do because maybe i wish i had done things that way and so those are the three things that i tend to see and that i was really reminded of over the last few days tend to stop people from growing in business it's over analyzing and focusing on the past not the present right thinking that you need to understand where the problem came from or why it happened or why you acted the way you did or whatever you're a fallible human right that's why second is you have to be able to pick up that new tool and put the other down and not be afraid of the consequences and the vulnerability that comes along with it and then lastly is you have to know what you're optimizing for and understand that what you are optimizing for may not be what somebody else is if you deep down know what your goal is but you tend to optimize for what you believe your goal should be you're constantly resisting yourself and you would just create this internal fight essentially in your head and that's just not it's it's not feasible for anybody and so those are the three reasons that i tend to see why a business is not growing if you find this content valuable and if you want to hear more about why businesses don't grow or more so why they can grow and how they can grow on the next video then go ahead and hit subscribe and i will see you on the next one