30 Minutes of sales training that will explode your business in 2022
- I spoke at the War Room Mastermind, which is a high-cost program focused on scaling sales teams as a key challenge for businesses aiming to reach the initial million or multi-million revenue milestones.
- I shared my expertise on sales by discussing a condensed 30-minute video presentation that outlines three frameworks for scaling a sales team effectively.
- The first framework is the CLOSER framework, which is a question-based approach that drives prospects to say yes:
- C: Clarify why they are there.
- L: Label them with a problem.
- O: Overview their past attempts.
- S: Sell them on a solution (the 'vacation' not the 'plane').
- E: Explain away their concerns.
- R: Reinforce with a proper onboarding process.
- The Conviction framework emphasizes the importance of tone and belief in the product, which can surpass seasoned sales skills. Anyone who truly believes in what they sell will naturally have a persuasive tone.
- The Scaling framework consists of six Cs to equip and improve sales teams:
- Closer Sequence: A question-based sales script.
- Consistent Daily Training: Including talking, listening, and role reversal.
- Call Recordings: For compliance and training.
- Communication Cycles: For feedback and continuous improvement.
- Cuts: Removing those who don’t show promise early on.
- Competition and Career Path: Maintaining morale and providing growth opportunities.
- I advised sales teams to separate outbound and inbound to improve efficiency and the importance of understanding the prospect rather than just the product.
- My personal recommendation is to focus on building a conviction within your sales team about the value of what they are selling, as belief is key to convincing prospects and improving sales performance.
How To Take Action
I would suggest implementing the CLOSER framework first. Start by clarifying with each customer why they are there. Ask them about their goals. Then, label their problem so you can address it directly. Review their past attempts to solve it. Sell them your solution, but make sure to focus on the final destination – the benefits, not just the features. Address any concerns they may have and reinforce their choice with robust onboarding.
To boost conviction in your sales team, play customer testimonials daily. Remind your team why what they're doing is essential. You don't just want your team to know the product; you want them to believe in it. This conviction will shine through in their tone, which matters just as much as what they're saying.
For the Scaling framework, create a simple, question-based sales script and practice it every day. Record calls for compliance and training. Communicate frequently for continuous improvement and be ready to make cuts if someone isn't a good fit. Encourage competition and showcase career growth to keep morale high.
Separate inbound and outbound sales to focus on efficiency. The key is to understand your customer deeply, not just the product you're selling. Focus on building conviction in the value of what you sell, as fierce belief in the product is crucial to convincing clients.
Implementing these strategies step by step, starting with the CLOSER framework, should lead to more effective sales and a stronger, more efficient sales team.
Quotes by Alex Hormozi
"When you hire salespeople…it's sink or swim"
– Alex Hormozi
"If you become a more seasoned…sales rep, you can learn to control your tone on purpose"
– Alex Hormozi
"Sales is one of the most repetitive positions in the world"
– Alex Hormozi
"Having competition on regular basis…tends to work best"
– Alex Hormozi
"If you have lots of different types of leads going to the same person, you're probably losing a lot of efficiency"
– Alex Hormozi
Full Transcript
i was asked to speak at the war room mastermind which is a thirty thousand dollar year mastermind i think it's a two or three hundred person program run by ryan dice perry belcher and roland fraser and it's a it's a great program and i was asked to speak on sales i have given versions of this sales presentation a handful of times but this is the best one that i think captured the audio and the visual and everything kind of put together and it's condensed into a 30 minute video so i think you guys will absolutely enjoy this so if you're building your first sales script if you're scaling a sales team and you want to make sure that you can onboard new people and get them selling at the same percentage or better than you are right now which for many people is biggest bottleneck especially when you're coming to for your first million or first three million per year scaling the sales team is one of the most difficult tasks and so i've broken this down into three frameworks that i've used very successfully to scale lots of different sales teams i say that the the company i'm referencing in this video has 14 that one company already now has almost 30 sales guys so this process continued to work past when i made this presentation so if you're trying to scale sales you want to close a higher percentage you want to get more guys closing at that same percentage or better than yours and if you don't know who i am my name is oxford mozzie on acquisition.com we had a portfolio at this moment of six companies to do 85 million a year keep being awesome love you and enjoy the video what i'm going to be breaking down today is the scripting process that we've applied for calls right and so as the world's worst marketer i set my first email this year i was very excited about it we've been in business for 10 years uh pretty big stuff and it was because i couldn't get webinars i couldn't get vsls i couldn't get all the fancy stuff that you guys get to work um and so i went back in time and just was like if i can just get them to give my phone number i'll be able to get them to like buy [ __ ] from me and so i went and called back all these webinar leads that never showed up or never bought or whatever and ended up doing like 100 000 in sales in a day and i was like wow this is so much easier and so over time i've consulted with sales teams i've uh trained and owned four high ticket performance teams i think we have 12 or 14 sales guys now it kind of rotates and so what i want to do is kind of show you what we've done to consistently replicate the skill of sales in another human being would that be cool all right so if i can add like 10 to your conversion rate in terms of how you attract better closers how you script the process out and how you should close more deals and scale them to incentivize them would that be valuable for you guys all right sweet so these are the uh three frameworks that transform losing funnels into cash machines that was my real life that was a picture of my actual first funnel and that's what it became and so these are the three fails uh the frameworks number one closer framework how to ask questions prospects to say yes adding this to a funnel instantly can make it profitable alright this is my personal experience number two is a conviction framework all right how anyone who believes can outperform a seasoned sales rep by simply learning control their tone really important this is one of the biggest things that most sales people miss number three the scaling framework how to easily duplicate this process across sales people in any niche in seven days or less so seven days from now we can do this would that be cool all right let's rock so number one the closer framework after going through hundreds of scripts i've bought grand stuff for about the wolf of wall street stuff i bought all that stuff and going through my own sales processes i learned that the the scripting process even was simpler i think than it's portrayed it's not that it's something to be sold against but um every sales script that has been absolutely gangbusters has been a question-based framework that is based on this process all right and this works for b to c sales works for bsb uh b2b sales it works for 500 tickets it works for 100 000 tickets the process is the same and so this is the acronym closer framework as i said world's dumbest marketer so i made it nice and easy to remember all right so c clarify why they are there when i look at creating a script the first thing we ask is like why the hell are you here what made you reach out to us today what was the thing what is the goal you're trying to accomplish right two label them with a problem we can't cure cancer unless they admit that they have it right has anyone had that situation like i just wanted to find out more information you ever had that right well it's like well i'm assuming you're not hopping on sales calls all day just running for fine information is there a problem you're trying to solve oh you're fat got it all right boom see that's a problem we can solve it after that i'm sure i'm assuming i'm not the first guy you've ever dated right so is there anything else that you've had happen in the past that got you here that didn't work i'd love to know more about it s once we've gone through the pain we saw on the vacation right there's a process that i'll walk through e we explain away there are concerns because obviously same people don't make decisions on the first call unless you're a closer in which case they do which i'll talk about and then finally and this is something that we actually added in my original framework for my first couple years was close and then we added the r because when you do this it actually transitions into the onboarding process that will get higher ltv per customer lower churn lower refunds or chargebacks which are sales guys and you will be happy about cool all right let's rock so we'll examine each one more closely clarify why they're there these are the questions that sounds like what made you come in today what made you reach out what's your goal right now why is that important to you why that number specifically what does that what does it resonate for you right why is that real l the questions that we're looking is like okay so what i'm hearing is xyz usually does that sound about right right really simple but very important it's a milestone that has to be hit in the process all right then we overview all right this is where we're gathering all the intel and for some of you guys my goal is that you can take this to your sales team or your sales director and run your script through this framework and then see where you can plug it you probably have some of it but if you're missing one or two of these questions with milestones you're losing conversions on the call like you're closing people who already had those obstacles covered but everyone who didn't have two of these questions covered you lose them and you don't know why you watch the sales call and you're like what the hell happened here right so what have you tried so far to accomplish that how this is what we call the pain cycle it's a four-step process what have you tried so far to accomplish this how long did you do that for how long ago had that worked for you what else have you tried right so we just do that cycle until they're like oh yeah that's it now that you think about it i've tried everything under the sun like i can't imagine what that's felt like wow right it's not your fault you're so close you're six inches away right and i think you've had this one thing which i'm about to show in a second we could be able to help you wanna hear about the program fantastic that's when you transition to sale right so sell them a vacation the number one thing that people mess up our sales pitch on the call is under three minutes three minutes 180 seconds when we talk about um i think someone was asking about what are the bullets on the page we don't say anything about that because what we're trying to do is get them to understand what they're going to experience not how they're going to experience it right and so when we have a sales pitch just about every time we sell three things right and it doesn't matter what industry and i was training a mortgage leads team and they were selling leads right it was like the leads are exclusive they're timely and they're qualified right so we talked about hey you've had leads in the past ah well the zillow leads my real estate people right the zillow leads are not they are timely but they're definitely not exclusive these are people just window shopping right our leads are different three things you can always find them you're selling fitness you're selling fitness nutrition accountability right and so what we do is when we say the three bullets get them to understand yes that takes five seconds cool fitness wise we get the commitment this is what i need you to do fair enough let's be like and you should work out three days a week can you do that awesome if we see any hesitation you have a 30-second story that's memorized most of this script and this is what makes it scalable is a question-based framework which means if you get lost you can find your way back again if anybody here have scripts that are like paragraphs and stuff anyone okay like no no one has a script that's paragraphs and pages please we all know um but if you have those things it'll totally mess it up because then the sales guy gets lost and then he's just free balling and he has no idea where he is hot dog in the hallway no idea what's going on right and so the point is here little visual anyways is that when we're telling the story like with the fitness example i would say hey when you failed in the past like right now do you have a do you have a favorite tv show game of thrones that's awesome do you feel like like you got to get motivated watch game of thrones you're like oh man i've been wanting to watch it but i just can't get up the motivation to watch tv they're like well no i don't have that it's like right and so that's exactly how we're going to make your fitness program so if you look forward to you don't need the motivation and the willpower because that's why you failed in the past they're like oh i didn't talk about the workouts the heart rate and the calories they're going to burn and they're going to sweat because all that [ __ ] sounds like work right but what they do get is exactly what they want which is wait so you're telling me that if i actually like something i'm not going to even have to try and it's going to feel like watching tv because i look forward to it it's exactly what i'm saying and if you can deliver you make tons of money and that's the point so each of those points your sales guys should know what that anecdotal story is right if i was selling accountability anywhere of kids anyone here tell their kids to brush their teeth and we have their kids who brush their teeth say they don't want to brush their teeth anyone tell their kids even though they want to brush their teeth to brush their teeth anyways and now you're an adult did your parents do that to you do you brush your teeth that's an example of external accountability turning into an internal habit that's exactly what the accountability we're going to do in this program just does that make sense great done next bullet that's how you transition the pitch right so if you think about this process why are you here i have cancer i think we might be able to help you out but i don't want to get into that because i don't know about you like i don't know what your situation is tell me what you've done ah that sounds that sounds great that makes sense okay i think we might be able to see a little bit about that all it is i tell three stories that make complete sense to everything you just told me and then we transition and so um i pretty much just covered this um but we call it selling the vacation not the plane flight right and so we're not selling tsa we're not selling your modules you may plan your macros you work out your support team your urls your whatever right we're selling maui we're selling the final destination and it doesn't matter what level of service you are selling you're always selling the same thing it's always maui it's just how do you want to get there you want to swim to maui right do you want to take a boat to maui do you want to take a normal flight or do you want to take a private jet to maui right it's your call you're getting them out either way because we're a man of our word and i'm not going to sell you something that's not going to deliver right but it's going to be a little different a little bit rockier but we're going to get you there all right so everyone gets to maui the variables are the squeak the speed and the quality of the journey all right the likelihood of arrival is assumed so since it's always the same thing you probably have multiple levels of business um but it's always the same process right and so once we have that they're like got it and then we just make the ask all right from this point going forward it's explaining away their concerns like any human being would normally do i could drill price over comes with you but i think it's more valuable to explain the thought process behind price stall and decision maker objections alright so the first and obvious one is i can't afford it anyone get this one right a couple people two people have gotten this you guys have the best leads give me your leads um and so the easy question that i use to explain to our sales team because it's really about breaking their lease beliefs is if we were giving away ferraris right now for five grand do you think they'd find a way to get the money yes so that simply they do not understand the value you're trying to provide and if you can get your team to believe that then they understand that it is always their fault if someone cannot afford the program does that make sense fantastic second decision maker clothes one of the hardest things to overcome right i gotta have my business partner i gotta have my husband my spouse my whatever right so we give a specific process that we go about this and so what we do is in the very beginning we just say we circumvent then we go over past agreements and then we ask for forgiveness all right this is the best way that i've seen to overcome this so the first thing we say is well what if they say no one out of three times they'll be like i'll probably do it anyway so we're like let's get started boom it's done you'd be amazed how many times that actually works it's hilarious if they say well then i wouldn't do it then we divert we say well what do you think their biggest objection would be about it because now they're just using a foil even the person's not there and it's no idea what the program is because they're not involved with the call right they're like well i think this and at this point we can attack the actual obstacle even though the decision maker isn't there now if they still if we still can't overcome it then we go to past agreements we say well does your business partner know that you guys are struggling on sales well yeah does he approve of that well no then why would he be against something that he already doesn't approve of that doesn't make any so why would he being it's a business partner solving a problem what you do well it's great you're being a great partner let's go right and so we try and rely on past agreements that are obvious and use those to project into the present right and then finally you know sometimes it's better as for uh forgiveness and permission right and so we'll tack that on to then you can put that at the end of any of the closes and so when we're dealing with this with price it's value with decision maker we go on past agreements and with stalls we just teach people to make decisions people are so afraid of making the wrong decision they're petrified and so we do is we literally teach them on the call here's how we make a decision these are the variables you should be considering x y and z right can the product meet your needs do you think that if you work with us you have a greater or lower likelihood of losing weight greater fantastic i think we're halfway there do you want to work with us do you think it'd be fun to hang out and see me everyday because believe me this stash i had i had to work 12 months to get my wife to say yes to that so i understand if you're hesitant does that make sense would you be willing to do that all right let's rock right and then do you have access to funds or know someone who does right because it's not just about you because if it's something that's amazing we can find other ways to finance this so do you have access or know someone who does yes well then great let's get started and if for some reason we haven't closed them at this point we say how about this let's take a card down we'll delay the payment to friday you go to your husband go to your business partner right you go to your i love this one you go to your husband right and he says baby i want you to live a shorter life i want you to i want you to be a terrible example of our kids i want you to not have generational health in our family to be passed down i want you to sit in that corner i want you to pull those sweatpants up take up a bag of cheetos rub your fingers on there right and just get comfortable with the fact that you're never going to look better than you are right now it's like if your husband says that to you you call me back and i will tear this contract up fair enough right you close them all right so we explain away their concerns and then finally we get the yes we reinforce the decision this is stuff that we started doing it helped a lot so personalized video from the ceo hey welcome aboard so happy to have you thank you for trusting us with your business hey we're so happy to have you thank you for touching with your weight loss journey and our personal licenses we're gonna do everything in our power to absolutely amaze you right little things like that because the customer is usually deciding whether or not they like your business in the first 48 hours after the sale i learned this later so how you hand off from sale to customer experience and activation is where this all happens does that make sense is that cool was that nice framework to work through okay so that's the disclosure framework that is the first thing that's what you can run your script through all right how to ask the questions to get the prospects to say yes check one down two to go you with me you're still good all right let's rock so conviction framework number two how anyone who believes can outperform a season sales rep by simply learning to control their tone all right so um after i reworked all of our scripts using the closure framework um some of my guys were really successful but other ones still blew and i was like well this sucks right i was really excited i had a little acronym and everything i was like that took me a long time to come with the acronym right i was like what gives and so i talked to my friends um and they recommended this book which was awesome and the biggest takeaway from this book is the is the concept of tone and this was something that really helped take us and give an extra edge to our sales training ourselves process and the coaching that we give people right and so in the book he talked about the hidden dialogue which i just love and i just i just never want to take credit for an idea because i got over man but there's two dialogues that are happening right because the words are the logic right what you're actually saying is talking the logical brain how you say it is talking to the emotional brain right that's the ones making decisions that's the one running the shot all right and so how you say what you say is what you say so here's an example that's my wife she's going to be here with me soon but if she were here if she said alex right or alex right or alex very different meanings very different afternoon for me in each of these scenarios right based on how she said it because there's so much communicated and that's just one word imagine a 30-minute dialogue where each word can be chosen to have packed with the meaning that you need them to feel does that make sense okay so we need the words for the logical influence we need the tone for the emotional influence we need both okay and so once you become a more seasoned like sales prep you can learn to control your tone on purpose right you can raise your voice at the end of the statement make it into a question right it's a question this is john right i didn't need to ask him i'm saying you know to answer that as a question i didn't ask you that but you know that based on the tone right or i could lower my voice right now see that what i'm saying extremely important right tone matters and so it takes time to develop this level of unconscious mastery so there's two ways to develop this and i believe that you can either trick yourself into it or you can train yourself into it and since i don't have enough time in 30 minutes to train on the influence of tonalities here's the trick is that all right let's give you the hack conviction will correct your tone if you believe in what you sell you will say it the right way and that's why some of you guys have a sales rep that comes on crushes it and then tanks because they did believe and then they saw your reviews or they got customer support feedback or someone called them up after buying it was like [ __ ] you i can't believe you did that and they're done and then all their tones off because they feel like out of ethics right and so i'm lowering my tone right now so you know that this is really important right and so i'll go upbeat kiss the boo-boo bring us back up all right and so real estate sales team consulting this is a great story so i was flown out paid way more money than i should have been paid um to fly out and consult with the sales team all right they were selling mortgage leads the example i was given earlier and they were really excited they wanted me to give this abc always be closing chat like this huge pump up chat so i spent the first half the day on the script and the second half of the day was supposed to be drilling the sales team right so i get on the sales team they got they got a nine person sales floor and uh they're like we're having some problems with this guy john i was like alright cool so i was like john how good are the leads he was like well you know there's kind of and i was like i'm good thank you and i was like because if you [ __ ] thought the leads were good you would say dude they're unreal i can't believe it right now i'm getting my mom to pass her real estate certification so i can start sending her leads i'm studying for mine i'm a couple months behind but i'm telling you as soon as i [ __ ] get this thing passed i'm out of here i'm gonna start buying these leads myself because i'll make more than i make right now as a sales guy that's what you'd say if you believed right the way you say and what you'd say would be entirely different and so one of the hacks on this by the way has anyone ever gotten hot or has a sales guy got hot start just closing closing close it close it anyone that becomes the sales training for that person because the way they ask the question at what point how they closed that's how it's perfect and so they should study the best game footage when they're on a streak and that's when you can replicate it much more easily because it's like in the wild you'll witness it and that's when they're masters right in those moments all right and so these are the actions that we do so i'm transitioning into tactics for you guys who have teams all right re-read the testimonials out loud daily in front of your sales team if you got fresh ones which you should read them it makes their day makes them feel like they're making an impact right you're getting the [ __ ] kicked out of them every single day getting hung up on getting cussed at getting to [ __ ] off every day right and like the best thing you can do is give them a cup of coffee that says hey man you're [ __ ] doing good in the world right so they need so do it every day number two fix everything you can about the product this is obvious but i want to say it directly like don't blame the customer for a lack of success because it doesn't help anyone right doesn't help them doesn't help us if we can take ownership then we can fix the product right three never stop improving it so you always know what's up to date this is a good one for the sales team if your sales dip take your head of customer support bring them to the sales meeting and say erica tell these guys what you do for our customers they're like oh well the first day what we do is we send this text and we send them this letter and then we give them swag and then we follow up with them and then we like write them a handwritten card and leave them a back massage and a foot massage and then we find a wife for them it's unbelievable you know what i mean and then the sales guys are like god this is [ __ ] awesome i'm like i know let's go sell it right and so these are the actions that you can do on a daily basis to get your team to be excellent all right and so that's how you can hack conviction and get your team's tone unconsciously correct by just truly believing the product is that cool you think you'd sell more if you did that sweet thank you all right conviction framework number two check all right number three scaling framework how to easily duplicate this process across sales people in any niche in seven days or less all right so we've talked about closure framework we've talked about conviction framework and this is the oops i think i'm gonna skip one i don't know where you're at great so when i showed my sales team to the stuff they didn't do it every time all right because you're probably going to come back from here all gung-ho you might show them this video and they're like yeah they go rah-rah for two to three days and then it's like back to normal right no one wants that so piece by piece we implemented processes to get the same outcome over and over and over again because of the 110 million dollars we've sold which is crazy it's been 100 over the phone no one over the age of 20 no we got one guy who's 40. but beyond besides him everyone's younger than 27 27 27 years old all right like these aren't like crazy you know i mean like crazy veterans right you just do this process over and over again and get the right thing as a total aside find people and educate them about your prospect not your product because that's a big [ __ ] up because like they shouldn't even be talking that much about the product they should be knowing everything about the prospect and so right now if your sales training is focused on your product you're doing it wrong these are the six c's that i use to scale teams from little guy to lots of guys all right so this delta you know we used this to build a 3000 person affiliate base in our physical products company it added 35 million in sales which is cool which is awesome and so i will show you how this works all right and so um we've used these sales teams and this is how we kind of these are all multi-figure teams and i'll show you what we did all right so closer sequence is the first c which we went over earlier the second c is consistent daily training and conviction and i'll show you how to do each of these call recordings you got to record them communication cycles cuts and competition there's the six c's all right so number one make sure you have a question-based framework that follows those steps in the script it should just be questions it's so much easier to just follow questions because if someone's out and you know out in left field you know wandering like onto the highway you're like whoa hey come back over here this is the next question in this process so thank you so much for sharing that that must have been so hard for you so what do you think that brought you right i think you go right in the next question the sale all right number two uh consistent daily training this is the number one thing if you take one thing away from this besides conviction because that'll do more for yourselves than anything this is the second biggest thing all right is that daily training our team trains 60 minutes a day five days a week we actually do twice a day stuff but that's okay anyways for right now if you just do this you'll already be way better than everyone else in your market all right so we do talking and listening because the salesperson needs to know how to speak the right tone you know to listen right so we draw both scales for talking we have them read the script out loud and the questions with the correct tonality for 25 minutes and if they [ __ ] up they start again simple five minutes we drill obstacle overcomes i need to think about it i'm not sure i don't have the money can't afford that right now i gotta talk to my partner right i know what's gonna work in my market or whatever your specific obstacles are because those when they're in the red zone they shouldn't have to think about those so the only two things that someone will ever truly memorize will be those 30-second anecdotal stories i mentioned earlier and your optical overcomes it makes it much easier to get new people on the team listening so every day we'll listen to a 30-minute recording and we'll go with what went right in this call what went wrong what do you do next time very simple right you play the call everyone watches it's game tape review we're like man you got kicked in the balls on this one right but you had great rapport in the first five minutes right um you're like what went wrong and that was about it um and what you gonna do next time i'm gonna transition from the report of the question asking without sounding a douchebag fantastic all right next day and you continue to improve i know this sounds crazy simple but it's so simple no one will do it so number three sees is call recordings if you don't call like record your calls one you're not compliant but two like how are you going to study game film you know i mean everybody's got all their data and you've got your mouse tracking on all the pages i'm like where's the mouse tracking on the calls right that's where that's where you're going to train your team this is like every nba team they play the game and they watch the game footage right why are we not doing that with the sales team and so you should have to record it if you use zoom gong is absolutely the best highly recommend it it's been awesome we'll use it for two years they'll tell you exactly how many minutes people are talking versus someone else they'll tell you who's talking the most where how many questions were asked if the ai they have there is unbelievable it's expensive but it's worth it four calm cycles and feedback um i don't know if you guys have heard the story but if i were trying to uh fix your golf swing right and i said okay so i take a swing looking like i do like a like an idiot right he's like all right man well first off lose 40 pounds so you can rotate all right after you do that uh change your wrist by two degrees turn your other hand over put your thumb underneath i need you to take your first foot put it forward and then point it the other way and then put this foot back and try again i'm [ __ ] no chance of swinging right but if he just said hey take another 20 swins and just put one thumb under the other one i'd have one thing to work on and i could probably get better and so when you're training and this is for the sales directors if you're helping them out with that call what went right went wrong that what am i going to do about it is the one thing does that make sense and so in terms of communication cycles we do weekly with the team we've got daily training we've got daily wrap-up at the end which is really just to pump up and kiss them on the forehead good night to make sure they feel okay right because they do get punched in the face all day so it's worth being like hey you see derek's overcome this morning is [ __ ] awesome he killed it let's watch that as like highlight footage like watch him say he's gonna have to talk to his wife overcome right and then and then they're like dude you killed it and then it just makes them feel like they're part of the team right and so that's where we do the feedback and the communication cycles and then we do one so once a week if they're new we'll do one-on-ones if they're a little bit older we'll do once every other week does that make sense can you use this right now what i'm giving you for your sales teams okay sweet number five cut the fat cut it fast um randy probably knows this better than anyone when you hire salespeople at least in my experience like it's sink or swim like if guys if guys can't close in the first week to two weeks unless it's some sort of crazy complex thing they ain't closing right and then i've got somebody who now came in neutral now they feel like they suck right they're actually worse than someone who's new because now i got to overcome all your beliefs and then bring you back up and so in my experience it's been much easier to take a six and get them to a nine than try and take then try and take a two and get him to a five it's more work and it's not good for me or him right does that make sense so in most cases does anyone have a sales person that you've been waiting for them to turn the corner for the last like six months they're not going to turn the corner unless they've come to jesus moment which does happen but it doesn't need to happen on my team you can do that and come back right all right number six competition and career path all right it's a big one so sales people are competitive right as they should be right they are hunters and they should go hunt and so having competition on regular basis what we have found is that six week cycles tends to work best it is long enough that they believe they can accomplish something but short enough they believe it's going to happen soon and so we run our competitions on six week cycles um for us i think what you said uh whatever ryan said about the percentages 10 to 15 percent actually works pretty well as like a group goal um when we have those as like top sales person would like we did like weekend to vegas so we'll split all the guys that way like four teams of four you know what i mean they're all comp so it's like you get the the competitiveness but you still get the camaraderie because if it's just one you know one versus everyone sometimes they can get um a little bit too you know teethy uh and so having like little mini teams helps too because then you can you can kind of like make it an adjusted draft you put the best guy with the worst guy and then he helps him out and he speeds him up does that make sense and then career path this is one that i probably learned later but it's really good is that you can have minor minor road uh milestones like 50 deals closed 100 deals closed 150 deals closed right and they just get a little just a little you know they go from 500 a deal to 525 a deal right they go from 525 to 550 a deal just the fact that there's this this road map of where they're going and there's actual progress because sales is one of the most repetitive positions in the world just the fact that they're doing this and they're something is changing on the outside i think just helps relieve anxiety and help the guys focus so that is one of the things that i would recommend doing with the career path and then obviously if you have roles like depending how big your team is manager etc and you can move up something that i don't have on here that i will add is that this seems to be common practice but remember dumbest marketer on earth outbound and inbound keep them separated and we also have setters and closers for both of those teams so outbound sets are different than inbound sets which go to different enclosures on either side right because the prospects are a little bit different right and so if you if you have lots of different types of leads going to the same person you're probably losing a lot of efficiency if you don't have that much lead flow that's another issue but it's as soon as you can separating them out will get you a lot a lot higher conversion rates all right so i'll recap this the 60s for scaling our closer sequence make sure that's in a question-based framework daily trainings and conviction so you're reading the testimonials every day you're training them every morning on talking listing the most valuable skills that a salesperson can have call recordings to make sure that they're actually doing any of gamete footage to actually look at communication cycles to actually improve on their skills based on the game footage that we just had you cut the bottom people who are just dragging the team down that probably just don't have the makeup for this and then you keep it competitive and you give them a career path so they have something to look forward to in the future all right and so uh now you can understand how anyone can sell expensive life paper pro even if you don't think you're any good which is completely normal yeah that sales