4 Perspective Shifts DrKashey Taught Me That Keep Me Going

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4 Perspective Shifts Dr.Kashey Taught Me That Keep Me Going


  • After hitting a $4.4 million month in revenue, I realized the importance of longevity in business for sustained success. Keeping mentally fit to handle stress is crucial for long-term play in the entrepreneurial game.
  • The first strategy to reduce pressure is to go 1000x negative: exaggerate the problematic situation to the extreme, desensitize myself to the stressor, and thus minimize the emotional disturbance for better decision-making.
  • The second method involves preparing for the worst: emotionally brace for negative conditions when starting new habits or facing challenges. Bracing enhances resilience and enables action regardless of circumstances.
  • Thirdly, imagine the absolute worst-case scenarios to gain perspective on current problems. This pain anchor shrinks issues to insignificance, as most problems don't get solved; we just stop caring about them because they lose relevance.
  • My most frequently used tactic is the perspective that the universe will eventually render all things meaningless. This belief eases the pressure on myself, as I realize I'm in control of assigning meaning to my life's events.
  • I find personal meaning in learning and teaching; it's not that it holds eternal significance, but it's meaningful to me. Focusing on meaningful activities helps me stay engaged and not quit the game.
  • I teach through my content so I can learn better and provide value to others. Stories and engaging material help transfer knowledge effectively.

Remember, maintain mental agility, brace for hardships, gain perspective on significance, and focus on what is meaningful to you for enduring success in business and life.


How To Take Action

I would suggest dealing with stress by using the 1000x negative method. When something bad happens, think about it happening a thousand times more. This can make you immune to it, and help you make better decisions.

A good way of starting new habits is to prepare for the worst. Expect the worst when starting something new, like a workout routine. If it turns out better, it's a bonus. This emotional brace helps you stick to your plans no matter what.

You should try imagining the worst-case scenarios. Think about something really sad or bad, like losing a loved one. This gives you perspective, and makes other problems seem smaller.

Focus on what's meaningful to you. Remember, the universe will make everything meaningless one day. So, choose to care about things that matter to you. For me, it's learning and teaching. It's not eternally significant, but it's what I love.

To stay engaged and not quit, put your energy into what's important to you. For me, it's making content to teach others. Use stories and fun stuff to share knowledge. This helps you and others to grow.

Remember, these steps can make you strong in business and in life. Keep your mind sharp, get ready for hard times, understand the big picture, and do what you love. This way, you'll keep going no matter what.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"the number one thing that i've seen that creates success is longevity"

– Alex Hormozi

"we are judged by the marketplace by the quality of our decisions"

– Alex Hormozi

"most problems shrink into irrelevance within broader context"

– Alex Hormozi

"nothing has meaning except for what i choose to give meaning"

– Alex Hormozi

"values are eternal values in the universe"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

in march of 2019 my wife and i were walking together after just having finished a 4.4 million dollar month and she turned to me and she said alex let's just shut it all down she's like i'm so tired of this i'm so burnt out i just don't want to do this anymore and it was at that moment that i realized that in order to progress in the entrepreneurial game we had to change the way we operated the way we thought and so if you're an entrepreneur or you're a business owner the number one thing that i've seen that creates success is longevity meaning that you can continue to play the game because at the end of the day none of us is going to quit business or hopefully not quit business and so in order to decrease the likelihood that we quit which is the only way to fail we have to think through our problems with a defined framework and so rather than focus on the actual framework of the decision making what i want to do is focus in around the state in which you can manage your own thoughts right and so um i've had to deal with plenty of stressors as you can imagine so if you're stressed in your own business right now like you know add a zero to whatever your revenue is and you'll have ten times the potential for stress if you're ten times bigger or a hundred times the stress if you're 100 times bigger which depends on who's listening we may be that for you and so i can tell you truthfully that the way that i've been able to eliminate pressure which has created longevity in the game for me has been through four strategies that actually work in the real world for me so the first that i do whenever i have any kind of negative situation is i go a thousand x negative all right and then i re-evaluate so let me explain what that means so if for example there's something that's bad that happens we get a bad review or we get you know a client's upset or i have an employee who says something bad to another employer or employee that's key leaves or someone tries to you know a competitor steal stuff and then starts back whatever it is right there's a million problems in go business or you have cash flow issues or where you can't make payroll whatever it is right i like to think of this one as my first this is my like my first line of defense the first thing i think about is if this were to happen a thousand times more right and this works really well with what i would consider like minor to medium-sized grievances so things that happen that are kind of everyday business that can you know bother you for a day or two days or a week right well if you can just shorten that loop of that cycle of you being disturbed because the thing is lots of those things are going to happen every single week a lot of times you just don't know about them right depending on the size of your business and so i just happen to know about it now and so first off i like to think about that but second is i'll do this right which is i'll imagine that every day in my life this happens whatever that thing is right uh customer's upset now obviously if it's a core issue you have to resolve it but in terms of like it happening in my affective or my emotional reaction to it then i think to myself well if this happened every single day and this happened every hour of every day at some point i would become desensitized to it right because i had so much stimulus of this i would not be able to have an emotional response and so when i think and i imagine myself experiencing this negative thing over and over and over and over again it's called negative visualization then what ends up happening is i become immune to it and so i think to myself well if i can become immune to it after a thousand tries i can become immune to it on the first try because it means nothing has actually changed to only my perspective on the occurrence and in so doing you can short wire yourself to that end outcome and then fast forward it to the present so you can live the rest of your day or less of your week without being emotionally disturbed and when you do that at least for me i feel like i make better decisions and so i think for most of us as entrepreneurs and business owners we are judged by the marketplace by the quality of our decisions that's ultimately what it is right it's just how good are the quality of the decisions that we make and so if i can decrease the likelihood that i make bad decisions and i can do it on a regular basis then this is something that protects my mind and candidly it's what makes life worth living the second thing that i'll do is that when i'm preparing for something that that i need to start doing right because there might be habits or things that you need to start doing you know this is a this is a slightly different example but it's i'm giving you the four different strategies that have worked really well for me the second one is let's say you wanted to start working out because you're like you know what i've been neglecting my health or you know start eating healthy whatever it is right those are fitness examples but just go with me what i will do is i will expect the worst circumstance all right so rather than saying okay i'm going to go work out and feel excited right to go work out i'm super pumped what i want to do is i want to plan and prepare my mental state for when it times to work out when it comes time to work out i'm going to be exhausted i'm not going to have slept well i'm going to have a lot of business stress and so i have to expect that going into every workout now if i don't have that happen then it's a bonus rather than expecting nothing to be my my mental state and then when something bad does happen then i have this reason right and so it it literally does go into truly expecting the worst case scenario and making the pre-formed decision to act anyways despite that because you have planned for it so most people most humans have really good psychological resilience if we brace for it so if you're about to give someone bad news for example you actually have to let them hey this is bad news hey you might want to sit down for this because people actually are very resilient if you give them a moment to emotionally brace themselves and so what we're doing here is using this bracing technique on ourselves in advance of a situation that is likely to occur at some time between now and when we die especially if it's a habit that has to be ongoing right and so what i do is i emotionally brace for the worst scenario all right that's number two the third thing that i do and this is probably the one that i use the most it's really the one that i use the most actually i'll i'll say that one for last a a different version of this the emotional brace is an extreme version right so kind of this is imagine the thing that you just said happen that bothered you for a thousand times then it stops affecting you the second one is you emotionally brace yourself the third one is you imagine worst case all right now the point here is kind of like a pain anchor okay and so what i mean by a pain anchor is it gives you perspective on your current issues right so for this for example whenever you've had a family member die or someone close to you die or some of you even have a pet diet depends on where you're at in your life right if you have something that was painful for you right all of us benefit we get the gift of perspective from those who die that's like the one of the final gifts that any death occurs that's in your proximity will give you right and so for me i think about that negative situation i really like trying and soak myself in it right really try and like put it on and walk around and what that painful state would be whatever whatever worst case scenario i could imagine might be death of a spouse it might be death of a of a parent whatever right or a child something horrific right but if i can truly allow myself to go there then what happens is i get so much context and perspective on the little thing like somebody bashing a piece of content or someone saying that they hate your ad or whatever it might be the thing that is deriding you and all of a sudden that problem becomes massively minimized right it becomes almost inconsequential and what i found is that over my life in the business there are so many there's an infinite amount of problems truly like there's an unlimited amount of problems i could think of so many things we should be doing or we could be doing better or should not have happened right but it's only because we put the word should in front of it that we have an expectation that is different than reality which creates the the friction in our minds creates the dissonance it creates the unhappiness that we have and so if i can imagine the worst case scenario and then actively minimize my current situation then i usually can get right through it and most times what i what i found is that most problems shrink into a relevance within broader context they actually never get solved we just realize that we just don't care and that they are no longer meaningful to us and so that has been something that's been very useful for me as we've grown because frankly the bigger your company gets the more ability and potential you have to become stressed and i think most of us are here for freedom and so if you want freedom then you have to at least for me i have found that i have to manage my mental state in order to continue to make high quality decisions and so that leaves me the last one which is probably my my favorite and most used one that i use on on anything and this may this may bother some of you and that's okay this is an n sorry universe is that this is a this is a world view that i have so if you are if you are you know don't don't be trigger you know don't don't take offense to this but i'm telling you what has worked for me and so i believe that the universe will continue to expand until eventually everything becomes a fine mist over a long enough time horizon the sun will give out all stars will extinguish and then everything will just become a fine mist and as silly as that may sound it means that anything that we do this video anything that i accomplish in this world will eventually disappear and be meaningless and so some people find that incredibly depressing i don't i find that to be incredibly meaningful because it means to me that i'm allowed to i am the only person that ascribes meaning to anything because it means that nothing has inherent meaning and so that means that when i have any stressors in my life i'm saying that i'm choosing my brain is choosing to make meaning out of this when there was no meaning to be made to begin with and so by doing that i can play the notes of the piano of meaning that happen across the occurrences and circumstances in my life and so when i think about it in this context everything shrinks into a relevance and so a lot of the the concepts around like i want to build a legacy i want i want to make an impact i want to leave a dent in the universe you're not you're probably not going to leave it done in the universe and even if you made some big advancement within 500 years like it'll probably be forgotten and that would be like if you're the top point zero zero zero zero one percent right it's unlikely but it is a hundred percent likely that over a long enough time horizon everything will disappear right and by doing that for me it decreases the pressure that i put on myself for having to i must i should i have to like i can't live without those thoughts that strangle me right those are the things that destroy my ability to make decisions because i become way more emotional as a result of them and so whenever i have any kind of negative occurrence or any stressors that come up in my life which are inevitable i use this as my ultimate frame of reference this is my ultimate trump card that i use to keep my my emotions at bay and ultimately say i am the master of my own universe i get to decide what has meaning and for me i'll tell you what what what i have found most meaningful for me is that my purpose in life to to my knowledge at this point is to learn i love learning and so that is that is why i make these videos because i feel like i am able to better learn how to think i'm better on how to run businesses i'm a better learn i can better learn all of the aspects of everything by teaching it right and i'm sure if you ever did a book report when you were in high school you learned the one chapter you had to do your book report on or give a presentation on way better than any of the other chapters because when you have to teach something you have to learn it better you have to learn the nuances of what makes something work and so for me even cataloging these things been useful for me because i think these are all the things that i do huh but now i have a process that i can continually use use haphazardly just because i've just trained myself over time doing this and so i don't know where you're at in your business career if you're you know you're at seven figures you're at eight figures or multi-figures you have multiple companies whatever it is right this has been so personally impactful for me that it has helped me be in this for the long haul because if nothing has meaning except for what i choose to give meaning then it means i can choose to only play games that i find meaningful and by extension i will not fall out of the game or quit because the thing that i'm doing is the thing that that i derive the most meaning from and so i will be able to outlast longer players pursuit and what happened is for me my life becomes a glorification to an idea faster and break through the bottlenecks that you have so you can so for me like this i will you know we'll do every time i can check out one of my uh my next videos that are coming out as i'm going through courses the lessons that i have more engaging more entertaining more educational have more stories woven into them so that hopefully i can transfer these things to someone else because that is what i find meaningful not because it is eternally meaningful but just because that ideal to me has meaning and so um that is something that i believe is eternal values are eternal values in the universe and so for me i choose to dedicate my content to those ideals and so anyways i hope you find value in this i hope this is interesting to you subscribe like all that jazz um and have an absolutely wonderful day where you can create all the meaning you want or remove all the meaning from the negative things that occur in your life using some of these four hacks so lots of love keeping awesome and i'll catch you in the next vid bye

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