A Business Lesson From My Wife

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A Business Lesson From My Wife


  • If you're running a business under $10 million, it's imperative to take immediate action on tasks. Don't procrastinate or let work pile up.
  • True efficiency comes from being a master at delegating and holding others accountable, not from being a "systems person."
  • The best operators empower their teams to think independently rather than relying on rigid rules.
  • Individuals who focus on titles, like 'Director of Operations' or 'General Manager,' often emphasize systems and processes that can bog down progress.
  • People who overconcentrate on systems tend to complicate workflows and become obstacles rather than facilitators.
  • Genuine leadership is about guiding others effectively, not about imposing cumbersome procedures.
  • It took me a significant amount of time to understand that effective operation is about leadership and clear direction, not just systems and processes.


How To Take Action

I would suggest taking action right away when you have a task. If you've got a business making less than $10 million, do the job now. Don't wait or let things stack up on your desk because that just makes it harder to get things done later.

Being really good at giving others tasks and making sure they finish them is better than trying to do everything with just systems. When you let your team make decisions on their own, they can do their jobs without always needing rules.

If you're in a leadership role, focus on helping your team, not on your title or making a bunch of rules. Having the title like 'Director of Operations' sounds important, but if you make work too complicated for everyone, that's not going to help.

Here's what you can do:

  • When you get a new task, finish it as soon as you can. Don't wait.
  • Learn to give tasks to other people and check that they're doing it right.
  • Help your team learn to think and make good choices without needing lots of rules.
  • Don't get stuck on having a fancy title. It's more about helping your team do their best work.
  • Remember, being a good leader means guiding people the right way, not just making more procedures.

It took me a while, but I learned that leading well and giving clear instructions is what makes things work, not just having systems and following them without thinking.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"The best operators take action immediately on tasks."

– Alex Hormozi

"They don't let anything sit on their desk."

– Alex Hormozi

"They are delegation and accountability machines."

– Alex Hormozi

"True operators are leaders."

– Alex Hormozi

"Only dumb people need rules."

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

everybody who's under 10 million listen up the best operators take action immediately on tasks they don't let anything sit on their desk they are delegation and accountability machines not quote systems people they get mounts of work done through leading others to think for themselves only dumb people need rules people will call themselves operators let say I'm a director of operations I used to be a general manager they'll use these titles right and they'll come in oh yeah I'm going to put systems in place I'm going to put processes in place most of the time those people are just a complete pain in the ass and slow everyone down true operators are leaders it really took me a long time to figure this out it's not about like systems like they like processes they just wave their hands and really what it means is they just like make everyone's life harder

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