Behind the Scenes at the Office
- Understand that managing an in-person office space can be more work than anticipated, especially for a large building that isn't up-to-date and needs renovation.
- Having an in-person office fosters a better team environment where people can bond and communicate more effectively than they could remotely.
- Prioritize making real, human connections with your teammates; it helps with team trust and improves the overall business.
- Utilize your time efficiently, such as taking meetings during times you can't be physically productive, for example, when getting hair and makeup done.
- Create content that is personally interesting and helpful, focusing on what you've learned, what your team has learned, and answering questions that you've been asked.
- Be transparent as a leader but find the balance between professional leadership and personal transparency.
- Empower people to think about how to do something rather than telling them exactly what to do — this helps develop leaders.
- Change your environment if you want to influence personal change; a supportive environment can be a key factor in promoting growth and success.
- Saying no to others can mean saying yes to yourself, and it's important to prioritize your time effectively and focus on what propels you towards your goals.
- Remove unnecessary meetings where possible, as this can free up valuable resources and improve efficiency across the team.
- Celebrate team wins, giving shout outs and celebrating successes can boost morale and keep the team motivated.
- Be adaptable with your schedule so that you can respond to the needs of the day and maintain balance in work and personal life.
- Take pride in your achievements, and don't be afraid to take big risks to create something significant that reflects your vision and aspirations.
How To Take Action
I would suggest starting with creating a better team environment. If you work with others, try meeting in person sometimes. This helps build trust and makes communication easier. It can also help the team feel closer and work better together. If you have an office, make it a place where the team can bond, like setting up a spot for meals or a gym area.
A good way of managing your time is by multitasking during low-activity times. For example, if you’re waiting for something, that's a good time for meetings or planning. Also, consider making content about things you find interesting or helpful. It can be about what you've learned or questions others have asked you.
Focus on empowering the people around you. Instead of telling them exactly what to do, try asking them how they would handle things. That way, you help them become leaders, too. If you're a leader, it’s also important to find the right mix between being open and professional.
Remember that changing your environment can help you change yourself. So if you want to grow, make sure your workspace or home supports that growth. Say no to things that don't help you reach your goals. That way, you're saying yes to yourself.
Cut down on meetings that aren’t needed to save time. When you have meetings, use them to cheer on your team’s successes. This will boost morale.
Be ready to adjust your schedule if needed. This flexibility helps balance work and life. And be proud of what you've achieved. Don't be afraid to take big risks to create something great that shows your vision.
Start with small steps that don’t cost much. Over time, these will add up to big changes for you and your business.
Quotes by Leila Hormozi
"I have learned how to say no without being a complete dick to people"
– Leila Hormozi
"Saying no to somebody else is saying yes to yourself"
– Leila Hormozi
"Every time I said yes to somebody else that deterred me just a little bit from my goals, I was saying no to myself"
– Leila Hormozi
"If you say yes to this person, who on the other side are you robbing that time from?"
– Leila Hormozi
"The most valuable resource is labor"
– Leila Hormozi
Full Transcript
this episode of the hormos is a day behind the scenes at the acquisition. comom office so you're going to see me talking with my team doing an employee appreciation event and running meetings my dad was like can you send me a picture with this done I want to put it on my Facebook when you're working at home you're seeing somebody all the time because you're in the same space and so when we work at the office we go in at different times we leave at different times we eat lunch at different times and so if we both have free time I'm just going to run into his office and like say hey do you mind dropping like a synopsis of that in the leadership thread I have to go into for a little bit share it with me after you read it up you have any of those algae gummies it I'm just going to go without these the next one stop take it back all right I got to go all so after I checked in with Alex I went to my next meeting where we were talking about basically the impact of having an in-person office oh it's been nuts yeah space has been super great oh good yeah it's been really this has been a really good meeting I was like compulsive like I have to go in and tell them like the carpet's not forever like don't look at the rug don't even don't even care you know the having the building has been a lot of mixed feelings like so much more work than I was anticipating like to the point it just like pisses me off I think I didn't anticipate how much work it was going to be we have like the two Studios being built so there's one for me one for Alex and there's a studio downstairs being built which is a shared studio and then redoing all this spacing to be updated and modern poras Meine has been the one handling a lot of it we hired the building manager who's taken a ton but it's it's yeah it was a lot more than I anticipated for such a large building especially when you buy an office like we did where it's not completely up to date and we're redoing everything that's a huge piece that was unknown I think on the other hand I still like being in here more than I don't because our team is here and I think just anybody who's here they just get a lot of ancillary time with you know myself Alex other people on the team that other people don't so I think it provides more opportunity to the teammates who come and work in the office it's cool to have everybody one spot where you feel like you can Bond much more easily like it was totally worth it you know we have a gym down so we like all go work out and be like hey we can LIF together and then it's like oh you want to get up dinner you know and so stuff like that I mean communicating in person I think is even easier than over Zoom I I like it way more like I my quality of life is higher like working at home and not seeing people all day I prefer having like people around but I think the the biggest part is just I don't know it feels like you just have a lot more ability to help like the communication and the ability to see change in people it's just so much faster it makes my job easier for me to meet with people that report to me and to talk with them to guide them to Mentor them to help them and so it's all those like discretionary moments that I think I didn't get before that I've just noticed I'm able to help develop people much faster I see the benefits of the people who have been around us in person and like what it looks like and how much faster they've grown if I can get as many people in person as I can then i' I'd rather do that and I feel like with where the brand is right now A lot of people are willing to to move so yeah I think for everything that we want to do that just helps a lot more getting the building I was scared because it's like wow that's a commitment I don't even like buying a house but I knew that the vision of where we want to go this is needed to get there and if anything we're going to need a bigger building than this Jason what do you think you know definitely being around the team like say like having CB and like Trevor has been like Game Changer really more like the how connected we are makes it into like the next level I feel like yeah it's just way better of that I think it's way better for filming content film a lot more yeah we film way more now first of these let's talk about this so next I'm jumping into a Content ideation meeting which we do like every two weeks I try to use my time in different ways so like when I'm getting my hair and makeup done I can't use my hands or anything so I'll usually take meetings it looks like you were interested in the how to get better at anything in half the time yeah this is podcast style right I think we could definitely do podcast I would just ask a bunch of questions yeah I think it's a good way to go with that one I can also see this being a really good walk and talk like very casual yeah I I think that makes sense too I'm I'm good with either format you know I still don't feel like I have a Content creation process I don't like go look and see what like the top stuff is in content I just like talk about what's interesting to me and every time that I've try to talk about stuff that's like relevant and top of mind it might do well but I just like hate making it and so at the end of the day I just come back to like what happened in the last few weeks for me what are some like lessons that I feel like I've learned learned people on my team have learned my portfolio companies have learned what are questions that people have been asking me where have people ask me for help and I just think about how I could answer that person's question or develop that person in a video not it do you want to go over yours I kind of came up with this concept how to communicate as a leader and a big part of the brand is like transparency like how do you be transparent with your company while also you know remaining in that like professional leadership role yes I want to do it I struggle with this topic because there's no right answer it's just you know what I'm saying so it's like I actually have struggled a ton and like Tred to write like six videos kind of like this cuz it is an important topic I'm just trying to figure out how to position it I think what we want to get out of this is why I do those things cuz the why is more important than the what when I say that there's no right answer it's because I also just think that there's a million ways to do things there's a million ways to grow business you don't have to live my life you don't have to live Alex's life you do it your own way and so I always want to empower people on how to think about something rather than how to do something in my daytoday life I'm trying to develop people to be leaders and so I'm trying to teach people how to think like a leader I'm not telling them what to do the last one I think is a really powerful video that we could do but like stop trying to change yourself change your environment I feel like is a really key Learning lesson that no I think that's a really good concept I just want to do it justice so I agree I think it would be scripted the biggest thing that's helped with my content creation process is just like literally just not being afraid to try different stuff and to say what you think like I wonder if transcribe every single one of your YouTube videos and put into a gbt and then like on any topic we can ask it and see what you've said on it before and then bring it to you on some of these calls like this is what was said be like who is this dumb who are you guys getting this from and I think in the beginning I was so cautious about like what I was saying because I felt like I was going to get judged and then I realized I was getting judged for that wasn't even just me you know it's like now I get judged it doesn't bother me because I'm like yeah that is who I am I'm a little weird or like I say that weird or I talk funny or whatever it may be it's worth it cuz that's who I am rather than somebody I'm faking being appreciate you guys preparing all the stuff and if you want to throw that stuff in a then I'll just like when I have extra time I'll start referencing it I think I just continue to lean more into making the stuff that I want to make and if that's not like content that goes viral it's not content that goes viral whatever yeah I like the hair and them P super cute I need to get this lip gloss what is it these actually these are brand new please I could buy more I'm a yeah but please just um add it to your when youo me because I'm not going to take it for free but I will take I will not accept it for free but they can I will accept it for free vlogging is an interesting process because there's a lot of days that you get nothing and like the boss side of me is like oh my God I'm just like wasting my team's time you should like dance monkey dance do something cool I'm just like sitting on meetings and it's like hey can't listen to this meeting can't be in that meeting can you leave I really appreciate apprciate it thank you so I played it back and on I wish I could show absolutely everything I think sometimes it can be frustrating because the things that are probably the most compelling to show are not things that other people want shown yeah it's a very big percentage and so like I still do it because what we do capture and when we do get glimpses into those moments I think it gives people like a realistic expectation for you know what it takes to have a certain level of success at least in the way that I do it which to me then also gave me a little bit of like I'm not that like more I would have appreciated knowing that earlier on it's not like one day it's complete Glamour and like so easy it's like if anything there's much higher Stakes there's much more downside there's much more risk there's also bigger reward I'm good good thank you for doing this oh yeah nice to see you so now that I have my hair and makeup done I'm going to go into my first podcast of the day I'm basically batching content so if I do one podcast I'm going to try and get three in a day if I don't have three in a day to get I'm going to try and get some other content so I'm just trying to batch the content so I can go back to my normal day job 3 2 1 Lea hosi welcome to think unbroken my friend thanks for having me oned thanks for thanks for coming I've been looking forward to doing this with you for a long time um you guys have had a ton going on between everything amazing that you do at acquisition. comom as well as this new amazing office that you're that I'm lucky enough to be the first person to record you in here word on the street you know you and I had the honor of meeting each other and at the end of that conversation I was like you're real and so I kind of want to jump this off how do you follow through on your decision making I have learned how to say no without being a complete dick to people I think a lot of people feel like oh what I don't want to say no I'm like why saying no to somebody else is saying yes to yourself what I realized is every time I said yes to somebody else that deterred me just a little bit from my goals I was saying no to myself if you say yes to this person who on the other side are you Rob ing that time from whether it be yourself or somebody else who is much more deserving of that time and who has done much more to propel themselves in the direction that you also seek to go a huge frame I use for myself is like this person wants this thing from you you could help them well who else needs your help that is shown through their actions that they are probably more worthy of it and I'm like well I have a whole team hi happy first day how's it so now what you're watching is behind the scenes of our Employee Appreciation lunch that we did on that same day the team to send pictures so like this the one is meia Alex cooking this we met the that one is filming of you there's a team one they're pretty to these are so nice to each other as sisters my sister would be like ew who's that and she'd be like really though your hair doesn't look good there well I did to bring a really bad chall picture of her but somebody told me that Employee Appreciation was coming up and I was like oh my God we have an office now we should do like a lunch or something and then they just like went out of control you know no they like coordinated a whole lunch with a cute little game and like it was really cute oh my God one is so obvious Salute You It's You Luke I think I mean I could be wrong but damn damn it dude you get that so the game that we played was basically you had to guess who was what baby which I felt was very insulting especially I was like who's going to guess mine I've had like a nose job I definitely picked some up ones I thought some of the guys were girls and the girls were guys I lost that Cas I'm going to be so offended if I accidentally I just realized like what if I say a girl's a guy or a guy's a girl hey they're babies I think that's understandable we got one Le yes is an easy one cuz she's not a baby guys I was an immigrant I don't have any baby pictures of me literally are just blonde guesses is this on a bike can't see Jack I can't even see it I can't tell I've changed four times guess is on this one I think it's you you I don't want to tell you oh it's you I didn't know you were on there so I said Ryan it's you and then I noticed after luk I think that's Lea it's not I just up real bad Luke thought I was one of the dudes you know this one like actually was very uh I think it's a team that trusts each other and likes each other communicates more which benefits the business I think at the end of the day I don't want to work somewhere where I'm like trying to avoid people that I've hired I assume that other people that are on this team feel the same way like you don't want to work with people that you don't feel close to you don't know I think having time to just like talk about I think it's important shoulders back in the face you just threw my bracket yeah that is crazy that screwed the whole thing so then after that lunch I went to the studio for my second podcast of the day awesome how are you good how are you doing doing good it's great to see you good to see you too fired up what's our hard stop here go till like 3:45 okay what are we talking about you're just super generous with your knowledge and your stuff's on a whole another level and what you're doing is massively generous to business owners and everybody and thanks for being real in a world of fakes I appreciate that so thank you I think what makes for good questions as a podcast host are asking personal questions like vague open-ended questions I don't do great with I like to know like where are you trying to lead me and have you always had the mental toughness to to perform under pressure or was there a particular time in your life when you didn't and how did you grow it people have to do research to dig to find those moments that people haven't spoken of because they haven't caught on to the little things someone has said and someone just like pulls that string I think those people are the best podcast hosts I have had the ability to remain poised when there's a lot of happening and when I'm stressed and I think that I've gotten a lot of that practice through running the business and showing up on a meeting with hundreds of employees and remaining points oh how did you feel about the podcast setup dude it was so it was so good I compared to what I thought it was going to be I thought it was going to be like the the card table and like chairs so then I wrapped up the day with a few meetings and I think the first one was a meeting with Caleb who's our director of brand like okay as we're scaling what happens is processes break ones that take long take even longer and then meetings multiply I want to take away before we you know and one of the things that I was discussing with Caleb was basically a companywide initiative that I had talked about where it was basically just like we need to eliminate meetings like we have too many I'm looking at all your calendars like there's waste my take away from it is ultimately people just want to know what's going on we eliminate all these meetings everyone's going to feel so isolated especially if people report to me and they get on a meeting and it seems like there's a decision made and they weren't looped in then they DM me and say is this what's happening should I change all these things and I'm like if I wasn't aware that this change was made either then how can I help I can think of better ways to get the job done I might figure out how to double their time if I just understand where the inefficiencies are and that's what I'm personally very good at somebody either Jimmy or Michael brought up the need for another call I think it may have been Michael and Jimmy's first thing was okay cool what call are we eliminating and I was like my God God I just look at it like it's my responsibility to know where the most valuable resource is going and the most valuable resource is labor and that is something I do think that like we have looed our I have I've done mine and honestly I was talking to Trevor about for a while and then I was just like I literally thought who do I get the most done with and I thought of the people the highest one would be gasm Deo right I work all day every day we never have calls we only use a and slack because what happens is often people wait till the meeting which with some things is good but with like tasks and projects that move the business forward I want them to just be small and so it's like if I know where all the time goes I can be like oh I can triple this person's output by just removing these things and they would probably be happy for it so I had this like realization I was like oh my God I A what would be better would be to eliminate the meetings and then create a meeting purely for the social right yeah it's like if we want it to be a social thing then let's have a social meeting rather than like this like half thing I think that in a lot of the ways as a business scales Things become more complex faster communication Cycles can usually prevent that the agenda for the leadership call what it was when we had that it made me completely rethink all of those things and that's when we had the conversation of like what can we move from meeting to ass and like to thank you cuz of course uh I imagine we have blow in and we would continue to we don't totally and it's more like it's even just a little bit of like a look at your calendar and think like what meetings do I think are a waste and I think you can always add meetings back if something doesn't work you know that's the way I think one ones are super important Caleb immediately took action and was like here's what I'm thinking for the media team we got the full team meeting the full team meeting so the next team meeting that we have is the full team meeting which always starts with shout outs hi everyone happy Monday and we are going to start with shout outs Ben I just wanted to shout out Neil for being an awesome thought partner Neil and I meet and I get to throw ideas at them and we trade thoughts and I feel like uh whenever we talk about something I understand the problem differently I just wanted to shout out Neil for that time and time again like over the last eight years I've run full team meetings so many different ways and I've just realized that it needs to be for the most part hyp and Nadia yeah I just wanted to shout out Jason because like I have the pleasure of just really witnessing his growth like not only as like a videographer but as an interviewer and just like busting out the best footage ever and yeah I love you Jason you're doing amazing like it just needs to get people happy and excited and so for me I think a lot of it is sharing wins sharing what's good celebrations and that's what I like to Center those around and yeah I had two um one was I want to give a shout out to Jimmy and Michael because I kind of just threw a meeting on their calendar last minute and then I just kind of like went forward and and then they were like well we prepared this entire you know three-page document making sure that we could take action on the things we talked about which I really appreciated um and the second was a shout out to Neil and Ben I was going to say for thinking like owners and proactively taking the time to help us hit our goals faster huge relief on me cuz I'm also thinking ahead but not as methodically as the two of them so uh it was very much appreciated we are done here right I'll give you 3 minutes back have a good day everyone you know I think the end of my day is open to interpretation because sometimes I end up like staying late helping someone work on something sometimes I end up wanting to just go home immediately so I can just like reset and then work again at home and then sometimes I end up like going on a walk with people but you take your walk and I'll see you back okay I am open to being flexible despite liking to have a a schedule every day like I'm open to changing up what I'm going to do based on what happens oh it's cold definitely weird to see like a sign go up on a building that's your own you know it's not like a space that you rent it's not like in another building it's like a standalone building that you own with your sign with your team it's a cool feeling it feels like like the dream is coming to life I don't know why a sign on the building feels like such an accomplishment feels like an accomplishment because I think you know when I first start off in business you know my first company was remote and when we had 100 employees it didn't feel real until we had an inperson event and then I was like holy crap wow all these people work at this company that was just an idea 5 years ago and I think it just makes it very real I think I feel Pride like a sense of pride in what we've done and what we're doing buying a huge building is a big risk and it was scary for me to do and we've done it and I think it's like starting to come together starting to look cool in a way it's like putting your stake in the ground of like this is going to work and it's going to be something big that's like the big aspirational piece that like keeps me loving it and I just feel proud for taking big swings like I think that's actually what it is it's like yes let's do the building and then I was like yes we're going all in on training and workshops I think I feel good taking big swings we're not in some thot thing like we're saying we're going to fill this building I've got One Life to Live I want to hang out with cool people and do cool epic and like I want to do it in a building that's cool as I think I've always wanted a business in person and now it feels like it's coming to life