Do You Get Tired?
- I truly believe that feeling tired, stressed, sad, hungry, frustrated, or unfocused is just a part of being human; it doesn't necessarily mean you need medication.
- We often think that we should take something to make bad feelings go away, like wishing for the sun to come out during the rain, which is not how life works.
- It's common to have been taught that being unhappy means something's wrong with us, but I firmly disagree with that.
- A lot of the unhappiness people experience is actually due to the judgement of being unhappy, rather than the feeling itself causing the problem.
How To Take Action
I would suggest embracing all your feelings, even the not-so-good ones. If you're tired or stressed, remember it's normal and part of life. Instead of trying to make those feelings go away quickly, let's think about what they're telling us. Are you doing too much? Not getting enough sleep? When you feel bad, take a moment to check in with yourself. See if there's something that needs changing, like resting more or maybe getting help with your work.
A good way of dealing with unhappy feelings is to stop judging yourself for them. It's okay to feel down sometimes. Rather than thinking something's wrong with you, try to understand why you feel this way. Maybe you're sad because you miss someone, or maybe you're hungry because you forgot to eat. Knowing why you feel a certain way can help you figure out what to do about it.
To put this into action, here's what you should do. Create a simple habit: when you notice you're feeling bad, pause for a minute. Ask yourself, "What's really going on here?" Write down the feeling and what might have caused it. After you understand it better, you can decide if it's something that needs action or if it's just a sign that you're living a full, human life.
Remember, you don't need to fix every uncomfortable feeling. It's not about always being happy just like it's not always sunny. And that's perfectly fine.
Quotes by Alex Hormozi
"Great, you're human"
– Alex Hormozi
"You don't need medication"
– Alex Hormozi
"It's just like saying like anytime it rains I need to take medication so that it's always sunny"
– Alex Hormozi
"Most of the time it's because we've been told that being unhappy means that there's something wrong with you"
– Alex Hormozi
"I think way more unhappiness happens from the judgment on their unhappy than unhappiness itself ever caused"
– Alex Hormozi
Full Transcript
do you get tired stressed sad hungry frustrated unfocused do you ever feel misunderstood great you're human you don't need medication it's just like saying like anytime it rains I need to take medication so that it's always sunny it has to be sunny it must be sunny I need it to be sunny why most of the time it's because we've been told that being unhappy means that there's something wrong with you and I just I just wholeheartedly reject that notion I think way more unhappiness happens from the judgment on their unhappy than unhappiness itself ever caused