Doing My Own Hair and Makeup

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Doing My Own Hair and Makeup?


  • It's not practical for me to spend time learning hair and makeup skills when my time is better invested in my current income-generating activities.
  • Doing hair and makeup can be fun, but I find it frustrating, especially when the results aren't what I expect.
  • I've encountered other women who routinely get professional hair and makeup done for events, which was a new concept to me.
  • Having professionals handle my appearance ensures better results than if I attempted it myself.
  • Exposure to beauty services varies based on location; growing up in Michigan, professional hair and makeup were less common compared to places like Vegas or California.
  • The importance of professional beauty services can increase if you're in an environment where it is a regular practice.


How To Take Action

Hey, I've got some tips on how to use your time effectively, especially when it comes to looking your best for special events. First things first, if you're super busy focusing on your work or business, I would suggest not spending lots of time trying to learn hair and makeup skills. Instead, think about getting help from a professional. It's just like hiring someone to do something that takes you hours to learn, and they can do it quickly and better!

Now, if you notice that in your area, like in some cities in California or Vegas, people often get their hair and makeup done by pros, it might be worth considering for yourself too. Why? Because in those places, it's kind of expected. It can make a great impression, and it can also boost your confidence.

So here's the plan:

  1. Save your precious time — let the experts handle your hair and makeup for big events.
  2. Avoid the frustration of doing it yourself, especially if it's not your thing. You don't want to end up chucking your curling iron across the room, right?
  3. If you're in a fancy town or going to a big gala, getting your look done by a pro can be normal. It might be a little less usual if you're from a place like Michigan, but still, consider it for those really special times.
  4. The results will likely be so much better when a pro does it. They have the practice and the know-how to do it just right.

Remember, you're investing in yourself and your time, which is super valuable. So next time there's a big event, consider booking a professional for your hair and makeup. It’ll save you time, stress, and you'll look amazing!

Quotes by Leila Hormozi

"It doesn't make sense for me to learn that when I could be learning something that applies to how I'm making income right now"

– Leila Hormozi

"I just get frustrated and throw my curling iron"

– Leila Hormozi

"I'm getting my hair and makeup done tonight"

– Leila Hormozi

"Why would I do it myself when somebody can do it so much better"

– Leila Hormozi

"It also becomes relevant when you're in a city where people are doing it more regularly"

– Leila Hormozi

Full Transcript

how long does it take me to learn how to do my hair and makeup well it doesn't make sense for me to learn that when I could be learning something that applies to like how I'm making income right now unless I just want to do it for fun but I don't I just get frustrated and throw my curling iron you know I met a few ladies they're like oh I'm getting my hair and makeup done tonight I'm like what they're like yeah for the gala I didn't know that was a thing and then they're like yeah well why would I do it myself when somebody can do it so much better and I was like that's really interesting it's just not something I even had thought about I don't think I'd even been exposed to it I grew up in Michigan like people only get their and makeup done for a wedding Vegas California definitely much more of like the scene for beauty so I think it also becomes relevant when you're in a city where people are doing it more regularly

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