Easiest Way To Get Your First 5 Clients if you have no budget

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Easiest Way To Get Your First 5 Clients [if you have no budget]


  • If you're not acquiring customers consistently, consider focusing on outbound and inbound strategies.
  • Outbound can involve direct outreach or paid ads, with the core concept being initiating contact with potential customers.
  • A key mistake many businesses make is not engaging in sufficient volume of outreach or paid advertising.
  • I've created the "Rule of 100," suggesting that doing 100 of something daily, like reaching out or spending $100 on ads, can enhance your skills and lead to outcomes.
  • Skill improvement comes from volume. The more you practice something, the better you get at it, leading to more enjoyment and further skill enhancement.
  • If you're not getting customers, assess if you're following the "Rule of 100" by either doing 100 reach-outs per day or spending $100 per day on ads.
  • Paid advertising and outreach should be done consistently, not sporadically based on motivation.
  • As you improve in skill, your return on investment should increase, reinforcing the need for consistent effort and volume.
  • When hiring, be prepared for others to perform at a lower level compared to you initially. Training multiple people will eventually outweigh individual performance constraints.
  • Scaling your team allows you to expand beyond personal limitations and enhances your business's capacity.
  • Implement the "Rule of 100" consistently over time, such as 90 days, for a significant improvement in client acquisition.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing the "Rule of 100" if you're struggling to find customers. Start reaching out to 100 potential clients daily or spend $100 on ads each day. This consistent practice enhances your skills over time and increases customer acquisition.

Here's a good way of doing it:

  1. Choose whether outreach or paid advertising works best for you. If you're low on cash, start with outreach; if you have a marketing budget, consider ads.
  2. If you pick outreach, identify 100 people to contact each day. This could be through cold emails, direct messages on social media, or phone calls. Quality is important, but so is volume. Stick to it every single day, not just when you feel motivated.
  3. If you select paid advertising, set aside $100 per day for your campaigns. Target your ads carefully, but don't be afraid to experiment to find what works best. Remember, consistent spending is key.
  4. Don't get discouraged if you're not a master salesperson or marketer at first. Practice makes perfect. The more you do it, the more you'll enjoy it, leading to further skill improvement.
  5. When you're ready to scale, start training others. They might not be as good as you starting out, but more people doing the work still increases output. Accept that there will be a learning curve.
  6. Keep up your efforts for an extended period – commit to the "Rule of 100" for at least 90 days. It's the consistency over time that will really show results.
  7. As you get better, your results should improve, and so will your return on investment. This continued effort leads to sustained growth.

Remember, the goal is to make acquiring customers a regular part of your business. It doesn't have to be perfect from the start; it just has to be consistent.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"If you do a hundred of something every day, you'll likely get better at it and you'll likely be doing enough that you will be able to start seeing an outcome"

– Alex Hormozi

"The volume begets the skill but the thing is as you get better at something you like doing it more"

– Alex Hormozi

"If you are not acquiring customers then you're not doing the rule of 100"

– Alex Hormozi

"Do it every day for 90 days and I guarantee you, you will have customers by the end of that process"

– Alex Hormozi

"Sometimes you have to take a short step back when you go from you not selling to somebody else selling"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

what's going on uh if you are not acquiring customers every single week week in week out then this is for you all right so fundamentally two ways you can well there's six ways you can search for clients but two that i want to talk about today is going to be outbound and inbound all right so outbound being like you're actively reaching out to people and getting a certain small percentage to respond and the other version of that is paid ads which is fundamentally again outbound you're displaying stuff it's just you're paying a platform to have the eyeball rather than doing the manual work to get the eyeball but the result is more or less the same a certain percentage like one percent click from the ad and then they go through the process whereas when you're doing outbound you have one percent that might respond to your outbound response and then it comes inbound right so what i want to talk about here is the number one thing that i see people that mess this up is that they do insufficient volume and so what i want to do is give you a rule of thumb that i'm coining the rule of 100 all right and what it basically states and i'm i haven't heard this from anyone so i'm i'm claiming it as my own all right is that if you do a hundred of something every day you'll likely get better at it and you'll likely be doing enough that you will be able to start seeing an outcome so in theory if you were like the biggest master of all time you would need to do less volume to get the same outcome if i was the best paid advertiser of all time then i wouldn't need to do a ton of paid advertising to get a lot of sales right right to the same degree if i was the best cold caller in existence i would need to do far fewer calls in order to generate the outcome they're looking for more sales right but here's the twist how do you think you become the best paid advertiser of all time how do you think you become the best cold outbound cold messenger cold email or cold caller of all time volume and so the volume begets the skill but the thing is as you get better at something you like doing it more and so this is actually a circle that continues to reinforce itself and the thing is is that most people do not start with the first thing in high enough quantity they do not do sufficient volume which is why i'm introducing the rule of 100. and so basically it states that if you are not acquiring like right now if you're not acquiring customers then you're not doing the rule of 100. it's very simple if you're not spending 100 per day on advertising or doing a hundred reach outs per day then how do you expect to grow right and i'm saying this you can add zeros you can remove zeros whatever but the idea is that at a base level and this is per person this is per per human being right that you have that's working if you are not doing this then you're not going to grow right and so most people do outbound and they do it one time a week or one time every two weeks when they feel motivated they don't do it every day to the same degree they're doing uh paid ads and they're like well i spent you know i spent 100 bucks it's like so what you got to spend 100 every day right and then what's going to happen is you're going to suck in the beginning and you hope you can break even and then over time the skill will improve and then you will get more back from your volume right but everyone wants to have a a huge skill and do low volume to get their outcome but the reality is that to generate the skill you have to have the volume and then in so doing you do more volume times the skill and the skill gets better and then the outcome continues to increase and so right now if you're not doing 100 outreaches a day in your business where you're not spending 100 a day on ads how are you going to get clients like what's the plan like how like like how is this working and so one of the number one things is like when someone's reaching out to me and they're like man i wish i could get more clients i'm like well are you doing either of these first question and if they're not then it's like well then don't pass go do one of these two pick one it doesn't really matter the thing is is that if it's just you running in your business then this is going to be the cheapest thing to do because it's just selling your time right in the beginning and you'll be able to do this and then you can teach another person and then another person and then another person how to continue to do this because you will then have the skill that you can drop into their brains and so that they can replicate the same results you will and reality is they're not going to replicate the same result they'll probably do it half as well or a third as well but if you can still get uh you know thirty to one ten to one returns on on the reach out efforts that you're doing then you can stand to have a you know fifty percent as effective person but have ten people doing it right at the end of the day most people especially when you're in the earlier parts of the business the people you hire aren't going to be better than you are at these things but 10 of them will be better than you are at those things and that was one of the biggest jumps i had to take is that sometimes you have to take a short step back when you go from you not selling to somebody else selling right but you can quickly go from one person to three people to five people selling because you are no longer the bottleneck of the constraint all right and so just recognizing that and using the rule of 100 as a rule of thumb for any of the any of the acquisition efforts that you were doing i guarantee you uh will will serve you in your life and so it's like if you have not spent a hundred dollars every day or if you have not done 100 reach outs every day and you are struggling to get clients then do that first and then keep doing it not one day do it every day for 90 days right do it every day for 90 days and i guarantee you you will have customers by the end of that process all right so anyways lots of love put those value before you um if you did enjoy this drop a like drop a comment and um i'll see you guys soon bye

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