Everyones Actual Fear

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Everyone’s Actual Fear


  • I've found that fear of failure often isn't about the failure itself, but about losing status among peers.
  • I experienced this feeling when I left my prestigious consulting job to become a personal trainer, which was seen as a step down by those around me.
  • Making a change or starting something new usually comes with short-term pain or a temporary step back in terms of how others perceive your success.
  • It's common to have to take a single step back to eventually make progress, sometimes taking two, three, or even ten steps forward.
  • The real fear for many people is not failing, but the fear of others witnessing their failure and being judged for it.


How To Take Action

I would suggest focusing on your goals and not worrying about what others think. If you're starting a new business or trying something new, it's normal to feel scared about failing and losing respect from your friends. But remember, success is about moving forward, even if you have to take a small step back first.

To deal with this fear, try these steps:

  1. Accept that starting something new might come with short-term setbacks. This is just part of the process.
  2. Understand that people might judge you if they see you fail, but their opinions don't define your worth or your journey.
  3. Keep your vision clear. Ask yourself what you want to achieve and why it's important to you.
  4. Focus on progress, not perfection. Every step back is an opportunity to learn and grow stronger.
  5. Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in you and your vision. They can help lift you up when you are feeling down.

Remember, often you have to go back a bit to jump forward. It's like preparing to leap – you bend your knees first to gain the power to jump higher. The real win is in moving past fear and judgments and reaching towards your goals. So, keep your eyes on the prize, learn from every experience, and don't let the fear of others seeing you fail stop you from trying.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"I don't think anyone's afraid of failing"

– Alex Hormozi

"there's short-term pain that you have to go through when you do anything new"

– Alex Hormozi

"unless you're immediately successful which almost no one is"

– Alex Hormozi

"you usually have to take a step back in order to take two three 10 steps forward"

– Alex Hormozi

"I think everyone's afraid of other people seeing themselves fail and getting judged for it"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

I don't think anyone's afraid of failing so I was a consultant for example and I had all the status for somebody at my age working at a you know big firm graduated in 3 years I had all that stuff but then when I quit that to start basically being a personal trainer at a gym that was a big decrease in status in terms of my like relative standing compared to my peers and I remember when I would have women come to the gym be like did you go to college there's short-term pain that you have to go through when you do anything new unless you're immediately successful which almost no one is you usually have to take a step back in order to take two three 10 steps forward if you like peel back I think everyone's afraid of other people seeing themselves fail and getting judged for it

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