“Expect the Unexpected”
- Be ready for things not to go as planned; embrace the unexpected in both life and business.
- Prioritize relationships and help friends when they ask, especially if it's important for them.
- Take time to speak at events if it aligns with your values and schedules, but be aware it can be stressful and require travel time.
- It's normal to have anxiety about public speaking, but facing your fears can help you grow.
- Understand that not everyone in your audience will be at the same business level, so tailor your content to be relevant for them.
- It's okay to feel uncomfortable with public attention; reframe your perspective to cope with it.
- Online criticism is common when building a personal brand; learn to manage judgment and use feedback constructively.
- Dress code policies at venues can be restrictive; always check ahead to avoid inconvenience.
- Prepare for technical issues during presentations; remain composed and flexible to adapt to changes.
- Q&A sessions can be more valuable than presentations as they provide personalized interaction.
- Acknowledge that men and women often seek different things in communication; strive for understanding in relationships.
- Distribute emotional and practical needs across your network, not just your spouse.
- Refresh your wardrobe methodically to maintain your professional and personal image.
- When job hunting, consider what you're willing to negotiate and what's non-negotiable.
- Be upfront in job negotiations; clarify expectations and compensation early.
- Embrace risks in business to grow your confidence and achieve success.
- Turn uncontrollable situations into opportunities for resilience and learning.
How To Take Action
I would suggest always being ready for things to not work out as planned. Life is full of surprises, so when something goes off track, think of it as a learning opportunity.
Help friends when they need you, especially when it's important to them. If speaking at an event fits into your values and schedule, go for it, even though it may be stressful.
When it comes to public speaking, it's normal to feel nervous. To grow, you have to face your fears. Try to speak to your audience's level – make sure what you say is useful for them.
Feeling uncomfortable with public attention is okay too. Try to see it from a different view to make it easier to handle. If people give you online criticism, learn to take what they say in a helpful way rather than letting it upset you.
Before you go to a fancy place, check the dress code to avoid any trouble. And prepare for tech problems during presentations. Stay calm and just go with the flow.
Q&A times can be more helpful than your talk because you can answer specific questions. Men and women often want different things when they chat. Try to understand each other in your relationships.
Spread out your needs among friends, not just your partner. That keeps one person from having to do too much.
Update your clothes bit by bit to keep looking your best. When looking for a job, know what you really want and what you won't give up. Be clear about job stuff right away, like what you expect and how much you'll get paid.
Taking risks is part of business. It can be scary, but it helps you get braver and do well. Try to see things you can't control as chances to get stronger and smarter.
Quotes by Leila Hormozi
"Prepare for the unexpected because nothing ever goes how you want it to go"
– Leila Hormozi
"Even though I really like speaking at a lot of events, even just one day of speaking can be 3 days of travel"
– Leila Hormozi
"I’ve had to really recontextualize and recondition myself to be okay with like random men coming up to me on the street"
– Leila Hormozi
"Being shitty in the beginning, I think I like learned so many skills to manage how to deal with judgment from others"
– Leila Hormozi
"I think that going into it with the mindset of like if this quarter of content goes down because I need to focus somewhere else in my business, that's okay"
– Leila Hormozi
Full Transcript
prepare for the unexpected nothing ever goes how you want it to go I was like about to hyperventilate and I was you such an inspiration to a young business ladies and gentlemen we do thank you very much for your attention and now we invite you to sit back relax and enjoy the take off thank you and again for ab board on this episode of the hosis we are on our way to San Diego to speak at one of our good friends events you know I love San Diego so nice I mean I feel like I'm meant to live in California hello you know I like speaking it's just really hard for me to justify taking the time to do it but if I have a good friend who's doing an event I will drop everything to go speak if they ask me to because that's just what friends do because I only have 20 minutes to do it I can't make a 20-minute presentation cuz he was like I want it to be like 20 minutes and like an hour of Q&A even though I really like speaking at a lot of events even just one day of speaking can be 3 days of travel two days that you can't take meetings I just get like stressed I won't like stay up but I'll just have nightmares yesterday I had a little nightmare if I told you the nightmare you would be like that was so [ __ ] weird and the monster was trying to kill us and it looked like a dead zombie I just prefer peaceful Gams I think normally a keynote is like an hour long you're like speaking at the thing but he asked Alex to speak and then Alex and I were like all right we'll be there and then he was like oh my God you're coming I didn't even think you would want to come can you speak and I was like yeah but a lot of my stuff is not as relevant for people who are like newer in their business career you know because like how many agents have like teams and management things to deal with and like all that kind of stuff like not as many and so we talked about just having me speak at uh speak to a room of what you want to call it um like 100 people I think it has yeah how's it going you're good man what's up I just listen I wanted to get a live the game show right here I I'm a treasury founder from from Nebraska I don't do as well like he was you know it can be weird at times when people stop you because you know as a woman for most of my life if somebody goes to stop me on the street it's not for anything good they don't even say hi to me most of them I I hear them say my name it's it's always men and they don't want to say hi you know what I mean it's like most of the time they're just like I'll leave her alone but then when they do it's like I get why they don't because it's awkward yeah it's like I followed you and I'm a man it's like I say I'm a fan it's like how do I know and so I've had to really recontextualize and recondition myself to be okay with like random men coming up to me on the street I think I don't mind it at all I love hearing the stories of people sharing like how the brand has helped them how the content we put has helped them like I love that and I I want people to keep coming up to me it's just something I have to adjust to so if you've ever come up to me and I've run away I'm sorry and now I feel like I have a lot more people that are advocates for me or positive leave nicer comments I think it was so shitty in the beginning whenever anyone starts to go post on social media we probably have a a set of assumptions of what people are going to say about us like generally put me down because I'm talking about male Concepts that are like more of a male audience that be watching and interested in like it felt like for me specifically it was really shitty in the beginning just shitty I didn't expect people to talk about how I look how deep my voice is but through that like being shitty in the beginning I think I like learned so many skills to manage how to deal with judgment from others I have come to realize is that one not talking about it and being ashamed of what people say about you in the internet doesn't help because I think anything you don't talk about has power over you the second piece to it is that I just realized I actually agree with a lot of the people like where they say that I'm like a trans woman you know it used to shock me but then I looked at myself and I was like I mean you're talking about business you have really strong features you have a very deep voice like you are different I think it just took me admitting to myself that I'm not like everybody else I'm me I've gotten to a point where it's like I can read all the comments again and see bad comments and [ __ ] people say and not be affected by it and that feels like an incredibly useful skill thank you for calling huness St Amy speaking how can we help you Amy how are you today quick question for you I have reservation at 7:30 and I am curious what's the dress code so Alex and I are getting ready for dinner now and he has to call because like most of the time we go to a lot of like nice restaurants I would say most of the time people are cool with his alfit that he wears but 5% of the time somebody's really rude and tells him to like go change or get pants so he has to call ahead of time to see if he can actually get in with what he's wearing you know this restaurant was actually cool with it so that was great cuz we didn't have to go home to change we're going to Leila are you walking to Huntress or you walking to uh pendry I actually love the things oh [Music] yeah glad we didn't have to walk this have a good night did you uh hear the music last night while while I hit the pillow I was like there's no way I'm going to fall asleep and then I was just like I don't like doing anything late the night before speech even like dinner like I was like it was way too late for me like I feel awful today you can start whenever he basically was like they want to be able to ask you questions more than they want you to talk to them and I was like yeah that's fair what can I teach you in 17 minutes except I should just you know what I'm saying wa that looks really good oh thank you guys so much all right I'll get changed so intimidating S I know where we're going everywhere what's up how's it going good yeah Alex murdered it I expect no less I don't know if I'm going to get through all the seven so I might just like hone in on a couple that are the best well you wanted more Q&A though than the yeah my suggestion if it's cool with you guys do your things for 30 minutes and then we do questions for like 20 and then let the last five to seven minutes if they can just literally y'all just be Barbie and can and they just take pictures with you and they will be super happy I'm going to just set a timer and I'm going to say whatever I get through I get through and then we're going to go into C all right let me get the crew ready you're not already if I was a handheld that would be really good I get let get your hand very good friends they're great entrepreneurs and they're just amazing humans and she's doing this as a personal favor to us to be here so uh let's give it up for my friend love thank you what do you recommend U like your top three advices for one building personal gr top pieces of advice I mean the first one whether you're building it for your business or just because you want to build one I would say is make content that you want to see out there my best content always comes from making content that I wish that I could watch myself and then whenever I make content that is what I would want to see out there that's when it tends to do the best the second piece is I would say like never pretend to try and be an expert on something or another way of saying that is making content that only you could make and then if I had to go to a third one I would say that it is preferable that you make content in a way that is sustainable for you if it feels shitty to make it if it feel feels gross if it feels not good in any way it will become a very punishing experience and you'll eventually want to stop I think that going into it with the mindset of like if this quarter content goes down because I need to focus somewhere else in my business that's okay and I think the only reason like I've been able to make content and actually run and grow a business is because of that and so I think a lot of times if you want to win it's just figuring out how to not lose can we give it up for Lea [Applause] [Music] you're such an inspiration to a young business woman oh thank you so much for saying that you thank you guys oh my gosh thank you guys for having us everyone on your team has been great we did have some kind of technical issues while the speech was starting but you know it ended up actually going really well well I did feel thrown to be honest you didn't seem bothered at all it's not like they want that to happen you know it's not like things like that haven't happened at events that we've hosted I like couldn't think like I was just like distracted by the everything happening on stage if you do more events you'll know that like nothing ever goes exactly as planned there's always stuff that goes off especially we have an event with thousands and thousands of people it's just really impossible to have everything go smooth as butter I think it's like I used to get so frustrated with that stuff but now it's just just like nothing ever goes how you wanted to go prepare for the unexpected but I think it was actually really good because then we were able to do more Q&A which I think a lot of times people can watch me on YouTube they can go watch my content they can't ask me a personal question even though I like to do do presentations cuz I for some reason feel like it's fing more value I know logically that answering someone's personal question is probably more valueable at the event we they almost said you weren't going to have your slides and I was like and there was like 2,000 people like I did not feel good about that at all and I think Caleb was the only person that knew I was like about to hyperventilate don't worry about it yeah and everyone else is like Lea can you tell me about blah blah and I was like listen like this stuff happens at events Lea murdered it did a Q&A with the 30 highest producers out of 12,000 so that was a cool thing she got talk about building teams and uh she was a champ cuz they had a bunch of technical difficulties but she just was unfaced cuz that's who she is have you read the book love and respect it talks about like men want to solve problems and women want to be heard and listened so it's just like ever since we got that frame I was just like it's so much easier cuz like every time I tell him something he's like you need to do something like I don't want you to do anything I'm [ __ ] capable I'm like like I just want you to listen yes and I feel much better after men and women want different things from each other and I think a couple things which is like knowing what your spouse wants out of a relationship with you and the second is not expecting to get everything you want from one person and then when I'm with him usually he wants me to do something then I'm like you know but if I just try to listen I'm like do you want my opinion he's like yes like our society specifically places a lot of stress on relationships by making it up like these two people need to be the everything for each other but I think that the smartest relationships not only make sure they understand what each person wants from each other but then have networks of other people that they involve in their lives that they can get other things from so it's not all put on to the spouse I just want you to listen I don't need you to help me solve anything I just would love you to listen what's up okay I think that that book helped me realize one I need to constantly know what Alex wants from me ask and then say like is that what I want to be giving and then also knowing when something is goes beyond the scope of what you ask a spouse to do or be for you I think a lot of people just ask their spouse to be the things that other people can be for them as well and everything shower he's like what the [ __ ] is that I was like I'm going to scrub myself I'm going to deep cleanse I'm going to do my exfoliation I'm going to exfoliate my lips I'm going to teeth whiten I'm going to scalp scrub and I'm going to blank I'm going to do all the shower at the same time and you come out you're like let's go world I'm feeling good this is a guy everything you know for some reason I really like the Nike metcons for walking I actually am like the [ __ ] worse when it comes to shoes keeping up like if you go look at my tennis shoes at home right now they're beat the [ __ ] up they are used they have not been replaced in like 2 years and I walk a [ __ ] T I just always forget to buy them it's weird right it's like I keep up on like my cute shoes but when it comes to like my tennis shoes like I literally I go to the gym I have like a whole like nice outfit and everything and then just these [ __ ] busted ass shoes I don't know why you know I think at the end of the day like most people are ever taught stuff because of that I think that they don't know how to handle some of the situations you know the uncertainty of will I find a job will I not what should I accept what should I not when I'm hiring somebody it's like I'm never going to find some who's perfect they're never going to fit 100% of the criteria I want and if they did they probably wouldn't stay very long because what upward growth do I have to offer them if like this is everything that they've ever wanted and I think it goes the same for when you're finding a job you have to figure out what what pieces will you negotiate on and that are flexible and then which pieces are not flexible and you have to be reasonable like no job is perfect just like no employee is perfect and I think the same goes for when you're looking for a job it's just am I willing to compromise on these pieces and what can I do to make up for it you know what am I going to be able to do maybe at the job that maybe one day these things that are I don't get on day one I'll get on day 30 I think that when it comes to like job hunting and negotiation it's something that people don't do frequently so people often aren't very skilled at it because they don't do it often it's not like every month you go look for a new job like the feedback cycle of like okay I learned this three years ago like one the likelihood you're going to remember the thing you learned is low and then two the likelihood you're going to increase your skill of being able to find a negotiate a job is again low I think in terms of what are you going to negotiate on I think you have to start with the question of what do you want your day to-day to look like not how much money do you want to make because I think your dayto day as an employee is going to affect your happiness more than the income and what are your goals are those two things aligned because sometimes people have the goals of being like a multi6 figureure earner but they assume they're never going to work weekends and they're never going to have nights and it's like the reality of like people who make a lot of money is usually there is at some point in time sacrifice given and so I think you have to decide what your objective is with the job and then based on that what makes sense to give Flex to and so it's unlikely that one person is going to change how they do business and how they employ people so it makes more sense to be more intentional with where you look to be employed I think a lot of people if they just wrote down the things that what are your goals with this job what are the things that you want to do on a daily basis they would have a much easier time picking a job but a lot of people don't know how and so I think that more people just need to be told what to do in those situations because there's a very low level of Education around it so I think if you think about it like that it helps break it down a little bit better I think the word negotiating is such like a ick to it I don't even like the word I think it's just like discussing expectations and there's a price for different expectations and there's a price for different amounts of work and it doesn't make sense to get exploited in a company by them hiring you for one thing and you doing a million other things when it comes com to negotiating I think that most people get very uncomfortable and they avoid having those conversations on the Forefront and then delay them until they're later on in the organization and I think that it's just better to have them up front the right employers like us will do right and be like oh you're doing way more like we should probably give you a raise but like a lot of places don't do that and so it's like you should just upfront be like I will do all of these things as well this costs more because it takes more time and more of my attention therefore I should be paid more because this is not the job description I think there's a lot of times in my business career in fact more times than not where I have been met with a lot of anxiety about something it's risk at some point in your life you have to take a risk and if something looks like it's gaining a lot of momentum taking off I just think like logic logically speaking does this make sense and then evidence is there evidence to support that this is going to succeed a lot of times people can talk a big game and get people really hyped up emotionally about an opportunity but at the end of the day just look at the evidence in the beginning when we first started a company I remember like how anxious I would be running meetings I only felt anxious because i' just never done it before and I felt like there had to be this like magic formula as to how to do it correctly rather than just continue to try and try and try I've always felt like intense paralyzing anxiety but reality is it's not actually paralyzing but at the end of the day like you're going to have to take some risk the only way that I've known to increase my risk tolerance is just [ __ ] and doing it and every time you lean into it and you do more of it you feel less afraid whenever there's something I'm anxious about I don't want to to have power over me I didn't want that to control my life because I thought of like the big vision of what my life's look like so might as well do it now because I'm not going to be less anxious tomorrow to leave the hotel you can't do a mini for UCO pumpkin fight for Frappuccino when things go in a way that we didn't expect them to go what it is actually that causes so much of the contention is that we argue with reality uh I stayed in this Airbnb with five like grown up men why cuz there was nothing it was [ __ ] the cheapest thing we could find it's weird as [ __ ] one day I like got up and I would get up like 4:00 a.m. to like meal prep and I couldn't find the foil I'm like looking for it and I get a text and I was like who the [ __ ] texting me before am and it's the owner of the house who's never there they're not like they're not in the Airbnb and she goes what are you looking for and I was like what and she goes it's to the left in the cabinet and I was like what the [ __ ] and I was like I guess she's [ __ ] Watching start looking around they had like hidden cameras in the whole house so weird remember that I can't control everything and I think that part of it is just embracing the unfortunate events as they come and also just asking like what's good about this and you know that situation where I was in that house with all those guys with people I didn't know and it felt very weird it also made me a lot more tough dude I hate honestly it was so uncomfortable but I was so like I literally left every day at 600 a.m. and I would shower at the gym and everything and I would get home I would go eat dinner at 9:00 p.m. Subway make my calls come back at 10:00 and just be like [ __ ] exhausted and go to bed so I just never I was never there you know just to sleep I think that that's my way of just embracing reality something is happening and we are saying instead of that I've created this default in my mind where I just going to like just bathe in it bathe in the anxiety or the frustration or the anger or whatever emotion is brought to Surface by that event just lean into it how would you counter if you were applying for a job I said what would it take for you to pay me $30 an hour not $25 an hour because they might say we can't it's not in the budget or they might say like it might mess up their whole pay structure so it's like ask the reason why and then if the reason is like well here's these other things that you don't have then she then she could counter and be like actually these are things I do have that weren't cited in any of our interviews that you didn't know about but if it's not about her which there's a 50% maybe 60% chance it's not then it would be it would be it's just unnecessary but by asking that way it doesn't hurt just saying what would it take rather than I demand this I think a lot of unexpected situations can turn into really valuable lessons and you can overcome it and you can turn it into something good I do too I'm happy to be back oh God de's like I'm ready for party l