Having Nothing to Lose Is Good

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Having Nothing to Lose Is Good


  • When you don't have much, you have the least to lose, which can make you a fierce competitor.
  • Having little to lose allows you to take risks that others with more to protect might avoid.
  • Now that I have more, I'm more cautious with risks compared to when I first started with nothing.
  • If you're given a free chance to improve your situation, like a scratch-off lottery ticket, you should take it.
  • The fear of losing when you have nothing is illogical because you remain in the same position if you don't win.
  • On the chance you get a 'yes' from one of the many attempts you make, like sending cold emails or making phone calls, it could dramatically change your life.
  • It's important not to miss out on opportunities by not participating, especially when you have nothing to lose.


How To Take Action

I would suggest taking bold risks, especially when you're starting out and don't have much to lose. It's like getting a scratch-off lottery ticket for free! You've got to scratch and see if you win. So, taking risks can be just like that. If you're holding back because you're scared of losing what little you have, remember – if you don't win, you're still in the same spot. No harm done!

A good way of doing this could be by reaching out to people. Send cold emails or make phone calls. Fear might try to stop you, but think about it, what's the worst that can happen? They say 'no'? Well, you're no worse off than before. But if they say 'yes', it could be a game-changer for you!

Remember, every 'no' you get puts you closer to that one 'yes' that will make all the difference. Don't miss out on opportunities by not participating. If you're worried about the cost, focus on actions that don't require much money or time. The Internet is full of free resources you can use to learn and pitch your ideas or products.

To sum up:

  1. Embrace your ability to take risks.
  2. Use free resources to your advantage.
  3. Don't be afraid of hearing 'no'; it's part of the journey.
  4. Reach out – send those emails and make those calls.

When you've got nothing to lose, you might just find that you have everything to gain. Jump in, take the shot, and don't let fear of loss hold you back!

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"The interesting thing to me is that the people who have the least also have the least to lose"

– Alex Hormozi

"Which makes them the most dangerous competitors"

– Alex Hormozi

"As soon as you have something you become more risk averse"

– Alex Hormozi

"You can't take the same gambles now as I did when I started"

– Alex Hormozi

"You get the lottery ticket and you lose and where are you just as poor and still having nothing just like you did before"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

the interesting thing to me is that the people who have the least also have the least to lose which makes them the most dangerous competitors because as soon as you have something you become more RIS averse you can't take the same gambles like I don't take the same gambles now as I did when I started why cuz I have something to lose but if you have nothing to lose then it's basically like life giving you a scratch off lottery ticket and you saying you don't want to scratch it off because you don't want to lose but they're giving you the lottery ticket for free because what happens you get the lottery ticket and you lose and where are you just as poor and still having nothing just like you did before but in that one ticket out of 20 or 100 or a th000 tickets which is phone calls reaching outs knocking on doors sending cold emails whatever that lottery ticket is you can get one yes and it can change your life why would you not take the lottery ticket

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