How I built a 12M follower audience in 6 months

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How I built a 1.2M follower audience in 6 months


  • To grow an online audience, share valuable content frequently and understand that giving away quality information leads to greater rewards than withholding it.
  • Position your messages based on personal experience rather than prescriptive advice to establish credibility and avoid sounding presumptuous.
  • Embrace failure as a necessary step towards success, and don't view it negatively. Failures are learning experiences that bring you closer to your goals.
  • When building a sales team, hire an experienced sales manager or become skilled at selling the product yourself. Teach the team to understand the customer's perspective and emphasize conviction in your product or service.
  • Ensure that any content you create or advice you give is valid, useful, and, ideally, entertaining to engage a larger audience and provide substantial value.
  • Create a question-based approach in sales to guide prospects through their own objections and help them come to a decision themselves.
  • When dealing with objections, utilize tactics such as the "reason close" where the reason for their hesitation becomes the reason they should proceed, and the "hypothetical close" to deal constructively with their concerns.
  • Be patient with your projects, like writing a book, and release them only when they meet high standards of quality and usefulness to ensure they are worthy of the audience's attention.
  • Always focus on long-term planning for success, prioritizing activities that align with your overarching goals and allow for a compounding effect over time.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing these strategies that I talked about. First, to grow your audience online, share valuable content a lot. Don't hide your best stuff. Give it away for free, and people will want to come back for more. That's how you build trust and get fans who stick around.

Next, when you're messaging or sharing advice, use your own stories. Don't tell people what to do. Instead, tell them what's worked for you. Share your mistakes and what you've learned. When you talk about your own experiences, people believe you more, and it sounds friendly, not bossy.

Remember, it's okay to fail. Every time something doesn't work out, it's a chance to learn and get better. Don't get upset about it. If you're not failing sometimes, you're probably not going to succeed. Failing is just a step to success.

Now, if you're building a sales team, hire someone who knows how to sell if you don't. Or get good at selling yourself. Then you can teach others. Make sure your team really understands the people they're selling to and believes in what they're selling. That's super important.

For any content you create or share, it should always be three things: valid, useful, and, if you can, entertaining. This helps people pay attention and get good stuff from what you're saying or showing them, which makes them want to hear more.

And be patient with your projects, like if you're writing a book. Only put it out there when it's ready. Don't rush. Make sure it's really helpful and worth people's time.

Lastly, think long-term. Do things that help you get closer to big goals, even if it takes a while. Stuff that helps you grow and improves over time is what you want to focus on.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"The point of the sale is not to get them to buy, the point of the sales to get them to decide"

– Alex Hormozi

"I don't feel bad about failure because I don't see failure as bad"

– Alex Hormozi

"If you are not failing right now, you are not going to succeed"

– Alex Hormozi

"You can trade time for money, but you can trade some time for more money"

– Alex Hormozi

"The idea is like if you are in that situation you make this free content you say content doesn't work and so you keep putting out shittier and shittier content because you keep saying that it doesn't work"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

what's up youtube yesterday over a thousand of you guys stayed on for an hour as we walked down a private event speech that i gave and i redid the speech just for instagram live and youtube for you guys and so we cover in the video is one the content creation model that we've used to grow over a million person audience over the last six months number one number two is how to position yourself in your messaging so you don't sound like a dick number three the concept behind giving away the good will and then selling the implementation because a lot of people feel like they have to keep their their best stuff hidden when the reality is you got to give it all away and then you'll always get so much more than you think you will number four was the three traits of ultra successful people that i've seen of all the people that i know who are worth a billion dollars or more they have these three traits in common and they're not exactly what i expected them to be the next one is the best way to scale a sales team because that was one of the questions i got the chat and i was really excited to talk about so i broke down the entire process of how we've scaled the next one is discussion around closing because now we went from the big team down to like how do i actually get people to say yes and the three frameworks that i use to walk someone across the finish line how i deal with failure and then finally i give you a little bit of a sneak peek on the next book all right so hope you enjoyed the live from yesterday and i'll see you on the inside i'll give you guys you guys want the um the skinny the scoop on what the presentation was if you guys can throw like some hearts or some thumbs up um okay cool so i'll give you the the kind of the overarching theme which was uh you know the first third of it i uh you know had to bring everyone up to speed who didn't know you know what our deal was um but in the last six months we've grown from like 180 000 person audience across like all channels to like 1.2 million now um in the last six months so it's been a lot of growth and i mean no one's experienced it more than me and so i'm very grateful so that's all you guys so thank you so much i'm really honored um and so kind of explain that and then the second portion was kind of like the tactics which is like what do we actually do to do that and i'll cover that in a second um and then the third part was my observations on like the things that worked big picture uh rather than like the blocking and tackling like hacks and things like that so let's go into kind of section two which is the tactics so there's kind of a five step process that we've been doing and uh caleb's been helping me out with this but basically we we test first and so this works because i used to email myself i don't know if you guys are like i am i used to email myself like brain dump like if i had an idea on a conversation or someone and i was like i didn't want to lose it i would just email to myself and this never ending thread of like me to me i don't know if you guys have that um and then i would go record content i'd look at that thing and then i would try and come up with my content ideas um but what i discovered was i could use twitter as my brain dump uh and take basically the same amount of time as i would to email myself with the contacts and whatnot but i could just do it on twitter and then what would happen is what used to be a private you know communication became a public thing so i was able to share something that otherwise wasn't being utilized and then the added benefit was twitter and like tech talk i would say are similar in that they're very fast testing like you can post 10 times a day and it doesn't like hurt your account whereas you know instagram people are like hey man i've seen enough of your stuff like one post a day is fine or whatever and so on there you can post plenty of times and then you get to see the engagement because both of those platforms are very like viral ready it's so easy to share and whatnot and so from those we see the best performing content and then that is what i then use to create to basically record videos off of so tweets turn into videos the threads turn into long videos the short tweets turn into shorts and then that becomes from there we record those things step three is we add call to actions to them which is something that we actually just recently started doing so you'll probably see it more on these videos and stuff in the future um but we just started doing it to my podcast if you haven't checked that if you are an audible person or an audio person uh the game podcast if you didn't know we have a podcast um has uh just grew from like 20 000 downloads a month to 400 000 downloads a month which is like insane so you guys are awesome i love you i'm glad that it's providing value um but the biggest thing that we did to get the growth was um literally just saying like hey if you like this like leave a review and share fred share a friend share our friend um and so so we start so we started doing that and then that's what everything just blew up which makes sense because like the book for example had a ton of virality to it because there was call to actions embedded within the book and so we just took like what we already know works within business we need to be reminded more than we need to be taught um and just applied it to something that i'm not as familiar with like i don't consider myself like a content creator like i you know we do business stuff and like we try and capture as much as we can and so um doing that uh we started interjecting in three places the beginning the middle and the end and if it's longer you can do a couple mid roles um and so what we did to operationalize that was we took like what are all the call to actions you would have right because you want to always be the same thing because some people get like banner blindness so it's like for me it's like you know hey check out the book it's 99 cents you can go download it you're like go check it out it's got five thousand five stars like people seem to like it uh you know hey leave a review that would be awesome uh you know tag me in this uh or send this to a friend so it'd be a share ask um hey if i have an event coming up which i don't but if i had an event coming up or if i was like hey i'm gonna do a workshop with like you know five entrepreneurs over you know a million bucks a year if i then i would just point people to something like that um if you had a lead magnet that would be one of those things and so you get the idea like whatever wherever you want to direct traffic that would be the call to action but here's the here's the shtick or here's the thing that the nuance that made it work is that rather than just doing one do like five for each one of them and then you've got like 30 of these that you can sprinkle in and then they seem really organic and because i i'm doing them really short they're only like you know five or ten seconds they don't they're not like these three minute long ads that everyone wants to kill themselves and just immediately skip skip skip skip shift until they get to the end of the ad right and so it's like little call to actions that are small enough that people actually hear them and different enough that you don't get like audioblindness and so that was uh step three step four was contextualized and so what i did in the presentation i showed this image you guys remember the meme that was like uh dolly parton was that she started it said like me on facebook me on tinder me on instagram you guys is this cool you guys like otherwise i'll just be ranting on my own okay cool do you guys want me to do more of this because caleb is we have a bet i'm i was like no one's going to show up and if someone showed up then i would lose the bet which is probably a very one-sided bet i should not have taken um but anyways so dolly parton uh there's tinder linkedin all that stuff right so that was the meme and so if you look and i have this visual if you look at a lot of my tweets a lot of them became tick tocks and then from that short tick tock i have a youtube shorts version and i have an instagram version and the thumbnail and the text are contextual to the platform and so you guys have probably seen people who like take a tick tock and then just like post it the same thing with the tic toc watermark on instagram or they take the same tick tock watermark and they put it on youtube shorts and they have the same like caption and whatnot around it and same thumbnail i think that people feel that like you didn't take that extra little bit and this could be me judging i don't know i'm just sharing what worked for us um and so we try to make it contextual to the platform and i think that's been helping um and so that's step four so test on twitter record shorts as short as long as longs add the call to actions to drive the action drive the action drive the actually looking for it drive the traffic wherever you want uh four is you um contextualizes the platform that you're distributing on and then step five is to actually distribute it and this is the this is the little little lesson that i learned and so i shared this i think on my youtube channel but i had a conversation with cardone i don't know six months ago and this is actually what was probably the big impetus excuse me catalyst for for this happening for me ramping up everything we said he said look at your instagram bro look at my instagram and i was like okay and he's like volume bro he's like i'm posting five times more than you are and he said look at your twitter look at my twitter look at your youtube look at my youtube and it was just such a stark contrast in terms of the amount of content that he was putting out compared to me and then it became really obvious and so what ended up happening is we went from posting seven times a week which was three youtube videos a week which three podcasts a week and one instagram post that was all i was doing and we went from seven times a week to 80 times a week across all platforms and so it was a 10x increase in content but here's what's interesting we didn't get a 10x increase in quantity we got a 10x increase in growth rate so the actual net result went from 180 000 which had taken us 12 months to build to getting to 1.2 million in six months of building and so the rate of growth 10x and so literally the input was equivalent to the output in terms of the the equivalence between those things so right now if you're thinking yourself man i would love to grow ten times faster so whatever your growth rate is on a new platform if you're thinking about it i could i will bet you i don't know if it'll be a dollar to dollar increase or a one to one increase but i'll bet you if you do more you won't get less and so that's you could take that promising back um and so uh when i started doing that that's when we saw this explosive growth and the thing is is i told this other story that hopefully you guys won't mind me sharing with you you guys cool just getting like some of the the nuggets from uh the event cool okay um i uh i had a mentor really early on when i had my gyms that told me to start putting flyers out right and so i put so i listened to him and i put flyers out and i waited a few weeks nothing happened i went back to lunch with him and i was like hey we did the flyers thing um it didn't work uh he was like what do you mean i was like well i mean one guy called me but he's because he said i dinged his car uh it was a mercedes and i just tried to talk to him really nicely and get him off the phone um and uh he's like what was your test size i was like what do you mean he was like well how many did you put out oh i put 300 up it's like 300 well yeah it's like dude i don't even test for less than 5 000 flyers i was like oh well that explains it he's like and then we do 5000 a day once we have a winner it's like oh and so that wasn't even like 2x or 5x or 10x it was 20x and that was a per day not in total so if you did at the end of that month you would have put up a hundred and fifty thousand flyers and i put up three hundred and so i'm looking at the difference in results between this really successful business person to myself and i miss mistakenly thought that the issue was the strategy rather than the execution and so one of the number one things that i feel like i get in my dms all the time is like hey i've been doing the rule of 100 and you guys don't know what that is it's my like little stick for if you do 100 primary actions a day to promote your business or make your products and services known you will get more business which means if you do 100 cold calls you do 100 cold emails you do 100 dms whatever that is you do 100 of that primary action per day or if it's ad spend spend 100 a day um whatever it is or you do 100 a week if it's actual organic content i promise you you will have more business than you know what to deal with your problem will not be demand generation it will be satisfying the demand that you have to handle and so the thing is is that people hear that they hear the rule of 100 and i had a guy literally message me and said hey i've been doing the role 100. i just crossed 100 i started eight weeks ago i was like what do you mean you started eight weeks ago and you crossed a hundred it's like well i mean i've done a hundred you know reach outs over the last eight weeks i was like bro uh so 7 times 8 is 56 times 100 should have been 56 000 reach outs in that same period of time and hopefully you're catching the drift here that it's not these like 2x 3x increases in volume it's typically multiple orders of magnitude it's not 10x it might be 100x or 300x in the case of the flyers or 56 000 versus 100 in that same period of time and the issue is that most people dramatically underestimate how much effort is required to achieve goals that are dramatically above what the norm is experiencing and so it's like right now if you're getting normal results it's usually because you're putting out a normal level of output which is almost non-existent because everyone's so afraid of someone leaving a mean comment the amount of bean comments that i get is unworldly the amount that it influences me because i it is is love um and that's variety reason to get into uh it's mostly because i love you guys you guys are awesome so you guys have you guys bury those comments and so mosey nation you guys rock thank you again um and so that was section two of this thing you guys want to hear section three i can give you guys the stick okay so section three the consolidated version of this and i'm still like working on it so this was like the thing that made this uncomfortable for me because i think if i were to redo the entire presentation the entire presentation would have been section three altogether and it just would have started there and then gone down because everything that i shared with you although it's incredibly important probably lacks the one thing that i think matters most which is that most people are talking about [ __ ] that they have not done and the way that they talk about it makes people hate them let me explain so if i said for example let's say all right let me just let me try and paint it differently so let's see that you're you're on your newsfeed who here sees people shaking their finger and telling them what they should do on their newsfeed all the time right plenty of people now how how many times have you gotten you know seen the 18 year old relationship coach uh who's on your news feed trying to sell coaching for relationships right the dating expert that's 21 years old right have you guys seen this can i get like some hearts or some thumbs going if you guys have seen this right it's ridiculous why is it ridiculous because there's an unspoken question that must always be answered in my opinion which is why should i listen to you and so i think the common reason that people are not experiencing the growth and the brand and the authority that they wish to build is because they're trying they're putting their ladder against the wrong wall they're trying to build something that they do not have the authority to presume and so for example if you wanted to build a business brand right if you look at the biggest influencers in the business space so you look at andy frasella you look at garyvee you look at patrick but david if you're a youtuber you look at you look at uh you look at ed milette right you look at these guys a really important question is how many of them needed the social media following they have in order to make the money they make none and so they have the authority to talk about business because of the [ __ ] they have already done and so it's kind of like and i hear this all the time it's like man my content's so much better than that guys i can't believe people you know share that kind of stuff if elon musk tweets i'm on the the porcelain throne right now it'll get 500 000 shares and it's not because of the content it's because of the frame and the brand that is wrapped around that message it's because elon said it that made it important right and so the idea is it's very difficult to deliver theoretical knowledge on business without having the proof or the evidence to substantiate the theoretical knowledge you're claiming to have because it doesn't pass the litmus test of like why should i listen to you why should i listen to the ten thousand dollar a month business coach why wouldn't i listen to tom billy because we were like well i'm making the same stuff as tom and i'm like yeah you are i was like except you're missing the one thing where you build a billion dollar brand small thing that you're missing right where you've got the the stay-at-home wealth coach right that's talking about how you should dollar cost average into the stock market and being like dude i'm giving way better advice than warren buffett is and maybe maybe you're saying the exact same thing as warren buffett it's not fair that warren buffett gets all this media and you don't except for the fact that he's built a hundred billion dollars in net worth and made so many people wealthy through berkshire hathaway like there's just that that little itty bitty wrinkle that's missing and so if that sounds hopeless to you there is good news so the point is is that first identify if you're doing that if you are probably stop the second thing is that you change the way you speak all right and so changing the way you speak comes in terms of how you talk and what you're talking about so that what you're talking about the way to be unfucked with the ball so that people can't shoot you down who can't give you hate is by saying listen i don't know this is just what i did and this is what worked for me this time i hope it serves you versus this is what you need to do to get what i have or this is what you need to do in order to do x it's the difference between how to to how i so you start your message with how i built a 13 million dollar a month company not how you can build a 100 million dollar company it's minor but it's huge right it's kind of the difference it's almost like the difference of saying like hey you want to buy my [ __ ] versus hey do you know anybody wants to buy my stuff it's these tiny tiny little pivots in language that that have deep implications behind your intention of how you're speaking to them when you say you should or how to you're presuming a place of authority that you may not have earned whereas if you're always coming from the place of like i had oatmeal for breakfast right no one's gonna object with you on that you're like i had oil for breakfast but if you say you should have oatmeal for breakfast if you want to look like me how much more do you hate me now a lot and it's just a difference in language and so the idea is that we change the way we talk and what we talk about and so rather than talking about the general ideas of an industry which we probably don't have the authority to presume because we don't have the experience the depth of experience to make sure that our assumptions are valid across the sizes of business because you may make an assumption and you make a statement that works for a 10 000 a month business and then everyone else is like well i can think of a hundred ways that's wrong and then you look like an idiot but if you say hey this is how i've gotten to ten thousand a month i hope this is helpful for you no one's like [ __ ] that guy that's not how he got to ten thousand a month because they don't know they can't they can't they cannot challenge your experience and if you want to make a pivot on that you can say hey this is what i've been doing with john and jim and casey and sarah to help them with their skin care condition to help them with their home remodel to help them with their xyz so i hope it helped you out because this is the frame we made for them and they seemed to think it was useful so i just wanted to share with you guys if you if you speak from that perspective it's speaking from experience rather than theory and most people who are talking right now are just taking garyvee's content taking other people's content diluting it watering it down and then delivering it from a position of weakness because you don't have the brand and you don't have the authority you don't have the expertise or the experience real or imaginary to make these claims and so i think the heart of the issue is not i mean sure there's the blocking attacking of the volume and the distribution and contextualize the content all that kind of stuff right there's all of that and for sure you have to do the doing it has to gets done but the heart of it comes down to talking about things that you have the authority to speak over and it reminds me of a speech from morpheus from the matrix where he stands up and i think it's in the second or third i can't remember and he and he stands up and he says i stand here truthfully unafraid he said not because of the path that lies before me but because of the path that lies behind me because no one can question the things that you have already done no one can question the experience that you've amassed even if it's this big and the thing is is it's about it's about doing the first step and then talking about what you just did and what you just learned and then taking the next step and then talking about what you did when you just learned now the the maximized version of that is having a caleb behind the camera and and miked up all the time so we can capture that's gonna we're gonna be making more stuff for you guys on that because you guys asked for it and we're building the team to try and deliver that for you guys um but that takes time and it costs money to do that so i get that and so i think that just doing the doing and then talking about what you did is one of the simplest way to document the lessons learn how you progress and grow over time and as a total side note if you like want to check this out if you go on my podcast which is actually the oldest platform i've been on by the way i have like four i mean almost 400 episodes on there you can go back six years ago and listen to the difference in terms of like what i was talking about then and what i'm talking about now and part of the reason that we document the stuff the mission the business for is the document to share the best practices of building world-class companies is that it how shitty is it that jeff bezos doesn't have a vlog of him being like day 37 at amazon you know trying to trying to get these books shipped out you know had some shipping issues today but you know going to get after it tomorrow like how invaluable would it be if we could look back at jeffy b's you know library of content and see him build one of the biggest companies of all time same with steve jobs same with elon musk right and so i was my hope is that you know we get to a billion and beyond and i i hope that because i want to have the journey documented with the lessons that i learned along the way and the the shifts in belief like earlier today i got asked by somebody who's listened to all my podcasts they're like hey podcast 86 which by the way is four and a half years ago they're like you said this thing and i was like you know i think i've shifted my understanding of that and so i was like there's more nuance to it and so it's really cool for yourself to document these things and when you do do it from that perspective which is to do it for yourself to do it because you believe it should be made because you want to add to the body of knowledge rather than preach to somebody to do it not because you want to feature ego because you want to feed the audience if you can do it from that perspective then i think the audience can feel the intention and so that kind of leads to what i would consider to be like probably one of the later points in the in the presentation which is the whole concept around giving which is first off humans are exceptionally good at sniffing out intention and i think that's evolutionary and deeply wired in us because we have to know when we're getting double crossed we have to know and try and be able to guess if someone's lying to us and so we're actually very very good like even people who have like necessarily like lower iqs or lower processing power still can have exceptionally good ability at sniffing out lying and sniffing out in tension just sniffing out like into ill will and so because it's evolutionary if you weren't able to do that you get double crossed you get your coconut stolen right and so we have this really innate very tuned instrument inside of us that can hear attention in tonality and micro expressions and so i don't think you can fake it i think you just have to truly shift your perspective so that you can live in that way authentically which is to actually believe that if you give to your audience over a long enough period of time you will reap higher rewards and so i want to be clear since day one i've always been in it to make money but i think that the vehicle that we use to make money is a longer game and i got asked on i think evan carmichael the only other time i've been on instagram live was like hey man why are you one of the good guys who like why haven't you like sold out or whatever and i was like well first off i want to be clear we're equating selling with bad which i would never do um number one number two is that i'm absolutely a capitalist and long-term greedy it's just that i think that me working with companies thinking about my unique skills of getting someone from three to thirty three to fifty million is more valuable for me to work with a handful of people just everyone else stuff for free so that they can get to the level that i can then work with them right rather than trying to build a massive infrastructure around you know helping tens of thousands of people try and consume the content when i can just give it to them for free right which leads to another big point that i have around this at least a belief that i have which is give away the secrets sell the implementation and so a lot of people have info behind walls and that's fine i'm not saying there's anything wrong with that but the real value add for the service is the implementation the accountability the troubleshooting and the perspective from which to solve the problem so i'll give you an example so let's say you want to get better at sales right so i could make tons of sales content if i wanted to and then people be like wow this guy's really good at sales because i give away all the secrets right but they might consume it and be a little bit better but they would be even better if they had a coach who's like listening to their calls and seeing like see right here you paused and then she lost trust with you or hey see how here you should have made this into a question rather than making a command and if you did that you could have sold more off your back foot than your front foot right or like dude you missed report in the first two seconds because you said this instead of this right and then the whole call has been off since then or she said this objection early on and then you didn't catch it so she just detonated it in the sale and you should have confronted that earlier right and so if you if you don't have the perspective from which to get better at the skill because you already only have your baseline skill set because you can't it's very difficult to self-appraise that is where having coaches mentors people who are better at teaching the skill comes into play and so you give away the secrets to prove you are good because here's the here's the flip side people were like what if what if i what if i give away all these secrets and everyone consumes them right what if you give away a whole bunch of [ __ ] and everyone consumes it which one do you think you're gonna make more money on people make their purchasing decisions based on the value they've already received not the value that they're going to receive like it's a really big point that took me way too long to learn one of the strongest persuasive powers in existence is reciprocity if people get something they feel almost like it's like sick to their stomach they have to give something back right it's just most people are like it's not everyone there are some crazies out there for most humans because all of our civilization has been based on this concept of reciprocity right and so you can force reciprocity in your direction by just jamming so much good will and so much value down someone's throat that they just feel like they have to vomit back on you in terms of value because they're so full on value they're like getting drunk with the value that you're providing for them and so when you do that it results in a sale and i'll tell you one of the lessons that i learned later this has just at least been true for me is that the end of your value ladder of the ascensions that you can create for a customer is predicated on the last thing that you provided that was in excess of value from what you charged so if you think about the first thing you do is your content is free it's worth more than what you're giving because you're giving away everything and so then they purchase the first thing and if that first thing let's say is a thousand dollars but it makes them ten thousand dollars they're like well [ __ ] yeah what else you got you're like well i got a ten thousand dollar thing and they're like i'm in and then they make 100 and they're like dude what else you got you're like i got a hundred thousand dollar thing and this is the part where people [ __ ] up is that the hundred thousand dollar thing they get a hundred thousand dollars of value and then what they have done is now they have now completely squeezed the price to valley discrepancy and what they have is not a a raving customer but a satisfied customer and then that is where the customer relationship ends and so the idea of being able to consistently and always have more demand than you can fulfill is predicated or is based on the ability to always provide not just a little bit more but significantly more than you are charging for and so there's two ways of doing that one is you can decrease your price to the point where it's basically nothing and so if you give anything over nothing it seems more which is what is kind of the premise around free content but the thing is is that free content does have a cost it's just not monetary it's time and attention how many people do you know who make content and they get no [ __ ] engagement on it it might be you you might be that person why do you think that is because the price of free is still not worth it real [ __ ] right and so the idea is like if you are in that situation you make this free content you say content doesn't work and so you keep putting out shittier and shittier content because you keep saying that it doesn't work i think if you can flip the script and say hey what if i made all of the stuff that i have that's free more valuable than what my competitors are currently charging for what if i make my free stuff better than their paid stuff and if you really truly try and do that not just like say that but live that look at think about all the deliverables that happen think about all the the checklist and the and the cheat sheets and the visuals and the videos and the in-depth trainings that you would provide if you were to try and get your course and what if you just gave that away what happens if someone makes 100 a month using your free stuff they [ __ ] want to give you money to buy more from you reciprocity and so as long as the next thing that you have can provide even more value because probably if you were able to help them make a hundred thousand dollars off of your free stuff you probably have enough expertise to help them make a million dollars right and so that's the idea here is like how can we provide so much value and access that they want to continue to buy from us over and over and over again right that's the that's the stick and so when we're chunking back out to this right i said in the beginning we've got our our five method right we can test we test the right stuff then we uh record the stuff then we add call to actions to the stuff so we direct the traffic where we want we contextualize it to platforms and then we increase our volume that's the tactics the heart behind it is that we think i will only talk about the things that i know of that no one can question i will talk about how i did something not how to do something i'll talk about what my clients did not what you should do and i will base that from a perspective of i will try and give away as much as humanly possible so much so that it makes me sick to my stomach and i'm very afraid of the amount of value that i'm giving because i know that based on reciprocity if i give more value out there i will get more in return because you can give at scale with content so think about this if it costs you the same amount to provide value in a video to one person as it does to provide value to a million people who watch a video just think about it conceptually it costs you no more effort to do that but the beautiful thing with technology is that there's still only one of you to receive from everything that you did on a multiple with leverage at scale like i don't know if you can see this visual but you do one level of effort one input and technology amplifies it to everyone but then it all has to come back into one which is you and so you could this is how you can amass significant wealth like this is how it works so caleb asked me the other day he's like dude people say leverage all the time he's like what does leverage even mean this is what leverage means leverage means the ratio between inputs to outputs in a system and so if the input that we have is time or money if we have something that has lots of leverage it means we get a huge multiplier effect if i put one unit in i get 10 units out i get 100 units out that is a high leverage activity or system and so the aggregation of wealth for people who have money is a function of understanding time because wealth is based on the fundamenta fundamental unit of money money is a foundational unit of time why because you can trade them back and forth everybody here can trade their time for money it's a it's an even exchange system and so here's what's interesting everyone can trade time for money but you can trade some time for more money right and so what we're doing when we gain leverage is we're looking at and this is the people who are the wealthiest is that they have control over their time so that when they do give it they get the most out of it right and so the game of business to aggregate wealth is to play with higher and higher and higher amounts of leverage over the one thing that we all have the same amount of which is time and so mastering that is the key to becoming wealthy so you you master your time in order to master your money and so there's two components to mastering time you have mastery of time which comes down to the micro which is the day to day the speed of activity and i can tell you right now if you talk to somebody you say hey we should do this thing right and then boom they've got this organized they've already done two or three messages and then like it's getting done tomorrow i guarantee you that that person is going to be more wealthy because they have a micro mastery of their time right on the map actually i'm gonna explain that even a little bit further so think about this from from an organizational perspective imagine that the default time period that you use to get something done is let's say a week let's say that's just the unspoken default that's the cultural default of like hey we need to start this project hey can you get this this thing to me they said cool i'll get you by end of week right end of week that's d500 is okay with that right but let's say because you want to become a master of wealth and you understand that time is huge is one of the is one of the biggest components of wealth you then say no guys the new default is end of day for all activities unless stated otherwise that becomes the new norm and so let's say that this project that we had originally has several back and forth interactions they give something to you it takes a week you get them something back it takes a week to take a week take a week take weeks the whole thing takes seven weeks right now imagine it was end of day the same output happens in one seventh of the time because we both get a dumb end of day next day two things happen next day two things happen next day two things happen and then boom the project's done what took two months takes somebody else four days and when you multiply that effect over a year over a decade that is when you see the outsized returns in wealth and money because of mastery on the micro of time the second component of time is the macro perspective of time which is are all of the activities acting in alignment with my overall goal and do i believe that they can compound on one another are they directionally aligned over a decade over three decades so that i can have a compounding effect leverage in action over a longer period of time so that my input is is far less or my output far outweighs the input that i did because i let time work as an asset rather than a liability most people's plans when you add time get worse what you want to do is play games where if you wait you win and so those are the games that we want to set up and those are the games that the people who are truly wealthy understand and so i can tell you having dealt with people who make significantly more money than me their mastery of the micro of understanding how speed moves things forward because on a macro scale of getting things done day day day day day day rather than week week week week means that at the end of the year they have 40 times the output and people are like that's not fair said life was supposed to be right and so this micro kind of exchange that happens there gets enhanced and magnified and people get upset about it but the thing is is you can either decry the system and hate on it or you can accept it for what it is and just choose to play the game and win the way you want to if that's what you want and so as the micro and then from the macro perspective like i was saying earlier is that the biggest shift that i see in people who are wealthy is that they talk in decades not days and i can tell you based on the time period that someone talks in when they talk about their plans how wealthy they are or to be fair how wealthy they will be and so if you have truly realistic plans that you're like this is what's gonna take me about 10 years if you hear someone say that i can tell you that they're going to be successful and if you can shift your perspective to that where you actually start planning and like okay it would be unreasonable that if i did this for 10 straight years that i wouldn't be significantly wealthier than i am today so that's what i'm gonna do and then having the singularity of mine to not get distracted and so there's three things they did a research study on this i found this interesting hopefully it will too actually you guys digging this because i was this you guys good digging um and if you want throw some questions in there uh because i'll wrap up my little my little my little diatribe here um there's three things that they found that made people who were ultra successful and ultra successful i i wish i had the definition for what they define as ultra successful but we'll just leave it at that they said they have a superiority complex and they think that they are in some way better than other people and deserve more than others number one number two they have massive insecurity and fear of failure they they never think that they will measure up or be good enough interesting paradox and then number three is they have impulse control and so think about this from a bigger picture perspective they have the superiority conflict so they believe that they can accomplish these amazing things like how like some people if you tell them your goals they'll say how dare you think that way how dare you believe that you could accomplish something like that and so it takes a little bit of delusion in order to think i'm gonna make an iphone whatever the [ __ ] that is i'm gonna put a computer in everyone's hand in the world i'm gonna do that right most people think it's hubris and the only thing that separates genius and insanity is what happens is outcome right and so they have this this vision of where they want to go and they believe they can do big stuff number one number two they have this fuel that they push away from from always feeling they'll never be good enough right that's what drives them towards this this outcome and the number three and this is the big one this is the one that everyone messes up is they have the impulse control to stay focused on it and not let shiny objects distract them even though there's another opportunity comes up two years in they're like no if i keep doing what i'm doing and i follow the plan that i set i will be it would be unreasonable that i do not achieve the goal that i have could this help maybe but even if i don't do that i will still get there and i would rather take the get rich for sure than get rich quick way every day and most people this is my finding at least if you were to sit down with someone and say here's a contract you sign here and you're going to live on 30 000 a year for the next five years but at the end of that five years you'll be able to make a million dollars a year most people would sign that contract but they don't live like they would sign that contract and so if you can and the reason that that contract works is because it delays the gratification it it separates the i'm going to have the cookie today from i want to have a six-pack for life right it's the i will suffer for this long period of time i will make the hundred dials i will make the hundred pieces of content a week i will spend 100 a day on advertising and sacrifice my lifestyle in order to learn not to get rich but to learn the skills that will make me rich eventually and i know that if i accumulate these skills because i'm dedicated to that and i'm willing to sacrifice more than other people to achieve my dreams and i'm gonna i'm gonna put a pit on this real quick because i think this is real how many of you to save humanity would sacrifice your life like throw a like a like or a thumbs up or something like that like how many of you guys attack like would give your life for maybe even your country right a lot of people would do that a lot of our military do we appreciate that you serve like how many people would do that or save your family pause why is it that that is more important than your dreams because i was asked in an interview a few days ago why were you willing to sacrifice so much and i feel like the better question is why are people not willing to sacrifice anything it's like if you're willing to sacrifice your life give the ultimate price for a country or for whatever why would you not give at least that much to realize the potential that you believe you have and so that's for me why the sacrifices never felt like sacrifices they felt like trade-offs and for me they were trade-offs they were prices i was willing to pay and so it's like if there was a pair of shoes that i wanted it was 500 and i bought them and someone's like don't you feel guilty about spending 500 i would say no that was the price and i was willing to pay because i wanted the shoes period and so if there's a price tag that we can ascribe to our dreams or to the potential that we believe that we have which is what we want to pay down as regret in the future for not having it if you read the price tag and it says you know football with the boys dodgeball during the week you know drinking a couple of nights some a little bit groggy if that's the price tag is that a price i'm willing to pay and i think if you are you'll get significantly closer to what you're trying to do and so that was uh that was the the general gist of the uh of the chat that i had not chat it was a presentation at the best do you guys like that was that cool i didn't get a little bit of recap and this is not the normal style it's the first q a q a ever you can thank caleb hopefully i won the bet and he's he's not told me that anyone actually is live so i could just be ranting at the uh iphone but if you guys have cues or a's about any of that stuff um let me know in the chat and uh caleb will read them out to me and then uh we'll uh rock and roll from there a common question we got is what would be your number one tip for building a sales team okay number two for building a sales team is hire a very good sales manager that's a that's a very serious answer hire somebody who's already built a sales team that's the the real answer the second and much harder answer is learn to sell yourself learn to sell the product um train the next person to manage the product read books on sales management which comes down to communication cadence and managing uh a training process a recruiting process and then a management process so there's three big things that have to happen in the sales team you have to recruit the right talent which by the way let me save you a lot of time it comes down to much more of the picking than it does to the training right because it's much easier to take somebody's naturally graded baseball and get them better than get somebody who has zero eye hand coordination and trying to get them to become a pro you can it'll take you three times as much time to get someone from a 205 then it takes someone to take a seven to a nine all right so number one is being able to spot your town and recruit them onto your team number two is the training component which is you need to get as specialized as humanly possible and here's the key point that i think most people mess up in their sales training they focus on the product not the prospect so the whole time they're trying to educate their team on the bells and the whistles and the things and the differentiators between them in the competition well most of the time the other people have on the phone don't even know the competition number one number two they don't even understand the features because they don't understand the problem and so what we should be talking about is why are you here what problem are we solving and then we should have very deep context to what are the common issues that the prospect is suffering from because at the end of the day the more accurately you can depict the pain someone is experiencing the more you can enter the internal conversation and dialogue that's happening in their mind the more they will believe whatever you have next and so if i can perfectly describe what your situation is right now just imagine that i was able to describe your life and the things that you suffer from right now perfectly if i said if i just described it all to you be like geez it's like this guy like knows everything i'd be like and that's why i think you're a good fit for the program i wouldn't even need to tell you about the program because you'd be like geez i mean if he understands my problem that well then i'm sure the solution will work and so that's why also from a flexibility standpoint if you train your sales team on the prospect you can swap products out as as needed but the prospect will probably not change and so when we're training so first we recruit the right people we pick right right so the uh the the championships are one in the draft right not not in the offseason number two is that we train around the prospect on the product and number three is that we manage around the values of the team in the headspace and we manage towards one key thing which is conviction because if you have somebody who's been recruited well and they've been trained on the pains of the prospect the only reason someone's not going to be able to sell is because they lack conviction something happened they got a text they got a call somebody's complaining about something and all of a sudden their conviction drops and you can see this because if someone was hot and then goes cold it's not because they don't know how to sell because they were hot they already know how to sell it's because they stop feeling motivated to close and so when someone gives them the initial objection they shrink away because they don't believe that they're really helping the person and so then they don't want to push any further because i can tell you let me say this imagine imagine you went back in time and you were going to talk to your old self from 10 years ago right and you wanted to say hey there's this thing called bitcoin you should get into it and sell it on this day all right i know it means nothing right now this is the day that you're going to sell it on but here's the thing if you went back in time you had to not be you you had to just come in another body so to you you're a perfect stranger but you're talking to yourself think about how you would sell that person that is what somebody with conviction sounds like and every everything that they come up with to be like let me let me let's let's dive into this more you're suffering from this let's let's let's pull these pieces apart no like i think we do need to make a decision because every day like you start breaking it down the way you would talk would change because of the level you were convicted and a key point on conviction is not that it's binary this is a false thing that people say it's not do you believe in the product or not believe the product it's to what extent do you believe in the product how deeply you believe in product i ask you a question have you ever have you ever talked to somebody about something and they had some cockamania something that was insane right but they talked about it with so much conviction that you started to question your own beliefs because i convicted they were that is the power of conviction over any tactic in sales and that's again the thing that i was talking about earlier with the intention right people can smell out intention and so if you have the genuine deep desire to help the prospect and you genuinely believe that this product or program or service is going to change their life then selling gets easy the hard part is doing that which is why most of sales get fixed by fixing those things and not necessarily having some super insane program for training you pick the right people you teach them about your prospects but the things that they're really struggling with and you teach them to have a question-based conversation which is why are you here what have you struggled with in the past why didn't that work okay now that i've understood those things i think you might be a good fit for our program can i tell you about it yes x y and z does that make sense cool we can move forward it doesn't have to be complicated right like that simple sales script is what we taught thousands and thousands of gym owners and they closed millions and millions and hundreds of millions of dollars in sales using that because the more complexity you add to the system the easier it is to break and so for me i've always taught off question-based frameworks because when you just ask questions it always gives you a home base so if someone goes out you know they're all the way out in outer space you've got to bring them back a question can always bring someone right back on point you're like thank you so much for sharing that boom next question right you can walk them down towards the sale so when scaling a sales team best option is to hire an experienced sales manager done this before if you can't do that then you need to learn how to do the sale yourself recruit someone who has the already ideally track record work ethic intelligence candor to sell and ideally in a selling environment those similar years if you're doing high volume transactional sales then you want somebody's done high volume transactional sales if you're doing you know enterprise level sales then you want somebody who's done a long sale cycle who's probably more of a farmer than a hunter it's different personality stuff you got to make sure that you match those so you start recruiting then you create a question-based framework just for the script and the rest of the time you're educating them on the prospect not the product and then finally from a management perspective if someone is dipping all of the effort goes towards raising their conviction educating them on all of the things that we're doing to help our our prospects succeed giving them the testimonials having live clients hop on and talk about how their life has changed saying hey dan remember how you sold johnny two weeks ago well here's johnny and his life's totally different johnny left like can you share your experience all of a sudden dan now feels like the next guy he gets on the phone with is just like johnny and that is how you can fix someone's sales without even having to get into the nitty-gritty and sure every morning you do your huddle you know deal with the overcomes people are struggling with make sure we drill stuff do the role-playing you obviously have to do that that's the blocking attack that we're selling but if you want to build a world-class sales team it comes down to the culture of conviction so that answered that question what are uh three books that you would recommend people read i've only read one so uh i honest real talk i think it would be much better so i have this youtube video that says i was once weak uh it's on my channel i genuinely think it's the best i mean i i think it's it's one of the best presentations i've ever given and it's literally just about closing and i think if you just it's 90 minutes of just straight closes and if you can understand that and it and it shows you an ethical approach to closing which is about giving the power to the prospect because the reason that people don't buy isn't because they don't want to buy it's because they're afraid to make a mistake and so what they do is they give their power away and so there's three ways to give their power away from the outside end they give it to their circumstances first so that's time that's money or that's some particular aspect of the program they don't like so time wise i'm not going to get into all the overcomers because it could go forever but time wise we all know that it's not about time it's about priorities right how can how can somebody become a self-made billionaire you know what i mean and like we all have the same amount of time so that's and i can give you the actual scripting around that but just watch the video to explain it the second for circumstances is money which is not about money it's not about resources about resourcefulness so what's the difference between somebody who's broke and a billionaire who lost everything and then builds it back again well both people have ground zero at one point but the difference is that one person is resourceful the other person isn't and so it's not about resources about resourcefulness so right now if you are broke every south paid billionaire who was broke you're in the exact same position as them so which means it's not an excuse which means if let's say tomorrow you needed a 50 000 surgery how would you come up with the money how would you come up with it and this is an easy question for everybody because this is this is what i think really drives it home that sounds like a hypothetical who here is on the live right now motivation love you guys by the way you guys digging this is this cool rocking okay who here has had an unexpected bill come up maybe something like maybe your car breaks down maybe you have a tax bill for my business owners any huge tax bills all of a sudden they came up what about uh what about a payroll tax for example that you forgot that you weren't paying anybody or you have a major water breakage right you're still here you still have a phone you're still on instagram right now so you obviously survived and here's what's interesting we are willing to become resourceful when we feed someone else but not ourselves so when you had to pay your landlord and pay rent you figured out a way when you had to pay the tax bill the irs you figured out a way when you had to pay the bill for your car breaking down you figured out a way but for some reason when it comes to investing in yourself you're not and so that's because people blame the circumstances rather than themselves and so we peel this back right so we're having this conversation with the prospect and so the three things circumstances so time money fit so fit is like uh i'll give you a simple example they say uh there's broccoli on this meal plan i hate broccoli i don't eat broccoli right and the easiest overcome there is just you gotta change the change there's a lot of stuff that you can unpeel there but you just simply say like i mean so many people are like hey well i currently eat this for breakfast can i just like have that on the meal plan i'm like well that breakfast got you that body so probably not got to change the change that's the fundamental truth there so those are the three that happen in circumstances the next level that people will cast [ __ ] to pass their power to is other people so to say i can't do this because my spouse can't do it with my kids i can't do it because my employees i can't do it because uh big bird doesn't matter right the thing is they will say i can't make the decision because i'm relying on someone else to make this decision and there's a fundamental flaw in this and the big flaw is this is that if we fast forward the clock two years who are you going to blame for the life that you have yourself or the person that you're giving all the power to of course them and that's not fair the relationship that you're going to have and so what you're doing is you're asking for permission when you should be asking for support real talk and so the thing is is obviously there's sub ones underneath of that which is like hey do they you know they approve your current situation you know if they say you know no they don't approve it they're not happy that i'm you know feeling this way it's like cool then why would they be against something they already don't approve of cool if the rules were reversed what do you think would happen would you help would you be okay with them doing something to help themselves well why do you think it would be different for them right like you can these are all like the simple like mini mini overcomes but the big one is that you're asking for permission instead of support right because you really have to logically play this out and so once you get someone to say you know what you're right like i need to take control of this cool now we're talking to somebody who's in charge all right which gives you the last circle and the last circle is avoidance is that now when someone says i need to think about it or i'm not sure at least you're talking to somebody who's in charge which is amazing and so if you're a sales person and someone gives you a circumstance thing you might be two levels that you have to still keep overcoming to get to the gold now if someone says a spouse thing you might have to overcome that and then still have to overcome an avoidance thing but if you can think about peeling back the onion from the outside in then what we're doing is we're not selling we're giving this person the power to make a decision and the objective of the sale i'm going to say this i want to just [ __ ] inscribe this in everyone's hearts is that the point of the sale is not to get them to buy the point of the sales to get them to decide and so if you guys don't know the definition of of decide comes from latin which is to cadare which means to literally cut off and so the question you ask the prospect is that's what this word means and so the question is which future are we cutting off today are we cutting off the future that is more aligned with the dreams that you're trying to accomplish are we cutting off the past that you're trying to step out of which which path are we cutting off today right we need to make a decision all right and so now at this point when you're in avoidance you're talking to somebody in power and so we have to do is get them to confront that is the theme of this one so we have to get them to confront the decision which most of the time just means they don't even know how to make a decision and so i like to use the frame of past present future and so the past is saying is usually overcoming past worries that they've had past mistakes they've had so simple examples like hey i did something like this in the past it didn't work i'm afraid of the same thing happening again right i call this the burn you twice which is hey do you ever date anybody in middle school yes are you married to them no did you swear off the entire gender because you had a bad experience no well because if you did then you'd be allowing that bad experience to burn you twice once when you paid for it and didn't have it work out and second when it prevented you from meeting the love of your life and so we can't take that one experience and let it burn you a second time so that's not a good reason is it and then it's like well do you think that eventually you're going to do this do this thing right this is me getting in the future but like the more fluid you get with this the better you'll get but getting into futures like do you think you're going to like be struggling with this forever well no okay well do you think you're going to eventually have to do this sure or if you're going to do it eventually might as well do it now right and so there's the past which is about you know burning twice the other thing that you can pull from the past is like do you think the reason we're having the conversation right now is because you've had trouble deciding do you think you've gotten this point multiple times in the past you haven't been able to pull the trigger and that's why we're here today how much is not making this decision cost you up to this point is it more than the cost of this i don't think this is a fast decision because you've been making this decision the last five years today's just the first day we're taking action on it right so we can keep like you can keep going through that's all past right presidents they admit all that stuff and then now you're boom you're in the present with the person and you have somebody who's in power who who shakes off all the [ __ ] they've had in the past you're like great do you know what it takes to make the decision and usually they'll say no and you're like great there's three things that you need to figure out one is do you think the product is going to help you solve the problem that you have the way that you want it to be solved yes or no yes great do you want to work with me and or us yes or no right do you know someone or have access the amount of money to get started yes or no if they say yes then you're like great we just made the decision what card you want to use you have to help them make the decision and if they're still there they're like you know what if you're anything like me you're probably afraid of making a mistake does that sound fair what are you most afraid of having happen right what are you afraid of i think it's one of the most powerful questions in negotiations and sales because you're what are you afraid of having happen let's play it out right and this gets into another close call let's consider the options right but say like let's consider the options like worst case scenario right i go to vegas i take your credit card number i send it to a nigerian prince he maxes everything out and you don't get the result you want right right okay do you think that's gonna happen no okay well at least we're not there right okay so we're we're getting closer to gold we're getting closer all right what's the what's the real worst case well i just don't want to fail again okay that's beautiful what would make you feel like you're not going to fail again what would you need to say and then this as soon as they start answering this question you've got them it doesn't matter because the thing is they're going to say i wouldn't see this in this and you're like we already have that you shouldn't know about it because i didn't talk about features earlier because that's not important it's important is how you feel because at the end of the day like you just have to trust that our intention because you have to trust the person more than the paper right to walk them through the process and so even then i think in the future i wouldn't get into it but you get the idea here so big picture what we're talking is this is this valuable for everybody is this joe because i can talk about sales all day can i get some hearts and stuff okay cool caleb's talking because i i still this could be the ultimate prank because i still can't see the phone and so right now in my mind i'm talking to myself this entire time so so big picture you have these big concentric circles from the outside people who start with the lightest [ __ ] because it's the easiest thing to cast your power to i don't have time i'm too busy i don't have the money uh you know this doesn't sound like a perfect fit for me those are the easy things right and we go one one step closer to that which is then is other people right and then we say hey it's about asking for support on permission right we explain how in the future they're going to blame them for for everything and that's not fair to them it's not fair the relation if you want to value the relationship long term this is what you have to do you have to own the decision cool boom now we're in the present and we go past present future past we get them to give up all of the reasons that they've failed before as not something that's getting influenced today you teach them how to make a decision and then you confront their concerns that they might have and you can talk around them right and the easiest one and i'm still working on creating a framework around this but i'll share it with you and you can share with your sales teams if you like it then i'm trying to figure out like a skeleton key overcome and so there's two that have a high degree like you can use them in a ton of scenarios and i've used them all time so you can use them for your sales team number one is called the reason close and the reason close is whatever reason they give you you say that's the perfect reason you should do this so if they're like dude i don't have the money to start the program like that's the exact reason you need to do this program if they're like i don't have the time to start the program like that's because like this is the very reason you do the program right it doesn't matter what the thing is you just say that's the very reason you need to do this right so it's called the reason close the second close is something i'm working on called like the hypothetical close so you guys have probably heard of like the unicorn clothes and the one to ten clothes those are all closes that have similar themes around them and if you're not familiar with that is you know the one to ten closes you know if this were a one and you hated it uh i wanna skip from one and that would be alex you suck i hate you your breath smells and i never wanna see you again and ten being like this is uh this is a program that i want to get started today right uh where are you at right and here's the key it doesn't matter what number that they say let's say they say six you say okay cool well what would you what would it take to make you attend and they literally give you the thing that they said to get a yes and then you can also flip it and say why aren't you a one and then they start selling you on why it's good right and so that's the one to ten clothes the unicorn clothes is similar which is just like hey if this were some amazing uniform program would you do it they say yes now if they say no then you say cool then i don't think we need to talk about this stuff affiliated with something else going on and then you can start attacking the actual uh the objection which is like you don't trust me like let's talk about that right but this is what i'm working on for skeleton t so i gave you the the reason clothes the other one is the skeleton key and so which is the hypothetical clothes and so this is what i'm working on so i'm so figuring this out but if i said the hype whatever thing they say so let's say it's time let's say it's money doesn't matter and i say cool so time's the issue right okay so uh if time weren't the issue would you do it you guys see where this got right and then they're like well yeah you're like cool and then we dig in and say then what would it look like to have time and then they have to generate the responses and we're like oh cool well that's not going to take that much time the first thing we're going to do is replace all these activities which you're spending you're spending all your time on not getting results and replace with things that are great solve the problem and so what happens with the hypothetical close you basically take their object their obstacle and you say cool if that obstacle didn't exist would you do it because the thing is is once they say yes you got a hypothetical yes so all we have to do is match the conditions of the hypothetical yes in the real world and then we close the deal and so those are two of the strongest like multi-use closes that work at any point in this whole kind of equation um that i like a lot that i've used like a fair amount and so you can use those with your team but just like hey sweet you guys have any more uh any more questions because i know that was that was really valuable um like it was a good question uh one of the questions is uh this was from a while back but how do you deal with failure uh i mean i don't want this to sound like dismissive as an answer but like most people just have the wrong i don't say wrong like i just don't i don't i don't feel bad about failure because i don't see failure as bad and so this this chunks up into a larger conversation which is that most people ascribe labels positive or negative labels to situations and so this again gets into my worldview which i'm not going to get into but we have a meaning maker in our in our heads and so our entire lives when we're children we're going around and we're just asking adults what does that mean what does that mean what does that mean and we just take whatever they tell us as the meaning for things right and the thing is we don't remember every single person who told us what every single thing meant we just took it as fact and then later on in our lives when we have enough other meanings that we can triangulate positions on we can say that doesn't make sense i don't know if that's true and the problem that most of us have is that we deem failure and we were told that failure meant that we were a failure and that's false because failure is a necessary part is a requisite for success and so here's the thing this is something i can promise you if you are not failing right now you are not going to succeed it is a requisite it's a requirement for success and so how do i feel not bad about failure well if i told you that there was seven steps to success let's just say and you were on step four would you feel bad of course no but let's just say that step four is failing all it is is just unpacking the label that we've ascribed to this thing and just looking at it for what it really is which means i made an attempt and i learned something and then i will incorporate that new learning to take one step closer to what i what my desired outcome is and like all of life is a learning process not to get like two whatever but like that's what it is and so the idea is that we see failure is bad that's the problem that's all it is so that's it genuinely and i i hope it doesn't come unrelatable off unrelatable but like it just doesn't bother me everyone's asking about the your next book i it will be done when it is worthy of your attention and so right now i have right now i've i've written five versions end to end of the leads book and i'll just tell you guys what the problem is the problem is that the offers book was such a defined thing that i was fixing that i could create a manual to solve it and everyone could immediately read it and then 10x the prices do all these things and improve how much money they're making when it comes to leads it's actually a significant more complex topic and so it's not just like how do i do cold calling how do i do cold emailing how do i do cold messenger how do i do how do i run ads how do i do direct mail how do i do how do i make posts how do i make content how do i make like all of those things are have to have to encapsulate it in the book which i think i've done an okay job chunking up but the issue is i wanted it to also be for me if you followed any of my stuff there's two two things ideally three but two that are requirements is that it must be valid and it must be useful valid means that it's correct in a large number of scenarios ideally in all scenarios that means it has a high degree of validity useful means that if i actually do this thing i will get the desired end goal even if the y is not true but if i do these things i get the angle and so i'll give an example above so something that is valid but not useful would be if i said something's work and some things don't that is 100 valid it's also not useful at all right and on the flip side so many so many sales marketing etc gurus for example say like there are seven stages of awareness and this is how someone walks through a lead to become a customer and they start retroactively putting in thoughts into a prospect's mind when we have no date no way to validate that now if we do the actions that they say in order to sell stuff it might totally work but it doesn't mean it's valid because i might buy something not for those reasons and so the idea is i need to be both valid i need to be useful and the third bonus for me is that it's entertaining because if it's valid and useful then that will make people money and many self-motivated people will just go through it for those things because they know that this is a cheat code to making money but if i get it to be entertaining then i get more people to consume and ultimately win so for the book right now it is valid but the utility is lower outside of just baseline understanding how to [Music] market conceptually and so that has been the issue that i'm having because i'm trying to figure out whether i need to like write you know eight sub books which is a lot of work obviously um and just have one book that explains conceptually how this works so i'll give you i'll give you some stuff that like this might be interesting for you guys that i had to unpack what's the difference between promotion marketing and advertising right what is a lead what's a lead if i get a subscriber on youtube is that a lead if i get a follower on instagram is that a lead what what makes it a lead what makes it not a lead i'll tell you the definition that i have the book which is information that you can leverage to create a transaction that is a lead so if i get a subscriber on youtube that is not a lead if i get a follower on instagram that is a lead right because i can leverage that conversation create a transaction they might say well the follower on youtube would maybe buy something yes but after something else happens right if they commented and i said hey give me your number now i have the information leverage to create a transaction right and so um i've been i've been trying to peel these layers back to create with absolute clarity something that people who want to get more customers and the procedure of that is getting more lead flow or deal flow if i that they could read the book and immediately execute everything in the book and increase their lead flow and so that has been the trouble that i've had in trying to encapsulate that simply in a simple book while also accounting for all of the disparate ways that you can generate leads through attention and so the second big breakthrough that i had was something that i called the advertising cycle which you'll have to read the book um but basically i made 58 broken models to get this to work the way i needed it to and i would consider this the value equation of this book and so um i am working on it it just because we're also running um and actually like growing the business why not like writing the book um takes time and i just won't put out a product that i don't think is deserving of your attention and so i will always hold that as the hard line and so i promise that when it is done it will be worthy of it to the best of my human ability so um with that being said i hope you guys enjoyed the first live ever q a of uh solo if you guys uh can give a caleb a shout out because this was all his idea and if no one's there i will blame him and i will have won the bet that i've been talking to myself for this entire time um but anyways uh mozation i love you guys uh if you for some reason are new on here um we have a book that's 99 cents that a lot of people are referencing anything that's 5 000 five-star reviews on amazon it's 99 cents if you want to check it out a lot of people get value from it um the the podcast uh is you're a podcast listener we have a podcast that encapsulates a lot of this stuff at higher level i don't sell anything like the whole reason is this is because i'm trying to help businesses that are doing three million or more and so if you are a business that's doing three million or more and you're on the internet love to work with you hop on fill out the fill out the form we'd love to help you get to 30 million and beyond um we've done it six times already so we're pretty good at it especially for this type of business but if you're below three million and you're not in that industry or you're through you're below three million and you're in that industry that's why we make the book we make youtube we make twitter content we make uh instagram content and we just i'm just trying to give everybody the tools they need to uh that i wish i had had um earlier on not saying they're right i'm just saying they've worked for me so anyways appreciate your emoji nation you guys i don't deserve you but i am grateful for you nonetheless so thank you guys i'll see you guys the next instagram live

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