How I Got 106M Impressions With Ads

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How I Got 106M Impressions With Ads


  • Understanding and analyzing data has been a consistent source of new marketing for our company.
  • We've based successful campaigns on statistical analysis, such as showing how clients' stats improve after a year with our services, revealing significant revenue growth.
  • It's important to slice data in different ways to create compelling narratives; for example, showcasing the average revenue increase of the top 20% of clients or positioning data to highlight success rates.
  • Use three variables when presenting data: the percentage of clients affected, the outcome (e.g., revenue increase, median improvement), and the time duration over which the data was measured.
  • Presenting data effectively involves deciding how to frame statistics, whether it's by absolute figures (e.g., $15,500 additional revenue), percentages, averages, or relatable comparisons (e.g., covering nine months of rent with the first 30 days' revenue).
  • Long-term data, such as one or two-year client metrics, can provide social proof of continued value creation and set your company apart.
  • It's essential to ensure all data used in marketing is compliant and accurately represents what clients can expect.
  • Leveraging successful statistics in marketing provides an edge, especially if competitors aren't tracking their data as rigorously.
  • Always be on the lookout for data that tells a compelling story or reinforces the narrative of the marketing copy.
  • Statistics not only support marketing claims but also offer believability and differentiation in a crowded market.
  • Relying on facts and data enhances conviction in your marketing campaigns because you're presenting indisputable proof of your program's effectiveness.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing data analysis strategies that have worked for our company. Start by collecting your client data, like their revenue before and after using your services. You can create an impressive story by showing how much clients have grown after working with you for a year.

A good way of doing this is by slicing your data in various ways. Focus on three variables: the percentage of clients affected, the outcome (like revenue increase), and the time duration over which the data was measured.

Here's how you can use data for marketing campaigns:

  1. Look at the top 20% of your clients. Show the average revenue increase in this group to demonstrate potential high-end success.
  2. Use long-term client metrics to provide social proof of continued value. Show how clients improve after a year or two, if you have this data.
  3. Make sure your data is accurate and compliant so clients trust what you're showing them.
  4. Highlight compelling statistics. For instance, say "1 in 5.5 of our clients reach a million dollars in revenue," which sounds more relatable than percentages.
  5. Present your data in different formats: use absolute figures, percentages, averages, or comparisons to everyday expenses, like how much rent the additional revenue can cover.

Always look for new and interesting slices of data that tell a compelling story. Be creative in how you frame your data to make your marketing stand out. And remember, using factual data in your marketing not only supports your claims but also shows potential clients the real effectiveness of your services.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"there's always new inferences that you can derive from data that you can make the same thing mean different things"

– Alex Hormozi

"understanding data […] has been a consistent source of new marketing for us"

– Alex Hormozi

"i can always position myself because most people don't even capture their own data anyway"

– Alex Hormozi

"you can always say after you say an average that also means half of people are above this"

– Alex Hormozi

"we make gyms more money"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

special uh presentation for you today this is gonna be a little bit more advanced stuff um and it's because i'm partially making this for my team uh on the marketing side so one of the things that i have found has been a consistent source of new marketing for us is understanding data and so i think some people are much better at telling stores than i am but i'm pretty decent at slicing data and so um the nice thing is that there's always new inferences that you can derive from data that you can make the same thing mean different things and so for example i'll give you some statistics that we have um that we've based entire campaigns around so uh one campaign that was our most successful campaign that we've ever run was a one year later campaign and so what that was was we took all of our clients that have been with us for over a year and measured all of their stats and measured their status from before they were with us until now a year later and showed the difference right and the the differences were crazy you know 250 000 500 000 or a million dollars here extra like there's just massive differences and so from that from that one you know measuring example there's so many different sub divisions of data that you can use right you can just say hey when your later average client is up this right that would be one way to do the data another way to do that would be like one year later our top twenty percent of clients have added over four hundred thousand dollars a year uh to their yearly revenue another one would be uh the bottom you know eighty percent or at this right um and so there's there's all these are like one in here's another way of doing it one in five gyms uh who's been with us over a year is at is over z right and so there's different variables that you can play with right one is the percentage of people right the next is the goal and then the next is the duration piece so you have these kind of three wheels that you can spin together uh to make really interesting statistics and you can and you can you can base so many campaigns around it like another campaign that we have that's launching soon is um we just we just measured one in 5.5 gyms is over a million dollar a year run rate for us right and so all these you know so for me it's easy because like you know other people are like seven figure j and blah blah blah and so for me i'm like well they're talking about it we're doing it right and so i can always position myself because most people don't even capture their own data anyway so they don't even know and it's usually because it's not good right they already know they don't have any million dollar gym so they don't need to go measure that right we do know it's a one in 5.5 that's 18 now if you're thinking about from marketing perspective would you think 18 percent of gyms that we work with are seven figure gems maybe i don't think that sounds as compelling as one in 5.5 like really one in five like that's not that bad right and the thing is is you can also invert that and say all right but 4.5 out of 5.5 gyms hit this right so it's like i can play on the on the on the the desire that people have to win the lottery survivorship bias like that people think they're going to be the one right but i can also play on the inverse which is something that i like doing a lot which is i love playing on averages i love playing on medians um with data because it's like hey this is just what the normal person does right like and here's what's cool you can always say after you say an average that also means half of people are above this we're like wow well i consider myself above average so i'm going to be above that because everyone thinks they're above average right and so when you're clumping data together you can use those three wheels right wheel one is over what duration wheel two is what is the um what is the outcome um and then i literally can't even remember what the oh and then the percentage of clients that achieve that right so it's percentage of clients the outcome and then the time duration and so you have these wheels that you can mix and match and even when you say percentage of clients you can say percentage of clients you can say the top percentage the bottom percentage the median the average right um and you can also say one in right so there's different different ways you can also say the fractional version like one-fifth of right so all of these are that's just like that was just on the one wheel of um what percentage of clients right what percentage one-fifth one in however many the fractional amount the top percent is the bottom percentage so you can invert either one of those so one in five or four out of five right that would be the inversion the same stat and so when i'm using all of that like this is what i'm running through and this is what i've had a really hard time teaching my team which is why i'm making this right now um is that like this is what i'm running through what i'm thinking when i'm looking at like the the data they get back from customer support or excuse me customer success is like this they're like here's here's all the gyms that we have i'm like okay how can we say this differently how can we say this in a compelling way and make it a hook for our marketing right um and so that was that was all the examples i had for uh percentage of clients right now if we're talking uh time duration right so with time duration i'm like i'm gonna be thinking uh super long long long time away and here's what's cool about when you use long longer durations away if someone's been with you for a year the likelihood that they've succeeded is very high especially in education-based business so i i love pulling out the one year or two year later pieces because one it shows that people stay with me for a long time which means that i continually provide value right so that's social proof of continued value creation which i like a lot so boom when you have the long term duration it's great that's an advantage especially if you're an older player in the space having those one year two year later testimonials is something that no one else can show that you can show to also demonstrate your long-standingness in the space right but on top of that somebody's been with you for that long is going to usually have a very good outcome and so if i just say hey the people who've been with me for over a year average this that it's like wow that's crazy right and so the data will will give a very positive impression of what you're marketing right flip side um is that you can cut it at different different times right you can look at first week you can look at first 30 days you can look at first two months right and so the thing is is if you have this data on a regular basis uh you can you can time stamp this stuff and really you can slice it and find that the slice that you're like oh this is really good like for us like our average gym in the first uh i think this first 15 days not 15 days excuse me first two weeks just fifteen thousand five hundred all right uh an additional round that's the average which means half people get better than that right crazy and so um and i i give you the other stat earlier one in 5.5 gyms is a million dollar gym right and so i'm i can play with these you know with these numbers because i could have said 18 or i could have said with the percent of the the 15 500 i could say that's a what's the outcome right the outcome wheel could be what's the increase right if it was the increase it might be like the average person you know doubles what they do in revenue in the first 14 days that's a different way of saying it right um i don't know what i don't know what the actual number is because i don't have that one offhand but like that would be something that i'd be that's something i'd ask my team i'd be like hey figure out what the fraction is here is it a doubling is it a 1.5 x is it a 30 increase well 30 increase doesn't sound as good as 15 500 right so i'm going to say that one instead and so when we're talking about increases there's four ways you can show it one is a a percent increase which is this went up by x percent right the next is an absolute increase which is additional 15 500 right um the next would be uh the actual total number made which would be their revenue plus the increase boom right which would be different but similar right uh so you've got the the just the increase you've got the total amount made you've got the percentage increase you've got a relative increase which is one that i like which is what is 15 500 buy you right so 15 hundred might be like um i would have to look up industry averages but i'd say the you know maybe industry average for uh a micro gym rent might be let's say two thousand dollars a month so i'd say in the first 30 days the average gym in our program pays off three quarters or nine months of rent wow that sounds kind of interesting right like that's that's compelling that's unique right so hopefully you're following along with me you're like the three big wheels right wheel number one you've got is what's the outcome well wheel number two is the time duration and wheel number three is what percentage of clients you know achieve this outcome and so when you're playing with these three wheels and you're slicing the data all of these wheels have variables which is why you can slice data in so many different directions but for me this is usually what i will search for like this is what i will hunt for i will look for the piece of data that tells the story that that that the copy can't tell or it can reinforce the story that the copy tells and makes it far more compelling right now mind you you have to be absolutely compliant when you use numbers right which is one of the things i also like doing it because we track our stuff and most of our you know most people in our space don't because they're you know still figuring out how to you know market and figure out their business but the thing is most people don't track this stuff and so i have a huge advantage because i've been tracking this stuff for years right and on top of that we have we have pretty decent um metrics around this stuff especially around client success and so with that i can hunt and say okay let's look at uh new clients you know first first eight weeks right what's how much what's the increase in revenue okay and the thing is is everything i just talked about was one stat right i just talked about revenue i could use the same three wheels with time uh the customer outcome and then what percentage of them achieved it i could use those same three wheels with any of the stats i could use it with profit i could use it with revenue i could use it with churn i could use it with um i could even use it with growth percentage right i could use it with like there's there's so many different ways i can i can use those three wheels in my marketing but usually this will be the central core concept that i will make an entire campaign around right because at the end of the day there's only so many ways for me to say we make gyms more money right like i mean and the thing is at the end of the day everyone promises that so the question is how can i make um a different more unique promise and how can i make it more compelling and believable that they will achieve it right and so that's kind of why i use data as most of the times the central selling point that i have for any program that i sell now the good thing is is that and i've always done it that way because i'm usually when we're convicted because it's it's easy to have conviction in stats because those are what they are so i can have absolute conviction that this is what it is so take it or leave it these are the stats right like you can choose you know if i said my you know my weight loss program has an 87 success rate uh people hitting you know over 15 pounds then then like me even like how about this i'll say it even differently let's say let's say i had a let's say my success rate of people hitting over i have a i have a 70 success rate of people hitting over 12 pounds lost in the first six weeks with me right there's two variables that i'm playing actually three again which is what percentage of customers achieve x result right and i can change x result because i said what percentage customers achieve over over 30 pounds lost it'd be much smaller it'd only be like 10 right and sometimes it's worth saying the top 10 of our clients hit x i think it works better with business stuff but like in a weight loss scenario that would be that would be an example it's like i have this percentage of customers to achieve this percent and i can move these right until i find a sweet spot where i look in the data and i'm like huh 70 of our clients hit over 16 pounds lost that's pretty good right in this period of time and so now i can start marketing that because i have the data to support it and substantiate it right and so when i'm thinking about new hooks right here's a different one that i ran that crushed it for us which is i told you earlier about the 5.5 gyms one of 5.5 gyms is a million dollar gym here's another way you can do it with the time i didn't even get into the time duration one yet is that i can say one in uh every excuse me every x days x minutes x hours x weeks x months we achieve a y right and so i found out because i looked at our stats and i think the the last year we had done gosh i don't know it was like i honestly can't remember the number but i do remember the outcome it was um i think we created like 50 something uh seven-figure gyms in 2019 or 2020 something like that anyways point is is we created that many and i was like well there's 52 weeks in a year that means that one in every 7.7 days we create another seven-figure gym so that means every basically every week we're cranking out another seven-figure gym so it takes the idea of like this is how many of these outcomes we've had right so again in that weight loss example i could say how many people have we had lose you know 20 pounds right over you know over the last year and they might say you know we've had we've had we've had 200 people hit that i'd be like cool so we can say every two days another person crosses 20 pounds lost at my facility wow isn't that a different way of saying x percent of people hit this goal in experience right so there's there's these different ways of slicing it um and so i would implore you and this is also for my team that when we're when we're looking at what our main hook our main messaging that we're gonna wrap the whole campaign around um is let's look at the data right and let's think about the three wheels what's the outcome uh what percentage people hit it over what time duration and then play with all of them right with the time duration it's one in every how many days every how many minutes how many whatever is it is it over one year is it in the first 30 days in the first six weeks you know whatever like is that that's the time duration the customer i already said all the million ways of slicing the the outcome um and the percentage right and so hopefully that makes sense for you hope you found that valuable um they'll probably give you unlimited ways of slicing your own data but i'm telling you it's one of the most compelling things in the world because it's just true so i'll leave you with that keep being awesome that was a huge marketing hack that has made me a tremendous amount of money so use it and uh be fruitful bye

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