How I Got Rid Of My Hip Pain
- If you train hard for over 10 years, you might start feeling pain, like I did with my right hip.
- I fixed my hip pain with two tricks that you might find helpful.
- First, I realized my left ankle was inflexible. It stopped bending when I got to the bottom of my squat, causing extra pressure on my hip.
- To fix this, I stretched my left ankle, especially between sets, and it really made a difference.
- Second, I switched from bilateral training, like squatting with both legs, to unilateral training, where I use one leg at a time.
- Doing these two things together basically eliminated my hip pain.
How To Take Action
I would suggest implementing some small, straightforward changes to improve flexibility and prevent injuries, especially if you're training hard. First, check if any part of your body feels stiff or doesn’t move as well as it should. For me, it was my left ankle. Stretching this area regularly, especially between workout sets, can make a big difference. Just spend a few minutes doing ankle stretches, and you might see improvements in how your body feels and moves.
Another good way of doing this is by switching up your training routine. If you’re used to training both sides of your body together, like with squats or leg presses, try doing exercises that focus on one side at a time. Unilateral training helps balance your muscles and can reduce strain on overworked areas. This change helped me eliminate my hip pain.
Take these steps as part of your daily routine. They're low-cost and don’t take much time, but they can really boost your workouts and help with any discomfort you might be experiencing. Remember, it’s about making small adjustments to see big results over time. Keep checking in with your body, and tweak your approach as needed to stay pain-free and grow stronger.
Full Transcript
if you train hard for 10 plus years just starts hurting so I'll give you guys a trick I used to have a lot of hip pain in my right hip so I did two things to fix it one is my left ankle I realized was really uh inflexible so I get to the bottom this couldn't bend anymore so my hip on this side would give and that's where all the pressure was so I just stretch this out before I like between my sets and that helps me out the second thing is I switch from training bilateral so both legs all the time so when you squat you leg press whatever to doing unilateral one leg at a time and so those two things together basically eliminated my hip pain