How I Learned Business
- I learned the gym business by visiting different gyms and asking questions.
- At 22, I drove around to gyms and observed their operations.
- I picked up many little insights by asking, "Why do you do that?" repeatedly.
- I noticed each gym had unique strengths; the top gyms had different good practices.
- I combined the best practices from various gyms to enhance my business.
- Simple changes, like where to place a clipboard, can make a huge difference.
- These small improvements collectively had a massive impact on my business.
- This approach helped me create successful gyms and eventually led to Gym Launch.
How To Take Action
I would suggest implementing strategies that involve learning from other successful businesses. Here's how you can do it at a low cost and with high impact:
Visit Competitors: Drive around and visit your competitors or similar businesses in your area. This will give you firsthand insight into their operations. Focus on what they do well and how their customers react to various practices.
Ask Questions: Approach business owners and ask why they do certain things. Questions like, "Why do you place this here?" or "Why do you handle customers this way?" can open doors to small, impactful tweaks in your operations.
Observe Details: Pay attention to minor details. For instance, notice how they organize their check-in process or handle paperwork. Small changes, like where you place a clipboard, can streamline your workflow.
Combine Best Practices: Take the best practices from each business you observe. Not everything will be applicable, but combining the most effective tactics from multiple sources can create a powerful, unique system for your business.
Implement Incrementally: Make small changes and observe their impact over time. It's easier to manage and measure the results of minor tweaks than to overhaul everything at once. These small, consistent improvements can have a massive impact on your overall performance.
By focusing on these actionable insights, you can enhance your business operations, save time, and increase efficiency without significant financial investment. These strategies are simple but can create substantial improvements in the long run.
Full Transcript
this is what I've done with every type of business that I've ever wanted to like really learn a lot I just fly out cuz you'll pick up so many little things but like that's how I learned the gym business when I was 22 you know what I mean I just I drove around to all the gyms that would let me bother them they're all grown men and I'm 22 years old I'm like hey but the thing is I was so young no one took me seriously so it didn't really matter and so I would just I was like why do you do that why do you do that why do you do that what about this and I would just take i' take pieces and so I'll bet you if you went to the top like 10 locations there's some things that that number one guy does that's really good but there's probably some things the number three guy does that are also good that the number one guy doesn't do and I just took all the best stuff and that's what ultimately created the gyms that made more money and then I took that system and made gym launch but like just plucking these tiny little things of like oh when they sign people up they have this clipboard that they move to here oh that makes it way oh I don't have to do all this other oh this is great and so all these little things uh made a massive difference in my business