How I Would Invest 1000 If I Were In My 20s

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How I Would Invest $1000 If I Were In My 20s


  • I assure you that investing in skills training can lead to higher earnings, often surpassing the income of those with four-year degrees, sometimes within a year.
  • At 18, you're basically skill-less in the marketplace. But gaining a new skill, like becoming a phlebotomist, can significantly increase your income after a short investment of time and money.
  • Your potential to earn money increases as you provide more value by solving problems for others. The greater the value of the problem you solve, the higher your earning capacity.
  • It's wise to save money, but while you're young (or at any age), reinvest all surplus funds into education that enhances your ability to earn, rather than into traditional investment vehicles like stocks or the S&P 500.
  • Instead of passive investment in real estate, consider actively engaging in it to significantly increase your income.
  • Traditional four-year degrees might not be necessary in today's marketplace. Practical skills and continuous learning through courses, coaching, and mentorship can be more effective.
  • Invest in education like copywriting, media buying, or whatever skill increases your capacity to earn, viewing each course as a component of your entrepreneurial degree.
  • Don't expect a single person or course to be your savior; learn from as many sources as possible. Look for free content first to evaluate the value before making a purchase.
  • Speed up certification and learning to earn more quickly, reinvesting those earnings into further education and skill acquisition.
  • Before you innovate with your own style, replicate successful models. Master duplication before making personal iterations.
  • Don't get disheartened by incomplete projects ("half-built bridges"). Focus and finish one project before starting another.
  • Skills stack exponentially. The more diverse and complementary skills you acquire, the greater your earning potential.
  • Decide not to waste money on frivolous things and invest in yourself instead. Self-investment can lead to faster and greater financial growth than traditional investments.


How To Take Action

I would suggest investing in useful skills, like becoming a phlebotomist – it doesn't take long or much money to get started. For anyone looking to grow income fast, grabbing a new skill can make a huge difference. Here’s a plan for putting this into action:

  1. Identify a high-demand skill that interests you and that can be learned quickly. For example, phlebotomy.
  2. Look for a short course or certification that is affordable and can speed up your learning.
  3. Save money by living simply and use any extra cash to invest in classes or training.
  4. Avoid getting distracted by too many projects. Complete one skill before moving to the next.
  5. Once you've mastered a skill, teach yourself another related one. Skills stack up and make you more valuable.
  6. Free resources like YouTube can be great for learning. Use them to get a feel for a skill before paying for a course.
  7. Instead of spending on things you don't need, put that money into education. It pays off better than stocks or real estate investments.

Remember, the goal is to solve bigger problems for people – that's how you earn more. It's like building a bridge; make sure you finish one before starting to build another. Learn from successful models before you try to be innovative. And always, keep investing in yourself – it's the best investment you can make.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"Your ability to earn money, to provide value to the marketplace and solve problems for other people, is how you will be able to make money"

– Alex Hormozi

"The value of the problem that you solve and what you charge for it, the bigger that number is, the more you can charge"

– Alex Hormozi

"Your earning capacity is going to be the thing that generates you wealth"

– Alex Hormozi

"I believe that you should take all of the excess money, live as cheap as you can, take a hundred percent of that excess money and invest it in education that increases your earning capacity"

– Alex Hormozi

"Skills stack exponentially"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

i [ __ ] guarantee you that you will be making more than people who have four-year degrees you'll probably start making money by the end of the first year i was at brooke's house and she had seven 20 to 23 year olds at her house no cat one morning one of the guys was up early and he was like hey right now i've got a thousand extra dollars like where do you think i should invest it you know i've got my 401k and i've got you know whatever stuff and it was cute it was so interesting to me because like he was looking for an investment vehicle that was going to yield him a return i want to be very clear about this if you invest in the s p 500 you know real estate things like that and you start really early and you do it for a long period of time you absolutely will make money it is a very safe way to live life but the moment you start investing in kind of the asset side of stuff which is like the s p stocks in general and you're not day trading or doing that stuff because that's that's stupid the moment you do that is actually the moment in my belief that you're actually ceasing to want to make more income hear me out if you're 18 years old and you graduate high school tomorrow you are now eligible on the marketplace because you have no skills besides your high school diploma you did no job [ __ ] off the whole time don't watch youtube to learn stuff which is not you but just imagine in two days you could go and become certified as a phlebotomist and go from making 750 or whatever the minimum wage is to what phlebotomists make at 25 an hour you would triple your earning capacity after two days and spending 500 if you can triple your income for the rest of your life the 500 certification in two days do you think it's worth the investment probably and so the problem is that people think about the biggest investment as the stuff that they take their money and they put it into and i'm gonna be over i'm gonna be trite right now your ability to earn money to provide value to the marketplace and solve problems for other people is how you will be able to make money there's the value of the problem that you solve and what you charge for it the bigger that number is the more you can charge that gap between their old problem and the solution that value is the percentage that you can take and put in your pocket as something that you have now created in this and it could be a service it could be products it could be whatever your earning capacity is going to be the thing that generates you wealth do you want to be smart with your money and save it absolutely because that gives you way more that you can play with but when you're 20 even when you're 30 and in my belief whatever age you are i believe that you should take all of the excess money live as cheap as you can take a hundred percent of that excess money and invest it in education that increases your earning capacity because what happens is when you take that money like that phlebotomy course right you take twenty five dollars an hour time two thousand hours a year you're not a fifty thousand all year income cool if i can live on 20 because i'm 20 years old and i can live with buddies and we can eat ramen soup and whatever and i got 30 left over after taxes 25 whatever 25 grand can buy you a lot of education i would rather you or i would rather me or somebody who's 20 or somebody who's 30 take 2 000 a month because that's what 25 grand is and invest it in courses coaching mentorships workshops and seminars every month i'm putting that 2k now you could put 2k into one opportunities you're like dude i think real estate's cool cool we're not doing real estate as my passive income we're doing real estate is i'm gonna get into the real estate game and i'm gonna make it my active income and by the way everybody who builds their wealth and real estate are actively spending their time in real estate don't believe what they're saying they're like dude i did this deal and i made x amount of money it's like what was the process of finding deals how many deals did you look at how many conversations did you have how many buildings did you walk how many different general contractors did you oh wait there is and there's other stuff that has to happen right back to the point let's say that you take that 2 000 a month and you do that for four years and i'm not saying do the four-year degree i think that is play if you want to i don't necessarily agree with it anymore in the marketplace that currently exists four years later i [ __ ] guarantee you that you will be making more than people who have four-year degrees you'll probably start making money by the end of the first year the amount of like copywriting courses in books and programs mentorships and even one-on-one coaching like i think one-on-one coaching is a phenomenal way to learn a new skill if you're like hey i need to know how to buy media i need to know how to run an ad go pay someone who runs ads or teaches people how to run ads when you make that payment you're seeing it as one class in your entrepreneurial degree rather than this one twelve thousand dollar investment has to make me rich if you can make that shift it's like this is my course like when you get your degree in college you're not like oh i'm going to take one class in spanish graduate and get whatever job i want no one thinks that way but for some reason to think about that when it comes to entrepreneurial stuff you're not paying someone to think that they're going to be your savior they're not going to save you from your life do everything for you no one person is going to teach you everything i'll do my best on this channel teach the stuff i know but you have something to learn from everyone you know like that wasn't the value that i thought i was like you can still learn from that you want to go to the person who's providing the most value for free it's the easiest way for you to decrease your risk of purchase if you follow someone's instagram you follow youtube you see the stuff they put out you're like dude this is really good like this is a lot of new information that i didn't know and it's like very tactical and i understand like hey you already know that you like the person b you already know that you're getting value from the person from the content they have and so the likelihood that the thing that they have that's paid is gonna be worse than that is low you know hopefully follow lots of people in a particular space see the one that you jive with the most you like their teaching style you don't need to follow this stuff for forever to like belabor the decision give yourself seven days because you know what's really even cooler than buying one person's buy em all and then you'll know what everyone knows and then guess what happens you become just as good or better now you're making eighty thousand dollars a year well now we've got four thousand dollars a month that we can spend on coaching and mentorships and learnings and courses and whatnot i was saying to myself like i'm gonna be the number one student here i'll just do whatever they say i'll see what happens and i'll do whatever they say i'll see what happens you wanna replicate before you iterate before you say i'm gonna put my alex sauce on before you do that just make sure that you can duplicate what they're doing because then you earn the right to make the iterations even if it's not perfectly your style copy it first before you make the iterations if you see it as a bridge that has many bricks on it you have to lay all the bricks and here's the bad part let's say you've got 30 bricks on this bridge to make your first dollar the first dollar has to walk across the bridge when you're 28 bricks in you might not have made the first dollar yet but you're 90 of the way there and the speed with which people are able to traverse or cross that bridge is how well they identify which brick is missing and where they put their attention that's where a lot of people get disheartened is that they will start building new bridges and get two three bricks and then they'll start building a new bridge two three bricks and they have lots of half built bridges and they never make it all the way across let's say you're a videographer or you like video stuff skills stack exponentially you got a video skill now you got an editing skill now you understand social media messaging copywriting and branding ooh management and operations and leadership see how that person starts to expand you can imagine how their pay is going to dramatically increase because now you're a cmo broadening your horizon and going deep in these other silos then all of a sudden you're an entrepreneur one is you have to make that decision that you're not going to spend all your money on stupid stuff the second is that you are going to spend your money not on the s p but on the s and me what is that you're going to spend it on you because that thing is going to compound a hell of a lot faster than 10 a year you can double triple 10x your earning capacity the people who are the richest people in the world they make a thousand times more jeff bezos made 40 million dollars an hour last year it's a lot

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