How MILLIONAIRES communicate…[tactical training]
- As co-CEO of, I emphasize giving away free information to help others improve their businesses without the excessive costs of masterminds and coaching.
- Good communication should replace assumptions with curiosity and practice active listening to foster clarity and quick decision-making.
- Clearly communicated onboarding processes for clients can lead to faster and more successful outcomes.
- Over-communication is generally not a reason for employees or clients to leave; it is often the lack of it that leads to dissatisfaction.
- CEOs and leaders must set the standard for communication as it's vital for being liked and trusted, which is essential for business success.
- Effective communicators respond promptly, reach out for help, provide ample insight, and give thorough responses.
- Energy, engagement, and exploration are critical components of good communication, and emotional control is paramount to productive interactions.
- Communication can be a greater predictor of team success than individual intelligence or skill level.
- Distribute communication evenly across the team to foster better decision-making and trust within the organization.
- Encourage cross-departmental understanding and collaboration to avoid siloed teams and to drive innovation.
- To put good communication into action use the six Cs: Call out in meetings, Create opportunities for co-creation, Conduct surveys for input, Coach on feedback, Collaboration as a default, and Casual activities.
- Self-assess communication skills and observe the team to identify areas for improvement, leveraging the communication formula and the six Cs.
- Remember, clear and effective communication is at the core of strong leadership and organizational success.
How To Take Action
I would suggest starting with replacing assumptions with curiosity. Instead of guessing why someone did something, ask them! Listen to their answers carefully to understand better. For example, if a team member is late with a project, ask why it's delayed instead of getting mad right away.
Next, set up a clear onboarding process for clients. Make sure they know what will happen and when. This will help them move forward quicker. For your team, create a guide that tells new employees what they need to know to start working well.
Remember to talk a lot about important things. If people leave, it's usually because they didn't get enough information, not because they got too much. Be the one to start the talking and set the example.
Also, answer quickly when people write or talk to you, ask for help when you need it, explain things well, and give full answers.
Three big parts of talking well are showing energy, being in the conversation, and wanting to learn. Keep feelings under control to keep talks useful.
Good talking is often more important than how smart someone is or how much they know. Spread talking around in your team to make better choices and build trust.
Here are six easy things to do to talk better:
- Call out people in meetings to make them talk.
- Create chances for working together, like brainstorming sessions.
- Conduct surveys to get thoughts from the team.
- Coach your team on how to give and take feedback.
- Make working together the normal thing to do. Ask questions in group settings, not just one-on-one.
- Do fun things together, like games or outings, to help people feel comfortable with each other.
Lastly, look at how you and your team talk right now. What needs to be better? Pick one of the six Cs to start working on and watch how it changes things. Good talking is key for leading well and making a business succeed.
Quotes by Leila Hormozi
"Good communication is a bridge between confusion and clarity"
– Leila Hormozi
"Nobody ever quits a job or a company because someone over communicated"
– Leila Hormozi
"No spouse ever leaves a marriage because the other spouse over communicates"
– Leila Hormozi
"Your employees, your team perceives how good you are by how well you communicate to them"
– Leila Hormozi
"Communication itself was a greater predictor of success than individual intelligence or skill level of the team"
– Leila Hormozi
Full Transcript
co-ceo of which is a business that does about 85 million per year in revenue and i don't do coaching or masterminds or courses and i don't sell anything and so i make these videos just to share them to help people part of our mission is to give away as much free information as possible so that people don't have to spend 50 100 000 on masterminds and courses and coaching just to get better at their business and so this video is part three in a series of how to like really propel your business really scale your business to 30 or 50 million and what are the foundations i need to put in place and this is the third piece of that and it's communication and i'm really breaking down this video i try to really share everything i know about this and everything i've learned over the years that is stuff i just kind of came to on my own i think there's a lot of stuff in the internet that honestly it's really fufu and vague i hate it and so i want to put this thing out there that's actually tactical that you can implement into your business and so by the end of that video you should be able to actually have a couple takeaways of things you can do to improve your business your team and ultimately your life and so let me know what you think in the comments and enjoy the video all right so in this video what we are going to talk about is communication so one of the most vague and complex and uh seemingly from the outside boring topics that we could talk about in terms of management and so again this is the third part of the hi output management practices this is part three of five i really want to try and break this down for everyone today into a way that you can understand how you tactically improve communication your company because what i have hated over the years is that every person every coach every mentor for the most part that i have had has said better communication you need good communication and then it's like well how the do you do that and i think that it's this really elusive vague topic that people don't understand and they can't define and therefore they cannot improve in order to improve communication in a company and even understand it we have to define it right and so first off the definition of communication that we're going to use in this uh training today is that good communication within a company is a combination of trading assumptions for curiosity and actively listening to others on the team and so that is the root of what our understanding of communication is now what does that do for people right what's the outcome of that good communication is a bridge between confusion and clarity okay so somebody is confused if you are able to effectively communicate with them everything becomes clear and so if you can think about like if you've signed up with a mentor or you've gone through a course or it's like you're stuck you're confused you don't want to do and then that person communicates to you in a way that conveys what you need to do to solve your problem and all of a sudden you have clarity and you can move faster and the reason we want clarity and not confusion is because employees and teammates that are confused and clients do not move quickly right and so you've probably seen it even if a good example of this is people that don't have a good onboarding practice in their business right so like the client comes in it's just like a big chaotic mess that client doesn't do anything they stall they're not fast the reason for that is that there's not clear communication about what needs to happen for that client and so you see a lot of people if you just insert an onboarding process that is clearly communicated those clients will succeed much faster and so to illustrate the importance of communication and like how much it can truly affect your company and your clients think about this right sparta did not have a word for freedom like there was no word for freedom in sparta and the reason for that was slavery was so pervasive that they just didn't have a word for it and so if you think about the things that you say and the things you don't say to your team and or your clients create the culture just like they did in sparta again like with any presentation i want to give you why should you give your time today why should you even pay attention to this there's a million things out there right okay well i want you to understand this is that nobody ever quits a job or a company because someone over communicated the first time i heard that i think it was like six years ago i remember somebody said to me and i wish i knew who it was uh nobody is ever going to quit because you over communicate layla and i was like that's so true you really think about it right if you over communicate there's no risk there's no risk to over communicating there's a risk to under communicating you think about with your clients right no client ever leaves a company because the company over communicates or is overly transparent like i know for me right when i sign up for a program or a mentorship or a course in the past when i've done those things when i sign up and people immediately communicate with me and they tell me what's going on and they update me on the company and they update me on who they're hiring and internal things as well as external things and what's coming for the clients i'm super happy about it and that the communication is how i perceive that company i perceive them by how they communicate whether they're great or not the fact that they have great communication i automatically it runs they jump rungs in my mind right and so that's how people perceive people as well and then lastly is just to really cement this in is like think about this no spouse ever leaves a marriage because the other spouse over communicates right like oh you're just over communicating with me but you hear people all the time like they wall they're too cold to me they don't talk to me and it's funny because these things always trickle down it's like a lot of times when someone's terrible communicator within their personal lives they're also a terrible communicator at work now there are exceptions to this but more than often not and so i really want to convey is that if you're a ceo or if you're a leader either one of those it's your job to set the tone for what communication is right like you get to set the tone for what is expected and what is normal you see a lot of companies there's certain companies that all they do is slap they don't even use meetings and then you see companies that they really only have meetings they don't use email or slack and so that's really up to the ceo and the question really is why is that so important and why is it so important that a ceo have good communication right because i think a lot of times we think oh well like the team below me needs to be communicating better but you know my communication is good and the reality is is that the way that others perceive you from how you communicate is directly correlated to how much others like and trust you so if you remember what i said when i signed up for like a mentorship or course i perceive how good the company is by how well they communicate with me your employees your team perceives how good you are by how well you communicate to them and therefore how good your communication is dictates how much they like and trust you and if people like and trust you your business will do well and if they don't it will not do you guys get this like when i understood this and when i finally like it clicked for me i was like it doesn't matter if i think i'm gonna communicating all that matters is how they perceive my communication and so generally speaking right in order for us to be effective leaders we kind of have to be liked and trusted and so what i want to break down is first what are the three archetypes right i see three types of ceos and guys this is something i see often in like when we're evaluating a portfolio company when we're interviewing somebody to see if we want to take stake in their business etc i get to see a lot of this and so these are the three archetypes that i typically label people as okay and i myself will identify as one as well so the first one is sally who says nothing right so sally really says nothing she doesn't talk much she only responds when absolutely necessary right she's not proactive she doesn't reach out to other people other departments anyone that doesn't report to her why would she talk to them there's other people to manage them she fears friction and confrontation so a lot of the reason that she doesn't reach out to people or communicate with other people is because she's afraid she doesn't want to have a conflict an argument etc because she doesn't like that it makes you feel uncomfortable right it makes most people feel uncomfortable and she likes to use the word introverted she's like well i'm just introverted that's why i can't talk to people as much and she avoids meetings and one-on-ones because of this and i kid you not i've met a lot of ceos like this they're like i don't do the meetings in one-on-ones like i'm not good at that stuff so i delegate that i'm like good luck second is tony who's terrible okay so tony takes over 24 hours to respond to a slack message and everyone's like tony tony doesn't respond to what's he doing right but then when something is very important he's very fast on slack and he will talk in all caps because very very super important he's also vague as hell so if you're like can you finish that project for me people like what project he's like the one for it what one for i t this one what do you want me to do finish it right a lot of one word answers um and he really likes meetings and one-on-ones but only so that he can yell and blame other people or at least that's how his communication style is and then lastly there's evie who is actually effective right edie always responds immediately right so she sets the tone for the fact that we're gonna be fast communicators in this company she always reaches out for help she's like hey can you help me out this hey could you help me do this hey this is really like slamming my plate right now i need to give part of this to you she encourages and provides insight so she's like hey good job on that part of the project hey wish we could tweak this over here always providing insight you know maybe to her decision making so hey i want to let you know we're doing x y and z because of this information that i have and that you don't so i'm going to share with you she gives thorough detailed responses so she always thinks when you are talking your team you want to be educating your team thinking there should be no knowledge in my brain that is not in their brain because if they don't have the same knowledge as me how would they be able to reasonably come to the same conclusions and make quality decisions like i can you can't expect them to right so you have to be able to relay that information and then lastly she listens and contributes in meetings right so she's proactive she reaches out to other departments she talks to them and then in the meetings she provides insight and she listens and think about that which one would you like and trust i think we can all say we know who we would like and trust evie right because evie is actually effective and the thing is guys is that everyone kind of has an archetype that they fall into and a lot of times it has to take you really taking an objective look at yourself and admitting this is the one that i fall into now i can tell you that when we first started uh our first comedy gym launch my natural inclination is to go to like sally says nothing avoidance don't talk to people i actually don't like texting i don't like like communicating with people all the time like if i have friends i don't really text them a ton that's just like not how i like communicate i would prefer to be in person or talk on the phone right and so when we first started the company i didn't even realize that people were perceiving me as you know intimidating or scary or maybe even because i just didn't communicate enough and so it took a lot of self-reflection to realize i need to take like there's nobody is born with good or bad communication also by the way used to identify as an introvert nobody is born an introvert or extrovert you get to train yourself to be good at communication and to be extroverted and to be somebody who verbally communicates things and so i made it a goal of mine that i could be an effective communicator and so i hope that after this presentation you can understand that maybe if you're not a good communicator maybe if you feel like yeah i am vague and i am short and all these things maybe you can figure out how to be better at communicating and teach your team be better communicating from what i'm going to break down next so the question is really this right because you're thinking leila okay i get what you're saying i i feel this like i'm not the best communicator or i could be better right and i want to be able to at least teach people on my team how to be better what is that makes evie such a good communicator because we can talk about communication but like i said defining good communication is what really matters because we can't define it we cannot take action on it so i want to break this down there's an mit study done that harvard business review broke down and i think this is about five years ago and the study essentially took it was i want to say about 30 different businesses and it took the teams in each of those businesses the leadership team specifically it put little badges on them those badges indicated when they had a touch point with somebody in the company it could be email slack text in person hug high five any kind of communication at all so they wanted to see how communication would affect team performance so what they found out is that the teams that were successful had three aspects of communication that made them successful they had energy they had engagement and they had exploration and when i say successful these companies had higher revenue higher growth and were more profitable so i'm not just saying like there's some you know hullabaloo whatever yaya roddy roddy soft success like this is like hard numbers better metrics better business because of communication now on the other hand the businesses that did not have energy engagement exploration had worse numbers they were less profitable they had less growth and then they had basically every other metric fell in the same way so what this led them to conclude the thesis is that communication itself was a greater predictor of success than individual intelligence or skill level of the team isn't that crazy like i it's funny i still get chills listening to this uh and really thinking about because i remember when i first heard this i was like we had just started jim allen i was like i have a chance and i was like i'm not like the smartest i don't know the most i'm the most experienced out of the most skills i was like but i can learn to communicate and so can you that's the beauty of it it's a skill that we can all learn let's break down what those elements of communication are because i'm sure you're like energy exploration engagement what the does that mean leon right okay we're gonna talk about that so energy is the number of exchanges that you have verbal and non-verbal so this could be instagram dms liking people's photos that you work with like as much as that it can be high fiving someone in the office it can be slack messages it can be text messages it could be facebook like just liking their photos that they post on facebook so this is the energy you have amongst the team so energy can be increased by the volume of interactions more uh engagement with on instagram more on facebook more talking on slack more texting more high fives that's how you increase energy the second is engagement okay so engagement is the distribution of energy right so say we have a b and c the engagement right which is also linked to energy which is the distribution of energy is essentially the average amount of energy between a and b a and c and b and c okay so you think about i'll give you an example of this so alex myself and suzanne are the three executives in so we could represent a b and c and so how we communicate and how much the three of us each communicate makes up how good our decisions are going to turn out right because part of that study actually concluded that better decisions are made with more parties involved right so the more the leadership team communicated the more engagement there was in the leadership team the better decisions were made and so i am very cognizant that when i am talking to alex because we live together that i don't i actually try to talk to him less and talk to suzanne moore because we don't live together so i try to uh my intention with alex is to communicate less my intention was to stand to communicate more because what you want is an even distribution of communication so if you think about your leadership team you have right now or say you're running a sales team or a customer success team it's not there's the two people who talk all the time and five others what you want to think is how do i get those two people to listen more talk less and how do i get those five others to talk more and how do i get all of them to interact more together because that is what makes the energy higher and so it's really fascinating to me because i've literally seen this affect my company in so many ways when i've explained these concepts to people and they're like oh my gosh and i'm like hey you are one that don't you don't talk you don't speak up you are contributing to low engagement and then you take over on all the calls and don't allow other people to speak up we need you to talk less right once your team gets this they're like oh i understand how i can create a better environment of communication for our whole team because it's a team effort and then third is emotional control okay emotional control is simply how well we can manage and control our emotions or more precisely our reactions to our emotions right and so it's really just like about learning to stay calm when you're handling communication issues okay so you want to respond versus react and this is a simple one but if you don't have this you don't communicate well and so a lot of the times when people are communicating they're just simply reacting very quickly and uh animalistically to what other people have said to them on the team right they're like well i feel angry so i said that you can feel angry and come off calm or they're like well that really upset me i was offended i thought that they meant that they didn't think i worked much it's like well what if instead of your first reaction is that you just emotionally vomit all over them by saying that you know they are mean to you is that you say maybe they meant something different i should ask a question and so this is one that i think takes a lot of training on teams but as a leader we really set the tone for this right and so i can tell you that for the first like six months of leading meetings and one-on-ones and really putting into place all the operational practices to really scale a business i had a little sticky note on my computer and just said remain neutral and the reason i had that sticky note there was because i felt like there were so many things happening all the time and there was so much going on and there were so many people that were saying things that i you know i hadn't really built the culture yet so it's like molding the culture there's lots of people that are saying things that you're like that doesn't drive with our culture and like you're doing something i don't like you doing and it would always pop up and i just remember remain neutral like i can feel angry but acting like i'm angry in front of the team that's not gonna help anything that's not gonna resolve the situation and so if you maybe have a hard time with this i really suggest you just need a reminder and so i knew i was always on zoom calls and so i had to have this little sticky note in the corner of my computer said just remain neutral like there's nothing bad that can happen if i don't react emotionally in the first five minutes of finding something out there's no downside to that so delaying your response there's nothing wrong with that there's literally nothing bad that would ever happen so that's emotional control and then lastly in terms of good elements of communication there's exploration okay and so exploration is a really interesting one it's the communication of teammates engaging outside of their core teams okay and so what you see a lot of times one of the biggest problems with the team is they get siloed so it's like you know the sales team is super tight-knit and they have a really good culture and then like the finance team has a really good culture and like customer success is really good culture but then like they pin each other at the wall and they're like well customer success didn't do this and sales didn't do this and like it's just a bunch of and they're pointing fingers at each other and this is because there's a lack of engagement amongst the leadership team so the leadership team doesn't get outside their own box often enough they don't sit on the sales meetings right finance doesn't sit on sales meetings they don't sit on the tech meetings they don't sell the hr meetings they don't try to educate themselves about the rest of the business and so it's really interesting because i've had a lot of leaders ask me how can i better myself how can i grow more how can i better the business and one of the first things i almost always say is i say you should gain a more holistic view of what the business functions are and like what do you mean i'm like go sit in the sales meeting and understand how your job impacts sales and they're like why i'm in technology how would i it does save it's like well i'm in cs why would i send it on marketing it's like go sit on marketing and that is almost always how you can train somebody to be a better leader is encouraging them to collaborate with other teams and then going with that if that leader doesn't reach out to other teams and educate themselves the people under them definitely don't either and you see this where it's like you know the uh you know somebody who's rolling into customer success has questions but only goes to their manager and their manager doesn't know and then their manager has to go something it's like why don't you encourage the other teams to also reach out to other teammates and other departments it's like too often people are like well follow the chain of command if you have a question go to your manager it's like you should allow them to ask questions of people in other departments there's nothing wrong with that it creates a better team environment better communication and will drive the innovation of your company and so if you really look at what is good communication it is energy times engagement plus emotional control times exploration right and so like i said energy right is the volume of interactions you need that to be multiplied by engagement because you don't want to increase energy without increasing the distribution of energy so you have to have energy you have to have the distribution of it which is engagement and then you have to add in emotional control because if you don't have emotional control then you could have an energy engagement that's not necessarily going to be proactive it's not be productive right and then outside of that is you want to make sure you're not siloed and that's why you have to multiply this times the exploration aspect which means that you are able to yes you're able to increase energy and engagement in this team but then can you expand it so it's this entire team and so that is what makes up good communication and this is a formula that i have come up with for myself to think through when there are problems on teams i literally go to this and i think to myself hmm what is uh you know which one's lacking like do we not have enough gate energy engagement emotional control exploration and i can almost always nail it down to it's one of these aspects that's the reason a team isn't communicating well and so really what i want to sum this up with is i want to explain uh how you can actually tactically implement the elements of good communication right because i think a lot of times uh we think yes i understand i want to do this and it's like how the do i actually do that like tactically so i want to share with you uh really what i put together which is the six c's of good communication uh in terms of actions you can take to actually implement this this is what works for me it's what i've done in the past that's what i would suggest doing so the first one is that you want to call teammates out on meetings okay and so what this is going to do is it's going to increase energy and engagement when what i mean is if you are running a meeting it is your job as the conductor as the facilitator of that meeting to ensure there is proper distributed engagement okay so if there's five people who don't talk and three people who talk every meeting every week tell those three people in private hey i love that you speak up on the meetings but i need you to actually listen a little bit more and i'm going to try and encourage other teammates on the meetings to speak up first so i would like you to think about i want to speak last right so i tell them to think with that think speak last right and then i meet with the other people and i say hey you're not do pulling your weight on these meetings and i have you on them because i believe your insight is valuable and i'm really discouraged that you're not speaking up and i understand it might be uncomfortable you might be feel like a little stressed about doing it but it's part of your job and something i expect you to do and it's really going to be detrimental to the team if you don't do it because you are the advocate for your department and if you don't advocate for your department then i don't know what the is going on and it's not going to be considered in decisions that are made and that usually gets people to understand so calling people out on meetings remember if you're running a meeting you are the facilitator it is your responsibility i've taken courses on how to run good meetings and this is one of the fundamentals which is you have to understand how to engage everybody on the meeting right which is what you do with people that talk more what do you do with the people that don't talk the second c is you want to create opportunities for co-creation and so one thing that builds energy engagement exploration and uh reduces emotional reactivity is when people have more trust with each other and how do you assimilate how do you form trust with somebody you create with them that creates a bond with people on the team and so there's opportunities that you can literally input into your organization where people can do this one of these that i can say works really well is if you put in a product innovation or an r d meeting and you invite multiple people from different teams and it's literally just a brainstorming session and it might happen every two weeks or once a month but it's a session where they just get to spitball and talk about ideas of how you grow the company and this does two things one if you're the owner and the ceo you get ideas from different people and then two they get to bond with each other on that call it's fun it's collaborative you're in your creative space you're not in your operational do do execute mode and this is where people can build a lot of trust with each other and then what you notice is that the more those people that are on those meetings where they're doing more uh creation together often then develop really good communication on the operational execution side so i've seen this multiple times there's four people in gymlock so i can tell you me and they do like meetings like this and i've seen how their operational uh how each of them because at each lead department how their department specifically works so much better together and because of that they've actually driven up sales driven up revenue uh reduced turn just because of meetings like this right because they got the chance to get to know each other spend time with each other create something with each other which then they trust each other they want to work with each other more and then they build more things that are uh more favorable for the business third is you want to conduct surveys for input right so if you think about engagement and getting figuring out how to get even distribution from people on the teams not everyone is going to be verbal at first and so one of the ways i've been able to really pull from people and understand you know what they think about different topics etc how i get them to be more engaged is i survey them right and it can be i don't like anonymous surveys because it's just frustrating because you don't know who said what and i'm like this is useless now but surveys that you know you as the ceo are the only one that's going to see and so sending out surveys um you can send out uh and if you google this pulse surveys you can certain those out weekly which are just service surveys that you could send in like office vibe or in um oh gosh what's another one office vibe's a really good product for that um just pulse checks with people on the team versus you know i like to send out surveys monthly and quarterly in terms of where do you see opportunities for the business if you were ceo what would you do what would you change about the business i like to ask questions like that it really boosts engagement and participation in people that typically don't and what you see is a lot of people who like don't talk on meetings they answer those surveys like a freaking essay and then fourth is you want to coach your team on how to give feedback right and i have a video on how to give feedback and so i will refer to that video but essentially coaching your team on how to be a good communicator right and so opportunities that i use for this in gym launch for example i used to do a leadership training once a month and so often it would revolve around communication feedback etc another opportunity that i think was the most impactful is that in our quarterly off sites one activity that i always put in place is an activity in which i can facilitate feedback amongst the individuals there so it's essentially a feedback activity in person and i like doing it in person more because i feel like people's guards are down a little more they're more trusting and i think a lot of times especially like criticism comes off better when it's done in person and so that is when i like to teach people so i essentially honestly i go through i teach them the feedback you guys have seen the feedback framework on my other video and then i literally give them the script and then i say go practice with each other and give each other real-time feedback and that has made a huge difference in terms of the culture and their ability to communicate with one another and then fifth is collaboration as a default setting and so i think what i notice in business that are um small or they're growing quickly is that oftentimes a lot of the communication is one-to-one and not one-to-many and what i mean is a lot of times there's a lot of trust with one or two leaders they're like the go-to people and what they do is like it's like one-off slack channels one-off meetings it's like so much more direct to person rather than one-to-many right like not held on the weekly meetings or on weekly slack on the group slack channels it's kind of the same as when a client reaches out to you and they say say it's like for a group program that you have right and say they say i have a question about blah blah blah and you're like how about you ask that on the group call because i would like the rest of the group to hear that question too because it's a great question the same goes for when you have a team it's like when people come to you and they ask you questions you're like hey let's ask that with the group because i want to get their input on the answer as well and the more collaborative you can be and the more you can encourage people to ask questions in front of other peers the stronger your culture will be because your communication is going to be that much better and then lastly is really just casual activities and again this is different based on what kind of company you have we always try to put some things like this in virtually which there's lots of like virtual competitions and activities you can do together but in person something that we always make a concentrated effort to do is put together activities at night for after we do our quarterlies so when we have our quarterlies in person after we finish and it's like you know dinner time etc or even after dinner we host some kind of activity you know sometimes we'll have a comedian come and they basically pick on all of us and we all get to pick on each other and it's fun and light uh sometimes we have like a murder mystery like where somebody like we're each character and we have to like find out who killed somebody um we'll go axe throwing we'll go top golf there's activities and i know that this is something that people repeat all the time but that's when people have the side conversations and what i really like about those casual activities is that that's when i see so many of the ideas generated it's in that off time convert it's like the water cooler chat especially if you're a remote company you don't have much time for that in those casual activities that's why i see people the most having those and generating those one-off ideas and so this is almost every time we have a meetup it seems like the best ideas and the best friendships are formed during those times and so like with the last two uh presentations that i made i want you guys to rate yourself on scale one to ten and one again is like abysmal terrible doesn't exist i'm a horrible communicator and i'm ashamed of myself 10 is like again why am i watching you lady i'm done thumbs down on the video and so i think rate yourself on scale 110 and then what i would do is i would take the communication framework or formula and i would look at it and then i would observe your team over the next week and i would ask myself where are we missing the most and then i would look at those six c's and say what one thing can i do that would make the biggest impact on the communication we have and so i hope this video is useful for you guys i know that communication is like this vague boring whatever topic but it's really important and it's honestly the end-all be-all for everything because you can have expectations and you can you know drive accountability and do all those things but those all stem from having good communication skills and so with that i hope you have a great thursday wednesday saturday night sunday i will see you on the next one