How to get rich this Black Friday
- Use loss leader tactics during holidays to bring customers in with an attractive deal on a well-understood product, then make profits on ancillary items with higher margins.
- For a Black Friday or holiday promotion, splinter your offer and provide a deep discount on one part of your service or product bundle to attract customers, who will likely purchase additional items or services.
- Sell gift cards as a holiday promotion, offering them at a significant discount but only for gifting to friends and family, ensuring you bring in new customers through referrals.
- Implement a high ticket, high scarcity strategy by creating an ultimate version of your service or product at a significantly higher price, limited to a small percentage of your customer base to create exclusivity and urgency.
- Use the 'buy X get Y free' strategy with a twist—offer more items free than the customer actually pays for, or offer a prepay option with significant savings to generate immediate cash flow and potentially attract new customers.
- During holiday promos, wrap your offerings in a magnetic way using the MAGIC framework: a Magnetic reason why, define the Avatar, state the Goal, specify the Interval, and utilize a Container word to bundle the offer attractively.
How To Take Action
I would suggest implementing the loss leader strategy during holidays by picking a well-known product to sell at a loss to attract customers. Then, make profits on other items with higher margins that customers might buy once they're in the door.
A good way of doing holiday promotions is to splinter your service or product bundle. Offer a huge discount on one part to bring customers in, with the hope that they will buy more.
I think selling gift cards at a discount for use as gifts is smart. This can bring new customers through referrals, as you’re basically getting paid to gain new clients.
You should consider a high ticket, high scarcity offer. Create an exclusive and pricy version of your services for a small part of your client base, to generate urgency and boost sales.
Let's use the 'buy X get Y free' strategy with a twist: give away more free items than the customer pays for. Or try a prepay option with big savings to get immediate cash flow and attract new customers.
When you're wrapping up these offers, always use the MAGIC framework. Give it a Magnetic reason – holidays, pick the right Avatar – like busy moms, define the Goal – relaxation, set the Interval – 30 days, and use a Container word – getaway, to bundle it attractively. This makes your offer stand out and gets people excited about your holiday specials.
Quotes by Alex Hormozi
"most businesses make more money in the last month of the year than they do any other month"
- Alex Hormozi*
"you sell a very well understood product and you sell it for less than the market understands the prices for"
- Alex Hormozi*
"if people are buying during that month then that's when you want to be selling even more"
- Alex Hormozi*
"gift cards are one of the most lucrative things that you can sell in general"
- Alex Hormozi*
"this works especially well with Services which is what I'm focusing on"
- Alex Hormozi*
Full Transcript
the holidays are upon us and most businesses make more money in the last month of the year than they do any other month if you own a business or you work for a business this is your opportunity to capitalize and every one of these presents I'm going to open up and give you one holiday money making tactic that you can take to the bank starting with this one so let's open this guy up what do we have inside we've got diapers and we've got baby bottles now what do these have to do with making money inside of diapers and the baby bottles is actually one of the strongest concepts for Holiday marketing which is something called a loss leader so what is a loss leader a loss leader is basically where you sell a very well understood product and you sell it for less than the market understands the prices for so you sell it at a loss now why would it be called a loss leader the leader part of it is that it brings people in the door most people know that if you have a baby you got to buy diapers the highest percentage of the population you have babies buy diapers they all need diapers sell the thing that most of of them understand what the price is for that almost all customers will buy so that you can bring them in the door because if you have the cheapest diapers they're going to come buy diapers from you now what they might not know the prices for are all the ancillary purchases they might make once they come into your store whether that's a digital store or a physical brick and mortar store like these non-rip bottles might have insane margins in markup compared to the diapers and so trying to make quarter or two quarters more on the diapers compared to making dollars on the baby bottles is where you can make up what you lost here but you make it up in significantly more profit and total unit sold how do you use this for a Black Friday or a holiday promotion what you want to do is you want to look at your product stack there you go this is why I use an iPad so if I have my services and so there's different components to my services like for example and I use Fitness a lot you have access to a facility that's a component you also have accountability which is another component the actual workouts or service with a trainer you could also have nutrition meal prepping eating out guides alcohol guide for the holidays so there's lots of components to whatever it is that you sell whether it's services or products many people sell something like this as a bundle and there's nothing wrong with that makes it harder for other people to compete with you on price but if you take out one of these pieces let's say this one's accountability I guess and then I say hey I'm going to make this 90% off people going be like holy cow that's a great deal and so what happens is you can promote this 90% off thing which is what a Black Friday or huge holiday promo big bash would be like and you're like well you don't just want accountability right you probably also want some help with your food you probably want some workouts you probably want access to the facility you probably want these other things people like you know what you're right I do kind of need that stuff but the reason they came in doesn't necessarily need to be the way you make money and so that's the big Theory or strategy behind loss lead and I'm pretty sure I think was what it was called this was the strategy they actually used to take over the baby Market was they sold them cheaper than everyone else did but they made all the profit up on the other ancillary upsells and so this works for product products it works for services and it even works for technology look at what you have put it into an itemized list of all the things you could potentially Market or advertise and then you peel off one of them I call it splintering your offer and then you make an insane discount around one of those pieces now ideally even if you lose a little bit of money on this you will make it up in the total amount of leads and the reason it's so important in general to have a promotion going on during the holidays is the thing I said at the very beginning most businesses make more money in the last month of the year and that's for two reasons one because they advertise more and two because people want want to spend more so if people are buying during that month then that's when you want to be selling even more all right so that's it with our loss leaders now we have gift number two gift cards what do gift cards have to do with Black Friday and holiday promotions first off gift cards are one of the most lucrative things that you can sell in general did you know that Best Buy has an insanely low Redemption rate so when grandma gets all the kids Best Buy gift cards the percentage of people who actually spend the money is very low but essentially is is a loan that a customer gives to a business and the business just keeps the cash on their balance sheet can earn interest on it while they wait to redeem for it and after a certain point of expiration they can just keep all of the money without even providing Goods unbelievably profitable thing people literally give you money for nothing not a bad idea but how do we use this besides the way Best Buy did to generate leads and I'll show you how so I call this the gift card strategy and this is one that I used all the time my brick and Mort locations you offer $200 gift cards to your services one purchase worth of services so if you give out massages or you have a membership to a facility or you do cleanings it doesn't really matter what it is but one unit's worth you do that dollar amount as a gift card that's number one one full unit in in dollar amounts that's step one the next step is that you Market to your existing customer and you say hey I'm selling this gift cards it's limit two per person step three is you say this is a $200 gift card but I'm selling it for 90% off or 80% off whatever you want I'm going to say 90 cuz I'm going I'm going big here so your $200 gift card is actually 20 bucks which is 90% off remember we're trying to get attention everyone else is doing Black Friday promos and we need to break through the noise and this is a crazy good promotion but here's the catch only as gifts for friends and family so this is the ultimate stocking stuffer you tell your entire client base they can buy two these gifts for other people and they get the credit for it being $200 because it's a gift card so imagine you open put a gift and says $200 on it you're stoked the fact that Grandma went to Alex's gym and she only paid 20 for it you don't know that nor do you really care but this is the genius part of this strategy number one this is an insane promotion so you're going to get a lot of attention and a lot of people are going to want to buy it number two is that you're actually going to get paid money for selling these gift cards but here's the secret all of this is new customers and so what this basically means is that you're going to get paid to get new customers and you would probably give the services away for free anyways to get a customer but rather than marketing and spending money to get someone in the door to try your stuff out you're going to get paid to do it but not only that these are the highest quality customers cuz they're referrals and referrals Buy in higher rates stay in higher rates and because they're coming from somebody else they can usually help assist them in kind of onboarding and figuring out the app if you need to check in for a facility or whatever it is that you sell you get the assist from the friends you can double a client base cuz you can get every single person to bring not one but two and the reason we limited two per customer is cuz it increases the perceived value you could sell two units and make it 70% off two units would be $400 and you give 70% off which would be 60 bucks doesn't matter you're getting paid to get new customers and the highest quality source and so one of the important details to do with this is that when you make the sale ask them who they're going to give it to and get the contact information so not only that you're actually going to get these as lead so if for whatever reason that person doesn't redeem it you can follow up with the lead to bring them in and because you'll have their contact information you can do a three-way intro with the customer who bought it and the prospect but what else can you do with this the gift card was for $200 right well what if everybody who comes in you have a sales console with and you try and sell them all $1,000 thing well now you take that $200 you mark it off and you can turn these into $800 sales and that's the last step of this so big picture one full unit $200 $400 whatever one unit or whatever it is you sell is limit it in some way two three people per person make it 90% off 80% off so you get paid for it limit it to referrals of friends so they're not going to use it on themselves so they bring you more customers get the threeway introduction so you get the leads and then when you bring them in actually sit down them for a sale and this is one of those great things that you can use to immediately attract tons of new customers at a profit during the holidays when it's hard to break through so that's enough with that all right now we're going to talk about ooh nice and heavy what's inside of here I wonder what's in the Wonder Ball I wonder what's inside it what Wonders It may hold I wonder wonder wonder what's in Wonder B ah it's tickets so this strategy is about high ticket so let me explain how this works you look at what your services are and think what would the ultimate version of this be like 10 times or 50 times as expensive as what I I normally charge like a complete transformation this works especially well with Services which is what I'm focusing on you could probably think of a version of this for physical product if my normal client load let's say at my business is I have 100 clients I can't manage more than that then you say okay I'm going to limit this promotion to 5% of my customer base if you're a hair salon person and you have this many customers or your uh car productor of this many customers it doesn't really matter but you say this is how many I have and I'm limiting it to this you say hey I'm doing this personal program that you're going to get more service this is the 10x to 50 or 100x of your normal price with a massive scarcity so you limit it to 5 to 10% of your customers I'd recommend five if it's your first time cuz you want to sell out that's the point and then next year you can bump it to 6% 7% let's say that you sell normally a $200 thing well then you would sell something that's between $22,000 and $20,000 which sounds like a huge price Gap and it is but the thing is is that most customers are fractal and so what that means is that it's 8020 20% of customers will spend five times more than 80% and so when you do 5% it's actually 8020 twice so you have the remaining 20 that are the five time Spenders and you do another 80/20 on that that's the magic between 5% because those customers are two standard deviations Above the Rest of the group and we capitalize on that by making a product or a service package that people like that want to buy because it's scarce let's say you had 100 customers and you sell five of them a $55,000 package you make $25,000 and if you're used to making $10,000 a month or $20,000 a month from your remaining customer base you can literally double your Revenue that month only by selling 5% of your customers a much more expensive thing the key to making this work you build lots of hype around it before the holidays you advertise the crap out of how scarce it is and you talk about the minute it's going to go live and you prepare people you say hey have your credit cards ready be ready for it because I'm going to drop it and they're going to sell out immediately and then when you do the moment you get your first sale let everyone know four left three left two left one left sold out every time you do that you'll drive even more fomo and more scarcity and more purchases so that's the high ticket High scarcity strategy let's open up our next gift so much fun we've got shirts not only is there one shirt there's two shirts in this package now how are we going to do one shirt to get someone to buy two shirts I'll tell you so this strategy is called free with prepay buy X get Y3 we're talking holiday season we're talking Black Friday we're talking special OCC the key to this is how insane you make the free thing if you're giving away your core service then what you can do is think about what's the highest margin service I have and package that in a way that you can have people prepaid to get x amount free if it's services or buy X and get y free and I'll tell you the first place I learned this so there's a place in Nashville I saw and I came back 10 years later and it was still there and it had expanded so I was like oh they must be doing well and their entire window pane said buy one get two free and it was pairs of boots and I was like that's wild so I went inside the store and I was like huh I wonder how this works and the boots were all 600 bucks now if you're familiar with cowboy boots cowboy boots probably run about $200 normally so all they did was they tripled the price for one pair and said buy one get two free and they capitalized on the fact that for them specifically there was bachelorette parties and all the girls come in it's like well I'll buy one and then my friends will get two free or whatever and ideally if you really want this thing to crush you actually give more away free than you charge for so it's buy one get two free it's not even just buy one t-shirt get a second t-shirt free it's buy one t-shirt get three t-shirts free but the thing is is that for most products and services you can increase the price of the one and so if you want to have a level of service that you haven't offered before that you want to do specific for the holidays or a product you want to come out with this is the perfect time to do it because no one has any comparison for the pricing let's say normally I would sell these shirts for five bucks a pot I might say buy one shirt for $10 and get two free free now what ended up happening is that I got $10 and I sold three shirts which is really just like a 30% discount not a huge deal but the perception of how much more compelling get one to get more free than what you paid for is the thing that drives the buying Behavior so I just gave you two different physical products examples but this is actually super deadly with services but it can be abused and then some people can become dependent on this there are businesses that I have looked at in order to invest and decided not to invest because they were too dependent on this because it's such a strong strategy and the reason it's so strong is because there's all the cash is front loaded so normally if let's say you have a recurring membership of some kind that's $100 per month that means it's going to take you a year to get $1,200 but if you say hey I'll give you the year for $600 one time that's a crazy discount here's the key if you're really expensive for whatever it is that you sell they have to prepay it they can't lock in the price and then say can I make a payment plan on your discounted services like no it doesn't work that way that's the normal price if that's what you want with any of these things if you want to make sure sure that you limit downside if you are worried about too many people quote taking advantage of it you can drive even more scarcity by limiting quantity for most holiday promotions I'd recommend doing anyways because one you can just get your immediate shot you don't risk the business and you can take some cash off the table that you can buy your own Christmas Rees with this one I've even seen work really effectively as a grand opening strategy even though we're talking about holidays but if you wanted to cash flow the opening of a facility so that you could cover all the costs of the place without even having to take Capital out of your pocket you just say hey for the first 50 people who sign up as patients at my chiropractor clinic or my first 50 patients at my dental clinic or my first 50 whatevers you just say cool if you buy Six I'll give you six and they're like holy cow what a deal now again you control the price and you can control the service and this is a key part let's say we want to have this $100 a month as our standard service so what we'll do is we can bump this price let's say to $200 a month for this promotion pause don't think I'm doing something ethical let me explain you then add in one to two things you wouldn't normally do with the main service that don't cost you a lot but is enough to differentiate the offers so that if someone else later comes in is paying $100 a month this person doesn't get upset because you can clearly say well that person doesn't get these things that you get and they're like oh that's the reason why and so if you're going to use this promotion if you're already in business come up with a service level that you already have add one to two things you can increase the price and then do buy Six get six or buy four get eight and you can drive an insane amount of cash and purchases in a short window and then you can limit it by saying no more than x can buy and it's one of the strongest promotions that you can run any time of the year but specifically during the holidays it crushes so that's our buy X get y free now let's talk about the final thing which is the wrapping paper itself so we gave four strategies on how you can maximize how much dollars you make or in the holidays let's see what present number five has so we've got a magic hat and a magic wand now why is this relevant it's actually more about the wrapping paper itself because every one of the strategies that I outlined is basically a gift that you can deliver to your customers and you can actually use them year round but they're especially powerful during the holidays but the key is how you want to wrap it because let's be real you're not going to change your entire business for the holidays to make something sound different but you can make it look different based on how you present it and that's where the magic wrapping paper comes in I call it magic because it's an acronym m is a magnetic reason why all right this is key the reason why we already have saw for us because it's the holay all right the big reason why is it's Black Friday and everyone expects that but the rest of the year you can still use the same concept the second is the Avatar is that you actually want to say who you're targeting you don't want to just say this is available for everyone you want to say it's available for a local market or for somebody of a certain age group or someone has a certain interest any of those things you want to call out so they're like oh this is for me and then they pay attention G is for goal is what's the ultimate outcome you want the person to experience what is the dream that they Envision in their minds that you want to say that you can help them deliver through the gift that we're wrapping with this wrapping paper the I is for a time interval which basically just says when is this person going to get this goal or when are they going to experience it and then C is something that I call the container word I don't have a fancy word for this I just know that it has worked and it continues to so this is when you say blueprint accelerator program intensive whatever right Launchpad like there's a million different words that you can use to bucket in all of the things that you're trying to sell in one bundle if I wanted to do something around stress right I might say Avatar busy moms so we got our Avatar check goal is relaxation holidays is my reason why interval 30 days and then this would be getaway so just like that we can create our busy mom's 30-day relaxation getaway for the holidays boom and so if we're a spa we put this together in the call out for our promotion this becomes the naming convention that we use around the first four so this could be our reason why we're doing a loss leader for the diapers or that we are giving the gift card or making it available is because we want them to bring their other busy mom friends or if we have a high ticket thing then we say this is only for this specific type of person which is why only 5% of our audience can buy it because it's the high scarcity High ticket program or the reason we're saying you can buy one and get two free is because of these things and so this magic wrapper allows you to give the wrapping paper that we're going to put on any of the first promotions to get even more people to want to buy yours compared to everyone else's and that's all the money-making magic you need during the holidays