How to Get SHT Done Quickly

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How to Get SH*T Done Quickly


  • Being fearful is easy, but being optimistic is much harder and takes skill.
  • The faster you focus on the amazing possible outcomes, the quicker you can move from thought to action.
  • Most people stay stuck in fear, but closing the gap between thinking and executing makes you more powerful.
  • When you have an idea, fears and reasons not to try it will come up. Push past these fears.


How To Take Action

A good way of implementing these lessons in your life or business is by actively working on being more optimistic. This takes practice and may feel difficult at first, but it's totally worth it. Start by acknowledging whenever you have an idea and notice the fears that come up. Instead of letting those fears stop you, focus on the amazing outcomes that could happen if you go through with your idea.

I would suggest setting a timer for 5 minutes whenever a new idea comes to mind. In that small timeframe, write down all the best possible outcomes. This helps you shift your mindset away from fear and towards positivity quickly. Doing this regularly can shorten the gap between having an idea and executing it.

To avoid getting stuck in fear, start with small, low-risk decisions first. These small wins build your confidence and get you used to moving from thought to action quickly. For example, if you have a new social media marketing idea, try it out on one post and see how it goes.

Also, it helps to talk about your ideas with someone who supports and encourages you. Sometimes just verbalizing your thoughts can make you feel more committed to taking action.

Lastly, keep track of your successes and learnings. Every time you push past fear and focus on the positive outcome, jot it down in a journal. Over time, this will help you see progress and understand that being optimistic leads to great results, making it easier to do so in the future.

Focus on these simple strategies and you'll find yourself moving from fear to action more often and with greater confidence.

Full Transcript

being fearful is easy and it is lazy being optimistic is much harder and takes a lot more skill the more that you can focus on what could possibly happen like the amazing outcome that could be the faster you'll be able to go from the thought to the action and avoid that place of fear where most people never get out of the smaller that the Gap is between the thought that you have and your ability to go execute on the thought the more powerful you are as a person a lot of the times when we have an idea or a thought of something we want to do the next thing that happens all these fears come up right all these reasons as to why we shouldn't try it and why we shouldn't do it

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