How to Guarantee You’ll Never Have Money
- To ensure financial comfort, always spend less than what you earn.
- Feeling wealthy isn't about how much you make, it's about spending within your means.
- No matter your income level, living below your means will make you feel rich.
- Set yourself up for success by prioritizing savings over spending, regardless of income.
- Approach finances with an inverted thinking process to consistently come out ahead.
How To Take Action
A good way of doing better with money is to think upside down, like with the inverted thinking process. First, make sure to spend less than what you make. This might sound simple, but many people forget it. Even if you don't make a lot, spending less will make you feel like you have more.
To start, look at what you're spending each month. Find places where you can cut back, like eating out less or canceling subscriptions you don't use much. Put that extra money into a savings account. Try to save a little from each paycheck. It doesn't need to be a lot.
Also, don't compare yourself to others. It's not about how much you earn, it's about how much you keep. When you live below your means, you won't stress about bills and you'll have more money to save or use on things that are important to you.
To get better at saving than spending, you can make a game of it. Aim to save a certain amount each week or month. It will feel good to reach your goal. More importantly, you’re setting yourself up for success in the future.
Remember, it's not about the money you make, but the money you keep. If you can master this, you'll always come out ahead, and you can do that by starting small. Keep track of what you save and watch it grow. This way, you'll feel richer, no matter how much you earn.
Quotes by Alex Hormozi
"It doesn't matter how much money you make as long as you spend more than you make, you'll always feel poor"
– Alex Hormozi
"It doesn't matter how little you make, if you spend less than what you make, you'll always feel rich"
– Alex Hormozi
"You'll always have more than enough"
– Alex Hormozi
"Why not set up the game to win no matter what"
– Alex Hormozi
"And then do everything else after that"
– Alex Hormozi
Full Transcript
here's a way to guarantee that you'll never have enough money always spend more than you make and so you take the inverted thinking process and you apply to that rule number one which is it doesn't matter how much money you make as long as you spend more than you make you'll always feel poor and on the flip side doesn't matter how little you make if you spend less than what you make you'll always feel rich you'll always have more than enough and so it's like well why not set up the game to win no matter what and then do everything else after that