How To Make A Ton Of Money In Business
- Always help people for free at the highest level you can. This means hands-on, one-on-one assistance.
- When you help others for free, you actually gain more than they do because you get valuable experience and skills.
- You achieve two things: you get proof of your abilities, and you get better at what you do.
- Having proof and being good at what you do significantly increases your chances of making money.
- Start by working with 30 people for free. This gives you enough practice and examples of your work.
- When you reach the 31st person, then you can start charging. Explain that you helped the first 30 for free, showing your learning process and results.
- Use data from your 30 free clients to prove your abilities, showing how you improved and the outcomes you delivered.
- This method creates a compelling and truthful pitch that can attract clients.
How To Take Action
I would suggest implementing a strategy where you offer your help for free at the highest level you can, focused on delivering hands-on, one-on-one assistance. Here's a simple plan for how to do that effectively:
Steps to Implement
Commit to Helping for Free:
Start by offering your services to 30 people for free. This could be coaching, consulting, or any service you provide. By doing this, you’re gaining invaluable experience and skills.Choose Your First 30 Clients:
Identify 30 individuals who could benefit from your help. Make sure they understand that you’re doing this to gain experience and improve your skills.Document Your Work:
Keep detailed records of what you did with each person and the results they achieved. This could be in the form of before-and-after scenarios, testimonials, or performance metrics.
Improve Over Time:
Reflect on what worked and what didn't with your first few clients. Tweak and improve your methods as you go. By the time you're with your 30th client, you should be much better at what you do.Create Proof of Your Skills:
Use the data and testimonials from your 30 free clients to demonstrate your abilities. Compile this information into a portfolio or presentation that clearly shows your impact and expertise.Transition to Paid Services:
When you start with your 31st person, explain to them that you've helped 30 people for free, showing them data and results from your previous clients. This honest approach makes your pitch compelling and builds trust.
Why This Works
Experience and Skills:
Helping people for free gives you hands-on experience and improves your skills, making you more effective.Proof of Abilities:
Documenting and presenting your past successes provides proof that you’re capable of delivering results, making it easier to charge for your services in the future.Building Trust:
By being transparent about your learning process and showing actual results, you build credibility and trust with potential clients.
This approach is low-cost because it mainly requires your time and effort, and it's high-value because it sets the foundation for future paid engagements. By following these steps, you can effectively build your skills and create a strong portfolio that will make it easier for you to start charging for your expertise.
Full Transcript
just help people for free the highest version of whatever you want to do the Hands-On the one-on-one you're going to get more from them than they're going to get from you once you have that you get two things one is you're going to get proof and second is you're going to get good and if you have proof and you're good you have a far higher likelihood of making money than if you have no proof and you are no good do it with 30 people when you are on your 31st person and you decide this is the person I'm going to charge you say hey I took on 30 people these are the first ones I took on I didn't do as well with them these are the second ones they'll at the Improvement and this is the last 10 these guys on average did this you can see the data and if that's interesting to you I can do the same process that's a pretty compelling pitch and there's no lie