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  • I am proudest of my books, more so than the businesses I've built.
  • My book "100 Million Dollar Offers" has been a success, selling over 430,000 copies without an existing audience.
  • I've dedicated two years to a single project that I'm launching on August 19th.
  • I believe great writing should contribute something new to the world's knowledge.
  • "100 Million Dollar Leads" is the latest book I'm releasing, and it coincides with a live event on August 19th.
  • I'm treating the launch event like the Super Bowl for entrepreneurs, investing $1 million to create an unforgettable experience.
  • The event will feature extravagant giveaways, but they're exclusive to those who attend in person.
  • I encourage people to join the live event and to bring friends along.

How To Take Action

I would suggest starting with my book "100 Million Dollar Offers" if you're aiming for low-cost, high-value knowledge. It can help you understand how to create irresistible offers. This isn't about spending a lot; it's about investing a little time in reading to gain insights you can apply directly to your business. Remember, learning is one of the cheapest and most powerful tools you have.

A good way of doing this is by dedicating time every day to read and take notes. Focus on strategies that can be easily implemented, such as improving your product or service to offer more value or adjusting your pricing structure. Apply one new idea at a time and measure its impact before moving on to the next one.

When my new book comes out, "100 Million Dollar Leads," grab it. It will add new knowledge that you can use to grow your business, especially about getting the right leads.

And if you can, join me live on August 19th at my book launch event. This is a high-energy gathering of people just like you. Attending events, even if they require a bit of investment, can offer a wealth of networking opportunities and ideas. However, ensure it aligns with your goals and doesn't distract from your already working business strategies.

Surround yourself with other motivated people. Share your knowledge and skills with friends who are also on the entrepreneurial path. Support each other's growth, because success isn't always a solo journey. You might be surprised by how much you can achieve by leveraging your community.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"Great writing comes from a place of wanting to add to the body of knowledge"

– Alex Hormozi

"I put a million bucks into the event to make it unbelievable for you guys"

– Alex Hormozi

"I have been working for two years on a single project that Launches on August 19th"

– Alex Hormozi

"I'm going to make this the Super Bowl for entrepreneurship"

– Alex Hormozi

"And go over the top with the amount of things we've been giving away"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

die the thing that I will be most proud of is not the businesses that I've built but the books that I've written Alex for Mosey 100 million dollar offers sold over 430 000 copies I launched it before I had an audience I have been working for two years on a single project that Launches on August 19th great writing comes from a place of wanting to add to the body of knowledge 100 literal leads is finally here we're launching it on August 19th at a live event I'm gonna make this the Super Bowl for entrepreneurship I put a million bucks into the event to make it unbelievable for you guys and hopefully there's a spoiled imagination and go over the top with the amount of things we've been giving away but it's only going to be for people who are live there with me so you're not going to miss it go to the link forward slash leads and I will see you guys there invite your friends

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