I Became My Own Sugar Daddy
- I chose to become the person who can take care of me instead of relying on someone else for financial security.
- It's important to seek relationships where the other person genuinely makes your life better.
- I value being with someone because they enhance my life, not just to avoid being alone.
- A partner should not just provide security but should help broaden your vision and expand your life.
How To Take Action
I would suggest implementing the lesson of self-reliance by focusing on skills that improve your ability to support yourself. For personal growth, consider identifying areas where you can be more independent, like managing finances wisely or learning new skills that boost your career.
A good way of enhancing relationships is to assess if the people in your life genuinely make it better. Take some time to think about who contributes positively to your life and who doesn’t. It might be helpful to focus more on building relationships with those who add value and reduce time spent with those who don't.
For entrepreneurs, finding a business partner who expands your vision, rather than just providing security, is crucial. This can be done by networking with individuals who inspire you and offer new perspectives. Attend community events or online forums related to your business to connect with like-minded people.
Lastly, practice valuing partnerships not out of necessity but because they enhance your life. Reflect on what you seek in a partner, both personally and professionally. Make a list of qualities that truly contribute to your growth, and focus on cultivating these in the people you choose to surround yourself with. This ensures that your relationships are based on mutual growth and support, not just comfort or necessity.
Full Transcript
I was in Newport Beach California and I would have clients who were constantly telling me about going on dates with all these guys and I was like uh why you going to date with him he seems like an and like he's old and fat and they were like well like he has a lot of money Leila and like I'm looking for somebody who can take care of me and I was like damn I'm looking for that person too but I just decided to become them I knew that I didn't want to be in a relationship that I was in for any reason other than this person makes my life better I want this person in my life being with this person is better than being alone do you want people in your life because they genuinely make your life better or because you're too afraid of being alone I wanted a partner who made my life better who expanded my life expanded my vision of myself not a security blanket