I Dont Believe in Trial Runs

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I Don’t Believe in Trial Runs


  • I don't believe in doing trial runs when hiring someone.
  • I think it's better to test candidates beforehand to see if they fit the role.
  • Asking someone to quit their job for a trial run seems unfair and feels wrong.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing a pre-hiring assessment process.

First, create simple tests related to the role. For example, if you need a marketing manager, ask them to create a sample campaign. This will show their skills and fit for the job without a commitment.

Another good way is to set up interviews with real-life scenarios.

During interviews, ask candidates how they would handle specific problems or tasks they’d face in the role. This helps see their problem-solving abilities and decision-making in real time.

Lastly, ensure clear communication.

Explain the role, expectations, and company culture upfront. Make sure candidates know what they are signing up for. This transparency will help you attract the right people and make fair decisions.

Full Transcript

I would not do a trial run when I've hired somebody I would test ahead of time for the things um I don't really think it's fair to have somebody quit their job and then be like it's a trial run um that just feels shitty so wouldn't do that

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