I Love When People Copy Me

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I Love When People Copy Me


  • I believe it's more concerning when no one is copying you than when everyone is; because if no one is copying you, it means you're no longer seen as the source or inspiration in your field.
  • Recognize that when everyone's copying you, they're doing so because they see something in you that's worth emulating; they need what you have, but you don't necessarily need them to succeed.
  • I find the notion of being upset about people copying you to be absurd; it's a form of flattery and a sign that you're doing something right.


How To Take Action

I would suggest shifting your perspective when you notice others copying your work. Remember, it's a good sign! It means you're making waves in your field. So instead of getting upset, be proud that you're the one leading the pack. Here's a simple plan to handle and even benefit from being copied:

  1. Keep Innovating: Regularly update your products, services, or personal skills. When you're always improving, you stay ahead of the copycats.

  2. Embrace Your Role as a Leader: Use the fact that people are copying you as motivation to keep setting the bar high. It's confirmation you're on the right track.

  3. Focus on Your Core Audience: Put your energy into those who love what you do and are loyal to your brand or your personal growth. They chose you for a reason, and they're not interested in the imitators.

  1. Leverage Your Originality: Remind yourself and others what makes you unique. This can be through storytelling, personal branding, or showcasing your expertise.

  2. Stay Positive: Turn negative feelings about copycats into positive action. Let it fuel your drive to be even better.

  3. Keep Your Secrets: Don't give away all your tricks. It's fine to inspire others, but hold back on the details that make your approach special.

By following this plan, you can make the most out of being a trendsetter, and keep moving forward without fear of the competition. Keep shining and let others follow your glow.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"The day that no one copies you is far far more frightening than the day everyone's copying you"

– Alex Hormozi

"You are Source in that situation"

– Alex Hormozi

"Everyone is there for like a subset of you"

– Alex Hormozi

"They require you to live"

– Alex Hormozi

"The idea of getting upset about people copying is just ridiculous"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

we should be more fearful of when everyone stops copying you like the day that no one copies you is far far more frightening than the day everyone's copying you you are Source in that situation everyone is there for like a subset of you they require you to live you don't require them yeah the idea of getting upset about people copying is just ridiculous

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