I met with Arnold Schwarzenegger 4 times and learned these valuable skills! ]ALEX HORMOZI]
- When you achieve high levels of success, you must prepare for increased noise and hatred.
- The more impact you make, the more you'll have to deal with criticism and threats.
- Mentally prepare for the inevitability of haters if you want to help a significant number of people.
- Hatred is a sign of success; if no one opposes you, it means you're not standing for anything impactful.
- It's essential to develop a mental fortitude that allows you to overlook the negativity.
- Haters actually have minimal impact on your business, but they can affect you personally if you let them.
- Always put issues into context by comparing the number of incidents to the total number of clients or interactions.
- Stay focused on driving your business forward through applications, closing percentages, churn rate, and profitability.
- Ignore negativity and avoid letting it consume your headspace, as it can only hurt your business if you allow it to.
- Massive action in the right areas of your business is the best response to criticism and challenges.
- Hold a delusional level of optimism where you can mentally operate above the chaos and stay focused on your goals.
- The most strategic move for a business is to observe, adapt, and implement what works, regardless of ego or pride.
- Ignore detractors and keep steamrolling forward, focusing on actions that drive your business.
How To Take Action
I would suggest mentally bracing yourself for criticism as your business grows. Success brings haters, but they're a sign you're making an impact. Don't let negativity slow you down; remember, haters usually don't affect your business, just your feelings if you let them.
A good way of handling issues is to look at them in context. Compare the few complaints to the many happy customers you have. Keep your focus on what drives your business:
- Increasing applications
- Improving closing percentages
- Reducing churn rate
- Boosting profitability
To stay on track, ignore the haters. Keep doing the important work like refreshing ads, creating good offers, and making sales calls. Recognize that complaints and negativity are just a small part of the big picture and usually don't affect your overall success.
Hold on to a positive, maybe even a bit delusional, attitude to keep your head in the game. Look at issues with a calculator-like mindset and remember that a few unhappy voices don't matter compared to your outreach efforts.
Stay adaptable and willing to implement new strategies without letting your ego get in the way. Ignore distractions, focus on actions that drive your business, and keep moving forward with resilience. When facing negativity, zoom in on your goals and the numbers that matter.
Remember, massive action in the right areas is always a winning response. As you succeed, welcome criticism as a confirmation of impact and keep on steamrolling towards your goals.
Quotes by Alex Hormozi
"Hatred is a condition of success"
– Alex Hormozi
"If you stand for nothing, no one stands against you"
– Alex Hormozi
"Success is the only revenge"
– Alex Hormozi
"Focus on the things that drive your business"
– Alex Hormozi
"Being unfuckable with – you just keep going"
– Alex Hormozi
Full Transcript
what's going on everyone happy thursday i have a good one for you today um i'm calling this violence is the answer and what i learned from having four meetings with arnold schwarzenegger so um i haven't talked a lot about the stuff that we do with charity um and i don't know why i haven't done it i think it was just because i never uh i didn't want it to feel like we were bragging about anything like that and i think that's why i haven't discussed it as much um but that being said um i've got a ton of things that have been on my mind um and a bunch of lessons that i think that i took from speaking with arnold we had a breakfast together that was two hours long um we went to his house uh uh less than a month ago actually she was like two weeks ago um and in all of the instances i feel like i mean there's tons of things you can learn from a man like that but the big thing that i was able to take away was um i want to call it like the optimist like a delusion of optimism and what i mean by that is that once like the higher the level of success that you achieve the more noise and hate you will receive right and so if you think about like the amount of security we had to go through to to get into arnold's house and all of those things is like just befitting of the fact that there are people out there who send him death threats every day for just existing right because they watched a movie and their wife divorced someone for who looked like him right and so that kind of leads to the second thing which is the more impact you have the more impressions you make based on the scale that you have it's just law of large numbers going to be a larger percentage of bat [ __ ] crazy people that you got to deal with right and so if for some reason the negativity of a trainer or a competitor or a client drags you down then you don't have the mental fortitude for the success that you want to achieve because the condition of that success is more not less of the hate of the [ __ ] of the noise that you're currently dealing with it doesn't go away it gets louder and louder and louder and so one of the one of the the skills or the disciplines that we have to develop as entrepreneurs especially if we seek this impact and that's with so many people that i talk to so many entrepreneurs like i want to impact i want to help 10 000 people i want to transform lives if you want to help 10 000 people then you have to be prepared to have 500 people who [ __ ] hate you all right because anyone who does anything worth doing is going to have an equal and opposite reaction right that's how it is if you look at every single great religious leader that's ever happened and it doesn't really matter almost all of them died right and were murdered for what they did and most people would argue that they were probably good people but with every positive thing that you do there's going to be an equal uh reaction that's negative right and so it's a it's like i just want to say this sentence to you because it means so much to me is that hatred is a condition of success it's a condition if you have no hatred if you have no people who hate you who talk against you speak against you then it means you're standing for nothing like you're standing for nothing because if if there is nothing for anyone to debate against you then you stand for nothing and that means that you're not actually having any impact and so if you fear that kind of confrontation if you fear that kind of hate that kind of whatever then you need to not be in business or you need to fix that part of yourself because you will sabotage your own success you will become successful the noise and the hatred and the naysayers will increase and then you will make yourself less successful so that you don't have to deal with it right that's that's like real right that's what happens and so just just some of the mental things that i've that i've you know had to go you know like you have trainers and you have clients you know whatever it is right the gyms one thing that i've seen with arnold and on the flip side trump right and they don't like each other they're like arnold's outspoken against trump and all that kind of stuff but one thing that they both share that i really admire is almost a delusional optimism is that they all they almost don't even they they don't even address it they don't even acknowledge the presence of haters they're just like like if you see trump get attacked he just won't even acknowledge it right and listen i've never voted i don't care right but the point is like their level of of mental fortitude of being able to just exist on a plane that's above everyone else above all the noises the condition for them being able to achieve the levels that they've been able to achieve right and so one of the things about this that that gives me solace is that none of the hatred none of the the the trainer who leaves and starts talking [ __ ] about you none of the clients who leave and talk [ __ ] about you none of that ever affects your business it only affects you right and so um i think i think layla made a post um i don't know a week or two ago about like she was basically like if anyone talks [ __ ] about you it's because when they talk about themselves no one gives a [ __ ] right that's what they said or that's what her quote said and she had like seven different people message her people who were talking [ __ ] about us that we had no idea existed and so she was like god i'm never gonna make that post again right but the thing is is that this is the record this is a record month for us this is the best month in sales we've ever had right and amid that this was when she posted this post and there's all of this negativity and so you have to remember that if there is negativity there's also positivity that's coming with it because as as ugly as this sounds there really is no negative publicity like you know this from the from the freaking presidential election right he won because there was he owned the conversation good and bad he owned it all right and if everyone is talking about you guess who they're not talking about anyone else right and so you have to be polar you have to stand for things because that is going to bring the haters out and you should welcome it you should be like thank you for thinking about me i appreciate that thank you we had a record salesman this month keep talking about me i love it like feeding my bank account keep going dude keep going it's awesome right and so understanding that the law of large numbers is that the more people you impact right the more by percentage you're going to run the wrong way and so just like accept it and then always put things in context all right and so when we have our we had our quarterly meeting whenever uh you know someone from the front line or some of them from management comes up with somebody's like i think this is a problem i always ask all right what's the number of incidences and then how many total incidences do we and then how many total people who could potentially have an incident um are are there right so i'll give you an example um we had someone who's a manager who um was saying uh we had a gym owner who can complain about paypal that getting paid out from paypal on the prestige laptop he said i don't want to sign up um because you guys pay for paypal and i i paid paypal and she was like it really bothered me and i was like well how many people has this been she's like so i think we should consider switching from paypal it's like well how many people has this been an issue for she was like well one i'm like how many active affiliates we have a thousand so point one percent of people had a problem with it like don't even let it touch you you know what i mean don't even let it touch your your thought your mind because when you have scale you have 200 clients if you have five [ __ ] think about it it's two and a half percent of your entire clientele base what percentage of humans do you think are kind of crazy i would say at least two and a half percent at least right and so if you can if you can always take apart the problems that arise or that people bring to you and think about it in context of the larger numbers that you're dealing with i promise you will make the the noise of the world go down and you'll be able to get to that to ascend to that higher level and eventually we can get to the spiritual plane of arnold and trump and whatever you feel about them i don't care it's just you can appreciate the fact that they can exist on another plane and literally just live in a world of delusion where like they are untouchable because they they put themselves in this box and there is a borderline where it does become delusional because you don't take feedback but because the hate is so loud they almost can't allow it right like arnold was attacked at the arnold expo where he's like cheering kids on you know what i mean like people are crazy and you just gotta accept that so um let me make sure i hit all my my lovely points um yeah and so the only thing that you have left to do that actually drives your business is the four numbers that i brought up the other day is any of these things going to drive more applications is it going to drive a higher percentage of close is it going to decrease my turn is it getting smart increase my profitability and the believe it or not the haters right that you have the trainers the ex clients the whatever right the likelihood that they're going to really impact like that they know the majority of the marketplace is basically zero right like if you have a client who leaves it mind you i like i'm not talking about any specific client because like i'm talking about the gyms i'm saying but like if you have a client your gym who leaves right and they they know 10 people they know 20 people they start making posts right people only remember how they feel when they read that no one ever remembers what any [ __ ] talker talks about they only remember the negativity and they associate it with the person who's talking [ __ ] which is why one of the biggest issues that i had early on in my life i was telling you is that i used to talk [ __ ] and it was like something that i really hated about myself and so the rule that i made is that if i am going to say something that is negative i'm going to say to the person first and then if i am so if i do tell someone else i'm like hey by the way i've already told this person this this is what i think about and so that's kind of given me my like i don't see [ __ ] unless i've told the person about what i believe right and so that's kind of my my rule of thumb for [ __ ] talking but um i say all that to say that person who's left your business that client or whatever knows 20 people your ads are reaching 50 000 people a day what actual impact do you think they have none and so you got to think about it in terms of math right because it will literally just like put you at ease because you realize that the things that matter in the business are the things that matter this video is not going to drive sales for me right i make these partially for me because i like documenting the journey and i want to look back that's actually why i do this right um but me posting on instagram doesn't do [ __ ] right it doesn't do anything right these don't really do much the things that do are the things of doing the boring work of making sure that we refresh our ad content make sure we have good offers make sure that the leads are getting worked make sure that we're following up make sure that when we're on the sales calls we're clarifying whether they're we're labeling with a mobile problem or going over their past pain and we're selling them the vacation and making sure that we can explain how we can fill the gap right the fundamentals and all scale is is doing the fundamentals in larger numbers that is all it is and there's complexity in that but the process from a mental standpoint is simple right and so that is what's going to grow your business and so if you get distracted and you have somebody who's bugging you you have a trainer you have a client or whatever it is just go back to your numbers and focus on the things that drive your business because i can tell you that a any person who's speaking against you is is is confirming the fact that you are being successful it's a condition it's a condition of success if you stand for nothing no one stands against you period it's what it is right so first they're confirming that you're actually having impact second they're bringing top of mind awareness they're talking about you all the time great and then third it doesn't matter anyways all of it doesn't even matter because none of it is impacting the things that grow your business and so just remember that when you're spending 100 a day you're buying 2 000 impressions you're buying 2 000 people and you're buying it every day right sorry 25 five thousand impressions so you find five thousand eyeballs right and this person's organic reach is like [ __ ] a hundred it doesn't matter and so just like put it to rest just stop worrying about it like i can't tell you like it got to the point where people would ask me they're like hey do you want me to like send you this this stuff for other people i was like nah man i've been doing this two and a half years and when i came out i was talking against things that people didn't like there was a lot of gurus who were established when i came into this three years ago i was like i don't think lbs work here's why this is math right and they started bashing and it's like that's cool but the math is wrong right like i'm gonna be right what they should have done was copy my [ __ ] that's what they should have done and they didn't they postured against with pride which is the wrong move and so i'm totally going another direction but we're just going to rock with it so like from a strategy standpoint right if you're the small player what you want to do is you want to attack the methodology of the bigger player that's what you should do right but you better be right and you have to have a unique angle of why yours is better and different right now if you're the incumbent there's virtually no reason that the incumbent the person who's established in the market should ever lose the only reason they lose is because they're human and because they're human because they're prideful and because they don't want to accept that they're wrong there could be another way right because technically the winner should do exactly what you see amazon doing they let someone come up with something and then boom they rip off and they copy it right and then that guy's gone because they own the entire distribution network and so real talk there hasn't been anything that has come out from anyone that i have seen and i know because i buy everything right that has been useful right not really and so i see everything and i will not let someone do to me what i did to the people before me which was attack attack attack the methodology because you don't want to be the type of person who attacks on this character it's just it literally never looks good it's a losing battle makes you look like an ass no one remembers who you're attacking they just remember the turn [ __ ] right so wrong strategy that way you do want to attack the methodology if you have a superior option but the problem is if you attack it loud enough and the the eye of sauron comes to you and sees what you're doing what they should do the strategic move is to take it distribute it and then wipe you out that is how that's the game like that's the game theory and like that's how you win and so the only way to beat the incumbent is also for the account that's why that's why amazon trades like a zillion times its actual earnings because no one knows how they can beat them how do you beat them they don't have an ego about it they don't give a [ __ ] they're like cool you found a new toilet paper brand boom got it and they and jeff distributes it now it's his toilet paper bread right he doesn't care he doesn't have an ego about it he's like great thanks for doing the r d i appreciate that and so it's only the people who have the the the ego about being like i was the first one like no one cares right the only thing people care about is how much money you make period and that you are looking always for the next thing and so that's why that's what we came out with hybrid right like that's the next thing like i think down the road group i mean group training is not going away but the price points will become increasingly commoditized and the pressure will increase and the middle tier players the lower tier players are going to go out right it's just what it is and so if i'm helping the most amount of people i have to create the new or the next opportunity to shift everyone into which is going to take the next seven years of gold rush until eventually more and more people copy it and then we'll come up with the next thing because that's business right if you want something that's gonna stick around forever don't be a business owner it's not gonna work right same thing with marketing so anyways all this to say the reason i call this violence is the answer uh is that massive action is the only thing you can do right it's the only it's the only combat you have it's like success is the only revenge is that you just keep focusing on doing you and increasing the amount of opportunities increasing the percentage that you capture and decreasing the turn of your business that is all you do that is all you focus on and the rest of it does not matter ignore it it doesn't matter the only way that it starts to actually affect those numbers if it takes up your headspace it's the only way someone wins it's the only way and so if you don't want someone to win right and someone talks [ __ ] it's a client it's a trainer it's a whatever a competitor right first off understand that they're not marketing to the people that you're marketing to they're not right and their little itty bitty reach is irrelevant compared to how much you're spending and that's why we pay facebook because they give us distribution right just get that and then understand that none of that is anyway going to affect your business unless you allow it to affect you that's all so um that is why violence is the answer that is probably the single greatest lesson that i've that i learned and witnessed from arnold um and being close proximity with him obviously we talked about work now we talked about business stuff we talked about charity talk for lots of things but the principle the essence that i feel like i got from him was that he exists on his own playing field he plays his own game and he just lets everyone else react and that was probably the single biggest takeaway that i saw is that like when you get to that level you have to have this this level of mental fortitude that is almost delusional it borders on delusion but the only difference between crazy people and geniuses is that the geniuses are right it's the only difference right and so like if you're like we're gonna make it we're gonna make it we're making it and you do all of a sudden everything you did before was sin right and so if you have to exist in a place where you're like don't show me that stuff if you have uh you know your managers or your trainers are like hey this gym down the street like talk [ __ ] about us right if if they say that to you be like don't show me that [ __ ] the only way that it will actually affect our business is if we talk about it because it doesn't actually affect our business in any way you closing sales tonight yeah i'm are we marketing making more ads yes right are you doing your the five five percent retention yes great then let's just keep [ __ ] wrong right that's all that matters you keep steam rolling forward and the thing that pisses everyone else off is being unfuckable right you can't be [ __ ] with you just keep going and keep going and then the noise gets louder because they want a reaction and you just keep [ __ ] going right and you keep winning because what you do is you focus as soon as they get loud you focus in you focus in on the things that drive your business which is the math right it's doing the work there's nothing else right don't get in some pissing match it doesn't matter right just distracts you takes your attention so anyways um i hope that there's somebody here who that affects i hope there's somebody here who's dealing with a trainer or dealing with a client or dealing with a competitor who's talking [ __ ] who's making posts who's who's who who it's like whenever you see that just be like thanks for thinking about me bro i appreciate that you know thanks for talking about thanks for keeping me top of mind like much love like you got to think like that because that's the only way and that'll get even more under there and now you're in their minds and they're not in yours because you just keep doing what you need to do and that's the only way you win so anyways lots of everybody hope you have an amazing thursday and um keep being awesome i love you all tomorrow's gonna be sick all right [Music] you