I Realized Overthinking Is Just This

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I Realized Overthinking Is Just This.


  • I used to overthink a lot, which made my work harder.
  • Overthinking can be a waste of time because it doesn't lead anywhere.
  • I distract myself from overthinking by doing something else.
  • Often, overthinking is about seeking certainty, but certainty doesn't exist.
  • It's better to take a small step into the unknown than to keep overthinking.
  • If trying something leads to pain, I learn from it and don't do it again.
  • More action and less overthinking can make life more productive.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing a few simple steps to reduce overthinking and increase productivity.

Recognize Overthinking

First, notice when you're overthinking. If you catch yourself stuck in a loop of thoughts, acknowledge it. This is the first step toward breaking the cycle.

Distract Yourself Productively

A good way of doing this is by immediately switching tasks. If you're stuck on a problem, move on to a simple task like organizing your workspace or replying to a quick email. This way, you're still being productive while giving your brain a break from overthinking.

Take Small Steps into Uncertainty

Often, we overthink because we're afraid of making the wrong decision. But taking a small step into the unknown can be more valuable than endless thinking. If the step works, great! If not, you've learned a lesson and can pivot.

Learn from Pain

Understand that not all actions will lead to success, and that's okay. If a decision leads to a negative outcome, see it as an opportunity to learn. Adjust your approach and try again, rather than dwelling on what went wrong.

Increase Action, Reduce Overthinking

Make a conscious effort to take more action and worry less. Set small, achievable goals and move toward them. Actions, even small ones, lead to momentum, which can break the habit of overthinking.

Practice Acceptance

Finally, accept that certainty is a myth. No decision is ever 100% guaranteed. By accepting this, you free yourself from the paralyzing need for certainty and can focus on making progress instead.

Full Transcript

I'm like the queen of overthinking like when Alex met me bless his soul I mean like I'm very good at what I do because I care a lot but I also overthink the crap out of everything or at least I did and so what I realize is that there's one thing which is I can distract myself from the overthinking in the short term in the short term I will distract myself by forcing myself to do something else because the thinking is leading nowhere right it's just me worrying now and later rather than just later when I would rather save myself from doing it now and so when you're overthinking something the best thing that you can do again is take a small step in direction of uncertainty but the reality is certainty doesn't even exist when I realize that a lot of overthinking is actually seeking certainty and there is no certainty then I was like well then I should just try it out right if it's terrible and awful I will feel pain in the moment and then I will just not do it again and that's a way that I'm able to kind of trick myself into doing something rather than continue to think about something because I think a lot of people waste their lives overthinking rather than getting into action

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