I Shouldnt Have Listened To Doug

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I Shouldn’t Have Listened To Doug..


  • I believe it's important to listen to those who have achieved the goals you are pursuing, rather than just listening to those who are closest to you.
  • Research shows that your net worth often aligns with the group you compare yourself to. So, it’s crucial to choose this group wisely.
  • Many assume it's about the five people you spend the most time with, but I think it's really the five people you compare yourself to.
  • If the people around you don't have what you want, then their advice might not be valuable for your goals.
  • As social beings, we learn to seek opinions from others, but as adults, we must critically evaluate this advice.
  • Adulthood requires unlearning inaccurate beliefs and understanding why you believe what you believe.
  • If you can't explain why you hold a belief, then it might not truly be your own.


How To Take Action

I would suggest you start by surrounding yourself with people who have achieved what you're aiming for. Don't just listen to those closest to you but look at those who have reached the goals you want. This doesn't mean you need to meet them in person. You can follow them online, read their books, or listen to their podcasts. This way, their mindset can influence you positively.

A good way of doing this is to critically evaluate who you compare yourself to. Instead of just hanging with friends or family who don’t have what you want, focus on people who push you toward your goals. This means being intentional about what content you consume and who you listen to daily.

Another key step is unlearning outdated beliefs. Reflect on why you believe what you do. If you can't explain the reason behind a belief, consider if it's truly yours or just something you picked up from others when you were younger.

Lastly, as an adult, practice evaluating advice critically. Realize that not all advice is valuable, even if it comes from those who care about you. Your path is unique, and only you can truly decide which direction to take. Make sure your beliefs and actions align with your true goals and aspirations.

Full Transcript

you have to listen to the people who are closest to your goals not closest to you there's you know that famous Harvard study that found out that people's net worth was correlated with their reference group now a lot of people mistakenly say it's The Five People You spend the most time with but I believe it's the five people you compare yourself to fundamentally the people that are in your surroundings if they don't have what you want don't listen to what they say and I think it's hard to do because as humans or social creatures and we learn to listen to the opinions of others when they're your child you say is this good or bad an adult says that's good that's bad and you kind of incorporate and that's how you how to you learn how to make your way in the world then you become an adult and you realize that some of the people who gave you your good and bad advice are actually morons because you meet them now and it's Doug and you're like Doug's an idiot I listen to Doug it's like well I was 8 years old and I didn't know any better but I think honestly a lot of adulthood is fundamentally unlearning things and and choosing to know that you believe your beliefs for your own reasons and so I think that if you cannot explain why you believe what you believe it's not your belief in someone else's [Music]

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