Insecurity Is a Super Power

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Insecurity Is a Super Power


  • I used to be very insecure, especially growing up as a kid who was often made fun of. I had buck teeth and wore braces for six years, and I wasn't the cutest or the smartest.
  • I see insecurity as a superpower. It's what drives me to achieve more than confidence or pride ever could.
  • A healthy amount of insecurity can push you to try things others might not attempt because they're too comfortable.
  • I've changed how I view my insecurity and realized it has led me to help hundreds of thousands of people, making their lives, businesses, and teams better.
  • Insecurity has been more of a driving force for me to do great things than something that held me back.


How To Take Action

I would suggest using insecurity as a tool for growth and motivation. If you feel insecure about certain aspects of your life or business, try to see it as a driving force. Use it to push yourself into doing things that might seem difficult or out of your comfort zone. It can help propel you to try new strategies, learn new skills, and take risks that you might otherwise avoid.

A good way of embracing insecurity is to reframe it in your mind. Every time you feel insecure, remind yourself that it's an opportunity to prove yourself wrong and accomplish something new. This mindset shift can transform fear into action and growth.

In your business or personal life, set small, achievable goals that challenge your insecurities. For example, if you feel uneasy about public speaking, challenge yourself to speak in smaller, less intimidating settings first. Over time, this will build your confidence and show you what you're capable of doing.

Another strategy is to focus on helping others. When you direct your insecurities outward, you can find ways to improve others' lives. This not only shifts your attention away from your self-doubt but also builds a sense of accomplishment and purpose.

Ultimately, remember that a bit of self-doubt can be a powerful motivator. Use it to drive yourself forward, explore new territories, and achieve goals you might not have attempted otherwise.

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