It Will Pay Off

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It Will Pay Off


  • I believe you can become confident in any skill by practicing it until it becomes boring.
  • It's important to not let your first failure be your last. Keep trying, and eventually, you will succeed.
  • The effort you put in will pay off, either in the form of what you build or in the growth you experience as a person.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing a practice routine for any new skill you want to master. Pick something you’re interested in and start doing it consistently. It doesn’t have to take a lot of time—just a few minutes every day can make a big difference. By practicing regularly, you’ll get better and eventually become so comfortable that it feels like second nature.

A good way of dealing with setbacks is to change how you see them. Rather than seeing failure as an endpoint, think of it as a stepping stone. When something doesn’t go as planned, use it as a learning moment. Reflect on what went wrong, make small adjustments, and try again. Persistence is key, so keep going until you achieve your goal.

To ensure effort pays off, focus on both the process and the outcome. Enjoy the small wins along the way, but also pay attention to how you’re growing as a person. Look at the skills and resilience you’re developing. Make a habit of noting down what you’ve learned after each try. This will help you see progress over time and keep you motivated.

Remember, achieving success is both about what you build and who you become. So, keep grinding. You’ve got this!

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