Lean Into The Pain

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Lean Into The Pain


  • I realized my thoughts were working against me, so I developed mantras to counteract them and lean into discomfort.
  • One key mantra I use is "do the opposite." Whenever I think something negative, like "I shouldn't go to the gym because people will judge me," I do the opposite and go anyway.
  • Our brains often try to protect us by keeping us in a comfort zone, but that doesn't help if we want to improve our lives.
  • To create a life we love, we need to stop listening to negative thoughts until they start supporting our success and growth.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing mantras to counter negative thoughts. Start with a simple mantra like "do the opposite." When a thought holds you back, flip it. For example, if you think, "I shouldn't go to that event because I’ll look out of place," challenge yourself to go anyway. This helps break the cycle of self-doubt and encourages growth.

Another good way to grow is by understanding that our brains often try to keep us comfortable. It feels safe, but it doesn't help us change or improve. When you notice your thoughts urging you to stay in your comfort zone, remind yourself that real change comes from trying new and sometimes uncomfortable things.

To make this a daily practice, spend a few minutes each morning writing down one negative thought you had and decide how you can do the opposite. Over time, it’ll become easier to act against unhelpful instincts, as you train your brain for success.

Finally, recognize that growth involves discomfort. Whenever you feel uncertain, take it as a sign that you're pushing boundaries. Embrace, rather than avoid, those moments. As you continue, your thoughts will gradually align more with supporting your goals.

Full Transcript

my thoughts were working against me and so I had to develop these mantras for myself to remind myself to lean into to the things that didn't feel good the first one I had was do the opposite I would have a thought come up if I go to the gym everyone's going to think I'm fat and I look like I should not go I should just stay home I could do at home nope do the opposite your brain's trying to protect you your brain's not helping you right now because your brain's been keeping you in the shitty ass State guess what if we want to like our lives we have to stop listening to our brain cuz here's the thing until it's actually giving you those thoughts that are helping you succeed why the are you listening to it

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