Make Them Need You

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Make Them Need You…


  • Highlight your unique value: Remember, nobody's going to remember who you are unless you stand out. Focus on creating something truly remarkable that reflects your unique value proposition.
  • Invest energy wisely: Don't spend all your time on minor tactics like learning negotiation hacks or perfecting cover letters. Instead, put your effort into making something amazing that speaks for itself.
  • Craft a compelling one-liner: You should be able to summarize who you are and what you do in one line that's so compelling it makes others feel they need you. This isn't just a pitch—it's your truth, stated plainly and powerfully.
  • If the truth isn't compelling, change it: If your current one-liner doesn't make people need you, then it's time to change your reality. Focus on improving yourself, your product, or your service until you have a truth that's undeniable.


How To Take Action

I would suggest focusing on what makes you or your business special. Find the thing that you do best and make it amazing. This is what will make people remember you. You don't have to do everything—just do one thing really well.

Instead of wasting time on small stuff like trying to be a master negotiator or having a perfect resume, put your energy into your unique value proposition. Make something great that shows off what you can do best. This is what will grab people's attention.

You should also create a powerful one-liner about yourself or your business. Think about who you are and what you offer. Then, put it into one sentence that's so good, it makes people think they need you. It should be your truth, said in a simple but strong way.

If your one-liner isn't making people sit up and take notice, then it's time to look at what you're doing. Make changes to your work, your skills, or your product. Keep improving until you have something that's really great. Then, when you tell people your one-liner, they'll see how much they need what you're offering.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"I don't spend all my time reading hacks on negotiating and cover letters"

– Alex Hormozi

"I make the one amazing thing that I want to be true true in the real world"

– Alex Hormozi

"And then I just tell people"

– Alex Hormozi

"If you can't summarize who you are in one line that would make them want you"

– Alex Hormozi

"Then fix the truth so that that one line when stated as fact makes them need you"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

no one's going to remember who you are I don't spend all my time reading hacks on negotiating and cover letters I make the one amazing thing that I want to be true true in the real world and then I just tell people if you can't summarize who you are in one line that would make them want you then fix the truth so that that one line when stated as fact makes them need you

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