MASTER CONTENT STRATEGY for our 85Myr portfolio

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MASTER CONTENT STRATEGY for our $85M/yr portfolio…


  • If you're struggling with content creation, the key is to understand exactly who you're speaking to; this clarity helps you to communicate more effectively.
  • Capture ideas as they come; inspiration for content often strikes from passionate conversations with clients or during moments of epiphany.
  • There's no ideal schedule for creating content. Forcing yourself to produce content in a set time can add pressure and hinder creativity. Be flexible and capitalize on moments when you're in the zone.
  • It's alright to make content that you're personally invested in, even if you doubt its widespread appeal. Sometimes the best content is made for yourself, not the audience.
  • The content that resonates is often an expression of what you've experienced and learned—it's genuine and comes from a place of trying to document thought processes or conversations that others can benefit from.
  • Recognize that building an audience takes time, and your content may not initially have a broad impact. You improve with practice and as your accomplishments grow, so does the weight of your message.
  • Don't be afraid to be different in your content. Speak to the needs and interests of your specific audience rather than repeating generic advice.
  • Your content should be based on your unique experiences and expertise. Focus on what you truly understand and can talk about with authority.
  • If you haven't achieved a significant goal or milestone, focus on the progress or successes you have had, even if they seem small. Authenticity in your expertise is crucial.
  • Avoid making content for the sake of it or repeating others. Share stories and personal anecdotes that add real value and knowledge.
  • When discussing topics, frame them not as absolute truths but as your perspective based on your experiences and those of your clients. This approach keeps the content authentic and relatable.
  • Lastly, if you don't have something valuable to say, it's better to say nothing at all. Quality over quantity preserves your credibility and respects your audience's time.


How To Take Action

I would suggest first figuring out who you're talking to. Get super clear on that. It helps you know what to say. Capture your ideas as they come. If you feel that spark after a chat with someone or a lightbulb moment—run with it. Make content then.

Don’t stress about a content schedule. If you force it, it won't be as good. Wait for the moment when you feel creative and go for it.

Make content that matters to you. It's okay if it's not for everyone. What you care about will show, and that's what makes great content. It’s your voice, not everyone else’s.

Share your own stories. Talk about what you know, and what you've achieved, even if it feels small. It's the real deal, and people like that. Be the real expert in your experiences.

Talk about things like you're sharing your perspective, not the absolute truth. This way, it stays real and people can relate. They’ll see it's coming from what you know.

And remember, it's all about quality. If you've got nothing valuable to say, better to hold off. This keeps your work top-notch and shows you value your audience's time.

Bottom line: know who you're talking to, catch the inspiration when it hits, talk about what you love and know, keep it real, and always aim for quality. That's how you make content that strikes a chord.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"Content is a long play, it's a super super long play"

– Alex Hormozi

"Creativity isn't like constraints"

– Alex Hormozi

"You have to catch the creativity when it's there, when you're less constrained and you're more free-flowing"

– Alex Hormozi

"Do it when it's fresh and do it when you feel emotions"

– Alex Hormozi

"If you don't have anything worth saying, don't say it"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

rocks well i did too and i made this crazy video without knocking myself into a tree with this crazy background on how to actually fix this so i was actually asked to speak at a seven figure entrepreneur event it was a paid event and one of the questions that came up uh that i was told the answer that i had was uh impactful for many of them was around the concept of content and if you don't know who i am my name is austria mozilla own it's a portfolio of companies that's about 85 million a year all right so uh this is an excerpt of the video of me answering that question if you're struggling to make content enjoy this what is the best way to create content i know it's not specific enough oh i'm not the best diaper so like i really love what you guys are putting out right now seriously straight fire um both of you guys like kudos um and you know maybe i'm just stuck in kind of like my head but i'm having difficulty like just putting it out there like i know i could talk for hours on any topic fitness business life whatever and i do with my friends consistently all day then i get in front and i'm like what the [ __ ] do i make excuse the language um i'm like what do i make how do i structure this how should i say this and another god ah that's what happens so i've done it and i'm not sure if it's just like i've done it so much now that i i also i'm looking more so on from my end to like work with people who want to perform better who don't just want to lose a little bit away who like really want to be you know legit better version of themselves you know i know that's probably used consistently across the fitness industry but um like that's genuinely what i want to help you with i want them to help like hit that potential because i that's what i like doing for myself um so that's my like question there i guess like i probably struggle more with content creation than alex hasn't in a while now so maybe i could talk about that before because like alex creates better content than me like i think that he's been doing this for like [ __ ] eight years i started like six months ago and every time i'm like dude i look like [ __ ] i feel like [ __ ] this is terrible it's awful you know that's all i say like i'm like look everyone hates me like for sure they're bad but alex says like i observe alex and a lot of times like i'll literally take notes on his videos and deconstruct what he's doing because i think he's really good at it right and i'll watch him while he's creating and i've sat there when he's come up with videos and there's two things that i've identified that helped me a lot which is one alex is really sure about who he's talking to and he knows it every time he's talking okay that's the first thing so then when i'm talking like who am i talking to and a lot of the times the things that probably inspire you prince are like about the clients so like a lot of the times when i just made like a really good piece of content the other day because i got off the phone with a company that we have a and we're invested with and i was like i had this epiphany on the phone with them and i was ranting and i just got and went and made the content and i see alex did it all the time he's like i got it i gotta go make it now and i think it's really hard because like i never believed alex in the beginning or he's like no you just gotta like catch it when you get it you gotta go like make like six videos and i was like dude no i like organize my whole schedule i set time side i need to film now but it's almost like a self-inflicted pressure when you like set that time sometimes and then you just start getting your head you're like i must make five pieces of content right now and i'm not so i must [ __ ] suck right and instead it's just like you're just not in the zone because creativity isn't like constraints so it's like you have to catch like when the creativity's there when you're less constrained and you're more free flowing i think that's when things come most naturally that plus knowing who you're talking to and then the other thing i'll say is um i don't think that you should make content on anything you don't want to make content on which i've heard alex say a million times when because he's i ask him for advice on it a lot right now that's why i feel like i can say this to you because i've been asking alex a lot of questions and he's like dude don't talk about anything you don't want to talk about and sometimes make the content that you want to make even though you don't you're not sure it will hit like there are certain videos that i've made like on how to run a great meeting and my youtube guy is like dude nobody gives a [ __ ] and i was like i don't care i need to make this video like for me i know it's [ __ ] important right and so i think it's allowing yourself to just do whatever the [ __ ] you want kind of makes it better and you hear alex's videos he's like dude i'm not making this for you guys and he's serious he's making it for himself and so i think um you know i i i observe that and i'm like that's how i feel like i mean alex you know i'm just speaking for you but i feel like that's how you've been able to continue to make content as your wife who watches you and sees you do it all the time it's like you do you make a lot for yourself you make a lot for the people that you know who they are and who you're talking to and if you don't feel like making it you don't do it i make videos for really only one of two reasons one is because i want to document a thought process so that means it's for me or it's fresh off of some sort of conversation i had with you know a client employee or one of the you know the business owners that we're invested in and so i'm basically making it for them and i just make it anonymous and usually i'm very passionate about the topic which is why i want to make the video um but i heard this from uh grant uh cardone and uh when we were talking about his content strategy and he said you just gotta make [ __ ] and you have to assume no one will see it like the assumption is zero and then just make all your content from that perspective because the thing is is like you guys have heard me say this but like the work works on you more than you work on it and doing the content is a long play it's a super super long play and unfortunately it takes a long time to be good for two reasons one is that you actually have to be good at doing it which you will get better with repetition and the second is that people don't care about you until you've done something like if i tweeted the same [ __ ] elon musk tweets no one would care but it's elon musk and so he's the richest man in the world and if he just does a poop emoji gets shared you know 500 000 times it's not because the message it's because of the messenger and the messenger is a big part of the message part of the reason that content doesn't hit even if it's really wonderful content is because people are like why should i listen to you and if you don't have a genuine answer for that then they won't have one either my views on content have shifted dramatically over time but i think the reason that the content that i have now hits is because like we've made a lot of [ __ ] money and people are like wow that's impressive when i started i wasn't as big on content because honestly it was like i just don't think anyone was going to give a [ __ ] and they probably weren't and so like i'm just adding those as quick caveats but for you specifically what you don't want to do is start talking like everyone else right don't talk about when they should time their carbs don't talk about how they should be splitting up like no one cares if you're talking to your specific avatar then the types of things that you should be making should be relevant to that specific avatar which oftentimes will be different than what everyone else is talking about and it'll be it'll be unique to you that's kind of my my my big picture stuff on consecration but i put two notes in there which is like do it when it's fresh and do it when you feel emotions those have been like kind of two of my my mainstays for making content i i often feel um the way that what you've talked about is like i haven't done [ __ ] yet like i i like why you're right like so i'm almost in that same point with business and i feel with being online um the difference between being in gym and being online is you know online is the same i think working with online coach is the same thing is like why should i work with you you know what have you done right so that's kind of my next follow-up question it's actually second phase is it cool if i start real quick what is the best way to generate those type of leads when you know you haven't done [ __ ] like i hadn't that you have done [ __ ] well the thing is is okay this is a really i think this is a good caveat for everyone everyone here has done [ __ ] but not everyone here has done [ __ ] that they want to talk about so this is the classic example of the dudes who were talking about how to make passive income online make 10 grand a month and they've never [ __ ] made 10 grand a month and they're talking about how to manipulate the stock market and their stock portfolio is 100 grand like who gives a [ __ ] right like you're not warren buffett right but the thing is is that you are an expert at some things and you should just stick to only talking about that stuff if if the source of your content this is like i'm gonna this is [ __ ] big if the source of your content is other people's content don't make it what makes content interesting is the unique anecdotes that you have experienced and gone through which add value and this is kind of a big issue in general with the like the content creation world is that people are making content because it's easy to make content and because they have an alternative agenda the content that hits is content that is made for its own sake as an as with the intention of adding to the body of knowledge on a specific subject matter and so if you have been working with clients and you're like this is something that's worked really well for the guys that i have i only have seven clients but like this has worked really well i hope it works well for you you say that you have domain expertise in those seven clients and no one can question you there now if you start talking about science and you don't [ __ ] know anything about science but you read it on mica's reteller you read it from dr cashy you're not dr cashy and so of course like it's not going to sound as good from you and if i'm going to try and listen to that i'm listening to dr k and so it's like we have to know what we are experts in like i'm only a little bit talking about investment stuff now but for the vast majority of stuff i talk about i talk about sales i talk about acquisition and it's because we built it for six different companies and we've exited six different companies you know i mean in the last you know 10 years right and different types of companies right software we've exited brick and mortar we've done services like we've done different types of things and so i can speak about that with authority and people know that and i have a story to back that up when you just talk about content no one cares and so tie it to stuff that you actually know and one of my last rules of content is if you don't have anything worth saying don't say it and i know this is probably a little contrary to other people's stuff but i don't really give a [ __ ] like if it's not worth saying don't say it because in my opinion i'd rather have someone not consume [ __ ] from me than consume something and then decide to never listen to me ever again because it's a waste of their time that's mine that's my content drop so that piece that i just said that probably was a piece of content that we probably clipped later [Music] all right that helped very much so thank you guys so much and if you have specific this is a side note for tactics right if you have a spec if you have a handful of specific beliefs that people are trying to overcome rather than necessarily addressing the belief you can make it relevant by saying hey if you're struggling with this my client karen and then all of a sudden you have domain authority because you're now introducing a real story rather than just saying here's how you overcome overeating no i have two clients i won't i'll just use sarah and kate as the names but these are real clients that are on my roster right now and this is the issue they were struggling with this is how we dealt with it and i'm going to say one more piece on this content thing because i think it's it's also like i've learned a lot of things over this is that you don't want to make declarative statements you want to say this is the way it is it's very easy to contradict that instead it's this is my two sense this is how i see the world and what i have experienced i might not know [ __ ] but i'm sharing what has been valuable to me and my clients and when you say it from that perspective one the intention is pure and two no one can [ __ ] with you on that because you're you're not saying this is you're not saying this fact you're saying this is this is how i see it and if things change i'll tell you how i think they've changed that's really dope and it's also super unique because like it's your experience right so it has to be wildly different than everyone else's or at least somewhat yeah step one do stuff and then step two talk about the stuff you did right the problem is that people start talking about stuff they haven't done and then that's where they get in trouble because all they do is they read someone else's article on passive income and then they do a worse deluded version with less authority

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