Most Thoughts Can Be Disproved

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Most Thoughts Can Be Disproved


  • Separate your thoughts from your actions. A thought doesn’t always mean you need to take action.
  • Train yourself to diffuse thoughts by creating space between the thought and your reaction to it.
  • Recognize that thoughts are just sentences in your mind and they don’t always need to be true. Most of the time, thoughts can be false.
  • When you have a thought, don’t avoid it. Look at it and question its validity. Argue with yourself to disprove the thought.
  • By spending a few minutes questioning your thought, you can see it separate from yourself. It’s just a sentence, not a part of who you are.
  • This separation gives you the space to decide the best course of action. Ask yourself if acting on the thought will make your life better or worse tomorrow.
  • Remember that acting on a thought, whether it's good or bad, reinforces the chance of having that thought again in the future.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing thought diffusion as a low-cost and high-value practice for personal growth and business decisions.

  • Separate Thoughts from Actions: Start by noticing when you have a thought. Instead of treating it as a directive to act, pause and recognize that it’s just a sentence in your mind. This helps in not reacting impulsively.

  • Create Space: When a thought arises, don’t avoid it. Give yourself a few minutes to sit with it. Ask yourself, “Is this thought true?” Begin to question its validity. Often, you’ll find that the thought isn’t true or is only partially true.

  • Argue Against the Thought: Challenge the thought actively. If the thought says, “I’m not good enough,” counter it with evidence to the contrary. This helps in seeing the thought as separate from yourself.

  • Evaluate the Thought: After creating space and arguing against the thought, ask yourself, “If I act on this thought, will it make my life better or worse tomorrow?” This helps in making more thoughtful decisions that benefit you in the long run.

  • Reinforce Positive Actions: Whether the thought is positive or negative, remember that acting on it will make it more likely for that thought to reoccur. Be mindful about which thoughts you choose to act on.

By implementing these steps, you can manage your thoughts and reactions better, making it easier to achieve your business and personal goals.

Full Transcript

for a lot of people again that have issues in life they're not able to separate a thought from an action they take thoughts as directives you've trained yourself that when you have this thought you take this action to diffuse a thought is to create space from the thought to recognize that is just a sentence in your mind it doesn't even need to be true in fact most of the time they're very false and so for me thought diffusion is recognizing when I have a thought in my mind let's not avoid that thought let's not do anything about it let's look at it do you think this thought is true I'm like I don't know it could be and you basically have to start argue with yourself against the thought to realize that most thoughts can be disproved what happens by the end of this like couple minutes of doing this is you suddenly see the thought separate from yourself you recognize it as a sentence in your mind not a part of who you are and then what that allows you to do is to get Space to say what's the best course of action to take based on this thought is this going to make my life better or worse tomorrow if I act on this thought if you act on a thought whether it's a good or a bad thing you reinforce the thought to happen again

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