My 100000000 daily routineI eat the same thing every day

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My $100,000,000 daily routine…I eat the same thing every day…


  • I don't subscribe to productivity hacks like cold showers, biohacking, or making lists for the sake of it; I believe they often turn into procrastination hacks.
  • For the first eight years of my career, waking up at around 4 AM worked for me because it gave me six hours of uninterrupted work before others started their day.
  • I believe the morning starts the night before; it's crucial for me to think about the next day's tasks before sleeping. Limiting my daily focus to one to three important tasks is essential.
  • I don't follow a complex morning routine; I wake up, drink coffee, and get straight to work, concentrating on moving my important tasks forward.
  • To avoid decision fatigue, I eat the same meals every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, reducing stress and freeing up mental bandwidth.
  • Clearing out clutter from your life can regain attention and improve decision-making; get rid of unnecessary belongings to maintain focus.
  • I find having a set bedtime more important than a wake-up time. I set an alarm for when to go to sleep rather than when to wake up, as quality sleep supports better decision-making.
  • Resilience is key to me; being too dependent on routines reduces adaptability. I prioritize being able to work effectively under any condition, without relying on a complex routine.
  • Simple, consistent actions have provided me with disproportionate returns. Complex routines can become crutches, while simplicity often aligns with actual productivity.
  • Identifying a personal schedule that facilitates peak productivity is more important than adhering to any specific time for work.
  • As entrepreneurs, decision-making is more critical than mere action as we progress; hence, carving out time for dedicated thinking is vital.
  • My advice is to avoid getting caught in traps of productivity hacks or complicated schedules. Embrace the boring work—it leads to results.


How To Take Action

To get things done without getting stuck in "productivity hacks" or complex schedules:

  • Plan my tasks the night before. Decide on one to three important tasks for the next day. This sets a clear focus and helps ease into sleep.

  • Start the day by working on my important tasks right away. Skip complex morning routines; just wake up, maybe have some coffee, and get to work.

  • Eat the same meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to cut down on daily decisions. This simple step frees up mental bandwidth for more critical thinking.

  • Reduce clutter in my life. Get rid of things I don't need to sharpen focus and improve decision-making.

  • Prioritize a set bedtime over a wake-up time to ensure quality sleep. Sleep helps with making better decisions, so set an alarm for going to sleep.

  • Stay resilient and avoid being too dependent on routines. Instead, be adaptable and ready to work effectively under any condition.

  • Embrace simplicity in daily actions and avoid relying on crutches. Simple, consistent actions often lead to greater productivity and success.

The key is to find a personal schedule that allows peak productivity and to embrace the work, even if it's boring. It's decision-making that matters as you progress, so carve out time for dedicated thinking.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"I think that so is being successful and you just have to pick what kind of hard you want"

– Alex Hormozi

"Being broke is hard, so as being successful"

– Alex Hormozi

"I can wake up, I can drink a cup of coffee, and I can get to work"

– Alex Hormozi

"I think decisions that we make over and over again are wasted ones, especially if the outcome is pretty much moot"

– Alex Hormozi

"Set an alarm for your bedtime rather than your wake up time"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

in this video i'm going to show you the handful of abnormal routines that i do that people have laughed at me for but that i believe will serve you first off right off the bat i'm not the type of person who does you know cold showers and like light stuff and red saunas and you know the orange glasses and the finger toe shoes and the biohacking and like all that stuff i don't i don't really subscribe to that kind of methodology i would say that most of the things that i've seen that have been quote productivity hacks really become to borrow something from my wife uh procrastination hacks it's people who love making spending all their time making lists and not really doing and so i'm i don't do a lot of things on a regular basis so i don't have a tremendously complex routine and that is i think because i would rather spend my time working i'll give you a handful of things that have served me well the first is that for i would say the first and this is where i think is more valuable to people who are coming up for the first probably eight years of my business career i woke up around four o'clock in the morning just about every day and part of that came because i started in the fitness industry and i was doing that anyways but also because i didn't have to talk to anyone until about 10 a.m and so that gave me about six hours of uninterrupted work time that i could really move projects forward and so yes that means the first thing i did every morning was i would wake up and i would start working and i think that the morning really actually starts the night before and so this is something i don't know if it's talked about as much but for me i can't it's it's more difficult for me to go to sleep until i have thought about what i'm going to do the next day so i feel like i have to clear my mental kind of like bandwidth and say all right what are the few things i'm going to focus on tomorrow and i've never really given myself more than three things to do and so it's usually one to three things people like was it two or is it three or is it one i don't really believe in making rules around that stuff so if i'm just gonna be editing my book tomorrow then that might be the only thing i have if i have a couple of things that are gonna take a little bit of time that i might have three things on the calendar right and that's about it right and so the first kind of habit around this is that i plan the night before i know what i'm going to do the moment i wake up and then upon waking up i pretty much just start getting to work and i have my first four six hours of the day dedicated to moving those things forward and for a lot of people that's hard but i think that so is being successful and you just have to pick what kind of hard you want being broke is hard so as being successful is just one of them you know might get you close to your goals so that's the first kind of habit that i would say that i do that's maybe atypical is that i don't have some crazy routine in the morning besides i drink a cup of coffee and that's about it the second thing is i try and decrease the amount of decisions that i have to make throughout the day and so for me i think decisions that we make over and over and over again i think are wasted ones especially if they're the outcome is pretty much moot and so one of those things is like food and so i eat the same thing every day for breakfast lunch and dinner and um that may sound crazy to you but uh for me i like what i have for breakfast lunch and dinner and so i look forward to it every day and i don't really have any stress that goes around that beyond that uh this is very very small but uh if you've acquired a lot of belongings over your you know time period trinkets and things like that i think you gain a tremendous amount of attention from getting rid of those things which is probably why if you've ever like cleaned out your garage or cleaned out a storage closet you feel better it's like ah all these like little attention that that was just like left there and every time i walked by i was like i should do something about that well try and clear as many of those things as you can so that you have as much of that bandwidth back and i think that that kind of manifests itself in just better higher quality decisions the third thing that i'll say that i would do is that's somewhat different so the first being uh the night before early morning wake up no real routine there besides just get to work and the second being like i ate the same things every day the third piece is kind of the the nighttime side of it which is i think it's more important to have a bedtime than it is to have a wake-up time and so you might you know hear me say yes i wake up at 4 a.m but that might mean that it's 4 45 some days it might mean it's 3 10 some days it might mean it's even 5 30 some days i'm more inclined to just go to sleep earlier and wake up when i wake up than trying to you know get myself out of bed when i'm exhausted and from all the very very wealthy people that i i know they value the quality of sleep that they have not that they're obsessed with it because i know that i can work on four hours of sleep for a very long period of time but i make better high quality decisions uh when i am well rested and so the third kind of habit around that is set an alarm for your bedtime rather than your wake up time it's a tiny little hack and i think it'll it'll do you a lot of good um and so for me you might think wow that's not a lot of routines and i think that there's something to that i when i hear about someone who says like ah unless i you know do a polar plunge and i and i walk outside barefoot and i have all these things that happen i don't think that i to me that sounds like you're not resilient at all and that you can't handle stress at all i want to be able to be resilient so that no matter what condition i'm in i'm adaptable and i can survive and hopefully thrive and so if i it's me against somebody who needs to have you know their that all of their pens in order and all of their you know their their 20 minutes of journaling in the morning and then they have to read their book and then after that they have to do their their their out loud ohms and they have to do this whole song and dance what ends up happening it starts creating superstition around how you work and that's bad because now you become reliant on that action in order to just be functional not above functional because anything that gives you like a short-term boost oftentimes just becomes a crutch over time and so i'm very very sensitive to superstitions and having crutches because i would rather just say hey i can wake up i can drink a cup of coffee and i can get to work and i think that a lot of times people who look into all these productivity hacks look into all these routines look into all this stuff many times use that as a crutch to lean on to feel productive rather than actually getting work done and so big picture those are the things that have actually yielded me disproportionate returns i've tried a lot of that stuff i've tried the gratitude journals i've tried the you know saying things out loud the affirmations i've tried all of these different things and the things that stuck were the things that were simple and i think that if you look at lots of successful people the the sleeping hours that they keep are wildly different there's some people who work do their best work between 10 8 you know 10 p.m and 4 a.m and they work night outs i've got a friend of mine who's a billionaire who does that and that's he's like alex i can't wake up and do work any time before 10 a.m and i'm like that's cool like that's how he does it and so i think it's more important to figure out what sleeping schedule do i get the best work done in and when can i allocate time that is just my time to think and as entrepreneurs like the higher up we go to more about the decisions we make rather than the actions we take and that's something that i've stuck with and so as always it's here alex ramos the owner of jim launch prestige labs and alan we've done you know 120 plus million we're on pace for over 85 million this year i make these videos because i hope that someone uh learns from some of the lessons and doesn't have to fall for the the many traps along the way of uh the productivity hacks and the biohacking and all this craziness um that can just get in the way of just get it done do the boring work and you'll see the results i'll see on the other side

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