My 100000000 diet

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My $100,000,000 diet…


  • I attended a mastermind with entrepreneurs whose businesses make over $500 million in revenue combined.
  • These high-level entrepreneurs often follow various peculiar health trends, which from my fitness background I see as largely ineffective.
  • Many entrepreneurs are strict about diets like keto or intermittent fasting, but I eat treats like ice cream daily and maintain a great shape.
  • I shared my eating philosophy with the mastermind group, and several of them later credited it with helping them get in shape.
  • It's crucial to understand your body type using a high fat, low fat, high muscle, low muscle matrix to know how to adjust calorie intake and exercise volume to reach your goals.
  • All diets essentially work by reducing calorie intake, whether through keto, low-fat, portion control, or intermittent fasting.
  • Diets fail often due to compensating for eliminated foods by overeating others, leading to a calorie surplus.
  • There are three key pieces of information you need: how many calories to eat, how much protein you need, and how much volume you need to work out.
  • To find out how many calories you need, multiply your body weight in pounds by a number that represents your goal (e.g., 15 for maintenance, 10 for weight loss).
  • Your protein intake should be approximately 1 gram per pound of body weight.
  • I advise eating lean meats to satisfy your protein requirements, equating 200 grams of protein to around two pounds of lean meat.
  • After setting aside necessary calories for protein, use the remaining calorie allowance for whatever foods you fancy.
  • A flexible diet without forbidden foods prevents the obsession with restrictions and allows for sustainable, lifelong eating habits.
  • Understanding calorie deficit is key—everyone loses weight in a deficit, although at different rates.
  • My approach to eating aims to ensure you never feel deprived and can still enjoy treats while maintaining a healthy physique.
  • I emphasize that this advice is based on my long-standing personal experience and frustrations with misleading health trends in the entrepreneurial community.


How To Take Action

I would suggest understanding your body type and goals first. Know if you are high fat, low fat, high muscle, or low muscle to plan your diet. If you want to maintain your weight, multiply your body weight in pounds by 15; for weight loss, use 10.

A good way of doing this is to figure out your protein intake next. Eat about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Translate that to lean meats – 200 grams of protein means about two pounds of lean meats like chicken or fish.

After setting your calories for protein, you can use the rest of your calories on foods you enjoy. Even treats are okay! This flexibility helps you not feel deprived and stick to your eating plan forever.

Remember, a diet without forbidden foods means you won't obsess over what you can't have. It also means you can enjoy your favorite treats in moderation and still be on track.

Diets often fail because people overeat other foods when they eliminate some. So, always keep an eye on the overall calorie intake. If you're not losing weight as you hoped, adjust the calories a bit lower.

Lastly, this is all about a calorie deficit. If you consume fewer calories than you use, you will lose weight. Keep this in mind, and you can maintain a healthy physique while still enjoying the foods you love.

That's my simple approach to eating. Find out your calorie needs, get enough lean protein, and enjoy the rest of your calories with treats. You'll stay fit and satisfied, without feeling like you're missing out.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"All this stuff works because you can't fall off; you can’t cheat because nothing is forbidden"

– Alex Hormozi

"I eat ice cream every day"

– Alex Hormozi

"If you're going to play the game, you have to do it in a way that you'd be able to do it forever"

– Alex Hormozi

"Controlling what you ingest is easy; understanding how much you expel in calories is very hard"

– Alex Hormozi

"The key point is that the cornerstone of the diet is that you get enough protein in"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

so i was at a mastermind with seven other entrepreneurs and the total room cumulatively was doing over 500 million dollars a year in revenue and uh so this was kind of a cool meetup of very high level entrepreneurs and you know everybody kind of went up there and and shared the things that they were doing well and uh you know between things we're eating and having a good time and uh what was interesting to me is that in the entrepreneurial world so many entrepreneurs have all these weird shticks about like their food and their exercise and their hydration and their what you know orange glasses they wear and their finger toe shoes and their bio hacking and just all this weirdness but i actually came from the fitness world and uh all that stuff is complete make believe and so um it's really good for selling people stuff but it's complete a complete farce so anyways i uh the whole time these guys are sitting there and uh they're like oh no i only eat keto and they're so i only do intermittent fasting right and uh and i'm sitting there listening to them i'm like eating twizzlers and cookies and ice cream and they're like what the you know like what are you doing right and by the second day they see that i literally continue to eat this way like an um and they're like what are you what are you doing man like how does this work and so between all the stuff that we talked about business-wise um while it was lunchtime i was like all right this is uh this is kind of how i've been eating for 17 years and i was in better shape than all the guys there and believe it or not a bunch of those guys ended up telling me months later that they had all gotten in shape based on the presentation that i gave them which is a different way of eating and so um i've been doing this for almost 20 years i've been in shape that entire time i have not not had a six-pack since i was 13 or 14. um and i eat ice cream every day yep every day um and i drink alcohol and i eat cookies and i do all the things um that people want to do all right and so what i'm going to take you through is a very special little thing that i put together um which is actually an adaptation of what i presented to these guys um at this little meetup all right so uh buckle up and i think that you will enjoy this the first thing that everybody has to understand is what body type you are and what body type you'd like to become right and so i kind of put this on a little matrix of high fat low fat low muscle high muscle so you could be you know uh high fat low muscle and you would have a very feminine figure right you could have low muscle low fat and be skin and bones you could be high fat high muscle and just be big you could be low fat and high muscle which is what a bodybuilder is and you know there's various pieces along this curve right once you figure out where you are let's say you're skinny right and you want to get uh big right then you would have a line that you could pretty much draw directionally to the place that you want to go so if you're going up that way that means you need to uh increase your number of calories and you need to increase your volume those are the two things that you need to do because if you're going in this direction then this these are the two directional arrows this guy and this guy that you would need to adhere to right so you basically plot the same uh hot increase calories decrease calories decrease volume increase volume along the same plot line that you had high fat low fat high muscle low muscle all right don't get too sp caught up in this i just like to have visuals because that's how how i think if you know where you are and you know where you want to go then you can know what you need to do to get there you increase your calories and increase your volume and there you go here's the thing that got them all tripped up and then i said hey guys do you guys want to know why all your diets are the same and they were like uh what i was like yeah crazy i know and so right now not including alcohol there's three main macronutrients right you got protein carbs and fat if you're eating a normal balanced meal that's what something like this would look like right uh you have kind of an even distribution of protein carbs and fat in your meal now what happens is whenever you do a diet right so let's say you do keto all right well if you're doing keto all you're doing is you're going to be removing this orange thing and having just you basically eliminate your carbs and so you eat one third fewer calories makes sense if you have a low-fat diet you're eliminating your fat which is this yellow guy right and again you're eating one-third fewer calories if you did a portion control diet you would eat equal amounts of the same three things but just less of them overall and so you would you guessed it eat fewer calories and if you did intermittent fasting you would go from eating three meals a day to eating two meals a day and guess what you would be eating fewer calories sorry about the camera being crazy anyway so this is the thing that's happening right now right is that you're eliminating calories that is what is going on in every diet that you possibly do all right and so all these guys get all like oh no i do really well with low carb i do really well with high fat you know high low whatever it doesn't matter like it's all horseshit it's just calories it's all that matters okay and so um this was driving me nuts which is why i started making this little put together for you guys but this is why every other diet is the same right and here's the here's the fun one for you if you struggled and you had a diet that didn't work for you here's why let's say you did keto if you did keto the wrong the right way it would look like this right you would cut out your carbs right and then that calorie amount is eliminated from your diet and then over time you lose weight right now this is what a lot of people who said ah keto didn't work for me it's like because you started drinking butter right you started eating rib eyes for breakfast every day well no there's a lot more calories that you took in so the amount that you cut out did not compensate for the amount of excess protein and fat that you added into your diet that ended up actually netting you more calories than you would need right and that's why it didn't work for you that is why these diets don't work so what i will tell you now is what actually has to happen in order for it to work uh in reality okay so these are the only three things that 99 of people need to know in order to figure out what they want to uh how they wanna eat how they wanna look you just gotta know one how many calories you need to eat two how many grams of protein you need and three how much volume you need to do i'm not gonna talk about number three today i'm just gonna talk about one and two because that's what 99 you need to even think about anyways here's the simplest way to figure out number one now there's a million there's a million uh little formulas that you can use here the basic one is your body weight times your goal very simple so if you're a 200 pound guy right and you wanted to maintain then you'll probably be eating between 2 600 and 3 000 calories so 200 to do times 15 would be cool 3 000 calories right that's if you wanted to maintain on the high side right now let's say you wanted to lose weight unless you wanted to go a little bit more extreme then it would be 200 times 10 which would be 2 000 calories very simple all right there's a million different ways to try and calculate this and none of them matter because controlling what you ingest is easy understanding how much you expel in calories is very hard and so it doesn't matter anyways the thing is is step one is you determine how many calories you're supposed to eat based on your goal and the thing is is if you started this and you're like man i wanted to lose weight and you're not losing weight at a rate that you would find fast enough you can always just decrease it it's not that hard right very straightforward so you multiply your body weight by the the number here so you can see here it's from 7 all the way up to 21. if you wanted to have extreme weight gain it'd be your body weight times you know a high up number over here if you wanted to have extreme weight loss it'd be a low number over here and that's it right if you ever everything in between so i said if you wanted to have pretty fast weight loss then you'd be your body weight times 10 right very simple now that we've done that we go to step two you got to figure out how much protein to eat and this is the part that everyone gets kind of trippy on right because i'm showing you the whole point of this and put this together for you and then you can have all the ice cream and all the cookies and all the alcohol you ever dreamed of and still have a six pack all right forever for good because it's my belief that if you're if you're going to do this right if you're going to play the game you have to do it in a way that you'd be able to do it forever right if i can't do something for the rest of my life then i don't see a point in doing it who cares about being in shape for eight weeks right when i want to be in shape for the rest of my life right no one's going to remember you for being in shape that that time period they're going to be like oh yeah you always struggled with his weight and he was always trying new crazy things wouldn't it be nice to just solve it for good protein uh which is the second number here your body weight times 1 in grams is about what you need to have for protein per day very simple all right so for 200 pounds then you need 200 grams of protein now here's where it's kind of cool you're like well and here's the biggest life hack and possibly give you 100 grams of protein is equivalent to one pound of lean meat all right so if you need to have 200 grams that would be two pounds of lean meat and so for me the world's simplest you know diet of all time and by diet it's like this is just how i live he said i eat two pounds of meat a day all right and be like that's crazy it's not really you get used to it right and uh you just stop eating the crap that you probably eat right now so two pounds of meat can be two pounds of shrimp it could be two pounds of uh tilapia could be two pounds up it doesn't have to be the same thing you could have a quarter pound of four different things you know excuse me a half pound of four different things uh you could have a tenderloin you know you could have a skirt stick you have flank steak like those are very lean steaks uh actually not squishy sorry flank sticks lean you could have top round you could have uh top sirloin like those are all very lean steaks all of these are just very lean proteins uh chicken breasts right there's a million of these but the point is is that a lean meat is a lean meat and they're all about the same in terms of grams if you needed to have 200 grams of protein then you'd have two pounds of lean meat and that's what you would eat for the day all right wait don't worry you're like what about the cookies and ice cream i'm gonna get there now we have to figure out if we know how many calories we're eating per day and we know uh how much protein we're eating then we need to figure out what's left over so here's how you put it all together one is we calculated our calories for our goal so if we said we wanted to lose weight we were 200 pounds and we did 11 sure because we want to do moderate weight loss we would eat 2 200 calories a day awesome second step here we calculate protein for our body weight so if we were 200 200 pounds we'd have 200 grams of protein great which is gonna be two pounds of lean meat simple step three we're going to calculate our calories from our protein all right so roughly roughly if you want to be all sciency four four calories per gram is how many actual calories are in a gram of protein but when you eat a source of protein like a chicken breast there's also some fat in it right even when it's super lean there's still some fat and so what we do what i do my back of napkins secret super method is you just multiply it by five all right the reason i do that is so that i can account for a little bit of fat that's gonna be carried along with it so if i'm gonna have my 200 grams of protein times five it means i'm going to eat about a thousand calories they're going to come from my protein sources all right great so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to take my step 4 my 2200 calories subtract my thousand calories of protein and i've got 1200 calories of whatever the hell i want every day here's the secret to having the body you want for the rest of your life eating cookies every day and making every entrepreneur that you go to the masterminds with feel like a because you have a six-pack and you're eating ice cream and cookies and twizzlers and all the things that you want in this world while they are telling you about why they're biohacking right and why they're burning so much fat right now except they look the same every year here's the key you eat the 1200 calories of whatever the hell you want and you can do it every day you can change what you want to eat in those 1200 calories every day if you feel like it but the key point is that the cornerstone of the diet is that you get enough protein in so you get your protein in first and then you fill up to the lid and whatever else you want now you may find out that a white potato is more filling than nerds ropes i would know this from first hand but if you don't have a compulsive need to eat right which i don't um then you can control yourself and eat whatever the heck you want right i tend to not be that hungry as a person in general and so i like to have more appetizing foods and i'd rather eat less of them right some people love to have huge volumes of food in which case you'll probably eat more whole foods right you'll probably have more potatoes and rice and all that kind of stuff right the point is is that once you just know those two numbers how many calories you eat how many grams of protein you have you can eat for the rest of your life never go on or off a diet ever again and here's the cool part you can split up those meals whatever way you want all right you can eat them you can be like i can have five meals a day you can have three meals a day you could have one meal a day it doesn't matter all right crazy i know it's like it's almost like they've been trying to sell you your whole lives i know all right but the reason this is so cool is that you can't fall off right there's no like diet like you you can eat whatever the hell you want like it doesn't matter you want to have ice cream every day you guys from every day and so if you're like oh like you can't you won't feel like you're cheating on a cheat day because you have ice cream every day right the best way to get people to become obsessed with food is to get them to restrict themselves from doing stuff because then they splurge and you know do a ton of it but if you eat ice cream today it stops being special if you eat cookies every day it stops being special right and so this is how i've eaten for almost 20 years um this has been you know the the secret behind it um and i get very tired of seeing the entrepreneurial world get fooled with shenanigans of stuff that does not matter that is why i wanted to share this with you it's also like the number one question i get which is like hey what do you eat every day um this is what i've eaten every day for almost 20 years um and all i do is i adjust the you know the goal up and down if i want to you know if i wanted to gain weight i would eat the same two pounds of protein i would just have more extra calories if i wanted to have it's you basically have this base of protein that just protects your muscle right and then everything else is just variable of just how many calories extra you want to eat and you can eat them whatever you want i want to make sure that i got all my little notes here that i remembered but the big point here is that all this stuff works because you can't fall off right you can't cheat because nothing is forbidden right and no one is immune to a calorie deficit right if you eat nothing long enough you will lose weight everyone like like some people lose weight faster or slower but everybody loses weight in deficit that's it that's the that's the food portion of uh of what alex eats every day and if you're an entrepreneur and you're like man i wish i could you know you're obsessed with all this biohacking and all the all the supplements to try and uh to try and lose lose fat faster but you're but you look the exact same years later um then uh it's possible that maybe the stuff that you're doing doesn't work and it doesn't matter and instead you should take a page out of this and um what's kind of funny is that uh i know just as much if not more about fitness stuff than i do about business stuff but i just haven't talked about in a very long time and i don't want this channel to be a fitness channel i just get really really tired of the shenanigans and the tomfoolery that i see in the entrepreneurial space around this and people speak in these absolutes and they're completely false and so anyways i know that mossy nation you guys are intelligent and hopefully shredded and jacked in the future and i want you to be able to hashtag never skip dessert while also having a six-pack and that is why i made this video for you so uh keep being awesome lots of love if you enjoyed this hit sub if you didn't love either way catch you guys next video bye

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