My business will do over $80,000,000 this year with this GROWTH system…
- Business growth relies on repetition and scale; you've got to understand how to scale yourself through others.
- Communication, training, and motivation are three key components in getting the desired outcome from employees.
- If someone is not performing, first ensure they know exactly what is expected, which should be documented in writing.
- Use communication tools like email, Slack, or Asana to confirm directives and expectations.
- If comprehension is evident, evaluate if they have the necessary training or skills to execute the task.
- When both understanding and capability are present, but there is a lack of action, motivation might be the issue.
- Employees need to grasp the importance of their role within the broader company goals to stay motivated.
- Relate every business function to its contribution towards the company's success, even supportive roles.
- Emphasize the importance of aligning with the company's vision and mission to cultivate culture and drive motivation.
- Culture and training are the two facets that multiply as you scale, facilitating decentralized decision-making.
- Employees often have one or two of the three components; identify what's missing to correct the situation.
- If an employee knows the task and how to execute but lacks motivation, they might disengage completely.
- To scale your company, systematically ensure every team member knows their role, how to perform it, and why it matters.
- Use a simple framework to troubleshoot issues: It's my responsibility, identify what's lacking, and address it.
- My goal in sharing insights is to prevent people from staying broke by equipping them with actionable knowledge.
How To Take Action
I would suggest focusing on clear communication when scaling your business. First, make sure employees know exactly what you expect from them. Putting it in writing using tools like email, Slack, or Asana can ensure there's no confusion. If someone isn't doing what you want, ask if they knew what to do and if you followed up in writing.
Next, check if an employee has the training they need. If they know WHAT to do but don't know HOW, offer training, courses, or have another team member help them. You can't expect someone to do a task if they don't know how.
Then, look at motivation. Explain why their job is important and how it helps the company's success. Everyone should know how their work affects the company, even in support roles. Help employees connect with the company's vision and mission to keep them motivated.
Remember, to grow your business, ensure every team member knows their role, how to perform it, and why it matters. If someone isn't performing, it might be your responsibility. Identify what's missing and address it.
Here's a quick step-by-step plan:
- Write down tasks and expectations for clarity.
- Follow up in writing using digital communication tools.
- Ensure employees have the right training or offer support to learn.
- Show them why their work matters in the bigger picture of the company.
- Connect their role to the company's vision and mission for motivation.
This simple approach can help you scale effectively and keep your team on track.
Quotes by Alex Hormozi
"fundamentally business is a an action an asset that expands based on multiplication"
– Alex Hormozi
"repetition and scale are fundamental to how a business grows"
– Alex Hormozi
"if for some reason in your company right you're not getting the outcome from the employees that you want then it is one of these three things that's the issue"
– Alex Hormozi
"simple scales fancy fails"
– Alex Hormozi
"if someone's not doing something the first thing asks is do you know what i wanted you to do"
– Alex Hormozi
Full Transcript
if you don't know what i'm about to share with you you're never going to scale your business fundamentally business is a an action an asset that expands based on multiplication we're doing the same thing over and over and over again so repetition and scale are fundamental to how a business grows and so you have to understand how to scale yourself through others it's taken me a very long time to understand a very simple concept and i'm going to share it with you if for some reason in your company right you're not getting the outcome from the employees that you want then it is one of these three things that's the issue and i believe that simplicity you know simple scales fancy fails and so i like to keep my framework simple and the way that i discovered this was actually through reading andy grove's book high output management really really highly recommend and he's one of the all-time best operators you know in of all time he's the goat of operations and he posited that there's two things fundamentally that every manager should do and adding one-third uh one one other piece to this has been my personal experience and so i'm adding these two together if you don't know who we are my name is oxford mosey i own a portfolio companies that does uh just under 85 million a year we've done 120 million in the last three years let's rock you into it so how to scale yourself so the first question that i like to ask myself if somebody is not doing what i want them to do is do they know what i want them to do all right which if they don't then it's a functioning communication so if someone doesn't is not doing what i want them to do the first question i ask is like did you know what i wanted you to do was it clear and one of the rules that we have is it's not written it never happened all right so if you're giving a directive to somebody say hey can you do this for me that's where you follow up with slack or you fought with a son or you fought with an email because if it doesn't exist in the digital world it doesn't there's no record of it then it's like it didn't happen all right and so one of the rules of thumb is if someone's not doing something the first thing asks is do you know what i wanted you to do and then did i personally follow up with that via email slack asana or whatever tools you use to run your business if that's true if that has happened then i follow to the next thing which is survey training do they know how to do what i want them to do so they may know what i want them to do because i communicated adequately i documented it i put it in asana i put it in an email i put it whatever in slack so that they knew after the conversation even though i told them that what i expected them to do and by when right but if they're like i didn't know how to do it then i would say okay well how can i how can i help you with this do i need to provide a training for you do i need to buy a course for you do i need to hop on a call and explain it to you does another employee need to train you like does your manager need to train you like what needs to happen here for you to understand how to do what i want you to do all right so these are the first two levels of scaring yourself first you have clear understanding of what it is that you want them to do and i'm telling you this is the framework that i use when i'm thinking through this stuff like if someone is not executing i just have to think to myself i always assume it's my fault and i think okay well they either just don't know what i want them to do or they don't know how i want them to do it or which leads me to the third one if they know what i want them to do and they know how to do it then why aren't they doing it which comes to motivation right and if they're not motivated then i have to figure out why now most of the time it comes from a couple of things and i would say these are the most common ones that i have dealt with the first is that they don't understand why it's important within the larger context of the company they just feel like they're a cog within the business and they don't understand what this contributes to the business right one of the number one feelings that people or employees will have is they feel like what their their work doesn't matter and that's what creates you know meaningless work busy work people who just try and look busy when they're not actually doing anything and it's because they don't understand why you even have their role and that means that a lot of times it's because their manager or whatever didn't do a good job communicating it was like this is our function within the business this is what happens if we don't exist this is what the experience is like if if we do a good job this is what happens this is the result and just about every function of the business can be tied uh to how it contributes to the bottom line even if you're a more support or operations role like i.t if we didn't have you know information systems we wouldn't know where our tracking is for anything we couldn't make good decisions and the business relies on high quality decisions if we're in marketing we wouldn't be getting new business in if we're in sales we wouldn't be transacting if we're in customer service we'd be getting chargebacks and people wouldn't be happy right we have to tie and make sure that everyone understands how you contribute to the bottom line why it's important that's the first level of understanding for motivation here right the second level is making sure that they're actually bought into the vision of the company what's the mission what are we trying to accomplish who are we trying to help what problem the world are we solving this is something that i've you know i had to learn as our company scaled is that some of that soft you know woo woo like whatever uh culture stuff is actually really important right especially as you scale because when you scale service especially does anyone know what the two things that you scale are tell you what they are it's culture and training that is what happens when you scale decision making right that is how you scale decision making is culture and training and the culture is going to come from telling people what they need to do and why we do it and the training is there to make sure that they know how to do it when the time comes and they are motivated to do so right and so you can look at a lot of an employee and figure out if someone's not doing it sometimes they have two of the three so an employee for example that knows what to do and is motivated to do it and but not doing it because they don't know how they'll usually pretend that they're busy because they're so ashamed of the fact that they don't know what they're doing but they really like love the company and want to help right but a lot of times people don't advocate for themselves and so we have to make sure they know how now for example an employee who uh is motivated and has the training but doesn't know what you want them to do a lot of times it's just paralyzed or starts executing on things that are not relevant i've had this happen so many times it like drives me nuts someone's someone knows who knows how to do what we want them to do and they know why it's important but they're executing on things that are not priorities so they start doing extra work because they're motivated and they know how to do stuff that's valuable but it's not contributing to anything that's moving the company forward right they're not doing they're not executing things in alignment with where we're going as a company right and then the third combination would be somebody who knows what to do and they know how to do it but they're not motivated and this is typically i would say the the worst scenario which is where somebody just feels worthless and so these people tend to check out they're not working they're trying to avoid confrontation as much as possible and usually they're probably looking for other jobs and so for me i try to think most of the times they're not going to have none of them right they're going to have one or two of these things hopefully right it's not like they don't know what to do they don't know how to do it they don't know why they're even there i've had it happen and it's horrible but like most times there's two of the three that are there and you just have to figure out which of the other three is missing and that is ultimately how you can scale decision making and scale yourself within the company that is how you scale companies i hope you found this valuable click subscribe use this framework when you're not getting what you want from your team think about one it's my fault two which of these three things missing and how can i solve it keep being awesome the reason i made this channel is because a lot of people are broke and i don't want you to be one of them hit subscribe and i'll see you next video