My top 4 Routines that have made me 100000000

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My top 4 Routines that have made me $100,000,000..


  • Waking up at 4 a.m. is crucial for maximizing productivity, as it allows me to tackle important projects without distractions and prioritizes working on the business instead of in the business.
  • Consistent bedtimes, including weekends, are essential for maintaining a routine that ensures I'm never exhausted and can operate at peak performance daily.
  • Genuinely assisting others in my network without expecting anything in return has been a cornerstone habit for building strong relationships and garnering support when needed.
  • Diving into new skills with zero return expected in the first 20 hours removes the emotional barrier to learning, and ironically, it's during those hours that the majority of progress is made.
  • Absolute personal ownership in all situations is vital. Blaming external factors relinquishes your power, while taking responsibility uses it to push you forward.
  • Consistency, in sleep patterns and behaviors, can drastically improve health and output because it's a discipline most people struggle to master, leading to higher energy and focus when consistently maintained.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing a consistent sleep routine where you wake up early, like at 4 a.m., even on weekends. To do this, set a specific bedtime and stick to it every night. This habit will help you stay energized and focused because you won’t be tired. Plus, the morning hours without distractions are great for working on big projects to move your business forward.

A good way of building strong relationships is to help others without expecting anything back. When someone in your network needs assistance, go the extra mile to connect them with the right people. This makes your relationships stronger, and often, they'll want to help you back when you need it.

You can also improve your skills by giving yourself 20 hours of learning with no expectations. Pick a skill that can help your business, like Facebook ads or team management, and start learning. Remember, it's okay to make mistakes in the beginning. Most of the progress happens in those first 20 hours.

Finally, take absolute personal ownership of everything. Don't blame others for your problems. When you take responsibility, it gives you the power to change your situation. Try to avoid playing the victim. This mindset will push you and your business forward.

These simple habits don't cost much time or money but can really change how you work and grow. So, focus on your health with good sleep, be generous in your network, learn new skills with an open mind, and always take responsibility for your actions. These steps will help your business and personal growth.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"Waking up at 4:00 a.m. allows me to get all of my self-work done in the morning and still have two, three, four, five sometimes dedicated hours to moving the big dominoes forward"

– Alex Hormozi

"Giving without expectation… you will get more back, and your reputation will also follow from that"

– Alex Hormozi

"If you can look at new skills that you are not good at with zero expectations for the first 20 hours, you'd be amazed"

– Alex Hormozi

"Absolute ownership of your life… beat the victim out of yourself"

– Alex Hormozi

"May your desire be greater than your obstacles"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

mozi nation what it do the number one question that i continue to get on instagram and on this channel is what are the habits that created some of the success we have and so in this video i want to walk you through the four highest roi habits uh that have viewed outsized returns if you don't know who i am or have him into this channel my name's alex ramose i own we do about 85 million a year it's a portfolio company reason i make this channel is because a lot of people are broke and i don't want you to be one of them and of the videos that i've made this one is actually from the past i had a private community that i um used to just put videos in for fun over the last five years uh over 300 of them and this video was one of the top one person videos and so i wanted to share it with you guys publicly enjoy good morning everyone hope you guys are having a fantastic amazing tremendous thursday i wanted to make a quick uh video for you i actually woke up with this on my mind and i thought i would share it and so i'm calling this my four highest roi habits and i know i probably should say three because three is probably a better number but four was what i was really thinking about these are the things that were learned behaviors that i think if i look back on behaviors that have been able that have propelled us forward faster these are the four things that have done that the first one is waking up at 4 00 a.m um and it kind of goes hand in hand with the second habits i'll kind of put these together which is consistent bedtimes and that includes weekends so basically consistent time going to bed and consistent time waking up and i know that sounds minor but a lot of times and for a long period of my life i would wake up early five days a week and then on weekends i would sleep in and i'd go to bed late because i was like i'm living on the weekends and during the week i'm working and i did that for a long period of time the thing is is like your body doesn't work that way i think there's the consistency in the most basic way is literally going to bed at the same time weekend and weekday and waking up at the same time week and and weekday i know this sounds really minor but like especially that 4 a.m up time like us as entrepreneurs like we're i think we're a little bit more reactive than most people are from an emotional standpoint uh like i think we're also a little bit more scattered by nature i don't like to speak that over myself but i think that that's like our intrinsic programming and then we can work away from that that's why control i talk so much about controlling your space controlling your attention is that like we're so much more prone to reactivity um which is also why we want to solve problems faster because we're more uncomfortable than any of everyone else's which is why we naturally move towards problem solving right and so waking up at 4am allows me to get all of my self-work done in the morning and still have two three four five sometimes dedicated hours to moving the big dominoes forward the big projects that are going to make massive impact in the business and are working on the business not in it basically once i hit you know 9 a.m 9 30 a.m i would love to tell you that like oh i have i have four hours of ceo time in the middle of the day that everyone knows that i can't be reached the problem is that like you know if you have a lawyer call come in because we have some you know thing or whatever like i'm gonna take the call if we have a personnel issue where someone's like going nuts you know what i mean like i'm gonna take the call and so like it's it sure would sound nice to say like yeah i mean we're so disciplined at jim lunch that alex never gets you know brought in anything and to be fair the team is awesome and like i really don't get brought into a lot of stuff but the thing is it's like my attention still gets pulled during the day um once everyone else is kind of up but from like four o'clock to nine o'clock is like my time and that's where i really move like all of these big projects forward and that's why like we're like how you get so much done so fast it's like i just think most people don't get very much done during their days at all um because they're working in their business not on it and so we just move we just are able to do a lot of things on the business which then accelerates the entire growth of the business because these are like like the the bricks that you lay on the business are the ones that accelerate growth the things you do in the business is kind of like one is investment one is uh one is spending cash you know what i mean like an expense of time is how you're running your business an investment of time is what's going to move the entire business forward and so it's like are you are you putting investment time in and so for me four am to like nine is like that time period the two first success like i'm gonna say success habits because that sounds lame but like basically the habits that have gotten me that have made me the most funny waking up at 4 00 a.m and that is enabled by uh going to bed consistently at the same time on weekdays and weekends it's just like you can't wake up at nine two days a week and then wake up five hours earlier and expect to be like a productive individual it's just not going to happen so like i would implore you to just like i mean and we were like what about like concerts and like things that are like it's going out with people like there's a reason entrepreneurs live the way they do like really high-level entrepreneurs live a certain way and it is a sacrifice i mean if you see it that way it is a choice and so like i choose that life and that's the life that i choose you don't have to choose that just understand like you're going to like that's your trade-off like and for me going out to dinner at 7 30 on friday is not important to me um i'd rather go like all of my friends who are here in austin know that like if they're gonna go out with alex and layla we're going to dinner at 5 45 so that we like get there receded we get certain like we're eating by 6 15 and we can leave by seven drive home by 7 30 and then we can wind down right like they know that going into it it's just like if you don't want to play that then like that's cool and it means that like our relationship isn't valuable enough for you to eat dinner earlier and that's fine you know what i mean most people are game to do that and they're like you know it's so nice being able to get back at eight and like not ruin your routine i'm like yeah it's awesome like that's why we do it so uh first two waking up early and then consistent bedtimes uh on the weekends especially the next one is this is a little bit different this is something that layla has told me has been like one of the things that she observed early on in our relationship before she like knew me as her husband but like just the guy that she thought was doing things and this man it sounds kind of weird saying it but like this was her observation that she thought i should bring up in this was that like genuinely trying to give to other people in your network without expectation i've always been voted like into like president and leadership positions and like every organized like when i was in high school i was president newspaper and president of the um literary magazine uh when i went to college i was president of you know vp of the powerlifting team and president of the uh of the fraternity i was in like it's like you know i mean it continues on and the thing is like most people think about leadership is that like i have to be the big boss man it doesn't work that way for those who've ever studied it it's like the people who get voted into power the people that that uh like it's funny people always think like the president of the fraternity is the one that's like the biggest rager but the person that they want to vote into president is the one who's going to take the punch ball away to make sure that like when the party's getting going to make sure that like we don't get arrested and like you know things happen the way they're supposed to and it's and it comes from a place of servant like certain it's literally just giving without expectation um and that comes to clients and a lot of times like i would say some of the highest roi um givings that i've done have been to people in my network where they're like hey man do you know anything about this and then i will go the extra mile to um connect them with not one person but like four people do some initial screening myself and say hey man like this is what i saw this is what it looks like here's two people that i think might be able to help you and then this is my experience with it and they're like holy [ __ ] like thank you that's like awesome and then what happens is like you actually form a much better relationship because they're like wow this person like really cared right and then also in the future if i say like hey man do you know anything about this then they return the favor right and so um layla jokes about she's like you have so many favors that you like have uncalled upon like so many ious just like i feel like whenever we need something like you like you have three people you can call who immediately jump to help you and the only reason that happens is because i jump to help them with nothing like ex like expecting nothing back but just because i know that like long term they may have something or know someone who and it's not because of that it's just like and that's why it's like sort of a nature nurturing you know whatever but i can tell you like if you can help people you will get more back and your reputation will also follow from that so those are probably the three biggest uh roi habits uh the fourth one is what leila said that i should i should mention uh well she's like you should say something about sales i joked back with was like i think that's more of a skill set and not not not a habit not a behavior if there were to be a habit that would be associated with that it's jumping into a skill that you are not good at with the expectation that my first 20 hours i expect zero return on and so like if you can look at new skills that you are not good at or do not like we always have this discomfort with acquiring new skills uh like let's say i don't know how to run facebook ads i don't know how to make a landing page i don't know how to manage a team whatever it is right like you're going to suck for a while i think if you can remove the emotional blockage that stops you from taking action because most of us don't like start that new thing because we're afraid of sucking like just being real like we're emotionally afraid of sucking at it and so if you think to yourself i'm gonna get zero roi for my first 20 hours ironically the first 20 hours is where you get like 70 of your gains um in any new skill and then like everything after like hour number 20 is like massive diminishing returns that happens after that right and so like if you just jump into it with zero expectations for the first 20 hours you'd be amazed at like like how many people here if they actually tried like those of you who are on here we're like man i really need to learn how to market if you google how to run a facebook ad and you spend 20 hours watching videos on how to do it you will be better than 99 of people who try and market because no one does anything like seriously like no one does anything and like most people suck at most things including the things they think they're good at right and those ones they ultimately usually aren't that good at either it's because they're pride because they associate the fact that they're good at it uh and then they stop learning because they think they are good because of their ego and so um that's actually what the fourth one was gonna be i was like i know she said sales so i think that the fourth the fourth habit is absolute um responsibility for all situations it's absolute ownership of your life um if anything happens at any time in my relationship with layla with my relationship with an employee with my relationship with the marketplace whatever it is you have to school yourself and literally beat the victim out of yourself like you have to like you have to drag it and beat the crap out of it until it has no strength in your life saying like i'm going to blame my circumstances i'm going to blame my past i'm going to blame my upbringing i'm going to blame my spouse i'm going to blame my employees whatever it is it does not move you forward if you point the finger anywhere but yourself because then it literally gives the power away to the to where you're pointing your finger you're saying i want the power to be away from me like i want the power to be away from me and then i'm talking to my clients too like if you ever blame jim lunch and like i will take complete and extreme ownership over all of your situations because that is my job but if you want to grow as an entrepreneur you should take extreme ownership and and put nothing on our business and i'm talking to you like person to person right like i will always try and over deliver always but the point is is like if we're talking about like my four highest roi habits first one is waking up super early so that i can have time to dedicate to big dominoes the second one is so that i can have consistency in my life and weekdays and weekends are the same to me so waking up and going to bed at the same time so that i have consistency in the most basic way the third i totally forgot what it was but it was i think it was good and then the fourth is uh absolute oh yeah uh giving first without any any uh feelings of reciprocity and then the fourth is absolute ownership and i think that of all the habits that i've had to learn in my life because each one of those was learned like i was not an early riser um i did for a very long time like having different weekend schedules than weekday schedules from like a sleeping standpoint etc to be fair of all of these i think the one that i that that came most nationally to me was the third one which is giving first um and i think that come honestly from a place of insecurity it's like i wanted everyone to like me and so like if i get into a new group a new networking group like i spend a lot of time typically asking people what they're struggling with and like what skills i have that match up with their deficits and then doing everything i can to over deliver to them and like like treat them as though they paid me um to help them and then they're like dude this guy's amazing um and and then i feel like my anxiety goes down inside of a hammer group so that might just be a me thing but it has been something that has um i've been able to drive a lot of value from a monetary standpoint later on in my life by being able to call on people who i had done favors to pass and then the fourth is literally never giving anyone power over your situation by saying it's anyone's fault but your own and um i will leave with i've said this before but one of my favorite quotes is that we are all self-made only millionaires and billionaires uh own it and so uh like everyone's like he's a self-made millionaire he's a self-made billionaire it's like that person's a self-made homeless person that person's a self-made average person like but they don't own that and there's a reason for it no one says it because the type of person who's going to say that they're self-made is going to have the habits and the outlooks that is going to achieve the things that they want and so um i will leave you with that as my four highest roi habits um if you have a manager or trainer or a partner or whatever i would highly highly recommend especially the first two they're the easiest things in the world to do get your bio clock like regular like you show up as a leader better you have more energy you have more focus people like you get so much stuff done it's like because i'm not [ __ ] exhausted all the time but like excuse me like i'm just not tired you know what i mean and so i can like work and get things done that are productive and effective uses of time because i'm just not exhausted and so like imagine if you like felt good all the time like you can do that it just comes from consistently going to bed at the same time dr cashy i will say one more thing dr cashy um jokes that so he's a my phd buddy who made all prestige labs and is a nutrition genius phd by 21 in biochemistry blah blah anyways he's like people just people just pay me to tell them to do things that they should already know how to do he's like i tell them to not eat like an [ __ ] and i tell them to act like an adult and go to bed on time they're like man like how do i how do i have more energy i've got all like i've i've taken all these stimulants and they're not working he's like why don't you try sleeping and then people sleep and then they get like they're like oh my god this changed my life it's like yeah like amazing it's like so i tell them to like eat consistently every day the same thing just eat consistently i don't even tell them what to eat and then all of a sudden they start getting healthy because they're just consistent with something right it doesn't matter what you're consistent with half the time being consistent is in and of itself something that most humans can't do so um i hope uh this provided value to you i said this on my instagram post today i kind of like it um may your desire be greater than your obstacles so lots of love everyone hope you guys have an amazing day and you crush your goals uh try out some of those uh habits try out some of those sevens i think that they are very high roi habits and i think that if you do them um your life will improve so have an amazing day catch you soon

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