No Opportunity is Forever And this is why thats good

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No Opportunity is Forever (And this is why thats good…)


  • Don't let the belief that an opportunity won't last forever stop you from starting; every opportunity is finite.
  • Understand that not seeing an end point likely means you're not familiar enough with the journey.
  • Use fitness as an analogy: some fear getting "too big" without realizing the work required to get there. Start working out first, then address size concerns if they become real.
  • Opportunities in business, like TikTok ads, are temporal arbitrage situations. They don't last, so take advantage of them while they exist.
  • Market efficiency eventually balances out the opportunity for arbitrage, but this shouldn't deter you from exploiting it temporarily.
  • Most companies don't maintain a Fortune 500 status for very long; markets evolve and change rapidly, often leaving those unable to adapt behind.
  • If your business capitalizes on short-term opportunities, use the gains to pivot when necessary, similar to reinvesting profits from a tripled investment.
  • Don't get paralyzed by contemplating what will happen decades down the line. Focus on what opportunities can grow your business now.
  • Fear of failure or laziness can lead to excuses not to pursue opportunities, even when they seem promising.
  • If you're already running a business based on arbitrage, first consider how new opportunities align with your existing model before pursuing them.
  • For new entrepreneurs, it's often worth investing in significant, even fleeting, opportunities if the potential return justifies it.


How To Take Action

I would suggest embracing opportunities as they come, even if they won't last forever. Think about it like this: Every chance to grow your business or yourself is like finding money on the ground. You pick it up and then decide what to do next.

A good way of doing this is to start small. Like working out to get fit—you start lifting weights before you worry about getting too big. Don't let fear stop you! Start with what you have and make the first move.

Remind yourself that businesses evolve quickly. To stay ahead, look for areas where you can do something better or cheaper than others. This might not be forever, but it can give you a good push.

If you see a chance like TikTok ads working well, go for it. Yes, the market will balance out, but until then, you can make good money. Use that money to find your next step.

Don't stress about what will happen in decades. No one knows that! Focus on now. What can you do to grow today? Try to see what others don't and make it work for you.

For those already running a business, compare new opportunities to what you're already doing. If it fits well, it can feed into your main business and make it stronger. If not, it's okay to pass and focus on what you're doing.

For someone just starting, take a chance on big opportunities, especially if they can bring big rewards. It's okay if it's short-lived. The experience and the returns are what count.

Remember, fear of failing can make you come up with excuses, but laziness shouldn't stop you from trying. Get up and take that step towards something big. It can really be worth it.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"It's never gonna work forever"

– Alex Hormozi

"If you don't see something as a forever option, then it probably means you do not understand it well enough to begin doing it"

– Alex Hormozi

"All opportunities are by their very nature arbitrage"

– Alex Hormozi

"All arbitrage disappears"

– Alex Hormozi

"Many businesses were built off of arbitrage opportunities that created cash flow, human resources, that could then be deployed and pivoted in another direction when the opportunity closes"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

what's going on everyone i wanted to make this short short video for you um because i had a number of conversations last week that resulted in kind of this consistent uh point of coaching which is it's never gonna work forever and so i've seen this happen in so many different situations where people will try and give themselves a reason to not even begin something because they think that there is an end to it when the reality is the only things that don't actually have an end to them are things that you do not understand and so if you don't if you see something as a forever option then it probably means you do not understand it well enough to begin doing it so there's a little mind for you um and so let me give you a couple examples to bring this home so you know when i was you know in the fitness space i had a lot of people who'd come up to me and be like hey man like i want to start working out i want to get bigger i was like awesome you know this is how you got to train blah blah and they'd be like well i don't want to get too big i'm like you don't even look like you work out so why don't we start with that and then we can worry about you getting too big right so it's not a perfect example for business but that's an example of somebody trying to discount starting because they think they see an end that they do not even understand the journey well enough to comprehend another example would be hey we're running tick-tock ads right now and we're crushing it right and someone says well we don't know how long tick tock is going to be around or snapchat or insert whatever new opportunity there is and so we don't want to do it right but the reality is all opportunities are by their very nature arbitrage where you're taking advantage of inefficiencies within two systems or two markets and so over time all arbitrage disappears right and then markets become more efficient that's how markets work right more and more people see the opportunity the bit the arbitrage decreases until eventually it's efficient right and so when you're looking at opportunities and you see something and it might be a big opportunity only is going to be open for two years three years do you do it or not it's another series of questions that would happen after that but i would not discount it simply because you know that it is finite because all opportunities are finite and to take this exaggera you know this example to a max degree of exaggeration think about the fortune 500. there's only one company that's been on there for over 100 years and that's ge just one one company right and so every one of those companies you might have thought or during their day might be like this thing's gonna be here forever the reality is it's not and markets change so rapidly it's difficult to reshift an entire infrastructure some companies can do it many fail and so if your business is founded upon taking advantage of an arbitrage opportunity or an inefficiency in a marketplace or something that is fleeting right that comes and goes that's okay many businesses were built off of arbitrage opportunities that created cash flow human resources that could then be deployed and pivoted in another direction when the opportunity closes and so it's kind of like saying well i don't want to invest in this investment because it's only going to triple my money in three years well what do i do after it triples my money well you take the money you invest it somewhere else right it's the same concept except you're just applying it to your business and so this is just a caveat that was top of mind that i figured i would share with you because just so many times we try and take 10 steps forward without even realizing that there's this big pile of money and you can just pick it up and move about your life and it doesn't need to be forever and so it's just a remembering like if this were an investment would you triple your money in three years probably so then don't worry about what you're going to do in 20 years because you're going to be such a different person than anyways you might not even want to be in the same thing forever and so i think sometimes we just create this reason because the real reason is that we fear failing when something seems so easy right we fear failing because we might not think we're good enough or we're being lazy and we don't want to even start or try and so it's usually the fear thing but for some people you shouldn't get off your ass um but anyways i hope i i hope you found this valuable uh maybe this you're at a decision right now where you're thinking about investing something or you're thinking about taking advantage of an opportunity or think about investing your time into uh taking advantage of some sort of inefficiency and uh if it's a massive one even if it's going to be fleeting as long as the return is high enough i think many times it can be worth it so anyways this is more targeted for newer entrepreneurs if you're in an existing vehicle it means you've already found an arbitrary opportunity so don't try and do another one unless it's something that feeds your original model but anyways i hope that makes sense keep being awesome have a fantastic day and i'll catch you next video bye [Music] [Music] [Applause] you

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