State the Facts Tell the Truth

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State the Facts. Tell the Truth.


  • I had a coworker tell me I was often too optimistic with my numbers, which taught me a valuable lesson.
  • Now, I always state the facts and tell the truth in my marketing.
  • I make sure to provide numbers down to the decimal to ensure accuracy.
  • Instead of rounding up or hypothesizing changes, I focus on presenting the current, real data.
  • This practice of stating what is, rather than what could be, has become a huge mantra for my work.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing a strategy of absolute honesty in all areas of your business. Whether you're an entrepreneur, small business owner, or focused on personal growth, always state the facts as they are right now.

Action Steps:

  1. Be Precise with Numbers:

    • Whether it's marketing, financial projections, or any data you share, always provide numbers down to the decimal. This ensures you're not inflating or guessing your metrics. For example, if your sales are $10,354.67, don't round it to $10,350 or $10,400.
  2. Present Current Data:

    • Avoid hypothesizing about future changes or potential improvements. Focus on sharing what you know for sure. This builds trust with your audience and stakeholders. When discussing potential outcomes, clearly distinguish them as hypotheses and not confirmed data.
  3. Honesty in Marketing:

  • Your marketing claims should be rooted in verifiable truths. It’s tempting to inflate promises to attract more customers, but providing honest, verifiable data ensures long-term loyalty and credibility.
  1. Adopt a 'Facts First' Mantra:

    • Make it a habit to always verify information before sharing it. Encourage your team to do the same. This might require an initial time investment but saves you from potential mistrust or legal issues in the future.
  2. Reflect on Previous Optimism:

    • Consider past instances where you may have been overly optimistic with data or expectations. Learn from these instances and adjust your approach.

By implementing these strategies, you’ll cultivate a more transparent and trustworthy relationship with your clients, customers, and even yourself. This approach will lead to more sustainable growth and success.

Full Transcript

I had a cooworker a couple years ago he's like you know there's like Alex numbers you're optimistic so I always have to downgrade what your numbers are and I was like well that sucks I don't want people have to downgrade my that's why State the facts and tell the truth has become a huge Mantra in terms of my marketing I just want everything to be to the decimal and so every time I had an opportunity where I'm like oh I'm about to State numbers instead of saying rounding up or saying like this is what it could be if we made a couple of these changes I say this is what it is these are the facts

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