Stop Measuring In Days

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Stop Measuring In Days…


  • People often calculate daily calorie intake but rarely consider their weekly calorie needs.
  • When measuring calories weekly, you can better manage your diet and make up for a overeating day by eating less the next day.
  • For example, if I have 13,000 calories for the week, it gives me flexibility to enjoy a pizza one night and balance it out by eating less the next day.
  • Planning on a weekly basis allows for more flexibility and reduces the stress of daily calorie counting.
  • Focusing on a longer time horizon helps prioritize important tasks and reduces obsessing over minor daily details.


How To Take Action

Implementation Strategies for Personal Growth and Small Business Management:

Weekly Planning

I suggest you start planning on a weekly basis instead of just daily. This applies to both diet and business goals. For instance, set a weekly calorie limit if you're working on a diet. This way, if you overeat one day, you can balance it out the next. The same goes for your workload. Allocate a certain number of tasks to be completed within the week, allowing for flexibility each day.


A good way to manage stress is by building flexibility into your schedule. Instead of being rigid with daily goals, allow room for adjustments. For example, if you have a heavy workload one day, plan a lighter day following it. This not only reduces stress but also helps maintain balance, both personally and professionally.

Focus on Important Tasks

Prioritize the tasks that move the needle. Identify the few critical tasks that have a significant impact on your goals. Focus your energy on completing these first. For instance, in a business context, prioritize high-value tasks like client meetings or critical project deadlines over minor administrative tasks.

Longer Time Horizons

Consider a longer time horizon for your plans. Look at your goals in monthly or even quarterly terms. This broader perspective helps reduce the obsession over minor daily details. For example, if you have a quarterly sales target, break it down by weeks and focus on reaching the weekly segments of your goal.

Low-Cost, High-Value Items

Focus on implementing low-cost, high-value strategies first. For personal growth, this could mean setting aside time for reading or exercising. For small businesses, plan simple marketing activities like social media posts that don't require a lot of money but can have high engagement.

Regular Review

Regularly review your weekly and longer-term plans. This helps you stay on track and make necessary adjustments. For example, review your calorie intake weekly to better manage your diet, or assess your business priorities to ensure you're focusing on what matters most.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a more balanced, less stressful approach to achieving your goals.

Full Transcript

people measure the amount of calories that they need to eat per day but very few people measure the amount of calories they need to eat per week and so people will blow the day and say well screw it I messed up today I might as well have a pizza on top of it because I had chocolate and I went off my diet or whatever but if you have a weekly Outlook then all of a sudden you're like oh well I can have a pizza tonight I'll just like skip most of my food tomorrow besides protein or I'll have a wedding weekend and know that this whole week I'm going to be light and so I have 13,000 calories for the next 7 days that I can work my way through which gives me a tremendous amount of flexibility the further you extend the time Horizon the more flexible you can be with your achievement of it as long as you only get the few things that matter most it allows you to focus and prioritize on those few things that move the needle rather than be overly obsessive on such a small narrow window of time that is irrelevant anyways

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