Teaching Young Business Owners How to Be Better Leaders
- Always reinforce and reward behaviors that align with your company's values to give them meaning.
- Define clear consequences, not threats, for not adhering to the values.
- Recognize and address actions that don't align with values through constructive conversations.
- Conduct regular discussions about values, including during onboarding, weekly meetings, and reviews.
- Make your actions and responses reflect the company's values, especially during conflicts.
- To engage remote employees, have intentional conversations, repeat the mission, and provide context.
- Share updates, goals, and strategies transparently with the team to maintain alignment with the mission.
- Understand that in remote setups, leaders must create opportunities to repeat the company's message to reinforce culture.
- Balance the needs of employees and the company by seeking win-win-win scenarios and being upfront about limitations.
- Set clear expectations for leadership roles, including communication cycles defining daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly interactions.
- For startups, evaluate the feasibility of benefits and communicate upfront about what's available and what will be available as the company grows.
- In the early stages, foster a company culture by articulating expectations, demonstrating values, and leading transparently.
- When scaling a subscription model, consider leveraging influencers for traffic and aligning with larger brands to gain exposure.
- For app development and incentivizing brand ambassadors, establish minimum pricing to ensure profitability and incentivize those who recruit high-value users.
- Use structured communication and clear job descriptions to guide employee behavior and company growth.
How To Take Action
I would suggest that to make a company's values meaningful, you should praise the actions that show these values. It's like giving someone high-five when they do something awesome that fits with what your company believes in. Then, if someone's not following the values, you need to have a chat with them to help them understand why it's important, kind of like when a teacher helps you understand why a certain rule is there.
A good way of doing this is to chat about your values a lot. Talk about them when someone starts working with you, during your weekly team meetings, and anytime you're giving feedback. This shows that you're serious about them, and it's not just talk.
For people who work far away or from home, remember to keep talking about why your company is doing what it's doing. Share updates and goals openly with everyone. It shows you're all on the same team, and it helps everyone understand their part in the big picture.
When leading people, it's also smart to be clear about what you expect from them. Like, how often you want to hear from them or what meetings they should be a part of. Write down their job stuff, so they know what to do and you can focus on growing the business.
For early companies, just starting, it might not be possible to give big benefits, but you can talk about this upfront and maybe help in other ways until the company can offer more.
Lastly, if you're growing a business with a subscription service or app, think about talking to popular people on social media and teaming up with big brands to get your name out there. And if you're working with people who tell others about your stuff, make sure you're paying them enough so they keep helping you spread the word.
Quotes by Leila Hormozi
"I think a lot of people have a lack of clarity with companies in terms of where does the company stand in terms of what happens if you don't abide by the values"
– Leila Hormozi
"Words mean nothing, behavior is king"
– Leila Hormozi
"I try to be as transparent as possible and just like give them everything that's on my mind"
– Leila Hormozi
"Repetition is key with these things"
– Leila Hormozi
"How can we transfer your context and just your thoughts in general to the rest of the company"
– Leila Hormozi
Full Transcript
in every decision that I'm making for the company I do think through a lens which is like Ghidorah yes very pretty thank you yeah a little context um I just started a creative public relations agency so I'm just in the process now of hiring because I've been a freelancer for a few years so I'm taking on way too many clients that I can take on like by myself so I need to hire someone part-time one of my questions is are there any particular practices you implement to maintain a strong ethical and morally driven team from a conceptual standpoint people can say we have values and these are our ethics these are morals whatever you want to call them right that we run by but if those are not if we're not reinforcing them or rewarding people for acting in accordance with them then they're basically meaningless and where a lot of companies go wrong is that they have values they have codes of Ethics or moral compasses that they talk about you can talk about it all you want but if when somebody acts in accordance with that value what do you do what does their boss do what do their peers do do people recognize them for abiding by those values and then on the other side of that is what happens when somebody doesn't abide by those values are they made aware that they're not abiding by the values are there consequences to not abiding by the values and I there's a difference between consequences and threats right like saying hey if we do not abide by these values and here is what it looks like and I've trained you all on it just understand like that's one of the things that you do in order to maintain a job here a threat would be if you don't abide by these values you are not allowed to work here and I will take all your money gonna get a pay cut and right it's intentionally trying to make somebody feel bad to get them to act a different way versus the punishment or a consequence I would say a consequence is just letting somebody know the facts this is what happens if these things are not done right which everyone knows like obviously if you don't do your job then say somebody you know doesn't do their job right well it's like people know pretty much if they don't do their job that they're going to end up not having a job uh but I think a lot of people have a lack of clarity with companies in terms of where does the company stand in terms of what happens if you don't abide by the values and that's something that I talk a lot about like in onboarding in hiring I have an entire interview that's about values right when somebody comes on and they're onboarding we talk about values on a weekly basis we recognize people for values um on our quarterly reviews we go over if somebody's adhering to values you know I constantly reinforcing what I like seeing and then if I see something that isn't in accordance with our values I point it out to somebody it's not like I'm gonna threaten them I'm not I'm trying to like you know come down on them but I'm going to say like this happened and this is what you did do you think that's in accordance with our values right and I'm going to ask them and 99.9 of times they're going to say no so the biggest piece of advice or best practice I would give you is that words mean nothing behavior is it King and so how we treat people uh or how we respond to people when they behave a certain way is how you develop a culture so it's like if you're doing something and you're on a call and then somebody says something to you that clearly violates your values how do you respond because it's like you know say one of your values is um let's think unimpeachable character that's one of ours say somebody says signing me on a call that's disrespectful do I come back at them and violate the value as well and say something disrespectful back to them well no I'm not going to do that instead I'm going to pull them off the call and I'm going to have a private conversation and ask gosh what happened you know like I said this you said this that's not like you what's going on you know what I mean um but I think that most companies what they do is they put a lot of work into deciding what the values are and they put zero work into actually upholding them and reinforcing them so good thank you okay good is that helpful yeah yeah I can ask a million more questions but um I want to respect everyone's time too but thank you so much nice meeting you hey hi Taylor so diving into my question when it comes to building a strong company culture and getting your employees to buy into a common Mission specifically more on the hybrid and remote setups what are some unconventional strategies or lesser known practices that you have found to be effective in your experience the disadvantage of remote is that there's less communication because we're not in the same workspace that's that's all it is right and so in order to get people to really understand the mission I think that there's a lot more intentional conversation that has to happen you know I think that for normal companies there's so much water cooler chat and like there's so many times that you know I'd be walking by somebody on my team and then I'm like yeah because here's the conversation I just had here's what we're gonna do involved what and like they get to hear my passion and what I'm excited about and all those things and they also get to see what the CEO or the founder is working on right they have more visibility into that in a remote setting you don't have that and so one of the things that I've always tried to be the most intentional about is just continuing to repeat the mission over and over again so uh two things that I do on a consistent basis and then one thing that I did when we were much bigger in my last company um one on a quarterly basis I basically take what I have as our like Vision presentation I repackage it I update it uh with maybe new findings and things and I present it to the team it's about two hours long I allow them to ask questions I give bathroom breaks um but I try to go as much in detail as I can in between Quarters on a weekly basis on our weekly meeting I have a slide that's like top of Mind CEO updates and I'm sharing with them where are we at with our progress towards those goals you know what am I thinking what am I focused on is there anything that's really exciting is there anything that's like maybe a new idea a strategy something that I'm thinking about um I try to be as transparent as possible and just like give them everything that's on my mind obviously I wouldn't give like Personnel issues but like give them insight into are we on track to the mission you know what am I doing in accordance with the mission and how how's the rest of the company progressing right those are the two things that I do consistently that I think are just like bread and butter right um now if your company starts to grow and it gets bigger something that I did as a best practice is I would actually send out a CEO update on a weekly basis as well and I would go over here's what I've seen that we did this last week that's aligned with our core values and here's where we're at in accordance with our mission our mission is and I would repeat it every week and then I would say and here's what we're doing right now to reach that mission here's what we're focused on this week that's related and so what I think a lot of it is Taylor is being intentional when you're communicating with people of how what you're doing does tie back to that mission it's the because it's the why which is like we're doing X Y and Z because of this and a lot of people in the company what I've what I have realized is that a lot of Founders and CEOs try to hold a lot of information and what you do is you actually create a less powerful company because imagine if everybody else in the company had as much context as you do you think they could make better decisions for the company heck yeah right and so what it really is is how can we transfer your context and just your thoughts in general to the rest of the company and I think that the more that you're able to do that the more that people are bought into the mission and why the company exists now doing that in the remote setting I think it just takes more intentionality with how you structure the communication so it's like you know you being able to communicate to the whole team minimum once a week I think is crucial uh you being able to communicate to every new hire that comes in so something that I still do in acquisition.com is like I'm still going to meet with every new person on the team you know no matter what their role is there's no reason I shouldn't meet with them and you know what I'm going to do you know what I do on every interview and every time I meet a teammate is I tell them the exact same thing why does acquisition.com exist why is your role important and the thing is is that it's boring the amount of times I repeat myself and say it again and again and again on another interview another interview and another new person another person who doesn't know anything right but it's it's the key to getting it out there because then people get like you're not just talking about it you're this is for real and so you know I remember I read this one time but like the average employee has to hear something seven times before they believe it before they believe it's important to the company Etc and I just always remember that and so it's like repetition is key with these things it's harder in a remote environment because you have less opportunities to repeat you have to create intentional opportunities I do not think that it is a roadblock to creating a great culture because I believe that I've done it in multiple companies it's just you have to be a lot more intentional and I think you know sometimes especially if you're like a non-meeting type culture it's hard of like you have to think of different more creative ways of like how can you get your message out there on a consistent basis to keep to keep it top of mind for everybody because also when you keep that top of mind for everybody you keep Spirits High because you know what people hate taking an action a lot of people's work for example in a company they do something they don't see the result of it for a while especially people on like a leadership level right or I mean you could say that we don't see results for a while right like it's going to take me years to grow this company to where I need to grow it right so a lot of people have positions that are that way you know I would say positions that aren't that way are sales they close a sale they get money right so they have immediate reinforcement for that activity a lot of people have no reinforcement for the activities that are going to lead to accomplishing the mission and so what you have to do as a leader is figure out how do I create intermittent reinforcement to get them there so basically how can I reinforce them in the short term to get us to that long-term goal and it's reminding them showing them the impact that they have on the organization like for every single role figuring out like how do you impact the organization let me show you the importance of it let me show you what you affect numbers wise on the p l let me show you what you did and how a customer responded because you fixed this piece of our it on the back end and I think that a lot of reinforcing a mission for people is understanding how does that mission impact them why should they give a about your mission for your company how does it tie to them and if you can show how the mission for the company benefits the individual person that creates someone who's really bought into the culture I could I could still see that I was so I know I played a Collegiate softball and we were a championship team and that is the one factor that I see consistently throughout High performing businesses and high performing sports teams and just High performers in general is just over communication and radical transparency and that's how you you get stuff done do people say it's the soft stuff but it's the it's the stuff that works 100 thank you have a beautiful day you too bye Taylor hi Linda thanks so much for having me what's up Matt how's it going so currently we're building a platform to help individuals and families kick-start their immigration Journey it's called true visa and we've got the goal to help 10 000 people to obtain U.S citizenship by the end of 2024. so my question is around company culture when when building a company you always have to balance the needs of employees and the company and Leadership um and so how do you think about balancing the needs of employees around the needs of companies especially when thinking about profitability and productivity I recently saw Riot games they gave their employees like the entire company took two weeks off which is awesome um but it's not really doable for many companies um and so just think about like salaries office perks PTO all kinds of things like that um one to hear your approach uh there's two frames I guess that I used to think through this which is one in every decision that I'm making for the company I do think through a lens which is like how can I make this a win for the company how can I make this a win for the employees and how can I make this a win for our partners right so I do try and often I find that I can't come up with that on my own I come up with the first bad idea I bring it to my leadership team and then I'm like help me figure out how we could make this a win for everyone there are situations where in the short term it might not be a win for everybody however think about like this right so gym launch I'll give you the example during covid um I said to everybody on the team I said listen things are really really tight right now um you know gyms are going out of business we just lost 30 percent of our customer base because they literally cannot do business and we are doing our best we can but in the short term to look out for the long term of the business I need to say hey we are not doing any excess anything we're not we're not paying for a lot of like we used to do like big extravagant gifts and celebrations I said we're not gonna do any of these things we're also not going to do raise any raises at all and any promotions right now we're freezing everything it was a very hard decision for me at the time because I felt like are they being punished because the business isn't doing well but what I did know is that if I didn't make those hard decisions in the short term there wouldn't even be a business for them in the long term right and so that's what I had to communicate to them is like I'm doing this conserving cash where I can because I want you to have a job a year or two from now you know I don't want the company to go under I don't want something bad to happen I don't know how long this covet thing is going to last I don't know how long our customers are going to be out of business and I communicated that to them and I was transparent about it I said like it sucks in the short term it's what's best for us in the long term for you guys as well because if that's what I really think about is that if you're creating a scenario where it's a win-win-win what it might be is that it is a win-win-win in the long term but sometimes in the short term it doesn't feel that way for example for a startup in the very beginning of lots of companies it doesn't make sense to have benefits because you're so small to administer the benefits alone is such a operational undertaking and a cost on the business that for the business at that point in time it doesn't make sense and so what I've done in the interim is I'm like how can I make this a win-win-win is like you know for certain people that came in in different positions like say full-time leadership I'm like okay well I'm going to give you a siphoned and I'm also going to refer you to a company that can do individual benefits that I know you can fit within the budget of the stipend I give you because then you're winning because you get your benefits I'm winning because the business doesn't have to take on this operational or administrative nightmare right and then when we hit x amount of employees we can get benefits for the entire company and so I think it's trying to figure out the nuances around there I also think that part of this mat is setting expectations up front you can't come into a startup and want all the benefits of a startup which is more autonomy usually more flexibility uh more responsibility and experience that you would never get in a large corporation because they keep you in a box in your lane but what's the downside of that and that's what I like making people aware of the downside of that is like harder to take time off it just is let's be really honest like it's harder for people to start to take time off uh usually you're not going to get paid as much as you would in a corporation or like a giant huge funded company because there's not you know where say it's bootstrapped and we have to reserve cash and be very uh diligent those are two of the downsides you know it's like I think that usually it takes more time and sometimes you like make less money but you gain all this experience you gain all this knowledge you would have not otherwise and you usually have a better working environment you usually like your co-workers more right there's less uh I would say like uh bureaucracy and so I think a big piece is how can you set those expectations up front for people you know I try very much in all of our companies to be able to set those expectations so that when someone comes in and they say hey why don't we have benefits but saying this when I was in my last company like hey why don't we have benefits I'm like wait no no we talked about this when you came in is like we were not going to get benefits until we have 30 people and it's for these reasons and here's what we're doing in the interim and I know that it's not the best but you came on knowing that and so I think it feels a lot less like a negotiation or like something you're not giving them when they knew it from day one yeah yeah that's really great well thank you so much and it was so nice to meet you it was great meeting you too I'm glad that was uh useful yeah thanks for having me on yeah have a good one Matt Lucas what's up hey how are you thanks for the time yeah absolutely yeah I mean context is I'm 21 uh I just dropped out of college to run my business um we crossed 17 employees which is big for me and my problem is um I just don't really know what I'm doing um there's no structure like I used to run everything everybody reported to me um and I had my hands in every aspect of the business and I'm reaching out to you because I need maybe coaching on how how I can continue to lead people that are no longer a direct reporting yes understood one what's your business that's so dude 17 people you're 21 that's awesome yeah well thank you um it's it's very strange uh it's sort of like gym launcher it it will be soon um we coach people in video games so how to like make money playing video games yeah yeah hey whatever works I mean that you know if it's a demand it's a demand I know nothing about video games to be transparent with you and I haven't played them since uh Zelda uh N64 so that tells you how old I am you're like what's an n60 Point yeah anyways um don't worry uh interesting so how many people have you brought in that now have people reporting to them instead of you so like who do people report to now instead of you yeah so I have four sort of uh sort of leaders department leaders a leader for sales a leader for coaching like customer success um Ops and then marketing so yeah four and what's what's the problem like why did what provoked you asking me this question what's occurring that you maybe what's happening that you don't want to happen or what's not happening that you would like to happen so for example uh one problem I've been solving recently is like we've got 17 people sort of across the company we've got 12 or 13 on the front line and they all DM me when they have an issue um and that's just of course not productive but also I want like I want the leaders in the company to be able to know what their responsibility is versus like what's mine like I feel like we have 17 people and like part of my job should maybe be like running quarterly meetings and like building culture or things like that um but I'm not sure I just don't know yeah so when you hire these leaders did you give them like a proper job description with an explanation of how they communicate with their team uh probably not proper by your standards no like a Google doc with very rough bullets so the reason I like to write proper job descriptions is not because I'm like not even for legal reasons even though there are legal reasons um but because I think it actually sets expectations so I'll go over a job description line by line with someone explain how this translates into what they do part of what I put on job description is what I call a communication cycle so at the bottom of the job description what I put on there is I say communication cycle daily weekly monthly quarterly and what it says is what meetings are they running daily what communication are they having daily meetings and communication weekly meetings and communication monthly meetings and communication quarterly so for a sales manager for example it might say on a daily basis you're available on slack to answer all your questions and correspond with your team from 9am to 5 PM PST you're running a sales huddle at 7 A.M every day where you host training for the sales team on a weekly basis you're hosting a sales meeting where you have all of the people attend and you run through the presentation with them and go over the sales kpis on a monthly basis you're sending me reports on the sales metrics and on a quarterly basis your commute committing to attending our quarterly leadership meeting where you know we're going to be going over all the metrics so that might be what it looks like so the biggest reason I have that in there is because I want them to understand even before they take a job how often am I communicating with how often do I expect them to communicate with the people on their team and in what Manner what meetings are they running how often are they talking to them and through what medium right because for a sales manager for example like I do need you to respond on slack on the weekends so I'm going to write that in there because guess what we sell seven days a week so what do you just like take off the weekend it's like no this is a startup and I don't have two sales managers like I actually need you to respond on slack on the weekends and so I think the first thing I would do if I were you is I would write these out I would actually expand the job descriptions write out a communication cycle for each one of them and really think through what would be ideal scene for you Lucas what things are the team coming to you about that need to be on them and I would make sure they're notated in there then I would meet with each of those leaders and I think what may have not happened is maybe there wasn't a meeting where you said these are all the things I expect of you if you do this job and maybe it's changed and maybe we need to reset expectations and say this is now what I expect of you to do this job because if you don't do these things I can't do the things I need to do to better the company that's exactly it it all comes back to setting expectations and I feel like if I reset those and put them on paper then then we can negotiate but right now it's we're just talking based off of emotions and nobody knows what they're doing because it's not written down right and then on the other side people won't message somebody who doesn't respond so Alex for example takes a long time to respond and if somebody if he doesn't think it's like important or it's not it's somebody else's job to answer the question he just wouldn't respond to it right so what what I'm saying for that is that what it's telling me is that if they keep messaging you it's because you keep responding sure what you should do instead is my recommendation is I don't suggest that you ghost them I don't suggest that you but I suggest that you tell them what to do instead hey I really love the question great question this would be a fantastic question for Eddie Eddie's your manager and so questions like this should go to Eddie right you know and you could even ask them hey send me a screenshot when you send him the message because then you know that they followed the instructions that you gave them but it's basically like what you have to learn and this is one of the hardest things as a leader is that when you bring in other people below you people will still until taught otherwise they can be told otherwise but that doesn't mean that they're taught otherwise until they're taught the new way to communicate by your behavior they will communicate in the old way now ideally you have leaders who are mature enough that they actually tell the team proactively hey you don't communicate with Lucas on this stuff anymore but it sounds like maybe there's there's work that they have to do and work that you have to do to redirect the rest of the teams and then something you can do Lucas is just like company-wide I'd be like hey guys on the next like company you know communication meeting slack whatever just want to let you guys know something I'm working on as a leader right now is that I realize that I'm I'm so busy answering all the questions of everybody I'm realizing that I'm accidentally stepping on the toes of Eddie and Joe and Jill you know they are actually your managers they should be answering these questions but I just keep stepping on them and uh I don't want to undermine them they're in their position just for a reason so if you have questions about X Y and Z go to Eddie if you have questions about you know whatever XYZ go to jail Etc so you reset expectations on a global level to the entire company and then you reassess expectations one-on-one with each of the leaders and then you reset expectations on a consistent basis by redirecting people to go to those leaders that's brilliant that helps a tongue can I can ask one follow-up on that do we have time um you said on the next company meeting um I will admit I we don't have a company meeting Cadence either so for like you know just got to 17 employees four Department leads what are the non-negotiables that I should be running as from like a like a communication Cadence or what do you recommend I do ballpark um I think that probably um a quick you know 20-minute meeting that is full company first thing Monday right and that's you know you and the rest of the leaders just giving updates on departments for the whole team 20 minutes right and then I would go into you have a meeting with you and the leaders for say 45 minutes where you're discussing things that are top of mind and constraints that they're facing you know how's it looking in regards to like whatever your projections are as a company and what is it looking like on your route to get there are you close are you far that's a whole Beast of its own in terms of what you can start and I would Google like how to run a weekly leadership meeting and then but for the full team the biggest thing for a full team meeting is that you share what's top of mind for you you share how the company is doing and you reiterate the values that you would like to have the organization demonstrate those are the three things amazing thank you so much absolutely appreciate you Lucas oh hey hey how are you good how are you doing we've actually met before yes we have we have I actually saw you the first time on click funnel stage in 2018. so I started to give you a brief history I started my purpose-driven for-profit company November 2021 and it is called band of Hope and we employ and Empower survivors of human trafficking through gemstone jewelry and then we get 10 back to an orphanage that is specifically for children who have been rescued from Human Trafficking wow yeah and so I'm launching the subscription model September 1st and what that looks like is it's 49 a month and a different piece of gemstone jewelry will be shipped to your door monthly and then we will give obviously the percentage back to them and my question is what do you think is the best way to scale that subscription model and the best time so that way we can so how are you currently acquiring customers I mean right now it's been word of mouth right because I'm just pushing back into this and you know people who know me and my network and whatnot but I'm not sure I haven't done any promotion for anything for the subscription model that's why if you're starting at Ground Zero what would you say would be the best way to scale it so I've talked with a few companies that have successful subscription models and what I have seen works best is a two different things um and I think it's going to be partially based on like what you think you have the most access to right now the first one is um getting influencers that basically that's that's how you get your distribution is through influencers so I think that you're good at making connections um at least that's my impression I've gotten of you and we obviously also met um so getting people that they're basically you're basically using influencers to drive traffic to the direct to Consumers right and so you don't go direct to Consumer you go through influencers and then they are the ones who are pushing it to the consumers I've seen that work really well with physical products specifically jewelry and like women's uh skin care and like just lifestyle products okay that's the first one um the second one is that for those subscription models I've actually seen so if you have heard of some of the companies that they send like boxes that have they wouldn't just have jewelry but they'd also have like skincare that so I know a few brands that they got their start by first actually as a on a discounted rate wholesaling wholesale selling to those subscription boxes and then they gained their own original buyers through those and then they created their own at the same time so they basically gotten in with bigger brands that are looking for people to basically sell them discounted products so they can sell them in their boxes and then they branched off and were able to use that to build a customer base of Their Own now that's a little harder because you have to know that those companies and have an in to get your product with them I feel like the influencer route might be the best for this product just like given I feel like that's also something that you're good at like you were saying like I was going out there and like doing content and strategy and like all that I feel like that might be the better route to go um but does either one sound like it makes more sense to you so I think I like the I call it like affiliate Advocate type way right the influencer and I like that and that would probably make the most sense right and then building out that affiliate model for percentages and whatnot yeah I was really interested when I think of like what platform would be best for this product I feel like actually and I never like using this platform but like I feel like Tick Tock um yeah I feel like influencers on Tick Tock is probably where you're gonna get the most bang for your buck um especially because you don't it's not like you're just Shilling out a product like you have a reason behind it you're donating the proceeds like it's something that's very thoughtful versus like just another commodity and even I mean to be honest a lot of Commodities do really well on Tick Tock um but something that has meaning behind it I feel like would actually do really really well so I think that where you're at right now the best thing that you could do is look for an influencer agency a lot of them get by by just being like this is how many you know followers the influencers are going to have that are going to promote you all stuff I'm like I don't give a about any of that okay how much Roi do these influencers drive that's what you really want to know so what you want to look for is like what's the cost of acquisition through each of these influencers and what's the you know Roi on on the spend that we're going to pay those are two stats that only the best agencies for influencers are going to actually be able to provide you because a lot of them just promise you the world and you know sure they get it out there and you get impressions but there's this huge discrepancy this is for everyone here there's a huge discrepancy between providing people with Impressions and providing them with purchases and so what I don't want is that you find one of those agencies that they're all they care about is like well we got you all these Impressions it's up to you to convert it it's like no they should have the best practices for how to convert on that platform with these influencers and they should be giving that to the influencers and also giving it to you that's what I've seen the agencies that do best and actually you know are a part of a company strategy are able to do that I really appreciate you dude I I hope you crush it and uh I look forward to seeing what happens yes you too have a good day this is bye Victoria hello hey Jason I mean what's going on how's everything going good how are you um two coffees deep and I have a lot of energy and it's exciting week for us over now it's hour week so a bunch of people are in the food right now and it's absolutely awesome so what tell me what is the company what does it do yeah our connects people instantly through private one-on-one audio calls so whether it's for personal use or for business you could connect to professionals instantly that was so interesting very cool top of mind is really just you know you know when you have a certain amount of capital and you're deploying it towards app development we know app development is crazy expensive and we have all these brand ambassadors that come and partner with us and eventually you know they want to be rewarded right I do everything in my power to reward them with thank yous reward them by giving them introductions through through networking through the guests that I've had on my podcast and then of course you know sometimes bonuses and sometimes t-shirts hoodies but but you know over time of course you know I want to get back to them it's so hard because when you don't have that extra Capital right it's completely bootstrapped owl it's like how do how did you get in those early days kind of all these influencers and creators still want to partner with you in uh clever ways I guess would be the best way to ask it hey explain to me for the brand ambassadors are they driving people who want to pay for a phone call are they driving people who are the experts taking a phone call so the brand ambassadors uh pretty much are inviting Their audience in and telling them to to use their referral code and when they come in that referral code is getting them extra Revenue through that through that code and all their followers so yeah okay they're coming on as like it's like I go on there and I tell people that follow me like hey you can come on you can pay only ten dollars to get on the phone with me or whatever correct and that and then all your followers you're getting a percentage on top of the call Cost because you're a brand ambassador as an example so it's it's paying you in perpetuity a percentage of all referrals that come in through your code how can you incentivize them to price higher because it sounds like they're pricing very low they are based on of course you know uh you know the audience they serve at the end of the day right because a lot of times they'll just go live on our platform and they're just really you know look whoever's on the platform at any minute of that day have to go and happen to call them so it's a little different because a lot of the the brand ambassadors don't have these large audiences they might have 5 000 followers on LinkedIn do the people that are on the platform say like myself also have to be a brand ambassador or could they be two different things because I almost feel like they're two different subsets the normal person comes in you're an expert and you get 80 of uh the the amount that is paid to you so if you charge 100 bucks you get 80 bucks and the platform takes 20 bucks and then only the brand ambassadors get a percentage in addition to that Revenue got it yeah so the way that I so I actually know someone who created a platform that it's not like this but it's similar in that they have actually three different people that are users they have one the ambassadors who go and try and get big influencers on the platform right and then they have the big influences that are using the platform and then they have the people that are paying the big influencers correct exactly I don't see a world in which a big influencer is also going to be the best brand ambassador I do think that the best use of that is like I just being real like I wouldn't push like a platform especially unless I had like invested in it or something right so it's like I would use the platform and and I think if somebody referred me to get on it were like pushing me and whatever I see it like that you have three people that you're really accommodating which is like the person who you say go out and find me the biggest influencers and you're gonna get an override on all of the people that they talk to so basically you create a system where they get override on that that can work because then those big influencers are charging enough money that you have enough to not just pay them but also pay this brand ambassador and then there's the people paying them on the other end gotcha I see what you're saying yeah so I would incentivize people that go after the current brand ambassadors already have the 50 plus and pretty much tell them hey our goal is to get folks that have over a million followers onto this platform um you know and incentivize them like crazy yeah and I might create a minimum so it's like based on how many followers they have it's like maybe that you create a tiered system hey this is the pricing that we see works best and so I would be I don't know if you can actually throttle that and say like if you have X amount of followers you like this is your pricing basically so you pre-price for them they don't price it themselves um but you know I've never done any sort of whenever I've had ambassadors and Affiliates I have never allowed them to pick the price so I've always set the price so that I know how much I can pay each party involved and I think if they have flexibility to pay at such a low end that you don't have enough to even incentivize that I just I don't think I would fix it like create a fixed pricing tier and then create a floor for the influencers this is the lowest that you can charge for a call I've I've never not so if you do allow flexibility in pricing set a floor so that you know minimum I'm Gonna Make You know whatever 30 or 40 margin on all of these things I would definitely do the floor because when I had our software we had a floor we said you can charge anything above this amount and people be like I need the and I'm I don't care I can't go below the floor absolutely cool thank you for the advice I really appreciate it yeah it sounds awesome so good luck thank you very much take care everybody all right guys I appreciate you all tuning in uh I hope that that was useful especially for those of you who are you know trying to build a company trying to build a company culture um let me know what you think would be a cool theme for next time I had some ideas but I am open to it foreign