The 5 Mistakes That Will Put You Out Of Business
Trust data over gut feelings when making business decisions. In late 2018, we reduced prices based on opinions without data, leading to a $5-6 million loss. Decisions should be backed by stats, surveys, and financials. Data-driven decisions are foundational to growing a successful business.
Avoid adding complexity without supporting infrastructure. When expanding into Prestige Labs, we overstretched our team, which compromised focus. Teams need the mental bandwidth to handle new responsibilities. New initiatives must have the necessary resources and not detract from existing operations.
Listen to your customers' feedback. In 2018, we developed a retention-focused CRM for gyms but our customers wanted more leads. Ignoring customer needs cost us $1 million. Understanding and responding to customer feedback is critical.
Maintain clean and accurate data and financials. Bad data led us to consider drastic changes for non-existent problems. Clean data and financials are vital for informed decisions. It's crucial to have the right systems and people in place to provide accurate metrics.
Only experienced employees should handle hiring. Inexperienced managers led to a bloated marketing team that was inefficient. Hiring the right people is essential, and inexperienced staff in key roles can cause major setbacks.
Use reverse thinking for clarity in decision-making. To improve your business, consider how you might break it and then do the opposite. This approach can reveal clearer paths for strategic growth and decision-making.
How To Take Action
I would suggest always using data to guide your decisions. If you feel like changing your product prices or trying a new idea, first look at the numbers. Find out what customers really want by asking them or looking at past sales. It's better than guessing and losing money.
Keep things simple unless you're ready to handle more. If you want to start something new, make sure you have enough people and resources. Don't make your team do too much at once. They might get overwhelmed and not do a good job.
Really listen to what your customers say. If they keep asking for something, like more ways to get new customers, don't ignore them. They know what they need better than anyone. Make what they want, and they'll be happier.
Make sure your data and money information is clean and correct. If you have bad info, you might make big mistakes that can hurt your business. Get someone who knows about data and money to help you keep track.
Only let people who know how to hire well choose new team members. If you have someone who doesn't know what they're doing picking new employees, they might choose the wrong people, and that can mess everything up.
Use reverse thinking to make better choices. If you start thinking about how you could mess up your business, do the opposite! This can show you what you need to do to do well instead.
Quotes by Leila Hormozi
"Making changes in your business based off of emotion, intuition, opinions rather than stats, data etc."
– Leila Hormozi
"Focus is more important than time when it comes to teams"
– Leila Hormozi
"Ignore my customers' feedback"
– Leila Hormozi
"Neglect systems for clean data and clean financials"
– Leila Hormozi
"Allow inexperienced people to hire always"
– Leila Hormozi
Full Transcript
what is up in this video today what i want to share with you are five ways to break your business alex weiner dinner the other night with somebody and they were asking us they're like how do you grow your business alex and i like to actually frame this a different way and we actually do this with each other a lot which is okay well if i wanted to break my business what would i do and then let's look at what the opposite of that looks like and so i wanted to break down with you uh five things that i have done that have broken my business and what i've learned from them to then actually grow it from understanding those lessons and failures the first one is making changes in your business based off of emotion intuition opinions rather than stats data etc like survey data statistics your financials all that jazz and this is something that actually happened in i want to say late 2018 which is we're at one of our quarterly meetups and we were talking about our pricing our team came to us and kind of sidelined uh the two of us and said you know we really think we need to reduce our prices we just think that we're too high for the marketplace right now etc etc and it was for one of our top level programs one of our companies and we had no stats we had no numbers we had no surveys done we haven't asked our clients i mean like who wouldn't want the product to be cheaper like that's ridiculous so even if you ask it's like the people want it cheaper faster better cheaper always but instead we just kind of listen to the opinions of others based on their gut intuitions and a lot of them their feelings like they just didn't know how to solve a problem so they felt stressed about it and they wanted to solve it and so we actually did reduce our prices instead of having happy customers reducing churn increasing our profit margins everything actually did the opposite which is we lost you know i want to say i think maybe five or six million in uh top line that year because we cut our prices did it reduce churn no did it increase customer satisfaction no if i look back now and i look at the lenses i know and having done like pricing workshops and reading books and such it wasn't enough of a price increase to make a difference it was just based on everyone's cup they're like maybe we cut it by you know 15 people are really gonna you know stick longer and they're going to be happier and all that nobody ever and so that was the first thing that i learned is if i ever see or especially when we're advising an entrepreneur or ceo and they're making a decision i'm like where's the data to back this up you go into my office and check some data for me okay you want to hire this new position okay you want to do this new customer flow okay you want to start this new product line where did you apply that information or is it just a uh emotional urge that you have or it's a gut feeling that people on your team have like we cannot make decisions based on that now when we make decisions and even when we start our software company we price that we did pricing surveys we learned from patrick campbell there's a great little mini booklet on basically how to do this and we rolled that out and because of that the business is very successful just based on the fact that we used a framework to figure out how to price our product that is the first thing i would say is if you want to break your business just go with your gut on what to charge what to make decisions based off of don't use data don't use statistics the second thing that you would do to break your business is i would open up more product lines i would open up new levels of customer service and i would add more complexity without paying any mind to my infrastructure here's what i mean by this is that when we started gym launch we had a team and there was a core team there right and then we decided to start prestige labs prestige labs was um fueled by gen launch essentially because it was they are products that you the gym sell through their facilities for the most part when we're looking at that you know we're new and we don't understand all this and we're like well can we just like split the teams like they can do like half gym launch and half prestige labs and we didn't do that to the fullest extent but we did do it with about 50 of the teams we said okay you've got bandwidth because they did a lot of them had bandwidth take that other 50 bandwidth and work on this company and what i learned through that process is that focus is more important than time when it comes to teams it comes to employees this is one of my biggest lessons of all time is that they may have the time but they don't have the focus or the bandwidth mentally now if we start a new product line if we add a new level of customer service we have to look at what resources we have to acquire you know are we going to go hire people how are we going to build this team and how is it not going to take away from any of the existing resources we have in the company and what you see a lot of the times with newer companies and where people break is that they just stretch the current that they have and they're like well you have an extra 15 hours a week 10 hours a week why would you not be able to focus on this i'm able to focus on all this it's like well clearly you're not well enough because you're breaking your business you're just out of business right and that's just the truth most people can't focus on multiple things especially if you are a newer business there is a very small likelihood that you have the systems to even make it easy for someone to do multiple things at once and so that is the second way to break your business is that you open up and you expand without adding the infrastructure needed right and so you split everyone's focus even if they have the time and you just can't do it the third is that i would ignore my customers feedback okay and so when i say ignore my customers feedback i'll tell you a story about this which is in 2018 we decided that we were going to invest in technology for demand and that technology was going to be a crm for gyms that helped retain customers and it was proactive and it had some smart technology and all that jazz it was also going to upsell customers it's going to sell them products it was going to help a lot of things during the i want to say the eight month development process while we were amid doing this a lot of our customers kept saying they're like you know we just really want more leads we just really want uh more customers and at this point the cost of facebook ads are rising and so for them to acquire customers it was getting harder and harder but we were working on this project which was retention based we get really far down this path and i remember uh there was one customer particularly he was making like an uproar the community and so i actually ended up meeting with him and i said like what is going on he's like do you guys not get it he's like we don't care about retention he's like we just want more leads the way he said it was obviously like he was being actually kind of a dick um and the whole conversation was kind of stupid what i took from it was that there is truth to that and so we went we talked to other customers we talked to other people and we realized that we were focused on what we thought the customer wanted rather than just going and asking the customer is this what you want and a lot of the times it's also not just asking the customer the customers that are necessarily your best top customers but asking all levels of customers that you have because if your top customers are only you know four percent of your business then asking them is not going to be useful because the rest of the people just want more leads and that was actually the case for us is that our very top customers which very small percentage of the business wanted the retention system wanted the upsell system etc but most of our customers just wanted more leads and so we would have saved a million dollars we had just asked our customers what do you want rather than thinking we knew what they wanted for them and so that was the lesson learned there if you want to break your business ignore your customers if you would like to lose a million dollars like we did ignore your customers don't get feedback before you start something the fourth piece is that i would if i wanted to break my business i would neglect systems for clean data and clean financials this is something i think in the beginning of business i don't even think you understand what that looks like and that's okay but you have to bring in someone at some point who does and i'll explain why that's very important is that we had i've known that we had issues in our you know our finance department for uh you know since the business had been conceived and you know it was like well we're getting by and it's just finance and how important could it be and then it came to a season where i remember our finance team i got the reporting one week and it was like all of a sudden churn had gone up to like it was like 27 and i was like what the hell i was like oh my gosh should we call like an emergency meeting we took an entire week trying to figure out what was going on at the end of that week what we found out was that someone had just entered the wrong reporting numbers and that alternate actually been staying the same it was crazy because we were gonna make some huge changes in this business we're like this is insane if it's happening like this for the next three months as i then i started to realize that that department needed more infrastructure but through that time they were still feeding us all this false data and so it felt like you know alex and i knew that we needed to make database decisions and that the company needed to make decisions based off of surveys and metrics and numbers and this the department just couldn't keep up it couldn't provide it to us we were just kind of shooting blind and we made some decisions that i think you know were not helpful to the business at all because we didn't have any data and it's funny because then we brought in financial leaders we turned around the finance department and now it's like every decision is made off of data every single leader uses the data we all use the reporting that we have we all use the dashboards that we have we make decisions based off that and that is how i can monitor the health of the business and i look back now and understand how blind i was without that information looking at the decisions i made i'm like well of course you made those decisions you didn't have any data or the data you had was wrong if i wanted to break my business i would allow unexperienced people to hire always and this is something that as our first company gymloft was growing really quickly i literally didn't have the time in my calendar unless i you know sacrificed everything else in life which i was already working 18 hours a day at that point so i didn't really i don't know what else you would sacrifice besides sleep which you know i was like not not gonna happen i was like i have to teach other people to hire i did that but i did it too much to an extent i almost placed too much faith in them and it wasn't because i think that here's the thing is that it's good to trust people and hand that off to a competent leader manager but the key piece was i handed off to inexperienced leaders and managers and so i had inexperienced leaders and managers hiring and what happened with that is that they over hired and they hired the wrong kinds of people for the business the worst one was our marketing team in 2018 you know i let go of the director who had been in there who was just too inexperienced to run the team and we were essentially running it you know behind him playing like puppeteer when i really got to dive into the team i was like holy crap i think that we had 17 people in that department i ended up cutting it down to five it was because it was so inefficient there was so much um excess and the team and the people that were hired were not the kind of people that were going to do well in our company and so it's really funny because i through the process i felt terrible because you know any time you go and you flip around department you let people go just you feel like but i remember we had hired uh two graphic designers it was like a month later and i'm looking in our canva account and these graphic designers have been making like all our social media posts and all that stuff i'm in our company canvas and all of a sudden i see all these like purchases for all these posting things and i looked and the damned graphic designer had literally been going to canva and then purchasing their work in canva with our company credit card and then presenting it like they've done it crazy that is what i learned from that and that like completely screwed up our marketing department for like a year um and it was really obnoxious to bounce back from um and we did and obviously the department's great now but it was just a complete freaking mess and it's only because i did everything right except for remembering that these people were also inexperienced and so that they didn't have you know conditioned lenses to see uh hiring through and so that is how you can break your business it's just let people who've never hired people hire everybody for your business it just sucks if i were you and i was watching this video um at least what i hope you get from this video is that you can take this and apply this to any tactical or strategic decision you're making right now which is one if you're trying to ask how do i do this instead say how do i do the opposite of this if you're like how do i lose weight instead of asking that question you would be like how do i gain weight and then oftentimes you can then just look at what the opposite of that would be and that will help you become more clear about how to grow your business because i think a lot of people think it's this elusive thing and you have to be really smart and all the stuff but in actuality just think how would i break my business and then do the opposite of that right look at somebody who's a terrible business and do the opposite of it and a lot of the times that helps me is if i think of a friend i have who maybe i consider them to be the same level business acumen as me and i think if i were them how would i absolutely destroy my business and i think about that and then i'm like okay and then how would they absolutely dominate this business and that helps me think a lot more clearly when i'm trying to make decisions around how to grow business um and how to make tactical and strategic decisions along the way so i hope that video is useful use it um do the opposite of everything i just said there um and i will see you on the next one