The anti-routine…[what billionaires use to win]
- Success is not about doing more things; it's often about doing fewer things that distract from your main goals.
- Champions often succeed because they lack certain things, like an "off switch," which pushes them to keep going when others would stop.
- To be truly effective, you need to cultivate the ability to say "no" and focus on only the most important tasks at hand.
- Priorities mean that two things cannot be equally important; if something is a priority, you must be willing to say no to other tasks.
- Many communications from others include an implied request for a reply; recognizing you're not obliged to respond can save you a lot of time.
- Most events, masterminds, and coaching serve social needs rather than pressing problems; once you have the necessary information, focus on execution, not attendance.
- A clear tactic I used was changing my phone number to reduce constant demands on my attention and to control who could reach me directly.
- Refusing to take meetings from 4 AM to noon allowed me to work uninterrupted on the most important projects.
- Treating weekends no differently than weekdays, maintaining a consistent bedtime, and wake-up time every day helped to solidify my routines.
- Limiting workouts to twice a week can be sufficient during demanding times, as it provides the necessary maintenance without distracting from priorities.
- Fasting one or two days a week removed the distractions of food preparation and eating, allowing for more focused work time.
- Deleting all social media from my phone and scheduling specific times for social media activities from a computer prevented constant distractions.
- Embrace an "anti-routine" by saying no to what's non-essential, and dedicating yourself to what truly moves you toward your goals.
- The period of adopting these changes led to a transformation from near bankruptcy to earning over a million dollars a month by age 27.
How To Take Action
I would suggest beginning by slashing distractions and simplifying your daily tasks. Focus on what truly drives toward your goals. Instead of adding more to your plate, remove the less important things. Here's how to make it happen:
Identify the most crucial tasks for your success and dedicate your time there. Remember, if everything's a priority, nothing is.
Cultivate the ability to say "no." It's not easy, but it’s vital. Say no to meetings, social events, and requests that don't align with your top priorities.
Change your contact availability. If you’re constantly bombarded with calls or messages, consider changing your number like I did, or setting strict boundaries for when and how people can reach you.
Block out a solid work time. I stopped taking meetings from 4:00 AM to noon to focus on my top tasks without interruptions. Find a time that works for you and guard it fiercely.
Keep a consistent daily routine. Weekends are no different than weekdays. Consistency helps maintain focus and maximizes your effective work time.
Limit workouts to just what’s necessary if you're in a time crunch. Twice a week could be good enough during intense work periods.
Use fasting strategically to stay focused without food distractions—just make sure it’s healthy for you.
Delete social media from your phone or set a specific time for it from your computer. This prevents you from getting sidetracked and keeps your interaction intentional.
Remember this as an "anti-routine" – it's all about cutting out the fluff and sticking to the essentials that move the needle for you. This approach transformed my work life and financial success, and it can do the same for you if you stay disciplined about it.
Quotes by Alex Hormozi
"Priorities mean two things cannot be equally important"
– Alex Hormozi
"The season of no is the most productive routine that is humanly possible"
– Alex Hormozi
"You would be amazed at how much Blank Space shows up on your calendar when you say no to everything"
– Alex Hormozi
"You can't say yes to everything"
– Alex Hormozi
"Most of the stuff you are doing, you need to stop"
– Alex Hormozi
Full Transcript
in this video I'm going to walk you through the exact anti-routine that took me from broke to taking home over seven figures a month in income not revenue and income by the time I was 28 years old and that may sound totally unbelievable to you that's okay you can Google me my name is Alex ramosi I'm a business investor out which is a portfolio company so it's about 85 million a year and the reason I'm making this video is because I see stuff on the internet all the time if people talk about their million dollar routines all the stuff and all the guys that I know who are like me are like worth nine figures and up don't do it that way all right and so I'm going to walk you through what people actually do and the things that I had to go through uh in those seasons of building that are not commonly talked about as additional note there's uh for some reason there's like a half second uh freeze that happens like every so often on the video uh it's something we're fixing on our side uh but my audio continues to go throughout so don't sweat it and we are fixing it either way um welcome to MOSI nation and enjoy the video all right so what I want to do is actually walk you through the a paradigm shift that happened in my life when I went from looking at bankruptcy lawyers to 18 months later taking home over a million dollars a month when I was 27 years old all right this is half a decade ago but there was a very distinct process that happened that that transformed my life and it did have to do with a routine which is like the most fodder thing ever that most people uh ask me for which is like hey Alex what's your routine but what I'm going to do in this video is break down to you why the questions that people are asking were wrong because they're asking them the wrong way the first thing here is that most people have the assumption that and they say hey Alex can you tell me your routines can you tell me your rituals that you do every day they think to themselves there's something that Alex is doing that I am not doing and therefore if I do those things I will get that resolved and I will tell you that you were wrong and here's why most people most Champions do not have something that you do not have they they lack something that you have for a champion in the Physical Realm a lot of times it's they don't have an off switch they just keep going you have an off switch it is your lap their lack of it which is what drives their success right and so to the same degree you probably do things every single day that you should not be doing and so what I want to introduce to you is a concept of the anti-routine as the most productive routine that is humanly possible for you to accomplish what you want and so during this 18-month period of time when I went from almost bankrupt to taking home a million dollars a month when I was 27 years old was the following change that ended up happening and mindset shifts I'll walk through the mindset shifts and then I'll walk through the tactics that actually changed my life in a real way the things that I stopped doing rather than things that I started doing that ended up yielding the results that were outsized so number one is obviously just shifting the perspective of I need to do more things and I need to add more things to my routine when in fact you need to stop doing things that you're currently doing all that remains is the work to be done and then you become very clear about why you are not being effective so number one is that priorities mean two things cannot be equally important and here's the mentally challenging thing about this is that when you work on something and let's say I spend 30 minutes on this thing and I spend 30 minutes on on Item B if I spend 30 minutes on both things and I say this one's more important than this one I can say that but that's not reality because I basically just said they were both important which means neither of them are which is why most people cannot get done because they cannot say no and so the theme of this entire video is the word no all right and so this is the this is the word that I will give you that you can tell yourself you can plaster it on your wall is the season of no and I'm not saying it's forever I'm saying it's just for right now a lot of people don't need new things to add to the routine you need to have a routine of saying no and an anti-routine and that is the thing that's going to yield those those outsized Returns on productivity you can't say yes to everything and therefore it means that you have to you can't do two things with different levels of importance it's either important or it's not important if it's important it means you mean to say no to everything else all right so if you say this is the priority then it means you do not do other things besides that thing that is how it is a priority that is how you literally prioritize number two is that from a communication perspective one of the things that I had to really understand and I'm a pretty people-pleasing person I enjoy I enjoy other people like I'm social is that when people communicate with you when people reach out to you when people text you and people email you they actually have an implied ask within the communication from you it's actually a take and what that takes says is that there's a request to reply are they're asking you to do something which is to reply to the message and to illustrate why you can't do this at scale is because let me imagine right now that 500 000 people text you do you owe them all a reply the answer is no because you couldn't literally do anything else in your life besides reply to those people if that's what you did and so here's what's crazy most people have the time to reply and conflate the fact that they have time with the fact that they are obliged they are obligated to reply and so when I show you that 500 000 text example it's to show you that if I can remove the time from your brain that means it would be physically impossible for you to reply you realize that the obligation or reply never existed to begin with all right and so during this season of no during this this anti-routine period of time what I did during that 18 months was I stopped replying to people and not only that I'll get to the taxes of how I did that in a second but I just stopped replying all together and this is a huge thing for me it was very very difficult for me and I'll give you the actual taxes around what I said the next thing I realized that all of the events and masterminds and coaching programs mostly served other social they were mostly for social needs they were not because I had a problem that needed to be solved and so I ended up going to a mastermind getting what I needed and then I didn't show up to that same Mastermind for the next 18 months and then from there 18 months later I was like a huge success story in The Mastermind and it wasn't because I got what I needed and then I spent the rest of that time executing and there was no point to me going back because I knew what needed to be done and it needed doing and that was it here are some of the tactics that I ended up implementing during this period of time that massively changed my life because it got me to stop doing everything that I was doing so that all that remained was the work to be done all right so number one is that I changed my phone number I changed my phone number because all these people uh were always asking me to reply and so there's the actual time of communication of the the constant texting back and forth all the interruptions but also the hey you gotta sex hey can we have on a meeting hey can I bend your ear hey can we talk about this thing hey do you want to jam on this topic right and as somebody who likes to give I was always literally when I looked at my schedule half my day was like one-off calls that I was like well maybe this is an important thing but you would be amazed at how much Blank Space appears in your calendar when you say no to everything I like I really want to like you would be amazed at how much Blank Space shows up on your calendar when you say no to everything so number one is I changed my phone number what I did is I actually gave my phone number to my yay and I got a new phone number and the only people that I would choose to communicate with were people that I realized that I needed to and then I would find their number rather than ever being responsive to every single person who had mine whichever the years was a lot so that's the first thing I did the second like I said is I stopped going to all of these events because I knew what needed to be done so I didn't need more information I needed more execution right so if you look at your own self it's like do I need more information or do more execution now if you're ignorant in terms of knowing what you need to do to succeed you need to go like what needs to be done is you need to find out that information but once you know what needs to be done anything that is you not doing that thing is getting in the way of you accomplishing what you want number three is that I stopped taking meetings from 4 AM to noon every day I worked for the first eight hours completely uninterrupted and it was because during that first season when you're you know zero to one million one million to three million sometimes even at 5 million sometimes you're still you don't have enough leverage because of your team or maybe the the number the level of Talent on your team that you need to still be doing a lot of doing like you can't look at what like my routine might be now because I have teams of people that if I if I say hey go do this and do this and do this I have 20 people who can execute and those 20 people are going to amount to more work then I can do possibly on my own and that's because I have leverage but until you have leverage leveraging your time appropriately is what is going to move the needle the most and so from 4 AM to noon every single day I accepted no meetings and only worked on the priority which meant I did the thing and I said no to everything else the next thing that I started saying no to was I said no to bedtimes that were different on weekends versus weekdays I stopped treating weekends different than I treated weekdays and I had the same bedtime so I had the same wake-up time so that every single day I could say no to everything during 4 to 12. all right now once you say no to weekends as a different day to weekdays the next thing is like well what are the other things that you changed about your life in terms of allocating your time what about your health well during this period of time I only worked out about twice a week and that was because that was my minimum effective dose for working out right because that was all I needed just to maintain I wasn't trying to make progress on multiple fronts because it was not the priority and I'm saying this again because people always want to make you know progress on 100 fronts sometimes like you have so much growth Juju you only have so much and you have to allocate it to the things that are highest priority and if it's a priority then it means saying no to everything else the next piece is like what about what about food stuff so for me it was actually more productive for me to fast one or two days a week because then I could work and not be interrupted by the eating preparation thinking cleaning of food two days a week I would just have caffeine and bone broth and that was what I did for the day and it was super easy and that way I stopped you know I started starting a little bit lose a little bit of fat while I was at it the next thing I did was I deleted all social media from my phone and that is because I realize is that I could have an accurate time on my calendar which was just to post and I could do most of the apps from my computer so if you're actually just going there to post not to consume and interact you can do most of the the Social Media stuff from your computer and that's what I ended up doing so I deleted all that stuff from my phone and you'd be amazed at your like ghost thumb of how addicted you are because most people spend like three to five hours a day on their phone consuming social media it's literally the new age of watching television and we're like I can't think about how I can get stuff it's like if you got those three hours back you would have so much more stuff done which goes back to the anti-routine it's not what you are not doing which is causing uh it's not like there's some secret magic routine that's going to get you there it's just that most of the stuff you are doing you need to stop and you need to enter into a season of no those were the the primary tactics that I changed during the 18 months of going from almost bankrupt to taking home over a million dollars a month when I was 27 years old and I know I just went straight into the rant here but if you don't know who I am my name is Alex ramosey I own it's a I'm a business investor we do we have about eight six portfolio companies at this point we do about 85 million dollars a year I make these videos because I two was once broke and I don't want other people to go through the same stuff that I did and so if I can provide value to you and make sure that my pain was not in vain all right so uh enjoy the videos I appreciate you Mosey Nation if you're new welcome and I'll see you in the next videos bye