The Best Advice From My Dad
- When my dad advised me to take risks and do things he wished he'd done, it made a lot of sense to me.
- Seeing my dad express discontent for choosing comfort reminded me that taking the scary path can lead to happiness.
- When I'm feeling utterly terrified, I remind myself that this fear is normal.
- Our brains are wired for survival, not success; it's up to us to prove them wrong and push beyond our fears.
How To Take Action
A good way of doing things differently from the norm is to take calculated risks and step out of your comfort zone. If you're an entrepreneur or into personal growth, remember that feeling scared about a new path is a good sign. When planning your next steps, consider what could make you truly happy, even if it seems scary at first.
I would suggest starting with small, manageable risks to build your confidence. For example, if you have a business idea but aren't sure about it, test it out on a small scale before fully committing. If you're looking to grow personally, try out a new class or activity that you've always wanted to do but hesitated to start.
Here's how to get started:
- List out the things you've wanted to try or achieve but are holding back on because of fear.
- Pick one item from your list that you can start with minimal cost or time investment.
- Make a simple plan. What's the first step you could take? Perhaps it's reaching out to a mentor, joining a community, or just setting aside an hour each week to work on this goal.
- When you feel terrified, remind yourself that it's normal and that this fear is a sign you're on the right path—the path to growth, not just survival.
Every time you push beyond your fears and take those small risks, you're retraining your brain for success, not just survival. Keep taking those steps, and gradually, you'll transform both your business and personal life into something truly fulfilling.
Quotes by Leila Hormozi
"Don't be like me and take risks"
– Leila Hormozi
"Do the opposite of what I say"
– Leila Hormozi
"I wish I had done"
– Leila Hormozi
"The happiest I always saw my dad was when he has taken the path that seems so scary"
– Leila Hormozi
"Your brain is not set up to help you succeed, it's set up to help you survive"
– Leila Hormozi
Full Transcript
I think that when he said that to me don't be like me and like stay with the same thing like take risks and do the stuff like I wish I had done and then he kind of like shook his head and he's like you should just do the opposite of what I say like joking I don't think he knows that in that moment I was like that makes a ton of sense I should think that because in that moment looking at where he was I think that he expressed a lot of discontent with himself for taking the comfortable path and I think that the happiest I always saw my dad and have since has been when he has taken the path that seems so scary and so whenever I feel just utterly terrified I just remember I'm like this is normal to feel this terrified your brain is not set up to help you succeed it's set up to help you survive you need to prove it wrong