The Goal Doesn’t Matter
- Focus on the activities you do because that's what really makes a difference in the long run.
- I've realized success by getting closer to my ideal each year, where work itself becomes the main goal.
- When you make the work your king, you dedicate yourself to excellence as a part of your identity.
- Avoid producing subpar work because it's not about meeting the goals, it's about the quality of your efforts.
How To Take Action
To grow a business or improve personally, a good way of doing things is to focus on the daily tasks. It's a lot like training for a sport – the win doesn't just happen, it's the practice sessions that count. So, when there’s work to do, make it the most important part of your day. Go all in.
I would suggest making excellence a part of who you are. Think of it like this: when you're cooking a meal, you don't use bad ingredients, right? The same goes for work. Don't settle for something that's just okay. Aim to make everything you do great, even the small tasks.
Here's what you specifically need to do:
- Set a daily routine that focuses on your most important work tasks.
- Every morning, ask yourself: "What work will make the biggest difference today?" Do that first.
- Review your completed tasks at the end of each day. Is the quality there? If not, figure out how to improve next time.
- Remember it's a slow climb to making your ideal work the norm – it won't happen overnight.
- If you start feeling off track, just ask, "Am I making the work the king?" This will help you focus.
Keep repeating this process. Bring top effort to each task. Before you know it, your work will shine, and that's when the goals will start to take care of themselves.
Quotes by Alex Hormozi
"the goal just like doesn't matter like the goal is the activities that you do"
– Alex Hormozi
"the work is the only thing that matters in the long run"
– Alex Hormozi
"every year I get closer and closer to what my ideal is"
– Alex Hormozi
"the work is the goal so that the winning takes care of itself"
– Alex Hormozi
"you don't put out subar stuff because you would know"
– Alex Hormozi
Full Transcript
the goal just like doesn't matter like the goal is the activities that you do because the work is the only thing that matters in the long run a large part of My Success has been that every year I get closer and closer to what my ideal is which is that the work is the goal it's not the work is the goal so that the winning takes care of itself it's not we go to practice and then the score takes care of itself because even by saying and the score takes care of itself or and the goals happen anyways we still make the goals King but if you make the work King as in your dedication to doing excellent work whenever you do it because that's who you are and who you choose to be you don't put out subar stuff because you would know