The Hardest Years of My Life

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The Hardest Years of My Life


  • I've experienced real hardship, starting a business with less than $1,000 and dealing with betrayal.
  • Even when you're stressed and can't find peace, pushing through is crucial.
  • Facing nightmares and constant unease about finances and business risks is part of the journey.
  • Perseverance through the worst emotions can lead to success comparable to anyone else's.


How To Take Action

I would suggest starting small just like I did. When times are hard, like when you have very little money, try not to give up. Even if everything is stressful and you can't sleep well because you worry so much, keep working hard. Remember, it's normal to feel scared about money and taking risks with your business.

Here's a good way of doing things when you're feeling stuck and have nightmares about your business: instead of giving up, keep pushing through the bad feelings. Perseverance, even when things are super tough, can help you succeed just like anyone else.

A low-cost and high-impact action is to make a list of the biggest fears or worries you have about your business. Now, find simple steps to handle each worry. For example, if you're scared of not having enough money, you could make a budget to see where you can spend less. This can help you feel more in control without spending extra money or time.

Another tip is to talk to other business owners or friends who support you. They can give you advice or just listen when you're having a tough time. Sharing your worries can make them seem smaller and easier to manage.

Remember, it's okay to have bad days and feel uneasy. But if you keep trying every day and focus on the small steps that can make your business better, you can find success just like anyone else. It's about not giving up, even when it feels really hard.

Quotes by Leila Hormozi

"8 years ago when Alex and I were sleeping out of motels where we had less than $1,000 in our bank account"

– Leila Hormozi

"Alex's partner stole all the money from the bank account that we did have"

– Leila Hormozi

"It's this constant feeling of unease and there is literally no relief"

– Leila Hormozi

"I felt like that consistently what it taught me to get through those two years and not give up"

– Leila Hormozi

"If you keep trying despite how you feel despite how horrible it is you can have the same success as anybody else"

– Leila Hormozi

Full Transcript

8 years ago when Alex and I were sleeping out of motels where we had less than $1,000 in our bank account where Alex's partner stole all the money from the bank account that we did have the feeling that I had at that point was like a Perpetual feeling of stress there's no good night sleep that can make this go away because you don't you're waking up every 45 minutes with nightmares about your business and about having no money about the situation you're in about the risks you're taking it's this constant feeling of unease and there is literally no relief and I think for the first two years that we were starting the business I felt like that consistently what it taught me to get through those two years and not give up is that if you keep going if you keep trying despite how you feel despite how horrible it is despite the feeling in the pit of your stomach every day if you keep going through all those emotions you can have the same success as anybody else

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